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#27567 Nerf Vs. Paintball

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 02 June 2004 - 06:57 PM in Articles

Quite right. Have you also noticed they are both by Vacc? That too, interesting. Several articles on NH are also, almost identicle (sp?) to the ones on NO.

Also, you won't get in trouble shooting "foam darts." I mean, how ominous does that sound?

Actually, you can get in trouble for "War". The consequences are similar to "Assault". The only reason I know this is because I was at a friend's house and someone called the cops on us for shooting at each other. All that the police said was that we shouldn't be doing that with things that can inflict welts or long-term wounds. He also said that it was considered "War" and that we should not shoot at each other. He let us off with a warning because of my friend's dad's defense, that and the neighbors described the guns as pellet rifles. That may have been because of what happened earlier, but that is not relevent. We were shooting at a target with a .22 pellet rifle. This also was in a strictly ruled township so that may have played a part, so now we Nerf near my house, which is out of that township by 450 feet. My neighbors could care less, as long as we don't hurt their kids.

#27569 Making A Super Soaker Shoot Darts?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 02 June 2004 - 07:16 PM in Modifications

That is why I just replaced the pump completely. I put a RF20 pump on instead of trying to repair the old pump. When the overpressure valve finally goes (after about 130 pumps) the trigger can't even be pulled. The spring on the end of the pull shaft for the valve compresses all the way, which at that time the trigger can't be pulled further.

I used a Max D of some sort and at 30 pumps can easily get 100 ft out of the thing. At 40 pumps about 150 and at close range the thing will give a small welt and hurt for about a minute.

Weird. My Super Soaker XP55 at 30 pumps goes 40 ft. and at 40 pumps gets 45 ft. At 80 pumps it finally achives over 100 ft., but at 40 ft. when pumped to that extreme it will quite literally fracture a rib (on a deer*). At close range for 50 pumps it will do the same. Close range for 80 and the dart blows up on impact with a solid object. Lead fragments have actually ricocheted off a concrete wall and hit me at 15 feet. I think my darts are too heavy, but if I go any lighter than they spin out when pumped over 15 times, and then the dart will only go about 30 ft. The darts that were used weighed a 1/2 ounce when completed.

*This was at my friend's neighbors house. He thought that, after hearing The Evil (I named my Super Soaker), that it could go through the skin a few hour old deer carcass. After the firing we heard a crack on impact, so the neighbor decided to cut it open to find out the damage. He was surprised when he saw that a rib was broken.

#27627 Co2 Auto

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 03 June 2004 - 11:13 AM in Homemades

Welcome to NerfHaven. Enjoy your stay.

Thompson's design for a sub-machine gun worked just like that. I personally would use a gas design, not a blow-back system. Gas systems are a bit more complicated, and also require more gas in order to cycle the bolt back and load a dart.

I personally think the design sucks. PVC is not strong enough to hold any kind oif high pressure substance, suck as marketed CO2. Also, this is more my fault, but if the tank had a release valve like that, which looks similar to the one on the end of a RF20 or PC bladder, then the tank would be rather large, which would mean it needs a rather large spring. Also, I'm not sure then if the tank would blow back.

How would the trigger work? Would it be like a pin that goes in front of the tank and stops it from going forward?

#27650 Co2 Auto

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 03 June 2004 - 05:21 PM in Homemades

Have you ever seen an RF20? The internals of mine (since the barrels don't rotate) are going to now be used for a mag-fed homemade auto, or at least the design basis. When the gas unit (the thing that moves on the top of the gun) moves forward, it will act as a bolt, sealing the dart in the barrel. After it fires, the unit moves back, allowing a dart to be loaded. Then it moves forward, shooting the dart. Unfortunately, the darts would have to be about a half inch in length and diameter, so this probably won't work, unless I completely make homemade internals.

If you wanted to completely bypass the spring and bolt design, you could simply attach the tank to a lever that, when the trigger is pulled, will turn the force oin the oposite direction. Here's a quick diagram:
l l\__
l tank l __l
_\\\\_ ----lever
l_ ___l
/ /------trigger

Good enough. Then, if you use the 3DBBQ barrel adaptation (without tipping the gun forward), and some creative breech work, you could have a fully automatic nerf gun.

