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There have been 414 items by Spectre2689 (Search limited from 17-January 97)

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#53356 Your Ride?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 24 April 2005 - 03:02 PM in Off Topic

Hopefully two summers from now I'm going to have enough cash to buy a 1993-1995 (Gen 3) Mazda RX-7.  It has a rotary that I'll probably swap out for a Toyota Supra engine (I forget the engine designation) that will definitely get reworked.

I'm...not too sure why you would do that. The reason RX-7s perform so well is because the car's light. The Supra engine is heavier than the RX-7's rotary, and would probably weigh the front down a lot more than it was designed to perform with. Why not just put an enormous turbo and intercooler on the existing engine?

[EDIT] And for the record, my ride is a pair of Firefly Zeal 2s. Nice comfortable shoes, like...

#45483 Xbow Help

Posted by Spectre2689 on 05 January 2005 - 05:22 PM in Modifications

Better yet, how about trying a mod on your own? If you can't find one, create one.

#14702 Wtf?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 19 December 2003 - 09:49 PM in Off Topic

That my good sir, is just creepy. It makes me want to vomit in terror. Now if you were looking for Home Star Runner, its www.homestarrunner.COM...

#14738 Wtf?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 20 December 2003 - 10:24 AM in Off Topic

I have to say I would find it more amusing if it was flash. And there was a deer in the middle of the tunnel. And the light was being made by a truck. And the deer was replaced by trent ;)

#40975 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Spectre2689 on 06 November 2004 - 12:25 AM in Off Topic

A couple of my friends have played World of Warcraft and they said that it is a really bad game. They are waiting for EQII to come out.

Well that explains that then.

WOW looks pretty decent, and to be honest, if it wasn't PTP, I might actually be interested.

But I have to disagree that all MMORPGs are PTP. Who's heard of Guild Wars? Apparently there won't be any online fee because once a person goes on a quest the game is hosted from the party leader's computer. The towns are just basic main channels and will probably be hosted with the funding from sales alone.

And that, kids, is how you make an MMORPG.

#14220 Why Do You Nerf?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 12 December 2003 - 10:33 PM in General Nerf

It's fun, and it's a great way to vent your anger. Well, unless your modding a gun of course. Then it's a health hazard (ex. spring in your eye, licking a glue gun (??), exacto knife through the finger, etc...) But yeah, great waste of time.

#19357 Whoot!

Posted by Spectre2689 on 19 February 2004 - 09:13 PM in Off Topic

Happy birthday to both.

And jumping into high school's a doozie. Or doobie. Whichever path your choose. Lots of nice (looking) chicks too.

#43303 Where To Buy

Posted by Spectre2689 on 04 December 2004 - 11:14 AM in General Nerf

Thrift stores are great for finding old guns. I got BnA at my local Goodwill for 99 cents.

#14667 What Your Main Gun Looks Like

Posted by Spectre2689 on 19 December 2003 - 11:29 AM in General Nerf

My webcam was outta focus. I only realized it after we took the pics ;)

#14598 What To Get A 7 Year Old Kid?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 18 December 2003 - 04:34 PM in Off Topic

Lego was awesome. Maybe even some of 'em die-cast Hot Wheels cars.

#18117 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 04 February 2004 - 12:53 PM in Homemades

Zero, I swear to fucking god, I can feel my brain cells light fire and melt every time I read one of your posts.

As for you BW, what in the flying monkey sack bandanas? I've never even heard of Ternary.

[EDIT] I'm gonna patent sack bandana right here and now. The Sack Bandana, for that extra lift during the day.

#17973 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 02 February 2004 - 09:49 PM in Homemades

I'm leaning towards a WW2 style breach rifle. As you can probably tell, I like WW2 weapons because they're friggin SIMPLE. You shoot, you breach the barrel, allow for another round to go in, close the barrel again, and shoot. SIMPLE. Another example, Sten gun...a tube with a trigger assembly and a magazine. SIMPLE. Basically what I'm thinking is a sort of half barrel a couple inches long with a handle sticking out. To open the breach, you just slide the handle up, and the half barrel comes around to reveal another opening in the original barrel. The dart falls into the barrel. Now the tricky part, that should IN THEORY work. When closing the breach, since the darts are cylindrical, and shouldn't be more than half way into the gun, when the breach covers up the hole, it SHOULD just push the dart back up. It might be a little hard to understand what I'm getting at here, but I'll try and make something up soon.

#18031 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 03 February 2004 - 03:22 PM in Homemades

Ohhhh shit. Yeah that sounds a little better. I got ASCII and binary mixed up, my bad...

