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There have been 54 items by Terminator (Search limited from 19-January 97)

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#58199 Base Type

Posted by Terminator on 25 June 2005 - 04:39 PM in General Nerf

No base, we just have one team in the front yard and another in the back.


#58198 Like The Fat Kid In Dodgeball...

Posted by Terminator on 25 June 2005 - 04:26 PM in Off Topic

Jeff, I support you, appreciate you and respect you very much. I hope you do well in school. God bless.


#56791 Two Way Radios

Posted by Terminator on 06 June 2005 - 05:54 PM in Off Topic

My friends purchased the Garmin Rhion 110, they like it very much however they don't use it to the full extent of the radio. However, for what they do use it for they are very much pleased.

The current replacement for the Rhino is the GPS 60, which does basically the same features.

These radios are very good if you are a serious hiker because they give you GPS location, Rendezvous point time, individual distance from the Rendezvous point and much more.

If you still aren't satisfied then you could go with the GPSMAP 60, much more fnctional, much less practical.

And as they say about price, "If ya gotta ask..."
Someone help me out here.


#56790 Virtual Stock Exchange

Posted by Terminator on 06 June 2005 - 05:46 PM in Off Topic

I do a similar thing with AOL, you can creat a portfolio with fake money and buy stocks. Sometimes you win money and sometimes you lose.

While we're on the subject, does anyone else watch Mad Money with Kramer? I started watching and have learnd to love it. If you havn't watched before, it is very lively and sometimes very fast. Once you watch for a while you'll love it.


#54435 Designing Program?

Posted by Terminator on 08 May 2005 - 06:46 PM in Homemades

This can be used to make life like images or simple renderings.

Same principle, much more complex though.

When looking at the Rhinoceros site decide what you would most likely use the program for, i.e. nerf, cars, landscapes, cartooing, etc.

Hope that helped.


#53741 L.s.p.o.n.o

Posted by Terminator on 28 April 2005 - 04:21 PM in Off Topic

Well, then I know what religion VACC should be.


#53736 L.s.p.o.n.o

Posted by Terminator on 28 April 2005 - 03:40 PM in Off Topic

Ha ha, I am pretty sure that I know what religion VACC is. HA HA.


#53497 Your Ride?

Posted by Terminator on 25 April 2005 - 07:05 PM in Off Topic

Davis, thank you so much. I was hoping I wasn't the only one who watches the news and gets the newspaper. I would like to point this out to all those confused persons. Gas prices are in fact not related to our econmy as much as you think. They are also not tied in to the president, whether he be a raging liberal, or a crazy conservative.


Every fuel selling country can manipulate the price in which the sell each barell for. Heck, if they wanted to they cold sell gas for a dollar a barell, but they wont because they would not make as much prophit. They also dont have to sell it for much to make a prophit, they pay their workers much less than minimum wage here [U.S.A.] and have deals with all their major suppliers. Their suppliers being, pumps, drills, tankers, clothing, acounting companies, etc. (the list goes on and on).

That is why THEY change the price and THEY conrtol the market. As all of you who earn you living can see, the economy is greatly effected by the cost of fossil fuels, i.e. petroleum, oil, gasoline, etc.


#53479 Your Ride?

Posted by Terminator on 25 April 2005 - 05:30 PM in Off Topic

GeneralPrimevil, those Mercedes Benz's you were talking about are the G-Wagons, short for Gelaendenwagen. They start at $80,000 and are (IN MY OPINION) not worth it. Granted they can get to 60 in under ten seconds and have a massive engine it's not exactly stylin' per se. It is more of a car that people own to say "YEA I GOT A SHIT LOAD OF MONEY, AND I'M A SNOB BUT I CAN AFFORD 10 MPG".

And from what you said they dont do well in sand dunes either.


#53450 Your Ride?

Posted by Terminator on 25 April 2005 - 03:11 PM in Off Topic

Ash, you took the words right out of my mouth.

If you go out and buy a honda civic and drop $50k into it, it is still a honda at the end of the day.

It really is just a battle of personal taste one way or the other. You get people saying they dont care what care they drive, others say they pollute the enviroment but still have a car, and yet others love what they drive because that's what kind of people they are.

I'm gonna' be one of those people who say that they like cars that are fast and elegant. I will never buy a crappy car and "suup it up" I would rather buy a wrangler for the same base price.

And as I said, matter of taste. This happens to be my taste, and If you are different I'm sure me and everyone else would love to hear it.


#52242 Prepare Your Bladder For Imminent Release!

Posted by Terminator on 11 April 2005 - 04:12 PM in Modifications

Alright thanks. I cant say what I would pay because I dont care what my guns look like as long as it works well. However, on this such occasion I think I would pay materials fee plus $10 which would come out to around $40.


#52238 Prepare Your Bladder For Imminent Release!

Posted by Terminator on 11 April 2005 - 03:45 PM in Modifications

Just curious. How much were you asking for the gun baghead?


