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There have been 504 items by OfAllTheNerf (Search limited from 19-January 97)

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#144159 Zaler- Heavily Modded Longshot.

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 06 March 2008 - 08:55 PM in Modifications

Looks good.

I really need to get around to brassing my longshot, how's the glue you used holding up (did you use fishin' glue?)?

They're great guns, and I'd be happy if they were even remotely accurate within 40'.

#145186 Yes, Another Noob With Nf Problems

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 15 March 2008 - 01:53 AM in Modifications

Holy Fucking Shit.

Pretty much.

Half of you don't know what you're talking about, and on the offchance that you do your grammar and attitude make it very hard to percieve (no offence to Frost and NF).

Now everyone is going to have different opinions on ranges, barrel tightnesses, etc. So posting about mine won't help. All I can say is that, in my experience, CPVC is too tight for stock darts, and you can't get a stock dart nearly as far as a stefan. As for how to define "screwing"/"twisting"/"fucking" a dart into a barrel, you should be able to tell if it's too tight. Just compare the force with which you barreled the dart against the force of the plunger. Yes, think. You should be able to figure it out.

A number of things could be going wrong with your NF. I agree with frost that your foam could have come off (this happened with my NF and it's range dropped a good 20' or so). Also you might want to take off some e-tape (as some have said). You should be able to push it in and out pretty fast with little resistance. You should also replace the spring (ACE #49, or something else). If you're using the stock spring don't expect anything spectacular (nothing more than what you're getting).

Good luck.

#175249 World Of Warcraft

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 05 September 2008 - 08:44 PM in Off Topic

That "Night Elf Horde" thing was quite lol'able.

I'm only level 20 B) and am an Orc Hunter. I've only been playing for like a week though, not that I can play all that much....

#132715 Why Did You Choose Your Username?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 16 December 2007 - 07:29 PM in Off Topic

Mines pretty random.

Also it sounds like I'm swearing by the name of Nerf... Which would also mean I'm swearing by toy guns for ten year olds... Which would lead to me swearing at 10 year olds with guns... Hm... Not too good....

Oh well.

#153290 Why Did You Choose Your Username?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 26 April 2008 - 07:27 PM in Off Topic

Also, it sounds like I'm an ambassoder or ranked highly when adding "Mr." :P

No it doesn't. But I picked the name Bomberman because I always used to play Bomberman. When I found the site, one of the first memebers I saw was Captain Slug, so I was like, (! I have to get that avatar!). Later on, I found out it was custom to CS. :( And, I draw comics, and my little logo is a little bomb with eyes. And twitch, I have a nuerological disorder to, terret syndrome. Or, tics. My folks are making me quit modding, because the fumes, and ahesives, are just about the worst thing for me. One of my tics is a type of twitch, but they're usually facial.

OOOOOkay man TMI (jk). Can relate though. BTW it's spelled Tourette.

As for my name, I asked my dad what he thought would be a good name, and so it is.


#137553 Who Wants Some Recon Rebuild?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 27 January 2008 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

Looks pretty nice. With some more body work and a paintjob it could be very lethal.

Did you elongate the plunger road in any way? It looks longer than I remember mine being.

I think you already said this, but if you're doing it the way I think you're doing it, you're going to have to worry about the seal. But I can't really comment without internal pics.

#142865 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 27 February 2008 - 04:27 PM in Modifications

Hey how does the mcmaster foam fit in cpvc/ 17/32" brass and medium walled OMC PETG?

I also found 100 mini glue sticks at A.C. Moore's for 5.99. They heat up EXTREMELY quickly, so if you want to use them to make darts you'll need a low temp glue gun, atleast if you don't want to have to unplug it every minute.

I also found that the 3/8" Frost King foam fits OMC medium walled PETG, 17/32" brass, and CPVC well when straightened in a drier (clothes drier). I know that the Frost King foam comes from different factories so this may not be true near you, but just so people know. Also I live in MA.

#142912 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 27 February 2008 - 08:08 PM in Modifications

I HATE Forst King 1/2 inch FBR. Mine was so big it couldn't fit in 9.16ths brass it was so tight! Fit nice in 19/32 brass real nice though.