#17980 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 02 February 2004 - 10:32 PM in Homemades

That's because you're not doing it properly. DON'T use different sizes. Use the same size. Ex., two pieces of 1/2" copper. Cut the hole in one, and spread the sides a bit. For the breach part, it will NOT make a full cylinder. It should be just a little more than half a cylinder. You would just slide it over the barrel. A little hard to explain, which is why I'm going to make a model or something. CPVC or PVC will NOT work, because they're just too damn thick.

On another note, your views on ASCII are sadly retarded. ASCII is a format used for uploading images on to a webpage. Therefore, you can not have "ASCII art" under your name. For one, you can only have premade avatars, and for another, you can't not have a title. Therefore, if you took Liar away, you would be titleless, which just wouldn't work. Honest to God man, STOP FUCKING LYING!

#19068 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 15 February 2004 - 10:25 AM in Homemades

FUCK OFF!! :angry:
Langley was right about you. blue should have PMed him.
This topic said to not "Don't conduct personal conversations on NH"

Ironman, you're an asshole. Read this stuff, and tell me if they're still on topic. They are, are they not? Blue is sharing information with us, and THIRST is trying to help him, and get information from him. He's asking questions that other people might like to know. Do you have a problem with that? If you really don't like to read how a magazine-fed homemade is coming alone, just don't read this thread. Is it that hard?

#17728 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 31 January 2004 - 04:51 PM in Homemades

Internet Protocal, if thats what ur talking about, changes daily.

Heres how it works:

You sign on, connect to your isp (internet service provider) server. each port on that server has an ip. when you connect you hook up with a port, 1 in about 2000. it is rare to hook up with the same ip, unless you sign on 2001 time in a day. Also, because new servers are being put in eveery day, ip's change all the time

No sir, you are very stupid. DYNAMIC IP addresses do that. Static IP addresses NEVER change, unless reset by your ISP for whatever reason. Most people have Static IP addresses. I THINK T1, T3, and some cable connections have dynamic IPs, but that's about it. If you DO have a dynamic IP from a home address, you're probably very lucky. Most people have static.

I could be wrong about this. Cx seems to know what he's talking about, and if you both have the SAME IP, connecting from the SAME ISP, registering on the SAME date that you left on your other account, then you're most likely the SAME person. Don't even bother denying it. You're just a coward. If you just confessed, maybe we wouldn't all hate you as much.

#17780 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 31 January 2004 - 09:42 PM in Homemades

I have an idea for a breach, all-be-it it's only an idea. It's the theory thing again. Remember, EVERYTHING works in theory...

#20136 What Is This Gun

Posted by Spectre2689 on 28 February 2004 - 11:15 AM in Modifications

Oooooooh, old-style 1500. Great find man. Get yourself some 9/16" brass and bring it to the war. I have PVC so you don't need to worry about that. I'll mod it for you if you'd like.

[EDIT] Do you mean the O-ring on the plunger? Or the O-ring on the turret?

#17497 What Is Petg?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 29 January 2004 - 12:11 PM in General Nerf

That's alright. Then I wouldn't have to see things like l33t sp33k(forgive me) on forums and horrors like Rosie O'Donnell in a thong....(shudder).

#17491 What Is Petg?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 29 January 2004 - 11:59 AM in General Nerf

Oh my shit. My eyes. Ugh...save it for IM ;) I need to wash my eyes out now...where's the steel wool and the chlorine...

#17268 What Else Is There Besides Fishing Weights

Posted by Spectre2689 on 27 January 2004 - 11:25 AM in General Nerf

Has anybody tried using nuts as weights? Not edible nuts, not sexual nuts, metal nuts. I was just screwing around with a mega I have here and put a nut in the tip, glue-tipped it, and it flew pretty well. Anyone else tried nuts?

#24324 What Browser Do You Use?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 15 April 2004 - 02:47 PM in Off Topic

I use Mozilla. I may get around to trying Firefox later, I may not. Until then, It's Mozilla all the way. No downloading 3 different applications to make IE work worth a shit.

#24236 Well I'm Off To Make Another Map

Posted by Spectre2689 on 14 April 2004 - 02:29 PM in Off Topic

Back a couple replies...I'm a Zerg whore. I don't like anything but Zerg. I'll play them, but I don't like them. And the best, I repeat, BEST strategy for zerg is hordes upon hordes upon hordes of Zerglings backed up by a couple Defilers with Plague and Dark Swarm. Sometimes I'll just build up a few thousand minerals, kill off all my drones, and mass nothing but Zerglings...continuously...incessantly...violently. I'm a freak.

On another note, coincidentally, it was my pretties who diddled the land of Aiur and defiled the women! Go my pretties...all of my pretties...thrive and bleed like you've never thrived or bled before! Find Shakuras and diddle them all!

