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#175119 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 05 September 2008 - 10:20 AM in Homemades

Bah - humbug I say! I LOVE the feel of the Double Shot in my hands. If you've managed to keep that, and it performs as you say, I want to see it!

Then I will refine it, and make it my own (read - copy your design and run with it), and I shall rule the NIC with an iron fist! Mwahahahahaha!!!




So, has your package arrived yet?

#174875 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 04 September 2008 - 08:14 AM in Homemades

Man, the suspense is killing me. I will bend all of my psychic will to moving your package through the mail quicker so I can see what you've done with this!!!! :lol:

#231686 Hinged Double Barrel Pump Action Shotgun

Posted by Ambience 327 on 21 May 2009 - 01:06 PM in Modifications

You could try a set of weaker magnets to make it stay down - but getting the right strength to hold it steady but still allow it to be flipped up easily would be a balancing act. Might be worth the effort, might not. The fact that the entire barrel assembly is on a coupler makes expirimentation a lot easier though - just build another break-action breech with magnets at both ends and see if you can make it work - if not, you just go back to this model.

#318940 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 21 July 2012 - 07:10 AM in Nerf Wars

it's the day before the war and to work decided to have me work overtime saturday so as much I hate do this for the third year in time to roll I'm gonna have to cancel.

NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Boo. Hiss.
(Oh well, a man has to make a living. I will get you here yet!!!)

Blasters repaired, darts made, car is packed, and the daughter has decided that she wants to make it there for the beginning...so we're hitting the road at 4:30am. HARDCORE TIME ZONE TRAVEL.

We'll see you guys in the AM.

So you are as wrapped around her finger as I am my own daughters' eh? Sweet. :lol:
(I am pretty sure if my oldest was much more than 5, she would be begging to come with me - though that would change the first time she got shot.)


Rise and shine folks. Thankfully, it isn't going to be in the 100's like it has been in the last few weeks, but it is still going to get up into the 80's, and it may be rather humid. Make sure you bring plenty of water!

And don't forget, there are NO RESTROOMS AT THE WAR LOCATION!!!!

#317215 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 20 June 2012 - 06:18 AM in Nerf Wars

Keep in mind he only shot her after she turned. It was a mercy killing really...

Ok - this war is officially Carbonated - who else is going to step up and commit rather than hang out in "maybe land"? :lol:

#318723 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 July 2012 - 06:17 AM in Nerf Wars

Sure - we can try a 360 if you bring it. I wonder how insane it could get if there was a nice area in the dead center of the field, with 3-4 respawn points spread out around it. Pop some serious cover near the core, and the defending team would have to deal with being surrounded! :lol:

(Not sure if we are going to have enough people to pull that off successfully though. Being surrounded with 1-2 people per side isn't nearly as hectic as 5-10 people per side.)

#318645 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 17 July 2012 - 11:29 AM in Nerf Wars

Just bumping to advertise!

Also, Not sure if I'll have time for any, but do you need mobsticles or supplies for Defend the Core/Carpe?

Unless someone brings anything better, DTC Cores will be cardboard boxes. I have no mobstacles either, and they would be welcome, though the field works well with or without them.

#318137 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 07 July 2012 - 01:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Two weeks to go! Who's excited?

We already have roughly a dozen confirmed attendees, and plenty more maybes. Anybody else have an update on their attendance status?

#317246 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 20 June 2012 - 02:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Only if you carpool...

#152786 Foamslinger

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 April 2008 - 12:41 PM in Modifications

It looks like it could be useful - use the LS for the ability to shoot without having to turn the motor on and alert them to your presence - then flip the switch and unleash 20 darts as quick as you please.

However, the blue/yellow color combination makes me sick. It could really benefit from a good paint job!

#317904 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 03 July 2012 - 08:08 AM in Nerf Wars

Bummer, I was hoping to steal one of your RBP's for a round. Hope you have as much fun on your vaca as you would have had here.

#318802 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 July 2012 - 12:20 PM in Nerf Wars

To add to the dart recovery conversation - it helps if there is some unique way to ID your darts. That can be tough, but some guys dust a certain color spraypaint over the backs of them, or mark the backs with a sharpie or something.

