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#332096 You say Panther?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 July 2013 - 06:38 PM in General Nerf

Any chance you could get some exact measurements of a minimized tank (i.e. all unnecessary stuff removed)?

If these are small enough, they might be just what I need to finally realize my dream of an old double-shot with airgun tanks replacing the plunger assembly.

#332360 You say Panther?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 26 July 2013 - 06:25 PM in General Nerf

Same problem bro. You can tell its bullshit if the inside of the barrel is black. If the inside is white, it's unchanged. Hmm... Wonder how they came up with that? *fake coughs* (racist)

Thanks! I wasn't sure if there would even be a way to ID these before getting them home. Now, if I decide I want some of these smaller-tanked versions, I know what to look for.

#328270 Homemade flywheel gun

Posted by Ambience 327 on 22 March 2013 - 08:09 AM in Homemades

How are the darts getting from your "hoppers" to the flywheel? Are you just using a rod to push them, then pulling the rod out, turning to the next "hopper" and repeating the process? Seems like this will be a very long blaster.

#231656 Nerf Nade

Posted by Ambience 327 on 21 May 2009 - 07:50 AM in Homemades

Yes, a Titan would launch it further, and so could be used as an RPG if made and used in a war, but the LSFG is just a UGL - it doesn't have to have massive ranges. Like I said before, a UGL allows you to use both darts and nades, and can attatch on the front of a recon or a longshot, or, as a standalone weapon - I intend to make a fold out stock for it.

The problem with using the LSFG as your UGL is that it is so weak. Stock, it launches darts roughly 15 feet, and even with mods doesn't get much better. That is light foam darts we're talking about. If you try to fire your "Nerf Nade" out of a LSFG, you're going to get it to fly a few feet at best, if it even launches at all. Basically, you'd be dropping the 'nade down at your feet, so that you would be caught in the "blast". I think we can all agree that's only good for a suicide run, and a laugh.

So I think, if you are intent on going with a UGL, you're better off looking into a Titan or a homemade as suggested above.

#331289 Cataclysm 4 - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 26 June 2013 - 09:30 AM in Nerf Wars

Bummer - I won't be able to make it this year. I have a wedding to attend. Of course, since I won't be there, it means DemonLord might actually show up as stated... ;)

Fling some serious foam gentlemen!

#180591 Indoor Nerf

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 September 2008 - 09:03 AM in General Nerf

On an off note here:Ambience### how large is the church you play in?

It isn't huge, but it isn't tiny. The sanctuary is roughly the size of a typical high-school cafeteria or a small gymnasium (roughly big enough for one full basketball court). There are a few other rooms that are about half that size (though with much lower ceilings), and then there are about a half-dozen small classrooms. The building is two-stories, with the basement about 75% dug-in to the ground, and the upper floor directly above it, connected by a vestibule that is halfway between the two. (There is also a back stairwell, making for a great full-loop flow to the building which prevents you from getting pinned down completely anywhere outside of one of the smaller classrooms.)

Basically, it isn't nearly as much space as a typical school building or dorm, but plenty of room for the size of games we play.

Furthermore, I really don't understand what is so cool about playing in the dark. *shrugs*

We play some games with the lights on (King of the Hill primarily), but we like the added stealth aspects and confusion caused by playing in near-dark conditions. You see someone, and you have to figure out if they are on your team or not before you fire. You hear movement at the front of the sanctuary, but you can't identify the source. Are they up in the choir loft, or down by the piano? Maybe they are sneaking, belly-crawl style, under the pews? No wait - they have a teammate coming up right behind you!!!

It is fun. Like Slug said, it can be a slower pace, and involve more hide-and-seek atmosphere, but that can be really fun sometimes. And if you don't like that, just throw some objectives into the mix and watch the teams fight it out for control or try to set up perfect ambushes. It is a different style of play, and it might not be right for everyone - but I suggest you try it before you dismiss it as being no fun. (If you have tried it, by all means stick to your opinion!)

#170955 Buzzbee Rfr Modification

Posted by Ambience 327 on 20 August 2008 - 03:05 PM in Modifications

You've been around long enough to know not to Necro - haven't you? Or maybe not.

Don't post in topics over a month old unless you have something useful to say. PM the OP if you have a question.

