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There have been 215 items by cheyner (Search limited from 20-January 97)

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#262781 Nerf Longshot Scope

Posted by cheyner on 23 January 2010 - 12:59 AM in General Nerf

I request pictures before anything is done with the scope. Have you opened up the rest of the gun? If the scope is full of them I dont want to know what the inside of the gun looks like, wait yes i do.
Pictures my friend, pictures.
Also, added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.

#262833 Nerf Longshot Scope

Posted by cheyner on 23 January 2010 - 05:44 PM in General Nerf

I request pictures before anything is done with the scope. Have you opened up the rest of the gun? If the scope is full of them I dont want to know what the inside of the gun looks like, wait yes i do.
Pictures my friend, pictures.
Also, added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.

Dude thats mean, thats not something that you sigg. you don't have to be dirty people to get roaches fleas, or bed bugs, he could live in an appartment buiding or something. When I was growing up we lived in the hood, and even though my mother was a clean fanatic we still had problems with roaches because of the neighbors weren't as good a house keepers. If a building has them then anybody in the building can get them. Also roaches can get into the smallest places.

Deffinantly nothing mean said there. If anything you have implied that this is a dirty situation. I just wanted to see pictures for pure entertainment. Also it has been "added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole" because for only being one problem, it is a pretty rare and humourus one.

#263434 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by cheyner on 27 January 2010 - 06:25 PM in Modifications

Sharpshooter II with drilled out 1/2 cpvc barrels and 2 replacement springs. No ranges but the bottom barrel has some kick to it. Top barrel, not so much.

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P.S. What's with the giant fucking photo's?

#265104 Needs Advice For A Crazy Plan.

Posted by cheyner on 11 February 2010 - 09:56 PM in Modifications

If you dont mind some things sticking out, then stick a Raider in there. Just imagine chasing somebody with a vaccume handle with a drum mag sticking out of it.

#265827 You May Not Want To Re-barrell Your 4b Just Yet...

Posted by cheyner on 18 February 2010 - 12:12 AM in Modifications

..and it comes with some sort of little gun thing which looks like it might make a nice handle.

I've seen these before, and if I'm not mistaken the handle is hollow foam, and you squeeze your hand to shot it. It was $5 where I saw it, so needless to say I did not buy one to confirm my theory on the firing.

#265874 You May Not Want To Re-barrell Your 4b Just Yet...

Posted by cheyner on 18 February 2010 - 01:31 PM in Modifications

This is cool but how does the blaster that come with it work. Just to confirm.

I've seen these before, and if I'm not mistaken the handle is hollow foam, and you squeeze your hand to shot it.

My bad, skimmed the confirm part.

#266344 Tek 6 Re-barrel Problems

Posted by cheyner on 21 February 2010 - 05:27 PM in Modifications

Ok, so my current project kinda relies on a Tek 6 turret. I am in the process of re-barreling it but I ran into some what of a problem:
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The turret itself is one peice and the pegs are glued in from the back. The rotation mech is attached right to the barrels and all I have to work with is cpvc which doesnt even come close to fitting.
Has anybody encountered and overcome this problem yet?

Edit: For future refrence, I was wondering if anyone had used cpvc to re-barrel one of these turrets before. I should have been clearer with my question. The answer to the question is to hack the shit out of the turret and hope for the best reassembling the thing.

#266364 Tek 6 Re-barrel Problems

Posted by cheyner on 21 February 2010 - 08:09 PM in Modifications

Well I'm glad one person paid attention to the post. The turret itself is one piece and the pegs are glued in from the back. So unless boiling water magically makes the barrels expand enough to fit cpvc, I am forced to thank Airsoftguy777 for confirming my fears.

#266367 Tek 6 Re-barrel Problems

Posted by cheyner on 21 February 2010 - 08:23 PM in Modifications

Yeah I'm in the process of cutting all the barrels off, then im just going to attatch the rotation mech to the insides of the new barrels and hope for the best. Thanks for the offer but if this doesnt work I'm going to change to a Tek 10 turret which is the traditional tek turret (round posts, not cross posts).

#266471 Tek 6 Re-barrel Problems

Posted by cheyner on 22 February 2010 - 05:43 PM in Modifications

Yeah, I noticed those tabs, right after I cut throught them last night. Thankfully it's not gong back in the tek 6
so I dont have to be too picky about the rotation. At least its rear loading now, which is honestly the only reason I'm still working on it.

