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#120550 Minicon War

Posted by Alex Bock on 20 August 2007 - 04:06 PM in Nerf Wars

I may have a full "team" of folks that may come. Probably 10-20 people? We're all LARPers and we just did an RPG with Zombies and nerf [and swords] last weekend so now we want to play for real. =)

Not sure yet, but there will be a bunch of us.

[-> alex <-]

#120142 Hell Before Halloween!

Posted by Alex Bock on 17 August 2007 - 02:46 PM in Nerf Wars

I may be able to com out for this since it's only about an hour and a half from buffalo.

[-> alex <-]

#119978 Longshot Full Auto Mod

Posted by Alex Bock on 16 August 2007 - 12:01 PM in Modifications

Same with you One Man Clan! Go back to the mental hospital and leave this topic alone!

Ok, you do understand that you just talked shit to one of the most qualified guys on the entire site? YOU ARE A DUMBASS LEAVE AND DON"T COME BACK. As has already been said, stop talking about the idea and just do it. Few others would even attempt this seeing as this is a SPRING ACTION gun. Hell, just do the foregrip mod and the extended clip mods and you've got a really good ROF without even haveing to move your hands all that much.

Now go away and play bitch with another forum.

[-> alex <-]

#118853 A Quick Maverick Question...

Posted by Alex Bock on 08 August 2007 - 04:39 PM in Modifications

I was curious to see wheather or not I could just take my Maverick AR'sand cut of the dart holders and drill through them. Will it still fire?

I just didn't know how to go about taking these out...


[-> alex <-]

#118706 Darts In The Dryer?

Posted by Alex Bock on 07 August 2007 - 04:08 PM in Modifications

mmm... melted rubber =D

[-> alex <-]

#118584 Darts In The Dryer?

Posted by Alex Bock on 06 August 2007 - 11:22 PM in Modifications

Putting it in the dryer will fatten the foam.

No, as has been said in multiple posts on this very topic already, it just straightens FBR when making darts at home. [No fattening] I also have two dryers, a very crapy one that is never used and one that is acually used. I put a stock suction dart in a pillow case, tied the case with rope, then put the dart in for 10 minutes on medium heat. I opened the dryer to an erid smell of melted rubber. [yummy...] It was just nasty.. I wouldn't recommend trying this if you have a favorite pillow case and a lack of Oust cans...


[-> alex <-]

P.S. I don't know what happened with the foam of the dart because it was covered in melted rubber thus I didn't really want to touch it. I looked as straight as before, don't know about the hardness but it shouldn't have changed.

#118431 Star Wars Dart Shooters

Posted by Alex Bock on 05 August 2007 - 09:28 PM in Modifications

Ya know this would take some effort and take a bit away from the look of the gun but why not somehow change the gun to a bolt action by sort of converting joeyaglr444's mod: http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=5388 and adapting it to these.

Also just put in a PVC breech mod and then you have a better ROF as well as better range. Though all you have to do to keep the PVC out of sight would be to refit the pump farther back.

[-> alex <-]

#117311 Sizes For Pvc

Posted by Alex Bock on 27 July 2007 - 07:54 AM in Modifications

Could this topic please be deleted, I didn't realize there was already a topic for pvc sizes...

#117253 Rapid Fire 20 X4

Posted by Alex Bock on 26 July 2007 - 04:54 PM in Modifications

Not like that isn't totally badass and all, but if you have them fire simultaneously, your ammunition will be gone in about two seconds.

Yeah... I mean 80 shots that quickly would LOOK cool, but that's a LOT of pumping if you're staying with stock. Also if you're keeping everything seperate except the triggers, reloading will be a BITCH.

[-> alex <-]

#117193 Rapid Fire 20 X4

Posted by Alex Bock on 25 July 2007 - 10:55 PM in Modifications

Yeah, I'd see about trying to put in paintball Co2 canisters. two of those, no pumping, and all you'd have to do would be to change them when they were empty. [Though i have no idea how you could do that.] It just seems to be the most efficiant since there would be no pumping involved, only shooting. =)

[-> alex <-]

#117141 Any Nerfers In The New York Area?

Posted by Alex Bock on 25 July 2007 - 04:58 PM in Nerf Wars

I'd like to Nerf with you guys if I can find a good time for it.


[-> alex <-]

#117118 Night Warfare

Posted by Alex Bock on 25 July 2007 - 02:41 PM in Modifications

That's fun, I really hadn't thought about that.

[-> alex <-]

#117056 Night Warfare

Posted by Alex Bock on 24 July 2007 - 10:19 PM in Modifications

I understand that but as long as you remove the breakables, and have at least a flashlight so that you're not bumping into tables and chairs then you're good to go.

[-> alex <-]

#117048 Night Warfare

Posted by Alex Bock on 24 July 2007 - 09:45 PM in Modifications

I guess I don't understand why indoor, nightime wars aren't all that popular.

Personaly in the small bit of messing around that my friends and I have done the most fun we had was a 4 vs 4 in my friends house [it's big] we just moved anything breakable or valuble [dog] and then turned of all the lights in the house except 2 bedrooms we used as a base for the teams. Then we just duct taped small flashlights to our guns and then wa-la 5 hours of non-stop fun while his parents were gone. Then obviously we just turned on the lights, picked up and were done with it.


[-> alex <-]

#116728 Any Nerfers In The New York Area?

Posted by Alex Bock on 21 July 2007 - 09:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Check you PM's Thom.

[-> alex <-]

#116659 Maverick Cocking Handle Repair Guide

Posted by Alex Bock on 21 July 2007 - 05:47 AM in Modifications

Just a small idea, but you could attach a small handle to the fence bracket to allow for a faster / easier ROF.