Personally, I just try to get back what I can and not worry about the rest. :D

@ BuffDaddy - sounds great - can't wait to Nerf with you again. Depending on how things go, we might try both DTC styles if you bring yours.

On a tangent - I wanted to note that I will have a few blasters I am looking to sell, so if you bring cash, you may walk away with some new Nerfy goodness. I have an AR removed LS and a stock Magstrike w/ 1 peg-removed clip, and possibly some others.

If you really want one of these and want to claim it as your own prior to the war date and pick it up then, please PM me. However, please refrain from cluttering up the thread with trading discussion.

#312751 Do you still use Nerf when you nerf?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 12 March 2012 - 08:16 AM in Site Feedback

I would consider that a vote for "Still using one". If you intend to continue using your nerf brand blaster, please vote "Still using one". Only vote for one of the other options if you have made a conscious decision to use something other than a Nerf brand blaster.

Noted and vote changed.

#317174 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 June 2012 - 11:41 AM in Nerf Wars

But will you claim the title of Last Man Standing in the Infection round again? (Yep - the gauntlet is thrown, and your brains will be mine!!!) :blink:

#319107 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 24 July 2012 - 03:27 PM in Nerf Wars

*My daughter was very amused/pleased at receiving her nerfing name of Carbonite. She tells me she's keeping it. She had a great time (especially since she took me out during a round).

Sweet. I wonder if Flywheel will do the same? :lol:

*Discovering that 3:15 isn't all bad! When you've been running like crazy all morning, a more methodical, strategic elimination game is pretty nice. The elimination rounds added a nice twist to the day.

Note to self - 3:15 to be placed near the end of the war.

*Ambience's boffer mace. That thing was like getting hit with a lightly padded truck.

Yeah, I was quite surprised at how much extra impact that little bit of extra foam and duct-tape amounted to.

*Forgetting the primary rule of a zombie apocalype: if you have a spare moment, RELOAD. Almost managed to pull off a sprinting reload/turn and fire, but just got a simultaneous kill. BRAIIIINS.

You almost outran that zombie. You wouldn't have outrun any further zombies that showed up after that though - you looked ready to heave!

#319030 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 July 2012 - 12:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Recap Time!

This was an awesome war, and it was really a pleasure to Nerf with such a great group of guys. The attitudes both on and off the field were awesome. Thank you all very much for making my third foray into hosting such an enjoyable time! If this is what I can expect when I sound the call to arms, it will happen again!!!

-Nerfing with an awesome bunch of guys with great attitudes, competitive spirits and sweet blasters.

-All the youngins having a great time and showing what their energy can accomplish.

-Having more than 1/2 of the founding members of Foam in the Fort present. DarkMatter and his Dad and Dragonsnipe and one of his boys. Missed the rest, but lots of others to take their place!

-Getting to hang with my buddy Carbon again. I'm not saying that he and I make wars great, but we were both at Cataclysm and it was great. We were both at Foam in the Fort and it was great. Coincidence?

-Meeting Phoenix66 face to face, and meeting his crew. Guy does great work on homemades for a great price. Look him up if you need work done.

-Spending another day enjoying the sweetness of my PumpSnap. (And showing off my new hand-painted shamrock and cross logo.) Works great, and as I put a few small customizations into it, it will only get better. (See the above comment for the source of this great blaster...)

-Phoenix66 helping my nephew out with some issues he was having with his own PumpSnap after some hasty repairs that I made were only partially successful. (His younger cousins had damaged it by firing it with the pump-handle only half way back.)

-My wife chatting it up with Phoenix66's mom. Homeschool moms never seem to run out of stuff to talk about, and she really enjoyed the conversation.

-Melee only rounds were awesome. I've taken to referring to melee only elimination as "Highlander", because of course "There can be only one!"

-Scoring the only points in DTC, but still helping my team to win as I scored more than the other team managed to. (See below.)


-Dart recovery - I think I got maybe a dozen of my own darts back. I am lacking somewhere in the 100's. That's ok though, they were inexpensive, and I can always get more.