I never thought of buying 3/8 inch. Is it similar OD to Angels Red FBR?

Yes. I've never had his exact foam, but I've had red foam that seems to be the same diameter, atleast comparing it to the fit people say FA's foam is. It's a little more costly, but onyl 2.49 for like 120 darts. Not bad. And yeah I hate the Frost King 1/2".

#107848 Whats Your Favorite Fast Food Places?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 27 May 2007 - 07:27 PM in Off Topic

Well, when I go to the west coast to visit family, I LOVE In'n'Out. Best burger place EVER.

Here on the east coast I'd have to say D'angelos. I go there with my dad every wednesday (yeah, not so great for you but better than McD's or BK.).

Chick Fil A, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Jack in a Crack(Jack in the Box), Wendys
P.S. I'm not a fat lil terd either, i weigh 94 lbs. respectively.

I've only been there once (Cali) and the food/drink portioning is huge! I asked for a medium drink and they gave me the equivilent to a large.

#144153 Whats The Best Kind Of Sealant

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 06 March 2008 - 08:43 PM in Modifications

Yeah, Plumbers Goop is definitely the way to go. It's not that bad smelling, but the smell lingers for a week or so after it's dried (atleast in my experience). I've actually developed a liking to the smell... That's kinda scary now that I think about it.

Make sure if you’re going to maneuver it with your hands to wash really good because you do NOT want it in your body.

Yeah, cancer here I come.

#146861 What's The Most Expensive Nerf Gun You Ever Bought?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 25 March 2008 - 02:36 PM in General Nerf

Probably my longshot. My. Crossbow and double magstrike's, SF and SS2s were gifts. Only if were talking single guns/packages.

#115994 What The Hell? Stinky Nerf Guns!

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 16 July 2007 - 03:46 PM in General Nerf

Has anyone had this problem? Basically the air inside the barrel of the nerf gun smells awful for whoknowswhy. My friend's titan smells and now for some reason so does my NF. Is there any way to fix this? Maybe perfume or something?

Well, did you use plumbers goop?

Some of my guns that I Gooped smelled a week or two later, but it eventually went away.

I've also heard that if you use vegetable oil to lube your guns, it starts to stink. But that wouldn't make sense in the titan.

#147520 What Reducer Do I Need?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 28 March 2008 - 04:24 PM in Modifications

I don't believe they make reducers/couplers that connect CPVC to PVC and vice versa.

#146047 What Nerf Guns Could Be The Crossbows Of The Future?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 20 March 2008 - 09:37 PM in General Nerf

Okay, why the hell are we comparing NFs to Crossbows? Its a pistol and a primary. The NF would never be the next crossbow even if there was only one ever made.

As for what primary might be as sought after and efficient as the Crossbow I agree the BBB is the closest. It is rather simple, and although it's shell does not boast a stock, still is easy to make a steady shot due to the two handles.

#107826 What Instruments Do You Play?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 27 May 2007 - 05:42 PM in Off Topic

Piano (bores the hell out of me most of the time...).

#131293 What Do You Want For Xmas '07?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 02 December 2007 - 08:51 PM in Off Topic

Here is my list:

The Recon CS-6 ( If it comes out )
Some Dremal stuff
The Disk Shot
The CrossFire
A bunch of Manga
Metroid Prime: Hunters

I think that is the sum of my Christmas list.

I NEED that game! They're selling a used one for 26 bucks near me, but I'm still torn as whether to buy that, a new LS, or other stuff...

Anyways, best of luck everyone!

#131248 What Do You Want For Xmas '07?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 02 December 2007 - 02:14 PM in Off Topic

Crimson and Black DS Lite
Dremel bits
Nerf guns (never gonna' happen...) But just in case: LS and 2-3 SPDTG's.
DS games
GBA Micro
Juggling props (Boxes, clubs (Px3's FTW!), maybe some Gballz)

And ofcourse, money (to get things I'll think of later).


#131334 What Do You Want For Xmas '07?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 03 December 2007 - 05:51 PM in Off Topic

Here is my list:

The Recon CS-6 ( If it comes out )
Some Dremal stuff
The Disk Shot
The CrossFire
A bunch of Manga
Metroid Prime: Hunters

I think that is the sum of my Christmas list.