If you really want to use CO2, then you have to buy the appropriate type of steel tubing. Get the stuff with the high PSI rating, and I mean really high.

<EDIT> Should've previewed that post. Then I would've know that my illustration was messed up. The design of it I can't explain to well.<EDIT>

#27671 Making A Super Soaker Shoot Darts?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 03 June 2004 - 08:59 PM in Modifications

Well there is also one more way to make the air"tank" smaller. On one with a single tank (no orbs), one could replace the original tank with PVC, getting successively smaller until the desired size, which could then be used as a stock. That way requires no opening of the case. I think that CheeseNerfer covered that though.

Another way, which does invlolve opening the case, is just to bypass the tank itself, connecting two feet of tubing from the pump directly to the valve. The barrel would then have to be (guessing) about 20 inches or less. To figure this correctly, find the volume of the tubing used*and figure that same volume of PVC**. But then the Super Soaker would resemble an oversized SM(any model).

*To find the volume, use pi X r X l, where pi=pi(3.141592653589793223845etc.), r=radius, and l=length of the cylinder(tubing or barrel).

**In case you are wondering why I didn't say more was because you have to remember, the air output rate is the same as a SM. You wouldn't use two feet of barrel on your SM1500 just because you increased the size of the airtank by a foot, would you?

#27673 Combining Nf With Secret Strike

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 03 June 2004 - 09:03 PM in Modifications

Slick, dude.
Once you get pics I'll have something better to say. I'm too tired now; It's 10:02 here in Michigan. I'll close with this question: Why? They are both pistols.

#27695 Combining Nf With Secret Strike

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 June 2004 - 06:15 AM in Modifications

You really did do a good job on that intergration. It actually might help the Secret Strike by giving it a larger airtank.

As for the small bit of tubing, you could either: mod your RF20 like mine (if you have one), then you'll get about a foot of tubing. PM me for the mod. Or, since I did that mod, I have about four inches left of clear (used the rest for my AT3K) and 6.75 inches of orange (it used to connect the pump to the Liquitron Guage on an AT3K). The orange tubing has a slightly (1/32") smaller ID, so pick which one would work best. I could put it in an envelope and mail it to you at no cost. If you reply to my post, I won't be able to get back to you until Sunday, maybe Monday, so sorry about that.

One last way to get the tubing is to go to a hardware store and search the place. That sometimes takes a bit of time and it's not free. :huh:

#27699 Making A Super Soaker Shoot Darts?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 June 2004 - 08:08 AM in Modifications

Hmm. Never thought of that. We need someone to experiment on this. Any volunteers?

Actually, the output is different, I meant valve open speed. SMs use a pull valve, so do Super Soakers. That's where I got the ** reason on my last post.

#27711 Shotgun

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 June 2004 - 10:34 AM in Homemades

Not to be trashing you or anything, but it's not the first shotgun. Someone on NH developed a shotgun round, turning any PVC modded gun into a shotgun. This is how to make one: Take FBR, quarter it lengthwise, put a glob of hot-glue on each quarter. The spread is great. So no, it's not the first working nerf shotgun.

#27717 Combining Nf With Secret Strike

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 June 2004 - 11:54 AM in Modifications

The OD of the clear is 1/4". The orange tubing is 7/32". As for getting it in those holes, I have no idea. I'll have to look through the thousands of car parts I have and find a few pieces that will work to connect. I have mine cut like yours, and all I have to say is that you cut it wrong. You should've left some of the plastic on the valve end. That way, just file it down a ways and glue the tubing to it. But since you didn't, I didn't. I really see no other way at the momentl. I currently am experimenting. I'll update in a bit.

#27891 At3k Vs At4k

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 06 June 2004 - 07:57 PM in Modifications

I don't know, I like my AT3K more than my SM3K, or, when I had an SM3K. Now only the case is left. The valve on my SM3K blew. I lent it out and someone snapped the metal rod clear out of the valve plug.