-Minor issue with barrel tap / mercy rules at the very beginning. It was handled quickly, and everyone was very mature about the mix-up and the resulting "win" in the CTF round.

-Forgetting my cardboard boxes for making a DTC core and being stuck with three rubbermaid tubs which were bouncing all the darts from our high-powered blasters right back out. (Scoring was still possible, but very hard, as both sides proved!)

-My wife got a sunburn from talking to Phoenix66's mom for so long. If they strike up a conversation next time, I'm going to make her hold an umbrella.

#317127 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 June 2012 - 08:28 AM in Nerf Wars

Trauma should be more limited this time, since we won't be actively waiting for you guys for the dart stash!! :rolleyes:

As for the mallows - I have no issue with them. Fire away.

I'll try to come over with some guys.

Fantastic. You need to be there so we have at least one person running, diving and otherwise putting themselves in danger of grievous bodily harm from impact with one of the many trees...

#318871 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 20 July 2012 - 08:11 AM in Nerf Wars

Let me hold one, and then shoot me with it (with my permission) and I will most likely allow it. I can't imagine something with silicone and no metal being worse in any way (from a danger standpoint) than a slug.

#316775 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 09 June 2012 - 03:44 PM in Nerf Wars

It has been almost two years since the last war, due mostly to me buying a house last summer and having absolutely no time for Nerf. Now, however, the time has come for more the next FOAM IN THE FORT!


Saturday, July 21st, 2012
10:00 am until we are beat (probably around 5:00-6:00 pm)

Please try to arrive a bit early (~9:45) so that the first round can start promptly at 10:00 am.


Glenwood Park Elementary School in Fort Wayne, IN

Posted Image

This is simply an awesome location for a war! As you can see in the above image, there are lots of trees to use for cover, but spread out enough to allow for lots of room to maneuver. There are also two different playground areas that might also be usable for CTF or other objective games - I don't have any shots of them yet though.

What to bring:

- A Primary (more than one is a good idea - in case you have breakage!)

- Darts (#6 slugs or stock ammo only) (If you are making or buying slugs, they should be made using the guidelines provided by Ryan201821.)

- Eye protection - anyone under 18 MUST wear it. 18+ at your discretion, though it is still strongly recommended and at your own risk.

- Lunch / Money - There are lots of fast food places within a 10 minute drive. You are of course welcome to bring a bag lunch and eat on the field during the lunch break.

- Water (Lots of water - it is likely to be rather hot in July!)

- Proper clothing - It will most likely be rather warm. Also, don't be a moron and show up in camo unless it is neon pink or something.

- Any and all missle/rocket/ball shooting weapons you might have access to. You might find they come in handy during some of the game-types, and they are always useful for breaking shields.

- Melee weapons and shields will be permitted - see below...

What not to bring:

- Dangerous blasters/darts/etc - i.e. no metal spikes, wooden "gunblades", etc. Blasters will be banned if they are deemed unsafe for any reason, including firing way too hard. No blanket bans will be imposed, but it is unlikely that your singled Titan will be used unless it is fairly underpowered. (No, "I will only pump it X times" will not be acceptable!)

- Blasters or other gear that could be mistaken for actual weapons (i.e. black-painted blasters, silver "knives", etc.). These should definitely be left at home.

- Participants under 13 years old are welcome, but MUST be accompanied by a parent or a responsible adult (18+) who will assume full responsibility for the youngling's actions, attitude and safety. I will only assume responsibility for younglings that I personally bring. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Miscellaneous Information:

- If you act like a 3-year-old, we'll send you home like a 3-year-old.

- Please clean up after yourselves - a trash bag will be provided, and everyone is expected to participate in dart-sweeps.

- Please note that there are no restrooms at the war site. Go before you get there, and go during lunch. You have been warned!

- Please keep the loud outbursts and swearing to a minimum - we will be playing in a schoolyard with nearby residential areas and don't need any residents or passers-by to have reason to complain about us.

- We will break for lunch some time around 12:00 or a bit later, probably for 30-45 minutes.

