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#167195 My Bbb

Posted by bobafan on 07 August 2008 - 05:28 PM in Modifications

That's pretty cool. it would be better if you could give it a breach too.

Ivan, the pump he added uses air to push a dart down the inline clip which is the piece sticking off the barrel.

#229224 Blaststrike

Posted by bobafan on 09 May 2009 - 05:31 PM in Modifications

Cool mod. Check this out: Modification and paintjob thread

#186256 My Unfinished Longshot

Posted by bobafan on 29 October 2008 - 02:34 PM in Modifications

Angelof_death182, lay off it. If an admin thinks he looks too young, they will take care of it. I for one looked younger than him when I was 13.

I would suggest at least fixing the breach before you sell it.
You didn't mention what things you did internally, what did you do?

#158248 Just Had The Greatest Idea!

Posted by bobafan on 06 June 2008 - 01:41 PM in General Nerf

I've tried that before. It is kinda lame and you have to refurbish the dart each time you use it.

#158918 Brain Dead Simple Mod

Posted by bobafan on 12 June 2008 - 02:02 AM in Modifications

Ok guys, he gets the point.
Re-stating what the previous 4 people said just makes you retarded.

#108185 Free Ps3! No Joke

Posted by bobafan on 29 May 2007 - 04:57 PM in Off Topic

I doubt a virus can start a thread and post 2 times.

#147371 Any New Nitefinder Mods Or Homade Pistols Or Handguns

Posted by bobafan on 27 March 2008 - 08:36 PM in Off Topic

You've been on for 25 days. That isn't very long for verification around here.

For general information like abbriviations you can refer to the Nerf Wiki.

#108269 Wildfire

Posted by bobafan on 29 May 2007 - 08:56 PM in General Nerf

I believe some TRUs are stocking RF20s for about $30.

In my experience however, wildfires are a bit more durable but less efficient.

If it is in good condition, I would buy it.

#181129 Dart Tag Nightfinder's?

Posted by bobafan on 02 October 2008 - 10:13 PM in General Nerf

Those are officially called strikefires, I think. They are the same thing though.

#181247 Dart Tag Nightfinder's?

Posted by bobafan on 03 October 2008 - 04:19 PM in General Nerf

caviler, shut up.
I was wrong about the name, they are firestrike blasters.
The only nite finders that were out before n-strike looked like this.
Posted Image

#145756 Nitefinder Stock?

Posted by bobafan on 19 March 2008 - 12:06 AM in Modifications

Yes, I's been done and it every time I see one, it makes me want to squirt bleach in my eyes from the horridity of the thing.

Check the modification picture thread.

#130658 I Lack Of The O-ring

Posted by bobafan on 25 November 2007 - 06:41 PM in General Nerf

O-rings can be found at any hardware store in the plumbing section.
To determine the correct size, take the pieces which interact with the o-ring and test various sizes until you find one that works.

#133288 Site Format Change

Posted by bobafan on 21 December 2007 - 06:30 AM in Site Feedback

Posted Image

#132656 Cleaning Products

Posted by bobafan on 16 December 2007 - 12:37 PM in General Nerf

I usually use lava soap, strait dishwashing soap, and paint thinner to clean stuff.

#137517 Big Salvo

Posted by bobafan on 27 January 2008 - 03:58 PM in Modifications

Oh yeah. I skimmed that part.
Just follow carbon's fix then.

#137513 Big Salvo

Posted by bobafan on 27 January 2008 - 03:46 PM in Modifications

Yes, it is most likely a production defect.
I would just exchange it if you kept the receipt.

#140733 Flamethrower

Posted by bobafan on 17 February 2008 - 01:48 AM in Off Topic

Wow you're retarded.
Or at least the person holding the mach is.

At least you didn't duct tape it to a Longshot or anything.

#125458 Re-opening The Semi 2k Vault

Posted by bobafan on 08 October 2007 - 04:45 PM in Modifications


Take all of the parts that touch the o-ring to a hardware store and find one that fits.

They usually are under a dollar.

#154903 Pokemon Cards

Posted by bobafan on 06 May 2008 - 03:17 PM in Off Topic

You could try ebay, but the easiest would be your local comic book/card store.

#154933 Pokemon Cards

Posted by bobafan on 06 May 2008 - 06:08 PM in Off Topic

I burned mine.

Pointless paper bits.

#133694 Hey Guys!

Posted by bobafan on 24 December 2007 - 04:23 PM in Off Topic

I have made 3 movies so far. I made shorts on part of the iliad, the boston massacre, and a music video for taxman by by Beatles.
They were shot with legos and constructed with windows movie maker. There are alot fewer fps than this, but I made them in a night apiece.

#188816 Titan Stefans?

Posted by bobafan on 10 November 2008 - 05:42 PM in Modifications

You didn't go old enough.

Here are the general characteristics of the sizes.

Nanos: Longest ranges, they are tricky to keep stable in flight
Micros: Good ranges, can be stabilized without much difficulty, fairly accurate
Megas: Shorter ranges than the other sizes, they are very stable in flight and very accurate.
Mongos: I have never seen a comparison

Almost everyone uses micros now, so if you use anything else, be sure to bring alot of darts.