Anyways, I'd like to change my first unit (firebat) into a Broodling. Also, my third unit (scout) into a Mutalisk. Mmmm...Mutalisk.

And I'm done. Good luck with the maps. I have some design ideas if you want...

#24255 Well I'm Off To Make Another Map

Posted by Spectre2689 on 14 April 2004 - 06:30 PM in Off Topic

...and the firbats, can't forget the firebats, lots and lots of firebats. So any suggestions on the editor I should use?

If you have any ideas get me on AIM, hockeyman12599
Oh and my sc name is hockeyman(bobo)

Dude...ompa...can you picture 400 zerglings rushing even 24 seige tanks? They would all shoot, then cooldown for 2 seconds, in which time the zerglings would be ALL over them. The tanks would then proceed to blow themselves to hell with splash damage. In the meantime, I'm sitting at my base making more hordes of zerglings. The point of defilers overcomes that anyways. Dark swarm protects against all ranged attack...that means seige tanks = screwed. Bunkers = screwed. Marines in bunkers = screwed. Think about it. And...who the flying nipplebangs masses firebats?

Black-Wrath says: For the editor, pick up the SC X-tra editor series. 5 Modes for all your building needs, it's perfect. I'll try to find a site.... google is first man, you'll find it.

#24323 Well I'm Off To Make Another Map

Posted by Spectre2689 on 15 April 2004 - 02:39 PM in Off Topic


Anyways, Dark Swarm protects units against ALL ranged attacks. If you put two or three Dark Swarms over top of the choke point and the bunkers/tanks, the zerglings would not even be touched by any marines or tanks. Unless you had firebats in the bunkers, it would be a complete massacre.

Anyways, yeah. Fun times. When are we gonna get a game set up for that other map, leftnut? And how's the new one coming?

#24175 Well I'm Off To Make Another Map

Posted by Spectre2689 on 13 April 2004 - 05:46 PM in Off Topic

There is no SC2 SD, only SC and SCBW. Anyways,

1. Gui Montag - WildFire
2. Fenix (Dragoon) - SM1500
3. Scout - EaB

#42026 Virgin Mary In Grilled Cheese Sandwich!

Posted by Spectre2689 on 18 November 2004 - 08:09 PM in Off Topic

Wow. That's going on the list too.

I'll try to find some of the other auctions on the list, but I don't have them bookmarked, so no guarantees.

[EDIT] While I could not find the actual auctions themselves, I COULD find articles written on them.

Island: http://www.dailytime...13-1-2003_pg6_3
Air Guitar: http://www.undercove..._airguitar.html

Unfortunately I couldn't find any history of the ham sandwich. From what I remember about the story, a woman in England had just randomly decided to sell a partially eaten ham sandwich, which another person in England bought as a joke for over $1,000USD. He hung it on his cubicle wall to raise morale around the office.

However, I did find another thing to add to the list in this frenzy of ebay-tardedness. Behold, the rotten banana signed by Kate Garraway: http://cgi.ebay.co.u...6106450456&rd=1

#41958 Virgin Mary In Grilled Cheese Sandwich!

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 November 2004 - 10:39 PM in Off Topic

That's going on my top 10 list of most ridiculous things ever sold on ebay. I'm still building it. Basically, I have an air guitar (complete with ownership certificate and a bonus partially used nudie mag), a half-eaten ham sandwich that went for well over $1000, and a private island.

#46237 Using Army Guys

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 January 2005 - 11:09 AM in Off Topic

Army men are fun to burn. With fire. And stuff.

Sorry, I just had to say it.

As it's been mentioned before in this post, army men don't really give you an advantage, as you don't always know what your enemy will do. There are, of course, some situations in which you could plan the beginning stages of an attack, or the end of a scenario (somebody cornered, for example), but it's a lot more practical, and fun, to play it by instinct, or just make plans on the fly.

#25270 Ultimate Artillery

Posted by Spectre2689 on 30 April 2004 - 10:38 PM in Homemades

Or....how about this....

Same idea, but instead of using tons of barrels, just get one HUGE barrel (like 2" ID), and throw it on there. Shove all the darts you can down it, pump it up, and blam. If There's leaking air, you could put foam sheet around the inside of the barrel to use as a sort of shell. Yes? No?

#33850 Tubing

Posted by Spectre2689 on 12 August 2004 - 08:37 PM in Homemades

course i am. i've never talked to you.

You, sir, are retarded. First you flame BW for no reason, then delete your first post, then continue flaming him.

For one, Ironman DID ask an overasked question that he should've known for a long time. If he had paid any attention to the numerous other posts that addressed the question, he wouldn't be asking.