- I have not set up a specific game schedule. Gametypes will be determined mainly by popular opinion - but we will likely be playing mostly objective-type games (CTF, Sieze the Balls, etc). Meatgrinder will most likely be used as the first round and the post-lunch round - it is just a great way to get warmed up! I have the gear for the following objective games:

Sieze the Balls
Capture the Flag
Team Powerball
Defend the Core

(Details for these gametypes can be found later in this thread.)

Melee & Shield Rules

Melee weapons will be allowed, though they should conform to a few basic rules.

- No metal should be used in the construction of the Melee weapon.

- All striking surfaces should be covered with a sufficiently thick layer of foam.

- Unmodified, store-bought plastic toy lightsabers will be permitted without regard to the above two rules. Lightsabers are cool. Bonus points if you use them with batteries for that lovely hum & glow. :) (Polycarb-bladed "Force FX" sabers are not included in this - those blades are HARD!)

- Anything I deem ridiculous or dangerous will not be allowed.

- Melee weapons can be used for blocking darts just like shields (see below) - but only if they are in your hand. If your Melee weapon is holstered, a hit on it counts just like a gun hit.

You'll be limited on the maximum size of your shield depending on what blaster you're wielding. This will be the standard ruling for most gametypes. Here is the breakdown. (Your most powerful blaster is what counts here.)

Melee Only = 3 sq/ft
[The largest blocking face of the Melee weapon(s) counts as part of the maximum shield area.]

One Single shot pistol, ranges < 50' - 2 sq/ft

Anything else, ranges <50' - 1 sq/ft

Blasters shooting over 50' will not be allowed to use a shield.

Shields may be used to deflect darts - hits on shields do not count as long as the shield is in your hand, strapped to a blaster that is in your hand, or strapped to your forearm. A shield strapped/slung anywhere else will not block hits - it will count the same as a gun hit.

Balls, missiles, rockets, etc. (basically any ammo larger than a Mega dart) may not be blocked by shields or Melee weapons - a hit on a shield or Melee weapon with ammo of this type will count as a normal hit.

Shields can be made from whatever, cardboard should be reinforced with duct tape. Shields that do not meet the specifications for Melee weapons may not be used as such. (i.e. Don't go whacking people with a large wooden shield!) Shields that are deemd unsafe for any reason will be disallowed.

Ambience 327 (host) + Guests
Demon Lord

Daniel Beaver

#316778 Foam in the Fort III - July 21st, 2012

Posted by Ambience 327 on 09 June 2012 - 03:47 PM in Nerf Wars


These will be explained in detail as needed at the war, but for any of you who may be interested in the rules for the various gametypes we will probably be playing, here they are. (Other Than Strategic Assault, I did not create any of these game types, though some of them may have been subtly altered from incarnations found at other sources.) All of these rules are subject to change at the whim of the hosts and the players present - we will do whatever we feel makes for the most fun and exciting rounds! (Respawn count-times are especially variable - they may be made longer or shorter depending on the pace we want to set for the games.)

If anything is unclear - please feel free to ask questions. If anything is wrong - well, I'll just take my ball and go home! (Just kidding of course - point out my egregous errors so that I may bow to your obviously superior knowledge of Nerf!)


Teams: The number of teams required/allowed by the game type

Setup: How the field is set up, where teams start, and any special areas or equipment that will be used for the game type.

Respawn: How many "lives" each player has, and how they go about returning to active play.

Objectives: The goals which the teams work towards. This may be the same or different for each team.

Special Rules: Any unusual rules specific to this game type.

Variants: Any specialised variant rules for a game type which change the objectives, setup, etc. These may or may not be used, in part or in whole.


Teams: 2 or more

Setup: Teams begin play at their designated "spawn point" (1 per team), which should be spread out evenly around the play area. Nothing else is needed.

Respawn: Unlimited, 15-count at designated "spawn point"

Objectives: Have fun and get warmed up for future rounds. (There is no true objective in Meat Grinder.)

Special Rules: None

Capture the Flag

Teams: 2

Setup: Each team is given a "base" where their flag is kept, as well as one or more designated "spawn points" (which should be at least 20-30 yards away from their "base" locations). Players begin play in their "base".

Respawn: Unlimited, 15-count at designated "spawn point"

Objectives: Take your opponent's flag from their base and return it to your base without being tagged. The first team to return the enemy's flag to their base wins.

