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#345107 Some upcoming Mattel blasters for the year

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 19 February 2015 - 07:24 PM in General Nerf

B00m13? Damn I feel old.

Honestly, this just keeps proving to me that Mattel has a seriously talented industrial design team behind them. As soon as they can get the performance there, they'll really have something special. I love the fact that they have the Halo brand behind them. Even if the blasters don't perform, they still have a marketable toy. The tri-barrel blaster looks amazing. Whether or not its performance is suitable for the NIC is questionable with its "no barrel platform." Whether or not these appeal to us, Mattel has been doing a great job in making blasters that are more "indoor office war/younger kid" centered, which I feel Nerf has been unintentionally moving away from.

EDIT: I was super dissapointed there was no covenant carbine initially, until I saw that they did make one, and it's on the blaster labs page. This has made my day.

#350183 Snap pistol help

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 27 December 2015 - 12:04 AM in Homemades






Search next time.

#314083 Snap Carbine with k26

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 07 April 2012 - 12:08 AM in Homemades

You would definitely need to use something solid, like a 5/8" dowel rod. The way I'd do it is epoxy it in place on the piston, and then drill a hole on the opposite side. That way you could fit a scredriver/drillbit in to drill a hole through both the piston and the dowel, that you could then run a screw through. You'd have to use a relatively big screw; I'd probably use 1/4", though that might be a little big.

I seriously doubt that this could work at all. I don't know if you know the strength of PVC, but it does have limits. Even with the epoxy, and screw, the PVC around this area may start to give, overtime breaking off. Or your epoxy could give out, and the head of the screw would pull it's way out of the hole. Use Nerf's Longshot as an example. People have their boltsleds breaking all the time, just because the bolt is pulled from one side, and that's all the way through the boltsled, unlike your idea. If you say it's possible, then try it and prove me wrong! However that seems like a slim chance to happen.

#314104 Snap Carbine with k26

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 07 April 2012 - 12:25 PM in Homemades

Take a look at the quixote's priming mechanism. If you use a large enough scerw, combined with the epoxy you probably won't have problems. It's a moot point anyway- nesting the spring inside the piston would not allow signifcant shortening of the blaster.

Considering that the screw he used is barely an inch long, I would have no doubt it would hold. Since the screw you would need would be near 5 inches, the length of it would be the problem. Same thing happens when you try to ben a 4' section of PVC, and a 5'' section of PVC.

#313823 Snap Carbine with k26

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 01 April 2012 - 12:20 PM in Homemades

Damn! You beat me to it! I was about to try a [k26] spring in a Carbine, but it seems you arleady achieved that. Well done. As for as the spring itself, I see it bending the PVC at some point, or over time. The spring may then fly out pf the PC, and hit you, or damage the blaster. I would suggest putting some sort of PVC, or cover on the bolt slot to eliminate this.
As far as the trigger, it may be because your nail is too long, your clothespin is cut too short, or yes, the clothespin may not be strong enough to support the spring. Wal-Mart has a big pack of hefty plastic clothespins that are slightly bigger. This may help you, and with a little E-Putty, your blaster should preform better.
Hope to see more of your work soon.

#354709 Slotless Bullpup Snapbow

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 30 June 2016 - 01:54 PM in Homemades

This rocks. A lot of the times, I find that making the slots for a pumpgrip takes the most time in terms of measuring, and making sure everything is straight. Plus the modularity of having a separate upper and lower makes it great for quick fixes and changes in the future. But really, the thing this blaster has over most blasters of this (cheap and easy) style is it looks cool. Not many can pull off a homemade that easily that doesn't just look like a pipe bomb. So well done.


Have you seen any problems that could arise in the build at this point? Just having a priming bar that you compress a whole spring back with seems like an area of stress and breakage over time. Have you seen any early indication of that?

#361524 Slimeball Gobzooka

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 07 September 2017 - 12:53 AM in Modifications

If you just slap a hopper clip and barrel onto it, couldn't it be a viable alternative to a 4B? Or is that just too uncreative.

