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#259430 Funny Video

Posted by serpent sniper on 20 December 2009 - 04:11 PM in General Nerf

What burn?

dicks in your mouth.
There are a lot of them.

Posted Image

#169318 Longshot's Shotgun And Recon's Barrel Extension

Posted by serpent sniper on 14 August 2008 - 11:20 PM in General Nerf

Because you touch yourself at night.

But seriously, it's because they are not "proper" barrels. The stock barrels do not fit the darts, they are much too large. You are correct that longer barrels can add to accuracy, but that's only the case if they fit the darts. The faux barrel extensions just cause the dart to bounce around inside on their way out, and lower accuracy.

#136923 My Take On The Lancer

Posted by serpent sniper on 22 January 2008 - 08:50 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the comments.

Forsaken, I was debating that too, but so far I don't see any weakness. The body doesn't flex or separate there, so I think it would be safe to cut.

I regret not taking pics the moment I finished. The appearances have definitely degraded. I might just take the decorative stuff off and have a black lancer.

I forgot to mention also, it's modded with the spring from a pump shot gun.

#136750 My Take On The Lancer

Posted by serpent sniper on 21 January 2008 - 01:22 PM in Modifications

So I actually created my lancer back in october for a halloween project. My floormates and I are big into gears, and I thought they would get a kick out of it. I made the gun in two days, and only with materials I had at hand (minus they toy chainsaw, I bought at walmart). My lancer is far less refined than Forsaken angel's, but I made it to look cool and still use in nerf wars. It looked better when I first made it, but I think it has held up well after seeing some action. Anyways, pics:

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I regret not posting it sooner. Seeing what forsaken angel did, I felt compelled to post my ghetto-er version. The chainsaw is velcroed on so that I can remove it during games. I think it is a good balance of replication and functionality. Comment away.

#170503 Cpvc Couplers

Posted by serpent sniper on 18 August 2008 - 11:54 PM in Modifications

A thin layer of pvc cement works well too, and would be a more permanent solution.

#8952 Dammit Spoon

Posted by serpent sniper on 31 August 2003 - 05:03 PM in Modifications

Pliers? A stick? Just try stuff...

#282142 Amazing Paint Job - How Can I Learn This?

Posted by serpent sniper on 04 August 2010 - 08:09 PM in Modifications

Yes, I think the main coat was all drybrushed.

Drybrushing is used on the raised bits, but if you do the same technique to a flat area, you leave a thin coat of paint. It gives it that blurred or soft look that the gun you posted has, and allows you to mix the tones as you add more layers.

I use a big flat brush with soft bristles for drybrushing. There's no trick to drybrushing a flat part. You might want less paint of the brush than if you were doing corners, but you just keep brushing it until it starts picking up color.

#282117 Amazing Paint Job - How Can I Learn This?

Posted by serpent sniper on 04 August 2010 - 03:39 PM in Modifications

gmoff - I got your PM. You don't have an email address listed on your profile, otherwise I would have emailed you the video.

Anyways, my video won't really help you achieve a look like that gun. As Aj pointed out, that gun is mostly drybrushed and my guns have a different style. I do briefly demonstrate how I use inks, so if you still want it I can email you.

The basic process for a gun like that, or at least how I would do it would be like this:

Black basecoat
Drybrush colors from dark to light
Blending ink (so in this case a red ink was used to blend everything)
Ink for grime effect (something black, brown, chestnut, maybe more than one)
Drybrush edges with light color

That's more or less how I do any of my guns, I just do a textured stippling technique instead of drybrush the whole thing.

#256490 Help With Paypal

Posted by serpent sniper on 16 November 2009 - 06:43 PM in Off Topic

Seriously? Call the bank...

#169728 A Few Of My Lightsaber Kits Lit Up With Luxeon

Posted by serpent sniper on 16 August 2008 - 01:14 PM in Off Topic

Those are nice. I used to collect sabers 5 or 6 years ago, of course then all the blades were EL. Luxeon is a lot nicer.

#18161 Capitalization Rule

Posted by serpent sniper on 04 February 2004 - 06:48 PM in Site Feedback

*Hands Groove "Best Onomatopoeia Award"* That made me laugh...slightly.

#18805 Xxl Gun

Posted by serpent sniper on 11 February 2004 - 09:37 PM in Modifications

I'll be damned. Never would have guess the skeet shoot looks like that...

And Janga...was that some kind of racially-fueled remark for the soul purpose of showing your hatred towards native americans? *pulls out knife. . .h2h knife*

#7020 Rad 4.0 Foam Firing Robot Thingy

Posted by serpent sniper on 14 July 2003 - 09:10 PM in General Nerf

My friend had one of those, a different version, maybe the first one. Anyway, yeah it was slow and loud and fragile, but it shot the darts pretty hard.

#208859 Snort-hog

Posted by serpent sniper on 02 February 2009 - 01:44 AM in Modifications

Very cool dude.

I really like your paintjobs because they combine excellent detailing while still remaining within a "nerf -y" color pallet. I think that you've found a good medium where you have guns that a person can take seriously, while still looking like nerf guns.