I NEED that game! They're selling a used one for 26 bucks near me, but I'm still torn as whether to buy that, a new LS, or other stuff...

Anyways, best of luck everyone!

Yeah the Eb games near me has them I think for 27 used and 30 new. Not much of a difference in price.

Well, my stores are selling the new for like 40 bucks and amazon is selling new for 50, so 27 is the best I can get :\

Also, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the DS is a great game. I got mine for 30 at my local Costco.

#131633 What Do Other People Think Of Nerf?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 07 December 2007 - 10:33 PM in General Nerf

My parents are for it. My dad thinks it's great that I found a hobby that I can excersize my creativity with, and common, they shoot stuff! What's not to like?

My friends at school don't really dis it, but then again I haven't brought it up too much, mostly because noone would care, or they would think it's completely moronic and by the next day my locker would be filled with half-rotten potatoes (or something along those lines). I do have two friends that mod guns, so that's pretty cool. I also have a few other people who nerf but don't modify guns.

And what's with all these examples of conflicts that were "settled" with shooting someone with some powerful gun in the head/chest/bodily area? I mean what are you trying to prove? That you have a smaller dick than everyone else and/or missing other apendages? God damn...


#133817 What Did You Get For Christmas?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 25 December 2007 - 10:19 PM in Off Topic

My list is more CERTAINLY the best. Okay probably not, but I like love it.

-DS Lite Crimson+Black
-FF Revenant Wings (DS)
-A Bunch of magic cards

That's it. Yeah, great, isn't it?

Oh yeah, and this:

Posted Image

Sweet, right?

-2 Crossbows

Are you serious? That's pretty awsome.


#155708 Wayne Tech Tri-fire Blaster

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 13 May 2008 - 05:56 PM in Modifications

Props on being the first, and actually buying this thing. Now it looks like I'm not going to, mainly because of the poor range. doesn't look like an internal integration would be possible either.

In any case, great job on the mod, write-up, and explaination.


#131838 Wars Or Mods?

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 09 December 2007 - 08:14 PM in Nerf Wars

This is like asking "what do you like better, eating or taking a shit?" You really can't do one without the other (okay, not to that extreme, but you get my point.)

I wouldn't want to go to a war with a stock NF, but if you're asking me what I'd rather do while I'm in possesion of my guns, I'd say go to a war. Mainly because I have enough guns to get me through a war enjoyably.


#143211 Urban Dead

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 29 February 2008 - 04:58 PM in Off Topic

Yeah, that is pretty much how people die. A mob of zombies brings dowm barricades and kills people. So the trick is to find the place the zombies aren't going to break into.

To be revived, find a cemetary and stay there until you get the knocked over screen again. Someone injected you with a "necrotach syringe" which revives people.

Joining a group speeds up this process, because other group members will prioritize the revives to the group.

Okay, I'll try to join Phoenix Security then.

Also, how much EXP does it take to get Free Running?

And how do you set up barricades?

And where do you find mroe med kits/pistol clips?

Is there a guide which answers all these questions?

Sorry, didn't want to sound gay. But thanks.

#143235 Urban Dead

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 29 February 2008 - 07:43 PM in Off Topic

Okay, thanks alot.

This game looks interesting, however tedious and not-so-visually appealing it may be. The only part I don't like is that you can only have 50 AP, I wish you could pay a horrendous amount of EXP to get it higher.

EDIT: Also, which do you think I should start working on, my doctor or basic-arms-training soldier person?

#142911 Urban Dead

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 27 February 2008 - 08:06 PM in Off Topic

To anyone who wants to apply to Phoenix, just most your user profile link in the application thread on the group forum.

JediJoe9, i think being in a group makes things more fun because you have a meaning to your actions.

Newb tips: stay inside at nightime, don't run out of AP when you are outside, and get melee skils and free runnigh first. I don't know about tips for new zeds though.

If graphics is what you want, get the UD toolbar (only for firefox).

Okay, so how do you get inside a building? All the ones I've found are "heavily baricaded." I only have like 12 AP left.

#142978 Urban Dead

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 28 February 2008 - 09:33 AM in Off Topic

well, I have 10 Exp now and I need more med kits.