This is quite a helpful mod.

[-> alex <-]

Just a small idea, but you could attach a small handle to the fence bracket to allow for a faster / easier ROF.

This is quite a helpful mod.

[-> alex <-]

#116658 A Newbie With Questions

Posted by Alex Bock on 21 July 2007 - 05:39 AM in Modifications

I had attenpeted CS's mods [all on that page] but it seemed to acually lossen the rotation, and add to more miss-fires.

I think I may tinker around some more with the Mavericks to completely get the feel for moding, then get some bigger guns and make them go boom.

Their biggest problem seems to just be that the seals stink, rusulting in LOTS less air pressure than you could have. I'm trying to find a way that seals the plugger to the barrel. I've tried the art foam stuff but while it works, I think there may be better materials than that to seal it.

I recently stretched the springs about 150%, it seemes to help as well.

[-> alex <-]

#116637 A Newbie With Questions

Posted by Alex Bock on 20 July 2007 - 10:37 PM in Modifications

NO, Commander Erik is the only one that I'm shooting any comments at. I was asking a question, and then he worded what he was trying to say incorrectly. This just took me reading what he said a couple of times to understand. I'm not trying to talk about LARP, I was just giving background info for those who might care.

I didn't mean to get all jumpy and defensive, and all that, I was just sort of at a loss as to why I was immidietly being jumped on by members. I don't know, I think I've just gone and started out on completely the wrong foot with anyone who read this thread. Sorry if any of this offended you, but hey that's just me.


[-> alex <-]

#116625 A Newbie With Questions

Posted by Alex Bock on 20 July 2007 - 09:23 PM in Modifications

Thanks for all that jumping in there Telekinetic, You completely understand what I was saying.

As for Commander Erik, what in the hell possesed you to be such an ass to somebody who is completely new to this? I hope you feel special for obviously being SO much smarter than me. You should really watch what you say to a new member, that is unless you're aiming for no new members.

[-> alex <-]

#116576 A Newbie With Questions

Posted by Alex Bock on 20 July 2007 - 03:41 PM in Modifications

LARP is Live Action Role Play, it's basicly running around in the woods with a PVC / foam sword and whacking people with them. =D [quite fun]

#116574 Any Nerfers In The New York Area?

Posted by Alex Bock on 20 July 2007 - 03:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Well I'm Alex Bock and Jason Bock [my father] is the Laser Tag Guy.

I do like the idea of nerf - tag crossover discutions, although we do have a few guys on our fourums whom are just so competitive that they make the game less fun.[They don't post as much anymore because many dislike them.]

My dad though doesn't do the Laser Tag Guy consulting anymore, he now does marketing for LASERTRON, which is a Buffalo, NY based entertainment facility and center. They manufacture equiptment and sell it out to other entertainment facilities.

So I really don't know what to do for being a cross over for membersother than just give you guys the websites for the forums many of us use, [we were recently hacked so there are few posts / members], as well as give you all the website for the LASERTRON World Championships which is Trons international tourny. We have folks from Sweden and the UK that come. [I'm ranked 17th in the world so far from the folks whom have played in regieonals so far =D codename: Baby B]

The forum site is: http://www.lasersport.com/forum/
The LTWC site is: http://www.lasertron...mpionships.com/

Ok, well any tag questions or otherwise, please feel free to PM me. I also really like the idea of moding nerf stuff and I really hope to get good at it! =D

[-> alex <-]

#116570 A Newbie With Questions

Posted by Alex Bock on 20 July 2007 - 03:04 PM in Modifications

I'm guessing that the NF is an easier dart to make?

Do many people even use the NF in wars? Or ar the greater part of youguys so good at moding that you can just mod an auto gun and be done with it?

[-> alex <-]

#116562 A Newbie With Questions

Posted by Alex Bock on 20 July 2007 - 02:52 PM in Modifications

Ok, well I was an idiot in this instance, I've read all around on the forums and stuff and i also found out about the directory. I guess I wasn't as much asking for mod and should have just been asking the question of the guns.

The Night Finder seems to be an easy mod but as I said before I'm really looking for a gun that has a better ROF. I'm doing a LARP game and once a year we switch from fantasy to try out a new game and do it as a camping event. I need to be able to mow down zombies with lots of shots but still have a good reload time. For this I was thinking that the Longshoot would be the best choice since it has clips, and people seem to be able to get 100' without even doing heavy moding.


[-> alex <-]

#116557 A Newbie With Questions

Posted by Alex Bock on 20 July 2007 - 02:40 PM in Modifications

I'm quite new at moding and I just have a few questions.

About a week ago I bought 4 Mavericks because I was just sure they were "wonderful". I've done barrel mods and all kinds of stuff to 2 of them and the other 2 I've left alone. Can anyone recomend any simple mods for these guns? [That would be cool =D]

My other thing was, being new to modding, I'm trying to figure out the best nerf gun out there. Can anyone reccomend a gun that is easy to mod, possible hasa clip or good ROF, and is just a good al around gun? [That would be cool also =O]

Ok well thanks to anyone whom writes back.

[-> alex <-]

#116553 Any Nerfers In The New York Area?

Posted by Alex Bock on 20 July 2007 - 02:31 PM in Nerf Wars

I just wanted to see how many people there were in the Buffalo, NY area. I'd be willing to get some wars started up here, I just haven't seen anything on the forums saying that there is anything closer than Philidelphia, Penn. Cool, just wanted to see.

[-> alex <-]