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#13324 Newbie (dont Flame Me!)

Posted by N3maN on 27 November 2003 - 05:26 AM in Homemades

Hey all,
i am really new to nerf but i have bin reaing around alot. first of all,

1. grenades
i have read a bit about greandes but have never found a design. has anyone got one??

2. homemade idea
i am planning on making a big gun that is multi use.
i was thinking of building zeros "cutlass" with a few changes. i am thinking of making it with the ball valve to get multiple shot. this would mean that i would need a shorter barrel because there is less air being delivered, right?? so, i was thinking of putting in the ball valve and using it as a trooper gun with multiple shots, but then have a screw on barrel to extend the current one, so i can leave the ball valve open and get more air usage. this will increase accuracy... but what about range?????
i was also thinking of using the breech load4er but up the other way (hole facing grond) and putting a clip in itthere would be a spring forcing darts up and the could only go up when hole is open. would this work???

is there anyone on this forum from australia??? i want to know if there is anyone who knows of anywhere in melbourne that stocks nerf.

thanks fellas

#13340 Newbie (dont Flame Me!)

Posted by N3maN on 28 November 2003 - 12:52 AM in Homemades

i saw that grenade thing befor but it does not have a design. i am not too good at coming up with stuff myself either.
thamks guys

#13341 Nerf In Australia?

Posted by N3maN on 28 November 2003 - 01:06 AM in General Nerf

sorry to bring up an old thread, but does anyone know where in melbourne you can buy nerf guns or anything nerf??? i cannot find it anywhere

#14061 Homemade Spring Handgun

Posted by N3maN on 11 December 2003 - 12:49 AM in Homemades

does anyone have a good design on how to make a spring operated gun???
i mucked around a bit but couldn't get it workin
any ideas???

#14157 Hey Hey

Posted by N3maN on 11 December 2003 - 09:59 PM in General Nerf

do Not get angry with me
i do not hate cos i do not know. i am just gunna give you some FRIENDLY advice ok.

firstly, dont get so angry with people.
let them have their stupid little opinions about you.
i doesn't matter what the think, OK?
if people post shit about u just ignore it.

secondly, most people dont hate u. just a few.
so let those sad asses brood about you and get over it.

thirdly, like sum 1 said before. respect people.
respect their veiws, their ideas, and their opinions.
if u disagree that is fine. u can post your opinion too.
if people dont like your opinion, and flame u. who gives a fuk???

i just wanna say again i am not trying to be a smart arse or any thing. just givin my perspective. if u dont like what i have said, this is a time to put it into practice.
ignore the rage!!!!

and to everyone els. who cares if u dont like sylent for what he might have done in the past. accept the fact that he has a temper (dont get angry silent, calm thoughts) and try not to provoke him

all of u try to be a little bit more civilised


#14407 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by N3maN on 16 December 2003 - 02:15 AM in Off Topic

As most of u probably know, i am from aus.

firstly i think it is damn sad the way we are lead around by theus. i dont think howard is capable of thinking himself.

i think it is great tha6t that mother fucker has finally been brought down too.(hussain not howard) but i cant say i like bush. the justification for the us to go into iraq was weapons of mass deastruction... but have any been found???

#14408 Marching Bands

Posted by N3maN on 16 December 2003 - 02:19 AM in Off Topic

i play quinze in my school band... that is five different pitched drums that you wear in a semi circle round your waist and play. it is soo much fun. i also play kit and xylophone and any percussion there is in the school band. our marching band won best marching bad in aus!!!

#14409 Homemade Spring Powered Pistol

Posted by N3maN on 16 December 2003 - 02:25 AM in Homemades

about one or two weeks ago i asked if anyone had some designs for a spring powered pistol and only got one response. this response was useless (told he had one but wouldn't give), so does ANYONE have ANY designs???

#14459 Homemade Spring Powered Pistol

Posted by N3maN on 16 December 2003 - 08:04 PM in Homemades

anything that works
so long as you can cock it... run with it for a while... then pull a trigger so it shoot.
none of this pull and release crap

#14562 Homemade Spring Powered Pistol

Posted by N3maN on 17 December 2003 - 09:05 PM in Homemades

i have got a vacume forming machine at skool so i could quite easily make a mould. can u pls give me the designs??