#153977 Longshot Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 April 2008 - 08:01 AM in Modifications

I will grant that my experience (playing mostly indoors in a decent-sized church) is probably different from what most of you outdoor nerfers are used to. However, I can't see how it would be impossible to reload a magazine or two during a game if you are sticking together with friends for support. Does everyone who uses a Longshot in wars own enough mags to keep them set for an entire game? I know that before I bought my Recons, I only had the two, and I was able to keep them loaded when I needed to, just by having teammates cover me for a moment. It really doesn't take that long to load them, and with someone watching your back (and a good sidearm within reach if things get hairy), I don't see why this would be such a terrible thing for someone who can't afford / doesn't have access to / doesn't want to carry half a dozen mags for their Longshot.

But then, I've not played in anything large outside. My only big game experience (approx 30 players in our biggest games) is indoors, so maybe all that cover plays a part in skewing my viewpoint?

#180395 Indoor Nerf

Posted by Ambience 327 on 29 September 2008 - 09:42 AM in General Nerf

It sounds like most people here are talking about playing in a residential building (i.e. house, apartment, mobile home, etc) when they say "indoors". I also play indoors, but in a larger building - my church. My wife and I are sponsors for the youth group, and we play decent-sized games (10-30 people usually) throughout the church building (with a few areas off-limits, like the secretary's office, the boiler room, bathrooms, etc) and with very few light on.

It is a very interesting experience, sneaking through the dark in a large building with lots of long hallways and small rooms. You have some areas (the hallways, the sanctuary, the fellowship hall) where range is king, and other areas (classrooms, stairwells, shorter hallways, nursery) where ROF and cover are much more important.

We play team elimination, team CTF, Free-for-all, VIP, king of the hill, territories and all manner of other games that really keep you on your toes, especially in the varying environments.

If outdoor Nerfing is all about mobility, range and accuracy, then indoor Nerfing (in my experience) is all about stealth, cover, ROF and cunning. We have areas where you just know somebody is going to launch an ambush, so you need to be careful there. Those spots can slow you down even if nobody is actually there, just due to the potential of an ambush!

I've played outdoors on a small scale, so I don't have a whole lot of reference for making a good comparison, but I love indoor Nerfing, and I can't see giving it up any time soon. (Though I would like to try and make it to some of the nearby outdoor wars next year if possible.)

#153786 Longshot Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 29 April 2008 - 11:00 AM in Modifications

Why does everyone insist on making the Recon and Longshot shoot taggers? They jam in the magazine, the head interferes with the dart receiver and dart tooth.

I only see one of these issues being addressed, and that's done by cutting off the dart receiver. They'll still jam in the magazine and rub early against the dart tooth when pushed forward.

It's much easier to mod the taggers themselves than to fuck around with the gun's mechanisms, so for all I suggest making custom dart taggers until you're ready to do a breech.

Well, consider this scenario: You are playing an intense game with a lot of participants, and you've just fired your last streamline/CDTS/long stefan (i.e. stuff that fits/works in a stock LS). All of your ammo is now 40-50 feet away from you at best. What do you do?

If you've done a mod like this, you can pick up anything they have been firing back at you (stock taggers, micros, screamers, etc) that will fit in your clip, and keep on shooting.

If not, then all you can do is run, and hope they don't get you!

#184300 Nightfinder W/ Magazine

Posted by Ambience 327 on 17 October 2008 - 12:39 PM in Modifications

I'm sorry if I mislead you, but the rare earth magnets I was refering to are these:

Posted Image

They aren't really all that rare. I have them because my dad used to work for an engineering company.

And those are actually quite large when it comes to rare earth/neodymium magnets. They can be bought in many shapes and sizes, some much smaller than watch batteries even. They are available in cylinder, disc and block shapes, as well as many others. They are are ridiculously strong for their size, though some experimentation/calculation would be required to figure out how many and what size would be best for securely holding a magazine on a Nerf blaster like this.

If you were to decide to go the magnet route, I would build a small receiver box at the attachment point (something just larger than the mag that it will side up into. This will help guide the mag to where it needs to sit in order to work properly, and it will also help avoid knocking the mag off with a soft/moderate sideways impact - only a tug directly downward would easily shift the mag with a well-built receiver. This would be a very easy system for reloading - just tug down to release the mag in the blaster, then slip a new mag in (or load the empty first) and you're ready to go.

This has me thinking about trying to do something like this eventually. Dang it - now I have another project in my head that I won't be able to get to for a while!!!! :lol:

#234413 Introducing A Hellcannon

Posted by Ambience 327 on 05 June 2009 - 08:28 AM in Modifications

and stopping to reload will get you killed since you have to take your eyes off the action.