#266482 Tek 6 Re-barrel Problems

Posted by cheyner on 22 February 2010 - 06:57 PM in Modifications

The turret is for a 4B, I'm going to post pics when its done.

#266600 Deploy Cs-6 Overhaul

Posted by cheyner on 23 February 2010 - 05:13 PM in Modifications

You should add a little speaker thats plays a certain awesome sound bite when it deploys, or "transforms" if you will.

#267439 Tek 6 Re-barrel Problems

Posted by cheyner on 01 March 2010 - 12:22 AM in Modifications

The end result of the turret butchering.
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#267496 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by cheyner on 01 March 2010 - 05:46 PM in Modifications

The 65-B, 6 barrel buzz bee big blast.
Turret, not shotgun.
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Rear loading and write-up tonight.

#267704 The 65-b 6 Barrel Buzz Bee Big Blast

Posted by cheyner on 02 March 2010 - 10:36 PM in Modifications

I was sitting around one night when I just happened to look at a Tek 6 turret that was laying next to a Big Blast, when I noticed the Tek 6 turret is the same size as the opening in the front of the Big Blast. Right away I knew what had to be done, that turret needed to go into that Big Blast.

Buzz Bee Big Blast
Tek 6 Turret (I suggest one that does NOT have cross style posts)
6ish feet of cpvc (much, much less if you use another barrel material)
4ish inches of 1/2" pvc
1 cpvc coupler
1 cpvc street elbow
1 pvc coupler (or whatever you use to couple a Big Blast)
Glue of some sort

First start with your turret. I highly suggest NOT using one with cross style posts. These turrets are one solid peice with the posts glued from the back.
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Remove the screw from the front and take out the star shaped peice, this will be important so dont lose it. Now remove the posts with your desired method. I twisted off the posts and then hammered out the rest with a metal rod I had lying around. You have now created your perfect rear loading holes in the back of the turret. You will also notice that the rotation mech is attatched to the barrels. This is why you dont want to use this turret if you can avoid it. Huge pain in the ass.
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Time to bust out the dremel. Basically cut off everything, try and save as much of the slots that the rotation mech slides in as you can. I noticed these too late, and as such mine are a bit short, well the perfect length, but i wish they were just a bit longer. To remove the rotation mech just cut around the hole the screw goes in and it should fall right out. In the end you should have this:
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The second star shaped piece has been stolen from another Tek 6. It's more or less a cosmetic peice on this style of turret so it will not be missed on a stock blaster. Enlarge the hole so that the screw can fit through it.
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Cut a length of cpvc, the length depends on your screwdriver. Cut it as long as the shaft on your screwdriver.
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Sand down the ends so that your star shaped peices can fit on. Glue them in place, you now have a good length barrel spacer.
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Picture limit

#267707 The 65-b 6 Barrel Buzz Bee Big Blast

Posted by cheyner on 02 March 2010 - 10:38 PM in Modifications

Set these peices aside, we will come back to them after we have something to hold them.
Grab the tee and cut the top coupler off. Sand out the hole so that the street elbow will fit.
I found that the sanding drum dremel attatchment is a perfect fit.
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Take the street elbow and cut a notch in it so air can still pass freely in the tee. Only on one side though.
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Cut a section of cpvc (mine was roughly 2 1/2" it can be longer, or shorter) and glue it into the street elbow. Now glue the elbow into the top of the tee. I sanded them down on the top (tee) and bottom (elbow) so they would fit together better.
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Grab your rotation mech and cut off the back half of the teeth-dealies. You can cut off all of the teeth, or leave 2 like I did. This is because the rotation mech with the teeth off is a tight fit in 1/2" pvc and I am not glueing it in, the teeth are just a little added assurance that im not turning the rotation mech in the pvc. Cut 2 notches big enough to fit those teeth in the end of the pvc. Stick the rotation mech in the pvc and cut the pvc down so that there is about half an inch of space behind the rotation mech.
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Cut a bit of cpvc, around 1 1/4". Sand down one end so that it fits in the pvc. Fill it with hot glue and glue it into the tee. Now glue on the pvc.
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Cut 2 rings of pvc about half an inch long. Cut a notch into one so that it will not hit the tee, glue this peice onto the end of the cpvc sticking out of the elbow. Cut a 1" section of cpvc and sand down one end enough so that the other pvc ring fits. Glue this onto the other end of the tee.
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Now for the fun part, the barrels. Slide the turret base over the rotation mech and then slide the rotation mech into the pvc.
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#267708 The 65-b 6 Barrel Buzz Bee Big Blast