For a blaster that is capable of firing 400 FPS from a single barrel (a hopper is a single barrel), this would be banned unless you increase the darts loaded per shot. Not really a viable alternative.

#357984 sledgefire sidesaddles

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 15 February 2017 - 12:48 AM in General Nerf

Its not exactly what you're looking for, but I've seen people chop the shell holder part of the stock and just glue it to the side of the blaster.

#332818 SledgeFire A/R Removal

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 09 August 2013 - 03:29 PM in Modifications

Well, in a way the Triad and the SledgeFire do have similar AR tech. For the SledgeFire (stock), you are able to fire 1 dart from the shell if only 1 dart is loaded. Same with 2. The ARs allow air to go through the "barrel" only when foam is present.

So the question still stands, can you do this after the mod or does taking out the ARs remove this feature?

#240811 Simple Idea For A "zombie" Shotgun

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 08 July 2009 - 01:48 PM in Homemades

Try searching for it.

#306992 Sierra Charlie War [SC]

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 05 November 2011 - 03:04 PM in Nerf Wars

You may want to PM rork

Or you could ask me since I live in SC. Have you heard from Rork recently BTW? I have been more than a little curious on where he has been. ;D

Yeah, I live in the capital. However, Not a lot goes down up here. I would just suggest waiting until another GA war comes out, go to it, meet some people, then host a war. Peope tend to go to wars of people they know. Nice that there is another SC nerfer. Welcome!

#235550 Shelia, The Dtb

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 10 June 2009 - 10:07 PM in Modifications

I am pretty sure that this is not an integration...
I might be wrong though.

#285405 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 14 September 2010 - 06:17 PM in Nerf Wars

It is oh so true. Nerfomania, that LS you made was just magnificent. Beside the fact that the bolt got unglued... Went I first saw you guys pull up with your SNAP and you LS I was like " Ah shit. This is about to get real." looks comfy. Nice work!

Last quote- "You can call it the Cancer Shack, because CANCER IS FUNNY!!"

#280362 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 15 July 2010 - 09:14 PM in Nerf Wars

Do you think there will be a time to sell/trade/buy stuff at the war?
Just curious.

EDIT: Cool. Thanks Rogue... and Zax

#285199 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 09 September 2010 - 09:31 PM in Nerf Wars

Poptart: Sorry, Team Chicken is exclusively for my dad and I.

rork: We have buckets we will bring.

Also, last minute words to the wise: my dad picked up this thing at Lowes. It's basically a magnetic strip at the end of a pole. For $14.99, you can get a handy-dandy dart picker-upper too!

We're also bringing a crap-ton of Gay-tor-aide. Since we're not sharing, I advise you do the same.

Something to consider...
Gatoraide, to me, is not the best to drink. As me being a runner, and doing this at SNO, gatoraide may be refreshing, but once you are completely dehidrated, even the taste of gatoraide can make you sick. At this point, you should definatley drink water because that is what your body ABSOLUTELY needs.

Just as an FYI...

#285320 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 12 September 2010 - 12:28 PM in Nerf Wars

First off I just want to say... LONGSHOT'S SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!
Yeah this was a pretty awesome war guys, very awesome!