Completely agreed - the last time I played a Zombie round, I stayed alive as long as I kept my blasters loaded. However, the horde rushed me and I had to empty my blasters to keep them back. Once I ran out of darts, I started reloading hurriedly, but the one bugger I didn't see in the shadows was the one that got me.

I think the fact this this is a modular system, which can be switched between a traditional Doomsayer and any number of inline setups, is what makes this a truly great mod. You can custom tailor the blaster to your needs, and that is invaluable.

#265878 Back To Basics - Stock Ammo War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 February 2010 - 02:54 PM in Nerf Wars

Just thought I'd post here to say that I'm a no for this one - because I'm pretty much set on being at Cataclysm and 2 weekends in a row isn't going to fly with the wife. :)

#263092 Back To Basics - Stock Ammo War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 25 January 2010 - 10:48 AM in Nerf Wars

Tack darts aren't going to be allowed at any war run by anyone with even half a brain. This war in particular though is for stock darts only - any modification to a dart would render it ineligible. (i.e. adding a weight, changing the tip, using hot glue on it, etc)

I would venture to guess, however, that cutting a short length of foam off of the tail end of your dart to prevent jams in Mavs & Fireflies would be ok? I only mention this as this is something I do, and I am considering attending this war - so I want to be completely sure...

#261826 Back To Basics - Stock Ammo War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 January 2010 - 04:39 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm going to throw in my name as a Maybe here. If Cataclysm gets moved to a date that works for me, I'll be going to that, and I can't afford two trips to Chi-town right now. If Cataclysm is a no-go, then I'll make an effort to get to this one instead (assuming my wife doesn't decide to go into labor early or anything silly like that.)

#188747 Double Shot Rear Loaded Half Shell Ejection.

Posted by Ambience 327 on 10 November 2008 - 01:25 PM in Modifications

Very interesting concept. You have eliminated the most annoying aspect of the Double Shot (the shell ejection) while retaining the coolness factor of the break-action breech and the efficiency of rear-loading barrels.

My suggestion, if you want to keep this thing functional for long, reinforce the catch mechanisms. (You could probably accomplish this with some strips of sheet metal or something similar.) I have had two separate Double Shots scrapped because the catches broke, rendering them useless. However, reinforced catch mechs might even allow you to put in stronger springs, and since the trigger mech is independent of the catches, you wouldn't have to do anything there. Fix this one glaring deficiency in the Double Shot, and your lovely little beast will serve you well for some time to come.

#162737 Who Likes The N64? Nintendo?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 July 2008 - 08:59 AM in Modifications

Vacuum Ball Gun. There, I said it.

Oh come on now. We all know that a Vacuum Ball Gun would really suck balls! ^_^

(Had to be said)

#164130 N-strike Attachments You Would Like To See.

Posted by Ambience 327 on 24 July 2008 - 02:26 PM in General Nerf

Two words:

Can Cozy

'nuff said. :rolleyes:

#207841 Artillery Cannon Name

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 January 2009 - 10:30 AM in General Nerf

Posted Image

I hate paint.

I'm not saying that paint is the best program in the world, but if you learn to use it properly, you can do some decent work with it. I'm assuming you hate the huge size of your image, which was then resized by imageshack into something unviewable - correct?

If so, here's what you do - use the scroll bars to the right of and below your image to scroll to the bottom right. Be sure that no selection is currently active (i.e. copy/paste tools), and there should be a little black box in the corner of the image that changes your mouse cursor when you roll over it (likely to a diagonal, double-arrow). If you click on that and hold it, you can drag your image's borders around, making it larger or smaller. Play with that a bit, and you can eliminate all that nasty white space on the image, and imageshack won't make it nearly as small.

(You can accomplish the same basic thing by clicking "Image" on the menu bar, then clicking "Attributes". This brings up a small window where you can specify the width and height of your image. Play with those numbers to crop the image.)

#282676 The Snap-7 Microbow

Posted by Ambience 327 on 10 August 2010 - 08:06 AM in Homemades

That's sweet Carbon. I'm really digging everything about both of those bows. The whole concept of a foam-flinging bow fascinates me (Kane's included). I really need to find some time and fundage to try my hand at some of these cool new ideas you guys are churning out.

Oh, and something about that last pic sets off my cuteness meter. The image of a daddy and daughter (I'm picturing me and mine, since I don't know what you and yours look like yet!) weilding these bows in tandem is just too cute.