Posted by cheyner on 02 March 2010 - 10:39 PM in Modifications

Screw the spacer onto the rotation mech and start glueing on the barrels. While you do this, you have to make sure that the rotation mech stays in the tabs.
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The main reason the rotation mech is not glued to the pvc is for fine tuning. For the seal I used a bit of arrow foam, glue the foam to the pvc/cpvc on the elbow. To stabilize the turret i cut a bit of the original barrel and notched it so that it fits the pvc rotation mech holder. Foam has been glued to this as well to help put a little bit more pressure on the top. Another thing I did to improve the seal a bit was fill the back of the turret with hot glue.
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Cut the barrel off of your Big Blast and slap a 1/2" pvc coupler on there however you see fit.
Cut a hole in your Big Blast shell for rear loading the turret. Close the shell back up and insert the tee into the coupler.
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No ranges yet, as its too cold and windy to bother.
All measurements are guesstimates.
The barrels are temporary as well so I dont want to hear about how shitty they look.
Questions? Comments?

#267729 The 65-b 6 Barrel Buzz Bee Big Blast

Posted by cheyner on 02 March 2010 - 11:28 PM in Modifications

However, although I've never integrated a turret onto a non-turret blaster, I wonder if the added weight in front of the blaster will detach the coupler from the blaster or not. Is there something that will support the added weight or is it alright the way it is ?

The barrel is cut off at the first plastic wall with a nub sticking out flush with the inside of the coupler. The coupler is crazy glued and hot glued to both the barrel and the shell.
I took a shit load of pictures, but for some reason none with the shell open.

Thanks for all of the positive feed back so far everybody.

#267962 The 65-b 6 Barrel Buzz Bee Big Blast

Posted by cheyner on 04 March 2010 - 12:17 AM in Modifications

Is the tek 6 turret piece actually stabilized in the 'end cap' of the BBBB? if not, would it be practical to move the entire turret assembly back to the very beginning of the BBBB tank and thus minimize the overall length of the gun by about 6 inches?
I don't own a BBBB so i'm not sure how narrow the actual internals are, but there seems to be a lot of unnecessary length of 'barrel' before the end of the blaster (in all BBBB's)

Once I get ahold of some e-putty it will be supported on the lip, it more or less just needs to have a slot built. It's literally like Buzz-Bee was going to do this themselves, the turret is a perfect fit.
And you could easily move this back with some more cutting, as is I can pull the whole thing off and stick it on any other gun with a 1/2 inch pvc coupler.

Sweet. Couldn't you stick some epoxy on the side of the street elbow cut (facing the rotation mech) to seal it better? It would suck if that redirection work was leaking out air. Also, at the turret seal, you could cut half of an end cap and stick it on the end, leaving an inner "lip" for a rubber gasket to be seated.

Foam was all I had handy at the time. I am deffinantly going to try that end cap idea, but instead of the end cap I'm going to move the pvc section up a hair. As is though, the foam slides much better over the glue then rubber would. I am hoping to eventually replace the glue with e-putty, or something similar.

On the topic of your barrells, I suggest PETG, possiby from OMC. All in all it seems very simple yet effective, you may.want to seal your rearloding slot so your not loosing darts into your gun. Do pics if you replace the barrells soonish.

Once there is room in my budget I will be shooting a pm to whoever is selling at the time, which would be Split at the moment. The barrels are a bit tight for an air-gun, so I'm not to worried about darts falling out.
Plus, the only things that are cut on the shell are the rear loading slot and the orange ring on the front, so darts wont go to far if they do fall out.

Once again, thanks for all the positive feed back.

#268930 Cpvc, Hard To Find?

Posted by cheyner on 12 March 2010 - 06:42 PM in General Nerf

If you live in Canada go to a Home Hardware, or Home Building Centre. There's also Rona, in Kingston the Canadian Tires are useless, all 3 of them. Hell, Lowe's are starting to pop up like crazy too.

#269052 Doubled Recon With Twin Drums

Posted by cheyner on 13 March 2010 - 07:27 PM in Modifications

The double Recon is a nice peice of work. That Raider though, holy shit, that is redicously clean.