#14917 Blastfire Sniper Rifle

Posted by N3maN on 23 December 2003 - 05:43 AM in Modifications

O,o meaning???

#15156 New Nerf Gun

Posted by N3maN on 27 December 2003 - 11:03 PM in Modifications

That gun is nice.... and the mod is good too...
i dont think is is very likely to come to aus thought... so i was wondering if i could buy that modded one of you???
pm me if u want wit price and stuff thanx


BTW: wat is the accuracy like??? and how does it compar to the L n L???

#16351 Tracer Dart

Posted by N3maN on 14 January 2004 - 04:56 AM in Modifications

no offense to anyone... but is a glow in the dark dart that hard????
just spray it with glow in the dark paint!!!
that stuff is cheap ass... lasts for ages and look sweet...

#16402 Tracer Dart

Posted by N3maN on 14 January 2004 - 11:01 PM in Modifications

then why not just paint the front and back of the dar??? they dont come into contact with the barrel. having just the front glowing is essentially what ure doin at the moment

#16980 Parents ? Nerf

Posted by N3maN on 24 January 2004 - 06:33 AM in General Nerf

i have some parental probs 2........ i wanna get some guns but there are hardly any in aus... and i have considered buying some off some people here... as u might know... but if i just sudddenly get a big package mailed to me one day... my parents will go ape..... any ideas???

#17145 Super Soaker Sniper

Posted by N3maN on 26 January 2004 - 12:31 AM in Homemades

i am thinkin of makin a loser out of a super soaker. i was wonderin wat <a href="http://www.ntsearch....=55">people</a> think of this. to those that have done it before.... wat are they like... range accuracy ect. and wat is the best type to use????? thanx fellas


btw... wat is integration??? and wat are all these stupid new lnks tht come in of their own accord??? PLS STOP THEM cwqx(thats right isnt it???)

#17388 Tracer Dart

Posted by N3maN on 28 January 2004 - 04:49 AM in Modifications

hate to say it... but i told u so... and the glow in the dark paint i was talkin about i guess is diff to urs... i am from aus and for bout 2 bux i got a tube of paint like stuff that turn out like hot glue when dried and lasts about 3 hours... it rules i have made lotsa darts wit it b4 and i have no friction probs when i put it just on the tips

#17389 Tracer Dart

Posted by N3maN on 28 January 2004 - 04:57 AM in Modifications

hate to say it... but i told u so... and the glow in the dark paint i was talkin about i guess is diff to urs... i am from aus and for bout 2 bux i got a tube of paint like stuff that turn out like hot glue when dried and lasts about 3 hours... it rules i have made lotsa darts wit it b4 and i have no friction probs when i put it just on the tips

Whoops sorry bout the doyuble post... stupid multi post thing..

#17390 Anzac Nades

Posted by N3maN on 28 January 2004 - 05:07 AM in Homemades

i am gunna second da motion of callin 'em ANZAC nades... those guys really had some balls!!! go aus

#17488 Nerf Holsters

Posted by N3maN on 29 January 2004 - 06:10 AM in General Nerf

all you need to do us get a back for the holster.... the bit that goes on ure body... that needs to be cardboard and flexiblebut fairley strong...and stitch some material that can be stitched onto, over it... then a strong bit at the bottom covered with more material..... the bit that faces the ground... and have some material... i use gauze cos my mum gets it free...over the front... the bit that faces away from ure body... and have it come up to the handle... and put a tab with velcro comin ove the handle to velco onto the bit that comes up to the handle......

this is a very time consuming method that i have spent ages practicing... but i get very good pro lookin results

#18009 Telescoping Barrels

Posted by N3maN on 03 February 2004 - 06:02 AM in Homemades

Ok.... i was just wonderin how to telescope barrels. And wat is the best material???

#18919 Sick Nades

Posted by N3maN on 13 February 2004 - 04:41 AM in Homemades

hey fellas,
i cant beleive you are wastin your with handbook and chemicles, havent u eva heard of smoke bombs made from ping pong balls, table tennis balls, wateva u yanks call em. simply get a ping pin ball wrap it it foil with a little tube comin out the top and hold a lighter to th bottom till you hear a gushing sound and smoke comes out da top, LOSTA smoke created but not tooo much to get attention from cops, no chemicles, no acctuall throwing of fire,
anyone not get it???
if not i'll post a better explanation

NOTE: in large quantities this smoke can be bad for you, but in open spaces for nerf it shouold be fine... just dont surround ppl wit smoke

#18920 Dumpster Diving Prevails Once More!