I hope she's having a blast with it - and I hope I get to see these things in person in a few weeks (hint hint - bring them to Foam in the Fort or I will cry manly tears!!! - hint hint) :lol:

I know my daughter is going to want to join me in my Nerf escapades if I am still involved in all this in a few years (she is 3 now). She already wants me to make her a pink boffer, because she loves wailing on me with mine.

#282706 The Snap-7 Microbow

Posted by Ambience 327 on 10 August 2010 - 12:31 PM in Homemades

Sounds great Carbon. Melee/Bow only round, eh? Sounds very interesting - especially if we limit it to 2-3 bows per team, with everyone else being melee only. Then the bows would be the king of ranged combat, while the melee fighters would have to protect them. :lol:

#310953 How to get idiots to play Nerf?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 09 February 2012 - 10:14 AM in General Nerf

That's not true. Super Soakers work much better!

#151586 Ls Vs Bbbb (both Modded Differently)

Posted by Ambience 327 on 17 April 2008 - 06:48 AM in Off Topic

I have to disagree - but it is due to my circumstances. For me, a Longshot would beat out the Big Blast in almost any situation I will face. Why? Because we play indoors. There is only one room in the church where we play that a range greater than 60' would even mean anything. (That would be the sanctuary/auditorium.) In any other room or hallway, 60' is enough to go from wall to wall, and in most cases from corner to corner.

So in my case, the ROF of the Longshot versus the single-loading nature of a singled Big Blast makes the Longshot a no-brainer choice.

(The choice gets even easier when you consider the possibility of a solid integration in the Longshot. Slap a singled AT2K where the bipod was, or something similar, and you could even have access to that single, long ranged shot that the Big Blast offers - or at least a long enough range to hit anywhere in the Sanctuary!)

#167341 What Backgrounds Do You Use?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 08 August 2008 - 09:30 AM in Off Topic

Nice pics P.C. III.

I especially like the snowy scene - it's hauntingly beautiful.

#170582 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 August 2008 - 11:13 AM in Off Topic

Name: Daltarian
Realm: Arathor
Level: 50
Race: Human
Class: Rogue

Armory Link

I've been playing casually for about two months now. I find it quite fun, and very relaxing after a stressful day at work. I don't have the time nor the inclination to power-level, so I just do whatever I find fun or intriguing at the time. (I spent 10+ hours bashing on Dreaming Whelps in the Swamp of Sorrows just to get my favorite vanity pet in the game - the Tiny Emerald Whelpling.)

My wife also plays, but she's a bit of an Altoholic - having 5 toons currently with the highest being a Level 32 Human Prestess and the lowest being a Level 10 Rogue who is basically her "Bank Alt" but whom she cannot resist playing occasionally. We'll have a 2nd PC and a 2nd account fairly soon (the PC is coming free from a friend, and the account is the only thing I'm allowed to spend money on right now) so that we can play together when the baby is sleeping, rather than just taking turns watching the other play. It can be a really social game if you get in with a good guild and/or have/make some good friends in the game. Not quite a replacement for real social interaction, but it is definately a good way to spend your free time if you're into it.

#189453 Brass Vs Petg?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 13 November 2008 - 11:54 AM in Modifications

No dolphins have been harmed in the making of these sea tables

What about in the operation of said tables? :D

#145960 Cardboard Armor?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 20 March 2008 - 12:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Replying to that and Baghead's comment about new game types based around armor, I tried one with a friend where one person wears "impenetrable" armor, and they are given a pistol or other mediocre gun. Then, the other person (Or people) get better guns and have to try to hit the armored player. But there is a catch, the armored player must be hit in a place without armor, otherwise the shot will not count. There would be slight variations for different circumstances, like if there was one person with armor going up against a team, they would get a good gun, and the armor needs to have some openings. (For example, my armor lacks protection from behind, on the upper arms, and legs.) My friend said it was fun, I liked it too.

Sounds like a recreation of the opening scene from Lethal Weapon 4 - only without the flamethrower and Danny Glover doing the half-naked chicken dance!

#224162 Peasant's Guru

Posted by Ambience 327 on 17 April 2009 - 03:31 PM in Modifications

This looks excellent, and the diagrams were wonderful. The only question I have is can you hit the blast button without moving your hand from the grip? If doesn't look like I'd be able to comfortably.