-Barrell taping Rouge by running across the field JUST to barrel tap.
-Getting some sweet advise from Zaxby's on how to compete in a nerf war. Really, great advice.
-Meet SO many people
-Getting shot by Old Guy point blank in the chest when I had my gun up. That STILL hurts!
-Seeing Rouge's COCKSTAR in action. That 2k packs a punch!
-Buying so many new guns. Thanks everyone.
-Winning the L/R plusbow. Rouge and Louie, Thanks A LOT! I will take care of that work of art, don't worry.
-Gettin' lots of advice form the vets.
-Seeing all those darts after our last dart sweep.
-Rork shooting me under the portable just after I missed him doing the same.
-Joining Nerf Revolution for winning the bow.
-Having a lot of cool guys out there. No fights. No bad attitudes.
-Seeing CrazyCade getting his lunch THREE HOURS late. Seriously, you could have borrowed my phone...
-Seeing the MANY SNAPS out there. Rork, Chicken, Nerfomania. I need to make one soon.
- Seeing just how happy Nerfomania was with that TBow from Rouge.
-Loaning my Dremel to Zaxby's and getting a new nickname. (Check signature.) I'm glad it worked well for you.
-Hearing all of the bashing of so many nerfers.
-Having my shotgun match up so well with everyone else's guns.
- Holding that awesome Crossbow and RachetBlast. Really cool guns Nerkum!!

CONS: (There really weren't any but here is what I can think of...)
-Shooting Rork in the bridge of his nose with my pistolsplat on his first round. Sorry again man.
-Having to shoot Cade point blank with my shotgun. I wish you just let me barrel tap you...
- Chiken, your right, Nick's friend, although I really don't care, just dragged the hopper on by + bow on the ground. Have some respect for someone's stuff bro!!
-Seeing Cade's 3k shoot so terribly. I felt really bad when I would shoot him.

I'm going to try to get to Orlando in January? So watch out!!

#283200 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 15 August 2010 - 02:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Will anyone be selling wye's? I would definately buy a few.

#285331 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 12 September 2010 - 05:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Don't worry man, I was glad to get shot by that thing at close range. You can't REALLY tell how good a blaster is until you really get shot by it. :D

#280341 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 15 July 2010 - 03:52 PM in Nerf Wars

I remember the Augusta war last year. I told myself "Man I have got to go to that by next year." I've been preparing ever since. Seriously cannot wait. I will definatly make this unless something happens.

EDIT: Will there be a cake? ^_^

#284537 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 01 September 2010 - 09:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah I would like to some sort of infection game (or as The BLOB as FA calls it). It may sound lame but I would also like to do a cerimonial shooting into the air for those who have lost their lives during 9/11.

OFF TOPIC: Wow! My 100th post! Never thought I would get this far...

EDIT: Okay Zax I trust your advice. Better make this a good one...

#284900 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 05 September 2010 - 11:02 PM in Nerf Wars

What will the cover be like at this war? You said it was at a school. Will it be like an open field or like a grid or portables?In the case of the field, will there be cover or barracades to use?

#285190 Septembwar

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 09 September 2010 - 07:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Augh! Pre-war anxiety! I stlil need to make my dad's 260+ darts and finish up our pistols...

Also, because this seems to be happening recently, I do not expect ANY of you to bail out on this war. We have anywhere from 20 to 24 definites by my count, and I do NOT want to be disappointed.

OH MY GOD I know what you mean! At my last war, SNO, I brought my brother and brother in law with me. My brother in law LAST MINUTE invites a friend and promises him that I will make him a gun. Just to clarify, at the time, I had two working war ready guns. Had two days to work AND make darts. Went to a hotel in Savannah the day before the war with 80 darts for all of us. I had to bring all of my tools with me. Fixed a pistolsplat, a big blast, AND make a new nitefinder for the guy plus barrels. I also had just not enough barrels for every gun to. That is why I'm going solo this time.

#262283 Sc Wars?

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 18 January 2010 - 03:11 PM in Nerf Wars

[quote name='gohavefun' date='Jan 18 2010, 11:24 AM' post='262252']
Awesome! Another South Carolina nerfer! I would definatly go to the war.

what part of sc do you live in???????

Look at my name box thing.

#262247 Sc Wars?

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 18 January 2010 - 10:33 AM in Nerf Wars

Hey any body like in sc want to have a war

Awesome! Another South Carolina nerfer! I would definatly go to the war.

#304950 S.P.U.D.

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 24 September 2011 - 01:07 PM in Nerf Wars

I didn't get any sort of payment or referance to me when you made the name of this war...