Props to you sir.

#11727 Airjet Stinger

Posted by serpent sniper on 22 October 2003 - 08:55 PM in Modifications

I bought one once...blew the valve...reteurned it..the end. They suck, the valve blew with about 4 pumps, and the POS barely shot 15 feet... You'd be wasting brass...

#168620 Cancelling Mcmaster-carr Order

Posted by serpent sniper on 12 August 2008 - 10:47 PM in Off Topic

I actually just got an order from McMaster Carr today. The order arrived without any confirmation of shipment or what shipping cost was. Hell, they didn't even say how they were shipping my stuff.

Anyways, McMaster Carr uses UPS, so you can at least try to calculate shipping yourself.

The worst thing that could happen is that they ship your order, and you have to refuse to take it from the UPS guy. Then it just gets shipped back, and hopefully that's the end of everything.

#16510 Ss2/blast Hammer Intergration

Posted by serpent sniper on 16 January 2004 - 07:10 PM in Modifications

Pretty cool, the blast hammer seems like a good, quick backup shot. Like OMC said, go for a cool paintjob...like arctic camo or something.

#4029 First Shot

Posted by serpent sniper on 26 April 2003 - 04:52 PM in Modifications

I cpvc'd mine. It gets 65' flat. You just saw off the stupid pole thing that the dart goes on, then sand that down, drill a bigger hole thats a little smaller than the cpvc, and then plumbers goop the cpvc barrel on. After that I added some hotglue for support where the barrel goes through the black peice.

#15611 The Crossbow

Posted by serpent sniper on 03 January 2004 - 06:59 PM in Off Topic

Thats cool. Nerf better make some xbows like that...*sigh* I love sci-fi weaponry... ^_^

#3858 Happy Birthday To Zero.

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 April 2003 - 03:48 PM in Off Topic

Yay! Happy birfday! Or birthday...nah birfday. otanjoubiomedetougozaimasu(japanese):lol:

#15825 Anyone Know Anything About This Gun?

Posted by serpent sniper on 05 January 2004 - 09:31 PM in General Nerf

here ya go
Unfortunately, I took down the pics...

Its a nice gun. Whoever said that it has the same barrel as the SM5k, thats what I thought, it doesn't really though.

Damn, thats a nice price on bass pro shops, buy one people...and forever shall you refer to it as the serpent-cannon! Or don't...

#168575 Sm500 Questions

Posted by serpent sniper on 12 August 2008 - 09:21 PM in Off Topic

The Sm500 is a great gun. Having owned 2, I can say that they were some of the best air pistols. They got 2k performance, and were more comfortable to hold.

Modding them is easy. One thing to be sure of is NOT to plug the pump. I guess the valve is prone to being blown. It was the consensus on the NIC that the pump was not to be plugged. It gets the range of a singled, pump plugged 2k without plugging anyways.

#25486 Pac Man Rpg

Posted by serpent sniper on 03 May 2004 - 09:12 PM in Off Topic

Wouldn't it be a LARP as opposed to just RPG? *blushes* Sorry, my nerd is showing.

#16623 Broken Larami 1000

Posted by serpent sniper on 18 January 2004 - 01:42 PM in General Nerf

Okay, the same thing happened to mine. I tried everything, but I didn't work. I singled it, but it sucks this way... Namm, whatever you do, don't single it. Try to get a sm1500 or at2k barrel assembly off someone or something, I hate it now, it just sucks.

#16952 Realistic Dart Guns

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 January 2004 - 05:57 PM in General Nerf

Hey, they have that police force gun there. Good, now I don't have to find "A Dollar" or whatever...

#3863 Tenchu 3

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 April 2003 - 05:36 PM in Off Topic

You mean Tenchu 2? Thats the one that came out recently, isn't it?

#3758 X-stream Max Shot

Posted by serpent sniper on 21 April 2003 - 07:03 PM in Off Topic

Your local TRU. Duh. :(

#163771 Ultimator Missle Problems

Posted by serpent sniper on 22 July 2008 - 07:38 PM in General Nerf

You pretty much answered your own question. If they're unusable then the value can only increase by making them usable.

An ultimator missile isn't some kind of antique. Glue some craft foam fins on it, you won't ruin the patina.

#15337 New Guns

Posted by serpent sniper on 31 December 2003 - 05:17 PM in General Nerf

Maybe its that blue thing I found...the jet squadron mini or whatever. ;)

#164528 Blastfire Questions

Posted by serpent sniper on 25 July 2008 - 07:50 PM in Modifications

Okay, I have been doing my research on the blastfire. I know that the pump is finicky, so I have some questions.

Let me lay it out;

I have the old edition,

I want to integrate several guns.

Here's what I am wondering;

Ideally, I'd plug the pump. Should I? I want to fully pressurize the integrated guns without making the blastfire's trigger pull ridiculously hard.

Should I opt for an additional at2k pump below the bf's for the integrations? If so, should I still plug the bf's pump?

I'm just concerned about fucking up my bf, and having to settle for a hornet.