Special Rules: If a player is carrying the flag and they are hit, they must drop the flag where they were hit before heading for their "spawn point". A player form either team may then pick up the flag. If a player from the owning team picks up the flag, they must attempt to return it to their base as quickly as practical, (No running around in the backfield with your own flag.)

Variants: It may be declared that both flags must be at your base in order to win. In this case, players are always required to move any flag they are carrying towards their base as quickly as practical. It may also be declared that a player carrying the flag may not use their blaster while carrying it. (Melee weapons may be used as normal.) It is also possible that the flag may be a melee weapon, and the only melee weapon allowed in the game.

Sieze the Balls

Teams: 2 or more (generally at least 3)

Setup: Each team is given a "base" location consisting of a bucket filled with a number of balls (3 or more), as well as a designated "spawn point" (which should be at least 20-30 yards behind their "base" locations). Players start at their designated "spawn point".

Respawn: Unlimited, 15-count at designated "spawn point"

Objectives: Take balls from your opponent's buckets and return them to your own bucket. The team with the most balls in their bucket when the time is up wins. Balls not in buckets when time is called do not count towards any team.

Special Rules: A player may only carry a single ball at any given time. If a player is hit while carrying a ball, they must drop the ball where they were hit before returning to their "spawn point".

Team Powerball
(Adapted from multiple sources.)

Teams: 2

Setup: Each team is given a "base" location consisting of 3 buckets spread out 20-40 yards apart, roughly parallel to the opposing team's buckets. (The center bucket on each side should be a bit further back than two outside buckets.) Each team is also given a designated "spawn point" which whould be 20-30 yards behind the "base" location. Finally, each team is given 8 balls of their team color (red or blue, or similarly contrasting colors) and 4 white balls (the "Powerballs"). These are placed at the team's designated "spawn point" at the start of the game.

Respawn: Unlimited, 15-count at designated "spawn point".

Objectives: Take your balls to your opponent's "base" and get them into one of their buckets. Any balls in a team's buckets when the time is called score points for the opposing team. The two outside buckets are worth 1 point each, the center bucket is worth 3 points. A "Powerball" in a bucket is worth double the normal points (so 2 or 6). Balls not in a bucket when time is called are worth no points. The team with the most points wins.

Special Rules: A player may only carry one ball at a time, and they may only carry balls of their team's color or "Powerballs". No player may intentionally touch, pick up, block or otherwise disturb a ball of the opposing team's color at any time. When a player is hit while carrying a ball, they must drop that ball where they were shot before returning to their "spawn point". (The ball may not be dropped into a bucket after a player has been hit.) Any player may touch, pick up, carry, block, etc. a "Powerball" at any time, except that you may not attempt to strip a "Powerball" from the hands of another player. Once a ball, whether it be a normal ball or a "Powerball", has been placed in a bucket, it may not be removed by either team.

Variants: One player per team may be designated a "Goalkeeper". The "Goalkeeper" is armed with either a melee weapon or a single shot blaster that shoots less than 50 feet (but not both). The "Goalkeeper" must remain on his team's side of the field (i.e. may not cross the "center line"). The "Goalkeeper" is invulnerable - i.e. he may not be eliminated by either shooting or melee hits. (Optional - the "Goalkeeper" may be "stunned" for a 5-count by shooting and/or melee hits - which means he cannot move or shoot/swing melee.) Unlike other players, the "Goalkeeper" may touch the opposing team's balls - but only to attempt to block a thrown ball or to quickly throw a ball back towards the opposing team's side. (The "Goalkeeper" may not hold an opposing team's ball for more than a 3-count before he must throw it away, and all throws must be directed toward the opposing team's side - no throwing it behind your own team's buckets.)

Defend the Core

Teams: 2

Setup: Each team is given a "base" location with a "core" - a large container with a receptacle for darts/arrows/missles/nerf balls/etc to be fired into. Each team is also given a designated "spawn point" which should be 20-30 yards behind their "core".