#52236 Real Player - Owned

Posted by Terminator on 11 April 2005 - 03:40 PM in Off Topic

That's great.

Wait, seriously, has anyone ever played something on that? My patience usually runs up after 2 or 3 minutes.


#50172 Spellcheck

Posted by Terminator on 21 March 2005 - 04:40 PM in Site Feedback

Alright, I think that says enough. I'm going to see if firefox has a spellcheck plugin.


3. Get firefox and find the spell check plug in.

Right, now exactly how do I do that? Thanks.


#50107 Spellcheck

Posted by Terminator on 20 March 2005 - 05:54 PM in Site Feedback

I am inquiring about a possible spellcheck button that we can use while we're posting. I'm sure I dont just speak for myself when I say that we all aren't expert spellers and that we dont like to read other people's posts with tons of errors. If you find my idea to be impractical I propose plan B.

PLAN B- Rid the world of those teachers that suggest that they taught us how to spell.


#50106 Better Than A Nite Finder ?

Posted by Terminator on 20 March 2005 - 05:45 PM in Modifications

After seeing that I may have to take a trip to TRU.

Does the dart arch when you fire it from the lower barrel?


#50105 Ipods

Posted by Terminator on 20 March 2005 - 05:41 PM in Off Topic

Superintendent, you're a smart man. Right now I have the older IHP-120. I would highly reccomend an Iriver. I have used and ipod and and Iriver and I have found the Iriver to be a better bargin. That is if your not scarse on cash. If you are looking for a small media player consider the H10 which has 5gb, a color screen, voice recorder, FM tuner and FM recorder.

From there it is all personal preference. Based on looks and what you prefer.


It also comes in Black, Silver, Red and as you can see Blue.


#49913 X-box And Computer Networking

Posted by Terminator on 17 March 2005 - 09:46 PM in Off Topic

Yes King (I feel akward saying that) you can do that. Many companies have wireless gaming adapters, if thats what you mean. As a matter of fact I am going to buy a wireless adapter for my xbox because its not exactly close to a LAN cable. Second problem, my wireless router is not currently strong enough to reach my TV in my family room. So, I'll have to buy a wireless range expander' or just play safe and spend some more money and get a SRX router supposedly with 3x the range of all the other ones.


#48585 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Terminator on 03 March 2005 - 04:12 PM in Off Topic

I watched About Schmidt recently I thought that was good. However some of my friends just laugh because all they like is The Boondocks Saints (sp?).


#46834 Too Funny.

Posted by Terminator on 02 February 2005 - 08:23 PM in Off Topic

HAHA, I see you have all realized what marketing is. Sadly the producers and marketers of that product almost assurdely knew what they were conveying. They target the parents so they would buy the game. However the parents dont know that they are falling for advertising. Its almost subliminal, but its not because hes bascially directly saying "shove your ball in my mouth".


#46832 Nhq Journal

Posted by Terminator on 02 February 2005 - 08:16 PM in Off Topic

Sorry, not interested.


#45775 Whoa This Is Weird

Posted by Terminator on 09 January 2005 - 06:37 PM in Off Topic

I didn't mean it like that (chuckles to himself) it was one of the ones that you could get in blue, tangerine, grey, red and something else.


#45766 Whoa This Is Weird

Posted by Terminator on 09 January 2005 - 06:08 PM in Off Topic

HAHA. That reminds me of my old ibook, one of the colored ones, with OS 9.


#44489 Reviews

Posted by Terminator on 21 December 2004 - 06:02 PM in Off Topic

And that my friends, is exactly why I love reading posts at NH.


#37321 The New G5 From Apple

Posted by Terminator on 16 September 2004 - 06:38 PM in Off Topic

In the word's of my tawainese freind, "ha ha, fuk yuu."


#36254 At2k Help

Posted by Terminator on 02 September 2004 - 06:10 PM in Modifications

You can plug every hole on the At2k pump handle you can find. I only remember one but my guns were six months old. Just a little tip, put the tip of the glue-gun into the air release valve hole. It makes it more secure.


#34747 Homemade Flash Bang Grenade

Posted by Terminator on 21 August 2004 - 03:12 PM in Homemades

That would be true, but if you hit them it would save some time. Personally I would always shoot before using anything else, i.e. flash, smoke, etc.


#34736 Homemade Flash Bang Grenade

Posted by Terminator on 21 August 2004 - 01:07 PM in Homemades

I'm not sure there is much sense in making a bright flash at all. If you can see the person at night and are thinking of flashing them with something why dont you just shhot them. It's much easier and it will save you some time.

If you really want to temporarrily blind someone I would suggest something called S.W.A.T. teams. Most big city police stations have them and they are fitted with the latest and greatest weapons and gadgets to take charge of any situation.


#31710 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by Terminator on 19 July 2004 - 05:45 PM in General Nerf

I would love dayglow orange because I would be able to find my darts so easilly. No more looking for darts on my lawn like looking for where I dropped my contacts.