I have modded my AT3K with: single breechloaded paperboard barrel (10" long, 17/32" ID), replacement of goo tube and the original tubing with 10" of 1/4" OD tubing, release valve plugged, and a 1/2x3/4" PVC sight with paperclip crosshairs. I pump it five times, and when the trigger actually fires it, the darts go over 100'. I would say that the AT3K is better than the SM3K and AT4K in size, weight, accuracy, and distance. That all depends on how they are modded though.

#27927 At3k Vs At4k

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 07 June 2004 - 10:14 AM in Modifications

I pump it five times, and when the trigger actually fires it, the darts go over 100'.

so you mean there's something wrong with it, or what ?

The pressure gets high enough that the spring will be fully compressed when the trigger is pulled, yet the valve plug won't be pulled. I solved that with minor modding. Now comes the funny: when my AT3K is pumped 5-6 times, my friend, his brothers, and my dad cannot pull the trigger. It's as if they have no finger strength. Interesting. My trigger is now starting to have damage from stress, but the tubing inside the gun has yet to crack or leak.

#27929 My Homemade Sniper

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 07 June 2004 - 10:18 AM in Homemades

Or the higher the pressure in the tank. Or the slower the air output.

Ok, to get back on topic a bit more, that thing is very...umm...strange. I like the idea for the pump, though. You used a bike tire floor pump. I see why it takes only four pumps to get 165 feet. The look of the stock resembles more of a buck's rack than a shoulder piece, but when the ranges mentioned are acheived, then looks don't matter. Good job.

#27997 Damn Memory Loss...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 June 2004 - 08:16 AM in General Nerf

Search this website. I know there is a thread about that.

#27998 Rf20 Problem

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 June 2004 - 08:43 AM in Modifications

Yeah, make a new one. Molding one won't be too hard, but finding the proper strength plastic will be. There is an easier way though, throw the RF20 in the never-use pile. The thing sucks. Buy a PC, get some extra clips, there you go.

#28049 Can Someone Help Me Identify This Nerf Gun?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 June 2004 - 06:19 PM in General Nerf

So this is a pic of the early phaser? And this is how it turned out in the end?

I highly doubt that was a Nerf gun. On NC, I saw a pic of every blaster they has in reviews, and that does not look like any I saw.

#28151 Shotgun

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 June 2004 - 07:41 PM in Homemades

Sorry about my earlier post. Now that I've seen a pic, everything is different. You definately did a good job on it. A question I have is, what kind of pump is that? I am cureous as to where you got it.

#28152 Pop Darts

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 June 2004 - 08:03 PM in Homemades

Instead of using hot glue, you could use tacky glue. That way, to get the old poper out, all you do is get the glue wet and then it lets go.

I've heard that the popers, when exploding on skin, leave a black mark (that rubs off) and that is it. Is that true?

#28421 Where To Buy A Laser Pointer?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 13 June 2004 - 05:24 PM in General Nerf

I'm going to regret responding, but every dollar store I have been to carries them. That is alot of states. Have you checked them yet? Family Dollar, $1 Dollar Superstore, etc. There ya go. Be happy.

#28448 Automatic Brainstorming Thread

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 14 June 2004 - 06:39 AM in Homemades

Well the Gatling idea could be a Vulcan or minigun just by replacing the crank with an electric motor with the power to turn it, in which case I have a box of them that have been proven to work, I think. If you want a CO2 powered (no electric or electric rotater) Vulcan, I know how to do that, although I don't feel like typing it up right now. I may post later or something to give you all the designs.

#28747 Sweetest Airsoft Gun

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 June 2004 - 04:31 PM in Off Topic

I'm gonna say two things. One, that's a springer, so it sucks. Two, it's made of cheap plastic, so it sucks. The TM ones are only better because their (usually) made of higher strength plastic. But yeah, it's kinda neat.

#28750 Airsoft Mod To Nerf

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 June 2004 - 05:32 PM in Modifications

No. The air output is way to small, unless you like having a gun that shoots five feet. I've tried to with my Tanfoglio and my friend's M-4, neither worked too well.

#28751 New Guns At Toys-r-us – Anybody Modded Them Yet?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 June 2004 - 05:35 PM in Modifications

That's why I'd buy/make one. Recoil in a Nerf gun? Sweet. I'll have to get some pics of the thing, then I may buy it, or build my own.