Respawn: Unlimited, 15-count

Objectives: Put as many darts/arrows/missiles/balls/etc into the opposing team's "core" as possible within the time limit. Each "hit" on the core - i.e each dart or other projectile put into the "core" - counts as 1 point. The team with the most points when time is called wins.

Special Rules: None

Variants: Scoring can be adjusted by allowing larger projectiles, which are generally shorter ranged/less accurate/otherwise harder to get into the core, to be worth more points. For example - all arrows/missles/nerf balls could be worth 5 points. There could also be 1 or more "bombs" placed in the middle of the playing field. (i.e. a colored ball - a player carrying it may not shoot/melee, and must drop it immediately if hit.) The ball may not be thrown, it may only be dropped into the "core" when the carrier can touch the "core" with both hands. These bombs could be worth additional points - i.e. 5 or even 10.


Teams: 1 or more "Zombies" (each armed with a single melee weapon only), everyone else is a "Human" (each armed with whatever weapons are allowed). Zombies should be designated by wearing a clearly visible loop of flagging tape around their neck/head/arm/etc.

(For games with 10 or more players, starting with 2-3 "Zombies" can keep the game from getting off to a slow start)

Setup: The "Humans" scatter throughout the playing area, while the "Zombies" remain in the center of the playing area at a designated "Zombie Spawn" location. (The "Zombie Spawn" location should have an ample supply of melee weapons and flagging tape.)

Respawn: When a "Human" is tagged out by a "Zombie", they are "Infected" and turned into a "Zombie". The new "Zombie" must go to the "Zombie Spawn" location and drop all weapons they are carrying and arm themselves with a single melee weapon instead. They must also acquire a flagging tape loop as described above.

When a "Zombie" is tagged out by a "Human", they should sit/kneel down and begin a 15-count. During this time the "Zombie" may not move or attack. When the 15-count is reached, they may become active again.

Objectives: The "Humans" must try to survive until time is called. The "Zombies" must try to "Infect" as many humans as possible. The only winners are the surviving "Humans" when time is called.

Special Rules: None

Variants: If, during their 15-count, a "Human" gently taps a "Zombie" with a melee weapon, the "Zombie" must stop their count and move to the "Zombie Spawn" location. Once there, they may resume their count. Once they reach 15, they may become active again. It may be declared that some/all "Zombies" may only walk. (i.e. only starting "Zombies" may run, or only non-starting "Zombies" may run, etc.)

#312616 Do you still use Nerf when you nerf?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 09 March 2012 - 01:43 PM in Site Feedback

I had to vote 2011, but only because I haven't been to an NIC war since then. I still make use of my BBB w/ integrated Switch Shot. It is my most reliable primary currently - it has never failed on me, which I can't say for any other primary I own.

#263099 The First Look At The Tetrastrike

Posted by Ambience 327 on 25 January 2010 - 11:48 AM in General Nerf

One thing that nobody has mentioned yet as far as integration potential is concerned: with this thing being AT2K style tanks (i.e. not backpressure tanks), it is cheap and easy to set up individual triggers for each tank. If we can get respectable ranges out of each tank, then we can expect these things to be added as fantastic rush-prevention devices on the side/bottom of a primary. If we can see even 60' flat out of each tank in a single-fire mode, this will be awesome. Imagine having 4x60' backup shots on the side of your primary, taking up very little space and requiring very little in the way of tubing/connectors/etc. which will make it a more reliable and cleaner-looking mod than your Marvelous Salvoes and such.

#227054 Ohio Nerf War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 29 April 2009 - 10:32 AM in Nerf Wars

Depending on my busy life schedule, I might be able to make it to a Columbus war, and possibly bring along one or more additionals. My wife has family in Fishers, IN, and I might be able to work a Saturday war into a trip down there, bringing her brother and possibly others as I come.

#316905 RainbowPup

Posted by Ambience 327 on 12 June 2012 - 05:22 AM in Homemades

Your cost estimate sheet link is asking for a Username and Password.

#198360 Martial Arts?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 December 2008 - 04:17 PM in Off Topic

Well, I haven't studied any of the styles/schools/whatever that most people think of when they hear the words "martial art", but since a martial art is defined as any form of combat and/or self defense that is widely practiced as a sport...