Note: These are not my findings, as I have used micros almost exclusively. They are just what I have read during my time here.

#134429 Ls Front Gun Ar

Posted by bobafan on 30 December 2007 - 03:27 PM in Modifications

http://nerfhaven.com...hl=ls front gun

You can get springs either at mcmaster.com or your local hardware store.

#144632 Bbb O-ring Plunger Fix?

Posted by bobafan on 10 March 2008 - 08:32 PM in Modifications

Take the plunger and plunger tube to a hardware store and search through the o-rings until you find one that fits.

o-rings cost less than a dollar.

Oh wait I forgot. Do BBBs have the weird toilet plunger type o-rings?

#144663 Bbb O-ring Plunger Fix?

Posted by bobafan on 10 March 2008 - 10:34 PM in Modifications

Pretty much this:

Posted Image

#110321 Ls Front Gun

Posted by bobafan on 09 June 2007 - 09:24 PM in Modifications

I just threw mine away like the piece of trash it is.

#229535 Combo Spring + Air Powered Nerf Gun

Posted by bobafan on 11 May 2009 - 05:02 AM in Modifications

Around here, we call what you are talking about and integration. Integrations can take some skill, but not always. Check out the modification and paintjob thread and the modification directory for information on the subject.

@nerfnukerz: He never says anything about a single barrel, and to make two power sources fire out the same barrel would be idiotic. There is nothing in this description that I see that is different from integrations such as Bullshit Dragon's Recon with 2k integration.

#173523 Any Ohio Wars?

Posted by bobafan on 29 August 2008 - 10:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Uh, no. That date has been set for a while and we aren't going to change for one person.

#124827 Getting Into Nerf, What I Think I Need...

Posted by bobafan on 02 October 2007 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

I would suggest you not purchase modded blasters on ebay because they bullshit the ranges a lot.
Stock darts do work without the barrel posts and I would also suggest you make your own stefans instead of purchasing them.
FA24 made a good tutorial video.

#227029 Last Stand [new Game Type]

Posted by bobafan on 29 April 2009 - 03:29 AM in Nerf Wars

The experience I've had with forts and nerf(at Boone woods) is that they are a death trap. Staying in them is simply suicidal because your mobility and visibility are reduced. Hiding behind trees etc. is not the only way to avoid being shot and is used far less often than dodging.

Edit: This was Cincinnati and people were being aggressive. I didn't see behavior like msdfs described. Either people at massacre were being pussies or the environment was just too different.

By the way, this game type isn't a new suggestion.

#207498 Ny Comic Con

Posted by bobafan on 28 January 2009 - 11:25 PM in Off Topic

Ah yes I do but I will never ever go to a convention. Sorry but hundreds of costumed people congregating in one place is just too much.

Posted Image

What was that?

#207506 Ny Comic Con

Posted by bobafan on 28 January 2009 - 11:30 PM in Off Topic

Yes, but they aren't usually wearing scout trooper costumes with an imperial tramp stamp.

Echnalaid, why wouldn't I have it on my computer.

#154245 My First Contribution.

Posted by bobafan on 02 May 2008 - 02:46 PM in Modifications

On mine, the shell has cracked atound where the plunger handle hits the shell. You might want to keep an eye out for that.

Normal stuff, but good job.

#135348 My Stefan Station

Posted by bobafan on 08 January 2008 - 11:53 PM in General Nerf

I use a MS clip to hold darts while they cool, a pillowcase to hold the cut foam, and an earplug container to hold the weights.

#184984 Maverick

Posted by bobafan on 22 October 2008 - 07:30 PM in Modifications

Firefly and maverick turrets are essentially the same.

Here is a cpvc barrel replacement for the ff.

#103094 Suppressors

Posted by bobafan on 29 April 2007 - 09:30 PM in General Nerf

Why do you need a silencer on a blowgun?

#160853 Compact Cannon

Posted by bobafan on 29 June 2008 - 01:31 AM in Homemades

In any nerf war I have been to, the main important features of a gun are:

avalibility of ammunition

You have to have a bit of all of these things, which is why people don't use hidden shots in wars much.

Your creation seems to be lacking in certain areas. You may wish to change your design before you debut at a war.

#109661 A Pvc Shotgun W/ Clips Any Ideas?

Posted by bobafan on 05 June 2007 - 10:09 PM in Homemades

Normal shotguns don't have clips. You load shells individually into the mag tube.

If you mean something else, tell us in a civilized manner so we can understand you.

Also, the longshot is set up completely diffrently from a shotgun so I doubt you will be able to employ parts from yours.

#109616 A Pvc Shotgun W/ Clips Any Ideas?

Posted by bobafan on 05 June 2007 - 05:22 PM in Homemades

A few people have been working on this for a while. linkage

If you had looked a little you probably would have found it.

Have fun!

#179210 Google Chrome

Posted by bobafan on 23 September 2008 - 08:25 PM in Off Topic

I used it for a couple hours, but got frustrated at the image save system, the tabs, and the lack of a proper homepage.