#28757 Airsoft Mod To Nerf

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 June 2004 - 06:41 PM in Modifications

Hmm...I may have to find that friend whose selling a working one for ten dollars. I need a new loser. I would probably use one of the extra Unknown Breeches I have than buying some CPVC. I'll get it to fit...eventually. ^_^

#28760 How Rich Can You Get?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 June 2004 - 07:43 PM in Off Topic

I like hearing that.^_^

Interesting...You guys definetly would have customers. I'm surprised there is actually people out there serious enough about Nerf to build and sell their own versions of guns we love. I mean that in a good way, even though it may not sound it. I was once like that for Airsoft. I designed and built a single 12-gauge gas shotgun round, that would allow any real-steel shotgun to be an Airsoft shotgun. It kinda worked, but not as I expected. I may be able to mod it to go for Nerf, but then it would probably be in 20-gauge or .50, or .410 if I tried. Now I just design crap that my friends make for me, usually because they can test it because they have the equipment to.

I just recently started to focus on airguns. That's how I got back into Nerf after a half-year's break. I was challenged to make a .50 pellet rifle. I gave the person the design and said here ya go, but you have to build it yourself, just sign the waiver and it's your's.

There's my (crappy) story. It's nice to see there are no procrastinaters in the Nerf homemade building division.

#28984 Nerf Gatling Gun

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 20 June 2004 - 09:04 PM in Homemades

Same here, but I don't know how well the design will work. Once I make some illustrations (that should be in a few months) , I'll post them. Even though I'm not to awake, here's an explanation of the design.

Regulated CO2 would be sent to one of the valves I posted on earlier. By opening that valve, it would go to a box with a fan blade in it, which is attached to a rod, which is attached to the barrels. The blades will spin, causing the barrels and breaches to spin. Now the tricky part: getting the breach bolts to move back. This will require some extensive metalwork with steel tubing and a spirally thingy. Once I draw some pics, you all will be able to understand this better; that and my explanation is not complete.

#29227 Mr. Literal

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 June 2004 - 08:39 AM in Homemades

Posted Image

This brings a whole new meaning to the term Nerf Crossbow. The ranges aren't great (40-50 feet flat with an arrow), but I'm currently working on giving it more power and to shoot Stefans. Unfortunately, it already takes 27 pounds of force to cock the thing, so I can't add too much more force. There is a stock for the thing, but it just gets in hte way. The bow is already 3.5 feet wide.

<EDIT>Ummm....the pic's just a little big<EDIT>

#29311 Mr. Literal

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 June 2004 - 05:56 PM in Homemades

A shitload of rubberbands. Here's the math(slightly confusing): two strands of seven groups of three red bands=42, four strands of seven green rubberbands=28. 42+28=70 rubberbands. I'm going to add two more of the seven-three grouped strands in order to give it more power. Unfortunately, it just got left out in the rain, so there may be an entire cord replacement, which would then be replaced with three bungee cords, giving the sucker an estimated 75 pound draw weight. That may require a metal trigger and receiver assembly.

I added the stock and battle tested it today. I was able to get off rougghly 1.5 shots per second(took 3 seconds to shoot 2 arrows), so the RoF isn't too bad. Not as good as my NF, but I still one a few rounds of free for all.

Silly newb-style question but, what is LARPing anyway?

#29314 Which Nerf Gun Has Greatest Range?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 June 2004 - 06:07 PM in General Nerf

It all depends on the person modding it and what mods done. I would saya homemade rifle with properly weighted and shaped darts. Or a supersoaker.

#29326 Mr. Literal

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 June 2004 - 07:34 PM in Homemades

What's interesting is that I actually made some Nerf-tipped bolts for a 150-pound crossbow. Looks like I may have to buy one of those and make a few more bolts if I want to keep a crossbow. The one that is pictured above is very high maintenance. After about every twenty shots four to five rubberbands need replacing, which is very hard to do how I have the thing set up.

#29381 Son Of An Airtech 3000

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 24 June 2004 - 07:58 AM in Modifications

Just drill them out. That's what I did, even though I don't use them anymore. I singled my AT3K. That way it doesn't click every time you pump it.

