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#238013 Yalpam Ii

Posted by Possemhunter on 22 June 2009 - 01:56 PM in Modifications

that.... is .... skill. I love how you used the front trigger to actually fire something instead of keyrings. Great job.

#250881 Wings Of Freedom Tour

Posted by Possemhunter on 19 September 2009 - 05:30 PM in Off Topic

I would love to see the ball turrets fire nerf darts. Those pictues are so cool!

#245575 Which Way Do I Go?

Posted by Possemhunter on 05 August 2009 - 07:13 AM in General Nerf

The first option looks the best and easiest. Adding longer barrels cosmetic barrels just decreases range.

#235508 What Screwdrivers Do You Use?

Posted by Possemhunter on 10 June 2009 - 07:38 PM in Off Topic

I use these Screwdrivers

Thse are amazingly comfortable have a decent grip and are narrow enough

#274448 Wax + Molten Bronze = Huge Fire

Posted by Possemhunter on 10 May 2010 - 02:54 PM in Off Topic

That video is odd. Why would they waste the wax? It is used to make molds for casting the bronze and its not cheap. I do a bit of metal casting in my backyard frequently. Are there any other metal casters on this forum?

I have some pictures of what I do on my website
La tomatina mt laurel

Yes the site has a lot of randomness, just go to the casting section.

#278882 Vacuum Forming And Nerf

Posted by Possemhunter on 28 June 2010 - 02:42 PM in Homemades

I see a lot of potential with this idea, but it has one major drawback. The inside of those shells is sooo complicated with all the plugs for the screws and mounting points for internals. If you could find a way to replicate the inside, I would be very impressed. If you could use the piece you just made to make a plaster version as a negative mold and then make another negative mold for the inside, you could put the 2 halves together and pour molten plastic in with some sort of pressurizer to fill all the nooks in the mold. Complicated but if you could get the process down, easy. (hopefully)

#235667 Ultra Dumb Ls. Halp!

Posted by Possemhunter on 11 June 2009 - 04:03 PM in Modifications

Wait, do you have the stock barrel in? Okay I bet you took out the dart tooth. You need that piece. It pushes the dart into the bolt. Refer to this pictureLonghsot internal guide

#226640 Topic Name Availability

Posted by Possemhunter on 27 April 2009 - 06:33 PM in Site Feedback

You would run out of names so fast. Aboslutely NO

#294396 Too Much Friction

Posted by Possemhunter on 11 February 2011 - 09:11 PM in Modifications

If there's that much friction, have you considered smaller o rings?

#225227 Titan Trigger Fix

Posted by Possemhunter on 23 April 2009 - 06:27 AM in Modifications

Thanks for answering the questions C. slug. I never thought of reducing the trigger pull. That's a good idea.

#225092 Titan Trigger Fix

Posted by Possemhunter on 22 April 2009 - 06:15 PM in Modifications

Hello Nerfhaven! This is my first post so I thought I'd contribute something useful.
I have two titans. When the trigger on one of them broke I was annoyed. That little orange piece that fits over the release rod popped off. I diddn't want to use epoxy and gunk everything up and hot glue didn't work so I came up with this. It's a wheel collar on the rod to keep the orange piece in place.

The link to the picture is below.


Yes that is my website about tomatos that the picture is on. Sorry I can't figure out how to post pictures. I searched and it didn't help. I'd appriciate advice.

Before I put the collar on, I used a file to make a flat surface on the rod.
This helps give the collar a better grip.

This last thing isn't special but I also dremmeled ou the air restrictors on the front barrel of the titan so I can fire other things and drop in a barrel of choice.

I'm very sorry about the mess up with the pictures. I

#225099 Titan Trigger Fix

Posted by Possemhunter on 22 April 2009 - 06:37 PM in Modifications


Thanks! I aprreciate it!

#247774 Titan Mod Without Pvc Pipes?

Posted by Possemhunter on 20 August 2009 - 07:13 AM in Modifications

If you want to increase the range of the missile just plug the over pressure release valve on the pump.
The missile shoots absurdly far, but because of the hollow tip it still wouldn't hurt a small child at thirty pumps.

How exactly do you know this?

How close was the poor kid?

I'm scared

And yes it's worth cutting out the ar's to shoot other things

#239278 Titan Cluster Missile

Posted by Possemhunter on 29 June 2009 - 05:49 PM in Modifications

I have been, for a long time, attempting to make a missile that could be launched from an off the shelf nerf missile launcher and could also somehow disperse darts over a wide area. I met these terms almost accidentally when I taped a cardboard tube onto a BBBB missile, stuffed the tube with darts and fired. This worked, but the range left something to be desired and the missiles popped because of the amount of pumping nescesary to get any distance. I solved this by super sizing the whole thing.
Posted Image

It's so simple it's shocking that it works so well, and I don't believe it's ever been posted.(Sorry if it has)

To make: Get toilet paper tube and cut in half so you have two tubes.
Cut each lengthwise and tape the tubes together to make a larger diameter tube.
Tape onto top of missile.
Load with darts( just enough so that they easily fall out)
Pump and fire at a high angle so that darts can fall out.

