Talio, on Aug 14 2008, 02:59 AM, said:
Okay, let me put it this way. It was brought back from the graveyard like a zombie. Gross, disgusting and trying to eat my brain. So I shot it in the head. And now, I see another one coming. What do you think is going to happen. Stop doing this shit.
VACC, on Aug 20 2008, 08:38 AM, said:
This post is directed towards Soothsayer, fly_rev-8, Erin Jenna, Killzor, k9turrent, digitalkid, and hereticorp since none of you read any important posts in this thread.People who extended dead topics got banned before they could finish typeing "Vaccallica". Neccessity is the mother of invention.
What VACC and Talio are trying to say here is that people that keep necroed topics running by deciding that since it was brought back, it is okay to post in it, may get banned. All of you listed above have done so, which tells me you saw the topic and just clicked "Post Reply" without reading anything.
Let the fuckin' topic die! Sure I posted in it, but it was back when the topic was still relatively active. Then someone necroed it and everyone else decided to keep it alive. Don't post here anymore!