Another thing, don't bring flamewars over from other forums. Unless you're stupid and like to be hated, just do everyone a favour and shut your piehole.

And just for the record, the right tubing IS whatever fits your FBR.

That is all. Goodbye.

#20371 Tt Mod. Will 1/2" Copper Work?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 01 March 2004 - 02:33 PM in Modifications

The problem with aluminum tubing is that its about the same price as brass, it's thicker, and it's less manipulat...able...ive...whatever. I've tried some 5/8" aluminum tubing on megas, and for whatever odd reason, it didn't work too well. Maybe the inside is too rough?

#20379 Tt Mod. Will 1/2" Copper Work?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 01 March 2004 - 03:22 PM in Modifications

Brass isn't stocked at Home Depot. They suck. Brass is usually sold at Ace Hardware (I think? Never been there to see), and most hobby stores. Good luck.

#20302 Trading For Video Game Stuff

Posted by Spectre2689 on 29 February 2004 - 06:10 PM in Off Topic

I have a Nintendo Rumble Pak if you're interested. PM me if you are.

#44627 This Is Wierd

Posted by Spectre2689 on 23 December 2004 - 01:10 PM in Off Topic

What the fuck is wrong with you? Shut up. Be on your way. If you're lucky, in a couple months, we might think you're a decent person. That's assuming you don't start stupid threads like these again.

#44589 This Is Wierd

Posted by Spectre2689 on 23 December 2004 - 12:49 AM in Off Topic

Wow, there IS a God. Thank you, God!

#45467 This Is How You Suck

Posted by Spectre2689 on 05 January 2005 - 11:45 AM in Off Topic

I heard this a long time ago, and found it pretty amusing. Damn shitbucket band. I like how they got them to sound almost exactly the same though. It's as if two waves of stupid collided in their heads.

Cam, if you can't find it, Ryan has it...somewhere.

#45802 This Is How You Suck

Posted by Spectre2689 on 09 January 2005 - 11:05 PM in Off Topic

Alright, well I'm gonna have to disagree largely here. Yes, a lot of bands use power chords, but not for the entire song without so much as an arpeggio or two. I play guitar, albeit only for a couple years, but I still do, and I can tell you that most of the stuff in those songs are the same - progression, timing, strumming pattern, beat, time signature, tempo - it's the same. I've grown out of Linkin Park, but some of the stuff they did was pretty talented. Not once did I hear a song by them that sounded much like another. I tried listening to a Nickelback CD once, I kept thinking it was the same song, but then I realized that 3 or so songs had gone by that sounded so alike that I couldn't tell the difference unless I was really paying attention.

I'm not trying to bash anyone's musical tastes, I'm just pointing out that Nickelback (among some other bands) are highly unoriginal in the way they make music.

On the topic of music, more accurately buying music, I buy music from all over the place. Some is mainstream, some isn't. Some is marketed, some isn't. It's all about what kind of music you're into. I believe in downloading music, just not an entire album. The only reason I download is to see whether I like a band or not, and if I do, I'll go and buy their CD (whether it be off something like iTunes or a store such as HMV). If I don't too bad for them.

On a side-note, most of the points I just made are completely out of order, due to the fact that I seriously need sleep. Just dig them out.

#49369 This Guy...

Posted by Spectre2689 on 11 March 2005 - 11:56 PM in Off Topic

Well said, it should go for every soldier of every country who gave their life for any just reason.

I just want to get a few things off my chest though. Okto's right about the M1 Garand, which the American forces had in the Phillipines in 1945. It's a heavy son of a bitch, and it has a semi-auto 8-round clip. I don't doubt that he would take out 7 enemies with some well placed shots.

And for the beating to death, he doesn't necessarily need to kill them on contact. A lot of times, if someone was too close for a shot with a rifle (remember they're long, anything under 2 feet away would be extremely hard to shoot), you could just beat them down and shoot them there. The Garand was very easy to reload too. The clip would just pop out after it was spent and you'd put a new one in there.

Also, tait, Japanese soldiers, when they got close enough, would often choose to charge the enemies with bayonets or sabres, even if they had a clear shot with their rifle. It was just part of the mentality. It ofter gave their enemy a nice chance to pick a few off.

Add the fact that it was dark, and American soldiers had dark camoflauged uniforms, compared to the Japanese tan uniforms, plus defending troops always have the advantage, and there you go.

I'm not saying some of the numbers weren't exaggerated, they very well may have been, but the story is still entirely believable.

#23900 Thirst's New Site

Posted by Spectre2689 on 10 April 2004 - 09:40 AM in General Nerf

That holster sock just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Pretty good site (content-wise) man. Looks a little bland though...