Oh, and Im DontKillMeBitch.

#143288 Urban Dead

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 01 March 2008 - 08:28 AM in Off Topic

Um okay I got revived by a necro-syringe, but now I'm "infected", is there any way to get rid of that?

#142918 Urban Dead

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 27 February 2008 - 08:24 PM in Off Topic

To enter a building, it has to be very strongly barricaded or less.

Barricade Level Strength
1 Loosely barricaded*
2–4 Lightly barricaded
5–7 Quite Strongly barricaded
8–10 Very Strongly barricaded
11-13 Heavily barricaded**
14–16 Very Heavily barricaded**
17–21 (And possibly higher.) Extremely Heavily barricaded**

You might have better luck with non-resource buildings.

Okay, is staying in a non-barracaded building with a zombie in it a good idea?


Okay, this officially pisses me off. I walked around for 15 minutes and then I fell asleep. I'm going to wake up with something chewing on my balls tomorrow...

#142879 Urban Dead

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 27 February 2008 - 05:02 PM in Off Topic

Just signed up.

How do you join that clan? Probably the first post of the forum but I'll check it now...

#143201 Urban Dead

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 29 February 2008 - 04:13 PM in Off Topic


I don't get this game. I get inside something that is "heavily barricaded" and then I get clawed multiple times and end up dead.

My question is...

What the hell?

#140908 Uber Pimpin- My Bbbb & At2k

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 17 February 2008 - 09:14 PM in Modifications

I don't know what's wrong with the 2k, but sometimes on my air guns (especially when I push the trigger forward) air starts escaping... somewhere. Did you only use hot glue to put the coupler on? If you did it might not have a great enough seal.

Nice gun.

Just a word of advice, don't glue guns totally shut, it usually ends up being a pain in the end.

#197214 Twilight Review.

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 19 December 2008 - 03:12 PM in Off Topic

Lets get a few things straight.

The Movie was shit.

The books were good.

In Breaking Dawn the author sortof threw stuff in randomly, but it's still a good series.

Pretty much.

So, I know there's got to be a ton of people who hate the books and the movie, but I mainly hate the movie because the books were better. I doubt there will ever be a girl alive that will not like the books or the movie, but that's just me.


#151505 Ttg Modification

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 16 April 2008 - 07:53 PM in Modifications

So, this have been done for about a week, but I wanted to make my streak last as long as it could, but it was not meant to be. School has been rough, and we have a bunch of projects all due in the next two weeks. I'm going to try to make atleast another one every week, as long as my stock-gun-supply lasts, but don't quote me.

Anyways, I recently bought an old edition TTG from jedijoe (thanks btw), and wanted to make it into a good sidearm. I also wanted it to look clean, something most of my cannot boast of.


Here it is.

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Open her up.

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Take out the assembly.

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You can throw the barrel and AR away.

Slip the plunger rod out, and replace the spring with whatever you want, if you want. I replaced it with an FF spring, which is slightly stronger, but the stock one is pretty strong. FF spring on top.

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Next take some e-tape and put it under the o-ring. I did it once around.

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Now put the plunger road back together, and if you’re replacing the spring with something different than an FF spring, make sure it fits over these plastic pieces connected to the plunger head. If it comes in contact with these it breaks them, making the plunger head less stable and cocking motion more choppy.

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Now go grab a CPVC coupler.

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Rough up the ends which will come in contact with each other.

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Now glue it on, I recommend something strong like Goop or Epoxy; I don’t trust hot glue with couplers. Try to center it as much as possible.

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Now 2” of At2k pump chamber. I’ve seen that 21/32” brass slides over with a similar effect, and I’ve heard copper-repair pipe works too. Anyways, cut 2” of it, and then insert a 4” barrel into the coupler (it helps if it’s dry before doing this step). After putting the barrel in straight, slide the 2” of your material over, and good the seam. This will act as a guide-rail of sorts for the barrel, so that you don’t have to fumble around to get your barrel in, or cut the front of the gun off (TTG’s are so sexy). I would recommend leaving the barrel in the coupler while the barrel-sheath dries, but make sure that it doesn’t get glued too.