I like this because it gets a whole area covered with darts and the missile still hits some thing/one, its dirt cheap, and easier than doing a shotgun mod to the titan barrel. I haven't measured ranges officially but I think the missile hit about 50 feet. The darts usually fall somewhere 25 feet forward of you. The scatter depends on how you load the darts. I can get 8 darts launched and have a nice ten foot wide spread.
Posted Image

#239282 Titan Cluster Missile

Posted by Possemhunter on 29 June 2009 - 05:57 PM in Modifications

I'll try to get a video of it. However my cameras card is full of priceless memories right now. Maybe tomorrow. How do you even post videos. Is it just like picture?

#239370 Titan Cluster Missile

Posted by Possemhunter on 30 June 2009 - 06:19 AM in Modifications

soccerbeast, you perfectly replicated my results. Thanks for doing the video.

#239390 Titan Cluster Missile

Posted by Possemhunter on 30 June 2009 - 10:19 AM in Modifications

That's not how TOW Missiles work at all. The wire sends corrective information to the missile via the wire so that the missile changes course and can hit a moving target. For me, my missile is actually practical in nerf wars in my backyard. My friends usually go up onto a second story deck and barricade it, so it's good for me to have something I can shoot up there that will scatter a lot of darts quickly.

does it really matter how ugly it is( which compared to some things here it isn't). It is functional and for me that is all that matters. Would giving it a fancy paintjob make it work any better?

#234976 The Ultimate Doubleshot

Posted by Possemhunter on 08 June 2009 - 01:43 PM in Modifications

Awww Man... I thought you really had a good double shot mod! Aren't I gullible?

#252131 The New Pics Of The Thompson

Posted by Possemhunter on 29 September 2009 - 07:41 PM in Homemades

Is that a dress or a bed sheet ? Nice hat though.

Real comments now. So how does it work again? The air bladder fires one shot every time you press the trigger button thing, but you have to load a dart for every shot. Ranges?

Edit: Just read the original post again on how it works. Good idea. What are the ranges!

#225248 The Cyclops

Posted by Possemhunter on 23 April 2009 - 10:44 AM in Modifications

That is so clean! I like it alot. Good job. :lol:

#234451 Tech Target Writeup

Posted by Possemhunter on 05 June 2009 - 01:50 PM in Modifications

Nice mod. ;) What are the ranges?

Can you read at all? LItersize beat me to it didn't he?

#235045 Tech Target Brass Breach

Posted by Possemhunter on 08 June 2009 - 07:01 PM in Modifications

Nice work. I'm a bit confused though. Do you cock the gun regularly, then pull out the 17/32 portion to open it, then put a dart in and push the 17/32 back in? What keeped the dart from going into the plunger tube.

#235210 Tech Target Brass Breach

Posted by Possemhunter on 09 June 2009 - 02:37 PM in Modifications

XRUSHEDX: It probably does, but its extremely close to airtight, so if it does at all, it will be a small amount. I will probably post ranges when I get rubberbands for it.

Possemhunter: The opening on the plunger tube is about the size of a screwdriver head, so the dart cannot fit through. It really doesn't matter what order you cock/load its really up to the person using the gun. Personally, I normally cock right before I fire, like as i'm pulling the gun out of a holster, so the spring doesn't get to compressed.

MOD_FREAK: Thanks, thats why I love nested brass and PEX tubing. I might drill holes in the PEX to make it look like a flash-hider.

ilzot: Mine used to vacuum load, but somehow I screwed it up. This is a good mod if you cant get it to vacuum load.

Thanks I get it now. I wonder if you could do this to any other guns. The night finder doesn't have enough shell around the barrel to do this do. At least a think.

#280703 Stampede: Leaked

Posted by Possemhunter on 19 July 2010 - 04:09 PM in General Nerf


#280714 Stampede: Leaked

Posted by Possemhunter on 19 July 2010 - 06:46 PM in General Nerf

Okkkay... Wow I missed the other thread. I guess it must have been wearing camo. I can't believe its right on the front page too.

I misspoke. Apologies.

#242185 Small Question

Posted by Possemhunter on 16 July 2009 - 09:13 AM in Modifications

Home Depot might have odd sizes for cpvc. I took a stefan made of their foam, a stock tagger dart and a stock whistler dart and all of them were so tight that they couldn't fit in. where does everyone else get cpvc?