#269252 Ammo Question

Posted by cheyner on 15 March 2010 - 09:51 PM in Darts and Barrels

Your range would probably suck hard, but you could try and make it like a ball shooter. By this i mean, put a lip on the end of the barrel. You could then use the barrel as an inline clip. Instead of balls use your footballs.

#269291 Tek 6 Interchangable "clip" Mod.

Posted by cheyner on 16 March 2010 - 09:11 AM in Modifications

You are probably going to have to do a rebarrel if you rip out the pegs. The barrels on Tek 6 turrets are much to big for most micro's to have a good fit. If you just rip out the pegs you are going to most likely get worse ranges than stock.

#269393 Basic Sharpshooter Ii Mods/repairs

Posted by cheyner on 16 March 2010 - 09:55 PM in Modifications

These blaster's are diffinantly worth holding onto. I did the same thing to mine with similar ranges.
Does anybody know exactly why the bottom barrel has more power? Is it because of the selector? Even stock the bottom barrel has more kick. Also, I'm glad you kept the 2 barrels, I hate seeing these singled if the selector works fine.

#270154 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by cheyner on 23 March 2010 - 11:04 PM in Modifications

Pistol Splat with a internal cpvc coupler.
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Who needs a workbench when you have McDonald and Taco Bell trays.

Edit: And by Pistol Splat I of course mean Wipeout.

#271600 Automatic Design Question

Posted by cheyner on 07 April 2010 - 05:48 PM in Homemades

If you build that, it has a 50/50 chance of breaking every time you let go of the trigger. There's nothing to stop the trigger from catching behind the plunger and totally fucking everything up.

There's a bunch of other problems too, probably, but none that would totally prevent this from working as much as your trigger design.

The trigger problem would be easily solved just by cutting the back of the trigger into a slant. That way if it does go "behind" the plunger, it will simply slide over and catch the right way.

#272246 Finding A Blaster For A Friend In A Power Chair.

Posted by cheyner on 14 April 2010 - 09:24 PM in General Nerf

That all depends on the turret really. If a Tek 6 turret were to be used, then yes, not good for one hand oporation. But if a Tek 10 and possibly a Fire Fly turret is used then he could just roll it on his leg to advance the turret. Now that I think of it, the Tek 6 turret could even be used with one hand. If the barrels are long enough he could poke his foot or something with it and give it a twist.

#272489 Question About Rscb Clip

Posted by cheyner on 17 April 2010 - 03:32 PM in Darts and Barrels

If you can't find thinwall pvc try 3/4 cpvc. I use it for my mega (5/8) clips.

#272593 Turrets Info

Posted by cheyner on 18 April 2010 - 04:19 PM in Homemades

"Scouting" in this case means visiting regularly, over and over, for months and months.
I've been stopping by a certain Goodwill store (happens to be the one nearest to Blue's house) about twice a month for maybe two years, because it's on a route I need to travel anyway, and I find something interesting only once in a while.

Take this to heart, thrift shops such as Goodwill and Value Village (Canada) are goldmines. At least 75% of my blasters are second hand. They usually have an abundance of turrets in the form of Tek 6's. Some will even set aside nerf guns for you if you ask. I have a couple of guys doing that for me at Value Village and it has paid off. In the last month or 2 I have gotten a SM3K, a Big Salvo, 4 Big Blasts, a Magstrike, SM1500, and a Cyclone.

#273181 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by cheyner on 24 April 2010 - 04:11 PM in Homemades

DA MAMP (Dual Action Medium Airflow Manual Plunger)
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Push the handle to fire a shot, then pull it back to fire another.
Uses 2 10 shot RSCB's that vaccume load.
Built to prove that the design works, fires in the 50 ft range.

#273574 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by cheyner on 27 April 2010 - 10:08 PM in Modifications


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Only the one barrel is crooked, coincedentaly that tank leaks anyway.
No ranges as its snowing (what the fuck) and im not going out in that shit.

#273575 Nerf Product Safety Question

Posted by cheyner on 27 April 2010 - 10:18 PM in General Nerf

It shows it in a Tan colour in one of the pics, which wouldnt be too bad.
As for the ammo, it depends, yes the one review said 20 ft range, but the "only" was refering to the 3 second fill. If that is as much as you can pressurize it, then I think it would be okay.

#273580 Nerf Product Safety Question

Posted by cheyner on 27 April 2010 - 10:47 PM in General Nerf

Really now? First of all, the gun is $180 and each shell is $60.