Posted by N3maN on 13 February 2004 - 05:09 AM in Homemades

could you possibly have pic an older topic to revive??? wat was it.. like No. 2 ??/
hate to be a noob basher cos i cant talk, but you fool, who do u think is still thinkin about a two year old topic????

sorry bout dat, the rage is gone
generally if a topic is not on the first page of the forums, it is to old to revise,
make a new topic and forget the old stuff,
just some advice
and dont take wat i said too harshly, i am just messin


#18972 Sick Nades

Posted by N3maN on 13 February 2004 - 11:02 PM in Homemades

i have to say i agree wit cx, even though he was dishin my post
i think smoke grenade, nay, any grenades in nerf are a waste of time,
and like i said, my ping pong ball grenades are mcfukin dangerous unless u want to make sum one feel like shit and mabey pass out,
i was simply postin for educational purposes, i know that sound like bullshit, but it is true
i am sorry it was taken the wrong way

#18975 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by N3maN on 13 February 2004 - 11:30 PM in Homemades

there is so much rage in this forum,
just remember, say to yourself calmly "woosaa" and rub yhe ear pressure points :)

ok then, i have never tried to make a clip before, but i was wonderin if it would be possible to single barrel an pc and piut a gravity clip on it instead or the movin one, or could i possibly make a movin one like the current one, or will anyone sell me one???

btw, why do u all have luittle display pics??? i am like the only one that doesnt... it is a bit of a waste of time havin one isnt it???

#19413 Spraypaint, Nerf, And You

Posted by N3maN on 21 February 2004 - 12:36 AM in Modifications

that is nice.... wat sort of range is that bow gettin???

#19415 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by N3maN on 21 February 2004 - 01:05 AM in Homemades

hey boltsniper, just in a thearetical situation. if u were gunna sell ure loser, how much would you want???

#19419 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by N3maN on 21 February 2004 - 06:28 AM in Homemades

do ppl let u use it in a war or is it too dangerous???? and does it actually warrant the scope???

#19486 Splitshot

Posted by N3maN on 22 February 2004 - 04:29 AM in Modifications

Why is spelling and grammer that important??? And he is not the only one who does that, i normally do too, i just dont really care, as long as i get my point across.

#19488 Lookin For A Gun

Posted by N3maN on 22 February 2004 - 05:44 AM in Homemades

a while a go i saw a pic of this mad homemade that looked a bit like a ballpup, it was painted camo, had a hose handle valve, and had a ballpup shaped stock from pvc... n e one know it??? i cant find it and i really wanna

#19571 Lookin For A Gun

Posted by N3maN on 23 February 2004 - 05:43 AM in Homemades

ok.... my post always seem to go un-rewarded, is tghat cos i always ask stupid questions, my ideas sux, or u all feel some kind of angst towards me???

#19705 Lookin For A Gun

Posted by N3maN on 24 February 2004 - 05:55 AM in Homemades

Yes, i do know what a ballpup is, and i am sorry for my poor spelling and grammer, but you all seem like intelligent people so i thought that you would be able to work out what i was saying. So back on the topic, does ANYONE know the gun i am talking about, there was a picture posted of it in these forums a while ago.

#21836 Homemade Xbow

Posted by N3maN on 20 March 2004 - 06:35 PM in Homemades

i have just made the best thing since the real Xbow. It ius a homemade version of it that works in exactly the same way and is easy as hell to make. i was getting ranges of about 110 ft with it and it was accurate as hell.

all you need is one of those glue gun thing that u put liquid nails and silicon and all that sort of stuff in, like the one builders use. the are they ones where u pull back the spring bit and put ion the tube of glue and squeeze the trtigger, i dont reall know how to explain them but i think most of you will know what i am talkin about. Ok... so you need one of them, and an empyt tube of glue. now the plunger bit that goes into the glue tube works by when u squeeze it, it forces out glue by pushing forward the plunger, now, what we want it to do it let it slam right to the end. so what you need to do is go to your hardware store, buy a BIG spring and whack it inbetween the plunger and the back of the gun thing (the end closest to the trigger). now all you need to do is whack in your empty glue tube and glue the plunger in the glue tube to the plunger in the gune, whack a barrel onto the glue tube, and your gun is set up.