#235507 Shelia, The Dtb

Posted by Possemhunter on 10 June 2009 - 07:34 PM in Modifications

I was more of hoping for something original like a nf integrate as the plunger tube for the turret giving it more power.

Thanks for the feedback.

Nice mod.

Is it akward to prime the nitefinder now?

Also, how secure is the nightfinder?

Thanks. Not really. As long as you use a decent amount of epoxy/hotglue over a good surface area you're fine.

I like that you tried, but I have to say that it is rather pointless, unless your slide has broken, or lost its function due to other mods.

Thanks. The cocking bar was breaking so I thought I would try this.

I was more of hoping for something original like a nf integrate as the plunger tube for the turret giving it more power.

That is also what I was hoping for. Doesn't this also decrease ranges since it also has to pull that big piece of cpvc and the tee.

Not really, the ranges haven't decreased since I put it on. People really don't know that CPVC doesn't weigh that much.

Hot glue really isn't good for bonding parts that will be stressed or are heavy and have no other support.

#256396 Semi-automatic Valve

Posted by Possemhunter on 15 November 2009 - 09:14 PM in Modifications

I love how you did this. This has to be the simplest semi auto configuration I've seen that looks like it works. Great job.

#232881 Salvaged Longshot

Posted by Possemhunter on 27 May 2009 - 06:08 PM in Modifications

May I ask why he was running over it? that must have been a heavy bike!

#247600 Saftey Glasses

Posted by Possemhunter on 19 August 2009 - 08:11 AM in General Nerf

I use the same safety glasses that I use for modding for nerfing

#247997 Rf20 Problem

Posted by Possemhunter on 21 August 2009 - 03:17 PM in General Nerf

I would be extremely happy with an automatic that could shoot 3 round bursts!

#299129 RF20

Posted by Possemhunter on 01 June 2011 - 02:56 PM in General Nerf

Ho Ho! I sense soem tension brewing! Fight Fight Fight! :wacko:

Plastic parts, especially those in nerf guns can be repaired with heat and pressure. They have plastic welding guns that essentially blow a hot stream of air over a focused point to remelt plastic. The most common place for these cracks is along the seam where they were molded. If the plastic is in fact to blame, I would hit it with a propane torch just enough to make it barely malty, then put your bladder or hose back in and squeeze it with a pair of pliers.


#271946 Rel Gun Look Alike?

Posted by Possemhunter on 11 April 2010 - 06:52 PM in General Nerf

If your into milsim and want realistic play weaponry, then nerf is not for you. If nerf is not for then you probably shouldn't be on this forum. Therefore by the transitive property of geometry, you probably shouldn't be on this forum. How can someone even begin to compare a real rifle to a nerf gun that shoots 15 feet stock. Nerf needs to stop focusing on realistic looking guns and start making ones that function well again. But eh, nerf will sell whatever makes the most money.

#255897 Recon Cs-6 And Ertl Rapid Fire Shot Gun Mod

Posted by Possemhunter on 10 November 2009 - 05:05 PM in Modifications

You sir are a magician! This calls for a song! Too bad I can't think of one.

#253700 Raider Rapid Fire Cs-35

Posted by Possemhunter on 16 October 2009 - 08:21 PM in Modifications

If you mean the raider then the the internals are basically the same as the recon's so just look that up.

#253858 Questions About Making A Rscb Clip

Posted by Possemhunter on 18 October 2009 - 05:56 PM in Modifications

If you are going to a store to buy the brass, or any barrel material, I always bring a few darts to test their fit. 9/16 or 17/32 should work. I personally made an angel breech with 9/16, but found a different supply of foam and put a piece of 17/32 down the org. barrel to get a tighter fit.

#254100 Planning On N-force Swords Mods

Posted by Possemhunter on 20 October 2009 - 05:43 PM in General Nerf

Wow. You really think that way? I bet people would pay to study you. Swords and blaster are two entirely different things with nothing alike except who makes them. Maybe if you read some good modifications on this site you understand that.

#319075 Pipe Coping

Posted by Possemhunter on 24 July 2012 - 07:16 AM in Homemades

I like that. I do some welding so this will be very useful. Thanks for posting.

#246754 Paintball Barrel Inserts

Posted by Possemhunter on 12 August 2009 - 04:43 PM in Modifications

I think that the paintball gun would be overpowered to use in a war and wouldn't you have to manually reload every shot? Why not just use paintballs? Correct me if I'm wrong though

#256948 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Possemhunter on 21 November 2009 - 05:18 PM in Off Topic

Glad you fixed it. Is the game only for x-box ? I'd like to find out cause if it's better than the first.. Wow it must be good!