Just kidding, looks fun guys.

#328859 Roughcut - 2x4 to 4x2 Mod + Bottle Cap Slamfire + Speed Loaders, For R

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 18 April 2013 - 06:43 PM in Modifications

I find the bottle cap method interesting, but seems like it could fail quite easily. You'd be better off using a zip-tie to hold the trigger back. Or, if you want to get more advanced, you could drill a hole through the shell and trigger, and put a bolt through to keep the trigger from moving.

"As you can see below, the bottle cap takes up the whole trigger area and keeps the trigger pulled constantly. Bumping the bottle cap out of the way with your finger allows you to quickly go back to using the trigger."

I really don't see the reason for negative feedback. This is, in a lot of ways, very innovative to a design that has been done so many times. It definitely has me saying "Why didn't I think of that?!," more than just once. Very clean, very cool that you made it removable, and very clever. Major props.

#297253 Rigged Shotgun

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 17 April 2011 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

This might have an obvious answer, but after setting this up how do you get out of the room?

The rope is actually losser than you think. First, the lever is slightly pulled for the shotgun to be fired without too much force. Second, if you can see in the video, I have a small bedside table. When tension is put on the rope, it gets caught on this, instead opening very far, making it harder to fire when the door is opened only slightly. All you really have to is tie it too the door when the door is nearly closed. I sorta show this backwards in the video when I take the rope off the door. Hope this helps!

Thanks for the comments guys!

#297241 Rigged Shotgun

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 17 April 2011 - 02:31 PM in Modifications

Well, to start, the insiration for this was from Fallout. One day, while I was in Study Hall, I thought, what the hell, let me make one. For me, this has worked really well, and since Chain asked me to, I decided to post a writeup.

1/2 PVC
5 1/2 PVC Elbows
Modded Lanard Shotgun (or any other blaster really)
Rope, String, or Twine
1. Frame
The Frame is used to Hold the shotgun in place so it doesn't get pulled off the object it is placed on when the rope is pulled.
Take your shotgun
Posted Image
Posted Image
My Rigged Shotgun will be placed on my bed, so alterations may have to be made in the design if it is to be put on other objects. The Front is used to hold the Shotgun down, while the small section in the back is used to hold the frame on the bed. Here are some extra pictures:
This is how it will be placed.
Posted Image
It will be placed on the bed like this.
Posted Image
This is the way it will look once it is dropped in place.
Posted Image____________________________________________________________
2. The Lever
The Lever consists of a piece of PVC tied to the door with two elbows at the end to keep it in place. This is how it is placed:
Posted Image
Here it is without the trigger pulled:
Posted Image
Here it is pulled:
Posted Image
Finally, here it is put in place:
Posted Image
Tied to the door:
Posted Image
From where it is to where it is tied to the door:
Posted Image
If you didn't understand anything from the writeup, here is a video that may help:

#352325 Requesting Site Feedback

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 20 March 2016 - 06:41 PM in Site Feedback

As a kid you see a bit of annoying things on the forum such as being punished for bad grammar or seeing words that a kid should not see. Maybe make a kid rank where if your under a specific age you get it and it would block out inappropriate words like a word filter or even just let the staff know "hey I'm a kid my grammar sucks". But make it only known to staff so other members don't take them seriously.

The internet has no age. If you aren't 13+ you shouldn't be on the forum anyway. At that age, grammar should be no issue.


The one thing I wish the forum had, is a better threshold for new nerfers to browse the forum on their first glance. As hard as it may be for the moderating team to track down every war going on these days, I used to love seeing the monthly list of wars available to attend on the main page. It kept me up to date on wars as well as helped bring the different areas together. When Nerf Revolution was still around, I remember one member who did a weekly news letter, had mods/homemades of the week, and other sort of nerfing news. The main page already has a blog setup, so adding a list of mods/ homemade guides/moderators picks of the modification and paintjob thread or homemade thread created the month before would make it really easy for new users to get an idea what the hobby is about. Doesn't have to be that in depth, but something that makes it easy to get what this forum is about right on the home page.