I used to practice archery quite a bit. My dad got me started, and I had some light training here and there. Really the only way to get any good though is to practice a lot (and use quality equipment). I used to be fairly proficient, but never took it anywhere. Some day I might get back into it, especially when my kids get a little older. (I think my oldest, an 18-month-old, would have a bit of trouble even with a really light draw weight right now!)

Don't bother me with any of those fancy-schmancy compound bows though. Real men hold their draw with their own strength, and recurves are much prettier anyway.

(Or maybe I just like the curves. Let's see...women...Corvettes...recurve bows...AT2K's...yep - I like curves!)

#218907 My Friends Won't Let Me Play Zombies Anymore

Posted by Ambience 327 on 20 March 2009 - 09:26 AM in Modifications

My 80 lb nephew with noodle arms can hold a Magstrike without using the bladder chamber as a stock. Is it really that hard?

#218928 My Friends Won't Let Me Play Zombies Anymore

Posted by Ambience 327 on 20 March 2009 - 01:04 PM in Modifications

Bob is definately correct. You're much better off wrapping it in several loose layers of denim. Heck, a few layers of loosely wrapped corrugated cardboard or bubble wrap would be far better than what you've suggested!

#316671 RainbowPup

Posted by Ambience 327 on 07 June 2012 - 08:34 AM in Homemades

You really take an idea and run with it, don't you Ryan? I still find the idea of the crossbow-based blasters to be slightly more fun overall, but you can't argue with the compact nature of this design. I don't think I have ever seen anything that could hope to compete with this thing in terms of size+power combination while retaining the pump-action springer nature. I think this new bullpup style plunger system is the way forward in homemades - and it pretty much puts Hasbro's engineers to shame for the simplicity and effectiveness of the design.

#207837 K9's Review Of The Buzzbee Belt Blaster

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 January 2009 - 10:09 AM in General Nerf

Seeing as the chain can add/subtract links - is it possible to loop the chain into a circle so that it forms a constant feed? I'm assuming so, but knowing for sure would be nice.

Basically, it would be like a pump-action-springer version of the MT20 - which would make it fairly useful in my book. You could keep up a good ROF, and just reload the chain as you are able.

#310215 Wrist Mounted Flywheel Gauntlet Blaster

Posted by Ambience 327 on 27 January 2012 - 01:32 PM in Homemades

I like the design you have going for your "round the arm" drum-feed, but I have a question. The way I understand it, the reason Streamline darts were invented is because the standard Nerf darts (i.e. a head with a larger diameter than the foam behind it) wouldn't feed properly in a magazine due to the odd shape. How do you propose to solve this problem since you are planning to use sonics/taggers?

#310418 Wrist Mounted Flywheel Gauntlet Blaster

Posted by Ambience 327 on 31 January 2012 - 11:37 AM in Homemades

I had a thought as to a solution to the problem I mentioned. What if you made a thin, cog-like piece that would go in the rear of the drum, to hold the tails of the darts separated. (think of a thin-sliced cross section of the feeder mechanism in a Raider drum). Your spring would have to be strong enough to both move the drum's dart pusher and the darts AND turn the cog, but it might solve the issue. (The pusher for the flywheels would have to be small enough to push the dart without bumping into the cog, and the next dart would advance once the flywheel pusher slides back out of the way.)

I think you can probably figure out what I mean, but if you need me to sketch up a crude diagram, I can do so.

#156611 Knock Off Tech Target Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 22 May 2008 - 07:53 AM in Modifications

Or how about "Load 1 or 2 Foam Darts onto launcing tube(S)." I guess when you sell stuff for a buck, you can't afford a proofreader - or a brain!

Still, if these things have similar potential to a real TTG, that is one cheap way to get a decent gun.

#154029 Marvin The Paranoid Android

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 April 2008 - 04:27 PM in Modifications

Well, um, he did ask us for ideas about what to do with it. We're just giving him some.

So your idea is "Do nothing. Save it, and sell it later."

If he's all about the moolah, that is great advice. If he doesn't care much about money, and he'd rather have a very unique gun to call his own, he's much better off following our idea.