If you hold the BBB the way he is shown holding it in the 3-angle pic at the end of the first post, you would easily be able to reach the blast button unless you had very small hands. (I currently hold my BBB like this - it allows shotgun-style cocking and just feels more comfortable to me. I plan to build on this concept when I finally get around to modding it.)

#206550 Intergration Poll

Posted by Ambience 327 on 26 January 2009 - 02:04 PM in Modifications

I don't really see the point in a poll like this - just do what you want to do and/or what you think will be an effective tool for raining foam on your opponents.

Since I think this poll is useless, I voted for the most useless combination up there - FF+LSFG.

#176828 F2p Mmorpgs And Mmogs

Posted by Ambience 327 on 12 September 2008 - 10:22 AM in Off Topic

Nah I don't like the looks of it..

By your parameters (not a lot of time to kill, nothing to download) maybe you should reconsider giving Urban Dead a try. That game kept me hooked for months. I haven't played in a while, but I ran two characters to max level, and three others to about halfway, and it was a great way to get in a some fun in a short space of time. I rarely spent more than a half hour each day on it, but I still felt like I was getting a lot out of it.

As far as other free, no download stuff, look into Adventure Quest and Dragonfable. They aren't exactly MMO's, but they are a lot of fun and work similar to a lot of MMORPG's out there these days. Best of all, they are browser based and don't require huge investments of time to get enjoyment from them.

#229970 The Coupler Frag Grenade

Posted by Ambience 327 on 13 May 2009 - 09:31 AM in Homemades

I've seen several different grenade concepts, both here and at NHQ, in the past week or so. Of all of them, this one seems to have the most promise. My biggest issue with it is, as others have said, the bare coupler which could hurt/injure another player and/or damage walls or other objects/property.

Since I play primarily indoors, I am in full agreement that a decent grenade would be a powerful tool. By decent, I mean that it needs to do the following:

1) "Detonate" reliably on impact with the ground or a wall.
2) Send a decent amount of foam in a good spread with a blast radius of 5 feet or more.
3) Be safe enough to hurl around without fear of causing injury if it hits someone, or damage if it hits a wall, lamp, etc.

I'm still not convinced that we can pull off all three of those goals in the same grenade, but if we can, I would be a very happy Nerfer. I'll be watching this thread with great interest, and doing some thinking along these lines myself.

#284572 The Snap 7.5 Pump Crossbow

Posted by Ambience 327 on 02 September 2010 - 09:04 AM in Homemades

Sweet-looking crossbow their Carbon. Big shock coming from you, right? :)

As always, simple and elegant work, and even if it isn't quite as pretty as the crystallized work of art Ryan made, it looks like it is probably just as much fun to use! (Now get your daughter to bling it up with the foil like her bow, and it will be gorgeous too!)

@ Ryan - if you are going to stick with calling it the PAC, can we start calling you PAC-man? ;)

#284580 The Snap 7.5 Pump Crossbow

Posted by Ambience 327 on 02 September 2010 - 12:15 PM in Homemades

Ambience: I actually have a bling method in the works that she inspired...I'm trying it out on a bow first. I hope to get it posted this weekend. It should be....shiny.

You're doing gold leaf inlay and encrusting the stock with diamonds, aren't you? :lol:

#229993 The Coupler Frag Grenade

Posted by Ambience 327 on 13 May 2009 - 01:46 PM in Homemades

And you're entitled to that opinion CS. However, I'm also entitled to mine. :D

Like I said, indoors, these things could be quite useful, and if limited (and supplied to both teams) wouldn't become an unbalancing factor. I'm not saying they would see use every game, but they would certainly be something thrown into the mix to spice it up now and then.

Let's face it - once you've played dozens of games in the same space, it can get a little stale. If you're limited to that same space (as my group is - we don't have any place to play that suits our needs other than the church), you have to throw a new game variant or a new type of weapon into the mix every now and then.

Case in point - we use these air rockets, each supplied with two rockets and a holster/quiver, as "rocket launchers". Rather than some easy-to-abuse/refuse "blast radius", we just say that hits from the rockets count until they stop moving, wheras other shots (from darts) are deemed dead once they hit anything (a wall, ceiling, player, etc). This, combined with the fact that nothing else we use can outrange these things, makes them desirable weapons that are difficult to use and don't remotely unbalance the game, but add a slightly different aspect of play to the game (as well as granting bragging rights to anyone who scores a kill with them). For instance, they can be launched over the whole distance of the auditorium, and even potentially score a hit on people hiding behind things via indirect fire & bouncing.