#29668 Holsters

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 June 2004 - 02:33 PM in General Nerf

That, or, you could use a sock. Fits just about every Nerf pistol, and, since several come in one bag, they can be replaced easily.

To me, the whole idea of using a holster seems kinda silly. I mean, GET SOME FRIGGIN' POCKETS! They work better.

...just stick whatever (you) can in pockets, cargo pants are good for that, you know.

I've only made two holsters. Used them both once, they were very pointless. I have yet to use them again.

#29737 Ultra Bright Nite Finder

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 June 2004 - 10:45 AM in Modifications

Very nice work. I was thinking of putting a small RIS rail on mine and then using a SureFire light, but that sounds like more work than replacing the bulb.

A lightbulb and an LED don't compare. Not even if that bulb is a Halogen. I have used a 2 AA MagLite, and if I compared it to my triple LED 4.5 volt light , the LED flashlight will quite litterally blind you, which works very well for dark room clearing, it gives more of a "deer in the headlights" effect compared to a normal flashlight, while the MagLite is just, well everyone knows about MagLites. Hell, that LED light is brighter than my 2 D MagLite. That even has a Halogen bulb (my dad got board so he messed with it). Then again, the LED is good for short distances, but the MagLite works good for medium-long range.

#29758 Fireworks

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 June 2004 - 02:53 PM in Off Topic

I still have to smuggle mine in, even though only a few cops really care. At my age, it's easier for me to get a few pounds of black powder than it is to get fireworks though, so even if I did want to go to Illinois or Ohio, finding someone to take me would be a whole other story. So fountains and blowtorches it is. Or go to a public fireworks display.

#29761 Camo Paint

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 June 2004 - 03:04 PM in Modifications

here's some olive drab duct tape. That will work with a bit of thin electrical tape. Otherwise, here's some higher quality camo tape.
Here's a few more:
hardwoods camo
barrel tip tape,to prove it's a non-lethal (yeah...right) airgun.
And that's about it that I can find here.

#29769 Laser Sniper?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 June 2004 - 04:25 PM in Modifications

That's the truth. An RF20 can't hit anything past 15 feet. I brassed 3K, however, may be better. Something with good range and great accuracy, but even still, lasers are pretty pointless. They aren't that great in the day, and have too small of a lit area for the night. Oh well, it was a pretty good idea. It would have to be more of a decorative item if anything.

#29788 Laser Sniper?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 June 2004 - 05:57 PM in Modifications

It's range is averaged at 35 feet flat. The accurate range, however, is at a maximum of 15 feet. That's what I meant.

Terminator, those are the real deals there. They work great. I prefer the G&P Rail Mounted Tactical Laser. That thing can be stuck anywhere there is a RIS grip/rail/whatever.

#29792 More Spray Painting Ideas

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 June 2004 - 06:00 PM in Modifications

Hmm...Depending on the results I may have to pick up a few (dozen) cans of various colors.

#29794 Laser Sniper?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 June 2004 - 06:11 PM in Modifications

Good luck finding a few. If you go to this Aisroft website, under Accessories, Mount & Rings: Mount Base. On the very top there are a few rails of various sizes. Those I know can be attached by screws alone. They even come with the screws, which are hex head by the way. With a few of those attached to a XBow, one could have foregrips, lasers, flashlights, reddots, scopes, folding sights, carry handles, and can't forget to mention the bipods. If you do order anything from that website, the shipping is enough to turn you down. Since they ship all orders from Japan, order alot of stuff so that the shipping is worth it.

#29854 Laser Sniper?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 29 June 2004 - 07:05 AM in Modifications

Interesting. 6,000 candlepower? That should accomplish the "deer in the headlights" effect.

While we're on "real steel for Nerf", anyone who wants to fork out the bucks for this should. It has a cross-draw holster that should fit a NF, cause they show a Glock 18/19/34...one of those. It also has two pockets for shotshells, which could hold Stefans nicely.

Or, for you PC fans, this one is the same as above, but instead of a holster, it has two M16 30 rd. mag pouches. A PC clip could be jammed in there. Perhaps, though, someone should make a few of these in their home, only better suited to Nerf, then sell them for less. Volunteers?