The one thing i havent to you how to do is make it so the current trigger system holds and releases the plunger, this needs to be changed (as u can prob see) but i dont really know how it is done cos i got a friend to do it for me. i am sure one of you can work it out and explain it to everyone.

EDIT: sorry for the crap writeup, i can understand if many of you dont get it, just ask some questions

#22273 Homemade Xbow

Posted by N3maN on 24 March 2004 - 04:46 AM in Homemades

Sorry about the crap post guys, I won’t make any gay excuses like I was tired, I was just lazy. Ok, just like sparkboy said, i was talking about a caulking gun (I think that’s the name I couldn’t and can’t remember). Please ask questions if you need to. I will post a proper write-up soon, if anyone wants... possibly in the homemade section with a 3d diagram (If Cx will allow me to and believes my gun is good enough to be permanently in the homemade section).
Sorry about that first post guys. I'm going to clean up my act with all my posts now.

I think many of you might be right in saying that the new caulk guns just aren’t what they used to be, but I got one that is (I’m in aus.). This one i CAN cock but it took a bit of work to make it so. I think it would be possible to change the new ones to do what we want two but it would take a lot of work.

THIRST: i got all the caulk out by cuttin off the end the glue come out of, cleaning ot the tube, and whacking a pvc end cap on the end. This also gave me the ability to put the barrel on more tightly.

TERMINATOR: Why would this not be able to shoot darts, all you gotta do is whack a half in barrel on it (i used telescoped brass). And your right, they do lack a large spring, but i had one lying around so i put it in.

If anyone wants me to do a better, legible write-up, just ask. Like I said I love this gun, it get ranges of about 110ft (I think I converted right) and has a great rof. I have a new primary. I will post pics at least soon.

#22533 Homemade Xbow

Posted by N3maN on 27 March 2004 - 04:39 AM in Homemades

On a good day I can get about 35 shots a min (v. approx). There shouldn't really be to much destruction of the caulk gun req. if you have the right one. I dont know how you could make the trigger system work with on of the ones that pushes it forward with the mechanism and does not use a spring. If you could work it out that'd be great. I want to call this homemade the ANZAC TTP82, this is just what i call and because, as far as i know i am the first to do it, i would be really happy if this would happen (its an aussy thing). If i am not the first to do this please correct me and we can call it whatever the initial creator wants to. I hope anyone who wants to make this has been able to work out how to make one for my initial CRAPTASTIC post. If not i will make a better writeup, just ask.


ROF: c. 30 sh/s
Range: c. 110ft
Accuracy: hit 3x3 foot target at 80ft consistently
Creator: N3maN (cam)

BTW: If anyone makes one who has a cam can you please post some pics for me, i would like to compare, and allow others to see as my cam is busted (i might be able to post pics later but not for a while).

Thanx All

#22534 Nerf Movie

Posted by N3maN on 27 March 2004 - 04:46 AM in General Nerf

Taitia... Where in aus are you??? I might be able to help make a vid.

#22535 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by N3maN on 27 March 2004 - 04:57 AM in Site Feedback

I'm surprised that I am not on this list of hated noobs!!!
This is a real confidence booster, I thought i was really LOATHED!!! (Not that i am complaining)

#22537 Nerf Movie

Posted by N3maN on 27 March 2004 - 05:28 AM in General Nerf

actually...i'm from camberwell

#22606 Aussie Nerfers

Posted by N3maN on 27 March 2004 - 11:57 PM in Off Topic

i was just wondering how many nerfers there were from aus in this forum, just vote in the poll about (please dont vote unless you are in aus)

Sorry about posting two topics.... i messed up... Can i delete one??? (the other one)

#26293 Aussie Nerf Media

Posted by N3maN on 16 May 2004 - 03:33 AM in General Nerf

hey tatia,
because of the fact the we live close to each other, i was thinking about helping out with the movie. i am only in year 10 so i have much more time than you we could be a plus. do you have the current script on comp? if you do e-mail it to me (philla_2@hotmail.com) and i'll see what i can come up with to help. i am liking your ideas so far, and i would be willing to put in a fair bit of effort to help you get it off the ground.
keep up the good work