I have considered adding some ball blasters to the mix, with the same "counts until it stops" rule for more variety.

#146149 Ancient Crossbow-like Gun.

Posted by Ambience 327 on 21 March 2008 - 12:57 PM in General Nerf

Looks like a gun with a lot of potential. If it were mine, I would take off the "crossbow arms", and see if I could remove the hole plunger handle. If so, I'd build some extra frame up the front of the gun, and make a shotgun slide for it. (although this would obviously work in reverse) Finally, I'd put a nice barrel on there that would meet up with the front of the shotgun slide area, and put a few supports between the two areas.

Throw a nice paint job on there, and you'd have a really nice looking gun with a great shape, that would probably be very comfortable. By the sounds of things (i.e. "gun jerks forward") it has a good deal of power, so it would probably also be very effective.

Man...now I want one! :ph34r:

#158837 Noobs

Posted by Ambience 327 on 11 June 2008 - 02:03 PM in Off Topic

That article would be hillarious - if it wasn't so firmly grounded in reality and truth!!!

#150513 New Pictures Of Dark Knight Batman Blaster

Posted by Ambience 327 on 11 April 2008 - 06:38 AM in General Nerf

True, but Big Blasts don't have the Batman logo, those funky missiles, an overly complicated unfolding process or the patented "Johnny 5 Extendo-Head Scope" thingy. :D

#156245 Homemade Vulcan

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 May 2008 - 07:48 AM in Homemades

It is beautiful! I mean that.

It isn't the appearance that counts here. No, not by a Longshot ™. :mellow:

No, this thing has beautiful personality. It is beautiful because it works. It is beautiful because it is simple, yet effective.

It is beautiful because it is mounted on a tripod!

OK, enough gushing from me. Kudos for taking a concept and running with it - not just blabbering on about it (like I am with mine until I can get the fundage together to make them - the wife keeps saying something about needing to buy food and diapers for the baby - pfft!)

Anyway, I love the "push forward to fire" concept that you've developed - it is so simple that it wouldn't fail on you in the middle of a heated firefight. It also looks fairly simple to re-load the barrels (even if a bit time-consuming), as it doesn't rely on having tight-fitting barrels or anything. But you've even managed to improve the reload time with your velcro-clips - great work!

Seeing as this is tripod mounted - I'm guessing you intend it to be more of a static, point-defense weapon. That means you could have a bucket nearby simply loaded with extra clips for the thing - giving you the ability to have hundreds of shots at your disposal - and quickly at that!

One question - have you considered using micro-stefans in these clips? You've got 20" clips to work with - and if you tried 1" darts (rather than the 2" ones I assume you're using to get 10 shots) you would have 20 shots that might suffer a bit in range, but would up the ROF even more, providing you with even more flying foam. Just a thought.

Another thing to think about, considering the tripod mount, would be making the whole gun even longer - so that you can fit even more darts in the clips. You could overcome any difficulties with reaching to the end by extending the firing handle backward (parallel to the gun/clip setup) far enough to help you reach. Again - just a refinement on your design that might make it even more effective.

Good job man. Looks aside the only thing id say it could use is a easier methon of reloading.

You do realise that he can reload it buy pulling the "clip" off at the velcro points, and slapping a new one in, right?

#184605 Flag Domination

Posted by Ambience 327 on 20 October 2008 - 08:44 AM in General Nerf

I have the youth at my church play this as a game of "Territories". We play indoor and basically in the dark, so to add a bit of visual appeal to each "territory", we use red and blue Glow Sticks. Both Glow Sticks start out under a piece of black cloth at the start of the game, and when a team reaches the "territory", one person has to put down all of their guns, then pull out their team's Glow Stick and put it up on top of the cloth for all to see. In order to switch colors, a player has to again lay down all of their guns, then switch the two glow sticks.

The extra requirement of laying down all of your guns before swapping the flag/Glow Stick makes for an even more frantic game, as the players have to protect the person switching control of the "territories", all of which are placed out in the open, but with plenty of places to hide nearby. You have to make sure the area is secure before converting the "territory" over to your color, otherwise you'll just get wasted once you put down your guns.

#156694 Homemade Vulcan

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 May 2008 - 09:19 AM in Homemades

Also, you would have less control over the ROF. With the current design, he can push just a few, or all of the darts at once - meaning he can use short, controlled bursts to keep people back, or full auto to sweep an area clean. The gravity-fed clip would basically be an all-or-nothing - you pull the pin and all the darts fire - no stopping it now!