Why don't you buy yourself a ultimator or something...they're cheaper and you can still hit kiddies with big ass rockets. I assume that's what you want to do

I'm pretty sure he is planning on buying this for airsoft, as he states in his first post he is becoming more active in airsoft then nerf. And is wondering if he can get more use out of it by buying those foam slugs and then using it at a nerf war, if everybody was okay with it.

#274141 The Overkill: This Is What Happens When A Titan And A Longshot Have Ch

Posted by cheyner on 05 May 2010 - 09:41 PM in Modifications

Isnt this the guy that taught Forsaken_Angel24 everything he knows?

And those are the re-sized pics?

#274256 A Gift For The Milsim Lovers!

Posted by cheyner on 07 May 2010 - 04:13 PM in Off Topic

I'm more concerned to learn from that page that we are slowly running out of rocks.

#274874 Nite Finder Cometic + Reanfocement And Extra Spring

Posted by cheyner on 15 May 2010 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

You know, I really am quite entertained by this post.

He talks about these nice cosmetics, and there's not even a picture of the damn gun.

A fucking gorilla could've made a better post.

Agreed, I also enjoy the paragraph long sentence.

#274876 Nerfers In Winnipeg?

Posted by cheyner on 15 May 2010 - 08:20 PM in Modifications

If you are a Canadian, I hope you are a member here.
If not, please do.

#275013 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by cheyner on 16 May 2010 - 11:28 PM in Homemades

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Triple seal with wooden spacers on the plunger.
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Homemade wye, as they are pretty much impossible to find in the great white north.
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Shit load of hot glue used (around 40 sticks), she's sturdy.
The seal is almost too good, you either need to be pretty strong, or fairly tall (leverage) to use this one.
Also, a tip for anybody thinking of making a MEGAHAMP, make sure it fits in your car before you finish it, this one was close.
Dollarama tape is better than Home Hardware's.

#275872 Make Your Own Wye

Posted by cheyner on 24 May 2010 - 09:15 PM in Homemades

Having successfully built my first wye for my MEGAHAMP, I decided to try building one for my 4B. Seeing as how it was going to be of a more suitable size for the community, I decided to document my fun with PVC for you.

½ Inch PVC
Super glue
Hot glue
Angle or mitre box
Knife of some sort
½ Drill bit
Sand paper

First you want to bust out your angle or mitre box and mark and cut a piece of PVC at 45 degrees.
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Take your sand paper and wrap it around some ½ inch PVC. Sand your 45 degree cut on this until you get a nice snugish fit. You could also use the sanding drum on your Dremel if that’s how you roll.
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Now grab some more ½ inch PVC and your ½ drill bit. Use whatever method of drilling you prefer, I just use a spade bit with a ratcheting screwdriver. Drill 2 close to overlapping holes or one if you have some time.
Now use your knife/Dremel and connect the holes.
The next part is pretty much trial and error. Widen the hole so that no PVC shows when you hold your 45 piece up to it and look in the PVC.
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Time to trim your 2 piece’s down to size. You don’t want them to be too short, nor do you want them to be too long. Try to get them just long enough so that there is enough to hold the pipe going into the piece.
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Now you need to make sure the ends of your wye can accept ½ CPVC.
This will be easiest with a dremel with a small sanding drum. Take your time and make sure to check your fit often.
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All 3 ends should more or less look like this.

Time to glue the 2 pieces together making sure it is lined up at the same time of course. I like to use a drop or 2 of super glue to hold it together before I smother it in hot glue.
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Now all you have to do is follow this very timely posted thread and then strap it to something big and powerful.
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This design can easily be used to make wyes of all sizes, not just for ½ CPVC.
For my MEGAHAMP I used ¾ PVC, as it needed to accept ¾ CPVC and ½ PVC.

#275877 Make Your Own Wye

Posted by cheyner on 24 May 2010 - 09:58 PM in Homemades

Home made PVC wyes are not at all new to Nerfhaven, but I would say your method seems quite a bit cleaner than Carrtoon's method from 4 years ago. I still would highly recommend solvent welding instead of hot-melt glue OR electrical tape.

Thank you Bob, I was not aware of that. As for the glue, I agree completly with you, I'm just very impatient. This one actually is held together mainly by Loctite Gel super glue, with the hot glue for an extra bit of strength. I make sure there is no super glue showing before I do this as well.