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After all that’s dry, it’s time to put her back together! I put some etape around the front of the barrel-sheath so it was secure between the two shells. Finished internals.

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You’re done!

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And the best part is, you can fire megas too! Just take out the CPVC barrel, and it works wonderfully. This is definitely my new sidearm, and one of the coolest and cleanest pistols in my arsenal. With three large bands I get 65’ consistently with micros, and 50’ consistently with megas (one kept getting 40’, but it was probably the dart). All of these were shot into the wind, if there was any.

With bands.

Posted Image

Questions? Comments?


#151517 Ttg Modification

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 16 April 2008 - 08:02 PM in Modifications

Thank you guys, I'm just as amazed myself that I even have enough guns to make so many write-ups... I've found guns I never remeber buying. I have to agree MSDFS, I think this to be the cleanest and most functional TTG mod, short of turreting it.

I forgot to mention, and now I can't edit it into the first post, that because of the coupler you can do this.

Posted Image

Put a dart in backwards, take the barrel out, flip it, replace it, and fire! It helps if you cock it before taking the barrel out, because the perfect seal somtimes sucks the dart in a little.



#151728 Ttg Modification

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 17 April 2008 - 08:00 PM in Modifications

Philote: Thank you very much. I love the simplicity of it too.

Silencer: Thanks.

NF: Yup, I really didn't think it would turn into this :blink:. This pistol is definitely awsome.

Green: Thank you.

Salmon: The First Shot was actually when I was just about at the peak of the streak, I believe.

Chili: Honestly I don't know, I need to think about getting more or thinking of bigger and more creative mods.

Andre: Thanks. Listen to ompa.

ompa: ^

Thanks everyone!


#155287 Ttg Modification

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 09 May 2008 - 09:48 PM in Modifications

Nice, clean write-up. I need to get around to using my TTG as a sidearm.


#151972 Ttg Modification

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 19 April 2008 - 10:18 AM in Modifications

G-force: Soon. I need to either start making bigger write-up projects, or materialize a few Hundred.

Forsaken_Angel: Thank you. I plan on making as many as I can, although they probably will only be every week (school doesn't really permit me to upload pics with my crap comp during the week). I'm going to start honing my painting skills, but they won't be anywhere near as good as my mods, which aren't that great to begin with. Will try, though.

Bomberman: This is my favorite pistol, and coupler modification I've ever seen. I love how it can fire two kinds of darts, too. Pretty rad, if I do say so myself. Let me know if you try out my mod!

Keeto: Thank you. I love Gengar's NF coupler mod, I just did it to one of my NF's actually. I think this might be one of the standard mods for the TTG in the future.

Thanks everyone,


#110565 Top 5 All Time Best Movies

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 10 June 2007 - 07:12 PM in Off Topic

1) Napolean Dynomite (WHO DOESN'T AGREE?)
2) Bad News Bears
3) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (I love this movie)
4) Remember the Titans
5) Jarhead
Also Not In Order

P.S. Jake, don't think The Pianist was a top 5'er.

Edit 6) The Benchwarmers (Pee In Your Pants funny)

Um... Er... I'd have to say me.

Napolean Dynamite was as lame as shit (even though my dog's looks pretty muscular). I had to turn it off after 30 minutes because of how ridiculously stupid it was. I couldn't even force my self to look at it after that. Don't take it personally, though. Some of my friends think it is "the greatest thing since twinkies" (honestly, they taste like chicken).

On topic, I don't watch that many movies, so I'm goign to have to think about it and get back to you,

#145765 Titan With A Maverick Turret

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 19 March 2008 - 02:44 AM in Modifications

Nice work, good idea and use of the PVC adapter.

Like Dangaard said you should move the turret closer to the air output.

Also, I don't believe PVC cement is supposed to be used to attach PVC to other materials, just PVC to PVC.

#155446 [video] My First Nerf Mod- Nite Finder

Posted by OfAllTheNerf on 11 May 2008 - 10:12 AM in Modifications


You really can't get 150' out of an NF, and I'm one of the guys who gets 70' flat with mine (people don't believe that either). If you have ~40mph or tailwind I'd believe you, but as it is I do not.