#352411 Requesting Site Feedback

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 24 March 2016 - 09:22 PM in Site Feedback

ONE thing I really miss is the ability to toggle between the vintage dark blue and the white for the site theme. So much easier on the eyes. 

#294025 Rearloading Firefly

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 06 February 2011 - 09:14 PM in Modifications

Damn! You're just on a role this week aren't you?

Very creative, I love it.

I'm guessing you used a file to sand the E- Putty so it makes a nice seal on the plunger tube right? I could see that getting to an absolute mess for me. Do you have a special method for applying the Epoxy?

#364672 Re-creating the Nerf SledgeFire: The SuperSledge

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 29 December 2021 - 01:26 AM in Homemades

I'm still massively impressed with how well this turned out, and how efficient your productivity was with it. Excellent photo and contextualization. Above all else, the utilization of pre-existing hardware kits to constrain your development but also make recreating it easier on anyone else is something I've heavily considered in future builds. (Thanks for the shoutout as well!) You're going to have to tell me how you take these images in Fusion. I know they aren't renders. Are these just screenshots from your computer? Mine never look this good when I do so. Depending on the performance, I could easily see this becoming a standard jump-off point for other remixes and modulations. Thanks for keeping the NH writeup train going!

#364674 Re-creating the Nerf SledgeFire: The SuperSledge

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 30 December 2021 - 01:29 AM in Homemades


I'm surprised at the amount of people that don't know of Fusion360's image capture feature!

To be honest, I've been a little embarrassed to ask for a while. I've been using Fusion360 forrrrrr maybe 6 years now? Never knew about it. But I also render everything that's worth showing, which is usually finalized images, and cloud rendering is quick so I never needed an alternative. Every now and then being able to see the modeling lines on a part is super helpful for showing WIP images. Even an old dog can learn new tricks!

The only thing I usually ask of people is to consider buying something on my RedBubble shop,

This is where you design a cool Super Sledge patch or decal to slap on the blaster  B)

#332533 Range Master/Raider Integration Write-up

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 31 July 2013 - 12:23 PM in Modifications

Nice write-up, but put some damn pants on next time..

#262821 Raider Issue

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 23 January 2010 - 03:05 PM in General Nerf

I have heard this happening. My friend removed the air restrictor and it works fine.

#354281 Quickshot 12

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 16 June 2016 - 08:52 PM in Modifications

By doing this to the top of the clip, do your darts pop out of the top of the clip when the breech is open? How do the darts stay in place?

#360663 Quick plunger padding question

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 19 June 2017 - 06:26 PM in Modifications

If it's a stock plunger tube, then yes. Breaking the front of the plunger tube is the concern so yes, make sure there is padding. 1.25mm of space around the plunger is fine. That doesn't matter. It's all about what comes into contact with the front of the plunger tube first. As long as the craft foam, rubber, or whatever you decide to use hits the front of the plunger tube, and not your polycarb plunger head, then its fine. 

#262887 Question About +bow

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 24 January 2010 - 01:13 AM in Modifications

Why WOULDN'T you be able to? Any gun can have some PVC glued on and have a foregrip. Any piece of shit with half a brain could figure that out.

I think he might mean that you pump the forgrip to prime the blaster. Am I right?

#353515 Quadshot catch templates?

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 16 May 2016 - 05:18 PM in Homemades

I don't have the measurements, but I'm back home and mine is in storage so I can get some accurate measurements with a caliper. I can have them to you within a day if no one chimes in.

#353552 Quadshot catch templates?

Posted by Spud Spudoni on 18 May 2016 - 12:22 AM in Homemades

Okay then you should be good. And you can get a decent caliper from Harbor Freight for like 12 bucks. They come in handy so much, its worth having one.