And since these are readily available on Amazon right now, quite a while after the movie came out, I don't know how much of a "limited run" they were. But I'd say if you're interested in investing in one or two, now would be the time.

You can find them right here.

#153665 Marvin The Paranoid Android

Posted by Ambience 327 on 28 April 2008 - 03:49 PM in Modifications

Well, Marvin himself would tell you that no good will come of this gun, whether you leave it alone or attempt to modify it! :(

I say open 'er up and see what it's got going on. I'm guessing there is a lot of empty space inside. Maybe you could make some kind of massive, dart-holding compartment in all that space?

Or, if you are really crazy, integrate a half-dozen Secret Strike Pocket Blasters inside, at various angles, hook them all up to one pump and one trigger (that would take some fun engineering), and make this into the ultimate scatter gun!

#286283 Has Anyone Considered Making/using Sights?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 September 2010 - 08:35 AM in Modifications

Not exactly a "sight", but I've often used a laser pointer e-taped to my blasters when playing indoors in the dark. (I put it near where my left hand naturally rests.) It has come in handy on numerous occasions, helping me to quickly get my blaster on-target during a frantic firefight. It helps to take some time before the game to calibrate the pointer. I try to have it hitting close to the dot at around 25 ft due to the nature of the building we play in. The nice thing is that the laser can act as a makeshift flashlight in dark enough conditions, helping give you an advantage when you are searching and clearing a room. (Of course, it can also give away your position if you aren't careful.)

There is also a slight psychological advantage (or more than slight, if you play with jumpy people like I do) where you can actually scare them off without firing a shot, even from beyond your effective range, just buy "painting" them with the dot. If they are twitchy enough, they will get the heck out of dodge, since they think you are more likely to hit them than they are to hit you.

You do, of course, need to be careful not to shine the laser into people's eyes - but when playing in the dark, that's really true of any form of light - just be responsible and no issues will occur.

p.s. - A small laser pointer slotted directly into the front of a Doubleshot, on the underside between the two barrels, is pure magic.

#212722 Homemade Smdtg Trigger

Posted by Ambience 327 on 16 February 2009 - 11:23 AM in Homemades

I'm really digging this design - very well done.

One question though, wouldn't you get a better, and easier, seal on the tubing if you used barbed connectors instead of the brass?

#229011 Spring Powered Nerf Pocket Scatter (s.p.n.p.s.)

Posted by Ambience 327 on 08 May 2009 - 02:24 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the input. I have changed the name of the topic accordingly. It would be very difficult to trigger it in the way you described because the base needs to turn 180 degrees to fire. If you can suggest how I could do it, please PM me.

Nothing comes to mind, but I have been giving it some thought. If I come up with anything, I'll be sure to share it. I'd really love to see something come of this, since these are so inexpensive, and pretty much pre-made for us. If we could work out a way to turn them into true grenades, they might just find a place in a few arsenals.

As oh1134 pointed out, these might be useful as integration fodder. One question though - are you sure about the 180 degree turn for firing? It looks more like a 90 degree turn from the pics.

I ask because I think if someone wanted to add one or more of these on to a gun as a scattergun integration, that adding a small handle to the base would make it far easier to fire. How this handle would be incorporated, and were it would fit for integration, would depend on whether this is truly a 90 degree or 180 degree turn.

#279822 2010 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by Ambience 327 on 09 July 2010 - 08:08 AM in Nerf Wars

[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19773]28th [IN] Foam in the Fort II[/url]

#277270 2010 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by Ambience 327 on 09 June 2010 - 03:28 PM in Nerf Wars

[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19597]19th [IN] Foam in the Fort[/url]

#228989 Spring Powered Nerf Pocket Scatter (s.p.n.p.s.)

Posted by Ambience 327 on 08 May 2009 - 01:10 PM in Modifications

I wouldn't call this a grenade so much as a small shotgun/scatter cannon.

A grenade is something you can throw/launch some distance from yourself that then detonates either on impact or on some sort of time delay, spraying an area with shrapnel/other harmful substance/effect. Since you have to hold this and twist it to get it to fire, it doesn't really qualify as a grenade.

Now, if you could somehow rig the catch to release upon striking the ground, you'd have something there.