However, while negotiating you need to remember to manufacture orange baker rod takes some money. So you need to explain why it would be useful in its usually applications, i.e. window-sills, door-jams, foundation cracks, etc.. Once you have gotten that covered I will pay up too $.75/sq.ft..

Good Luck! :w00t:

#30537 2004 Line-up Poll

Posted by Terminator on 06 July 2004 - 05:45 PM in General Nerf

I would prefer the hornet because I like pistols. I dont like big guns, at all. For instance the only gun I use that is big is a SM5k because it gets good range and I happened to have one. However I would never go out of my way to buy the titan. Well mabye, but it does not matter.


#30113 Homemade Guns

Posted by Terminator on 01 July 2004 - 05:37 PM in Homemades

More is not necessarily better, since the cement chemically fuses the materials together.

Well put Pineapple.

The cement also will stick to flesh, not as strong as on the pvc will be, but nonetheless it will still bond your fingers together so dont go fingerpaint your name on your pvc or use your fingers to clean up the excess.

And for petes sake use both the primer and cement (not glue). For the cement does not adhere to the pvc without the primer. Also to remember to work fast when assembling and bonding because the glue will dry in less than a minute if you leave it out. Finally apply pressure for at least 15 seconds otherwise there will be no bond between the pvc.


#29880 Modification Of A Sc Triple Charge

Posted by Terminator on 29 June 2004 - 01:04 PM in Modifications

Sorry ompa The SC Triple Charge is a super soaker. I'm not sure there are any leaks but there is deffintely some problems with the handle.


#29875 Modification Of A Sc Triple Charge

Posted by Terminator on 29 June 2004 - 12:05 PM in Modifications

I am currently trying to mod my SC Triple Charge without any luck. There seems to be some isues with the pump handle and tank because I cant get any presure. I just want to know if anyone has ever tried to mod one succesfully or unsuccesfully, I dont care. If you have please feel free to tell me about your efforts because I am total chaos. Thank you.


#29816 More Spray Painting Ideas

Posted by Terminator on 28 June 2004 - 08:37 PM in Modifications

Thanks, just curious, why didn't you use it in the first place?


#29814 Laser Sniper?

Posted by Terminator on 28 June 2004 - 08:33 PM in Modifications

Thats why god invented nail-polish remover and sharp knives. Use both to losen the glue (krazy glue only) and then position and re-glue.

Oh, and if you guys liked the laser sight you may also like this. Think about this before you mount a rail system on your gun. The braket should fit over yor barrels given some hot glue and pvc.


#29775 More Spray Painting Ideas

Posted by Terminator on 28 June 2004 - 04:54 PM in Modifications

OOOOoo, I saw this commercial thingy for some new spray paint that is SUPPOSED to bond to plastic. Its called Krylon Fusion spray paint for plastic.

Has anyone tried it yet?

Does it really bond better?


#29774 Laser Sniper?

Posted by Terminator on 28 June 2004 - 04:44 PM in Modifications

That's the truth. An RF20 can't hit anything past 15 feet. I brassed 3K, however, may be better. Something with good range and great accuracy, but even still, lasers are pretty pointless. They aren't that great in the day, and have too small of a lit area for the night. Oh well, it was a pretty good idea. It would have to be more of a decorative item if anything.

GeneralPrimevil is completely correct. RF20's arent that good, plus they are automatic. You usually dont put laser sights on automatic weapons because you have multiple shots.

Second, the correct way to use a laser sight for accuracy is to mount it on your gun, say a sm5k, and have a scope too. This is very complicated because the scope and laser sight must be exactly level with each other otherwise you wont see your laser sight on your target. I understand that this isn't too practical in nerf. But you could have the same effect if you used a at2k and mount the laser sight on that gun. Then instead of leveling the laser sight with the scope you level it with your barrels. This makes greater accuracy acheviable.

Just to claify things, I am talking about a real laser sight, NOT that THING on the nite-finder. Something like this
Thats the only thing I would use, its good, cheap and has a pressure switch that can be placed on your handle.

#28956 Beat Box Video

Posted by Terminator on 20 June 2004 - 03:36 PM in Off Topic

Timberwolf how long have you been beet-boxing?

#28655 Free Gmail Account

Posted by Terminator on 16 June 2004 - 04:23 PM in Off Topic

Ok, I understand that you people didn't really like my post. Well, I cant do much about that, except to say that sometimes I say retarted things. However I still mean whatever I said in that last post.

Alexthebeast- I am not retarted, nor am I a geninus. Never the less, I had some slight point in my piece. I think what I was tryiong to say is that yahoo is okay, hotmail is okay, aol is okay and g-mail would be an improvement, but I dont want it. BECAUSE of the other options. FYI. I have all three of those accounts.

cxwq- I'm not sure I want to refrase what I said before. I was exagerating, a lot. However I think that I may have some truth in that statement, I think that AIM endorses Yahoo or visa-versa. When you sign up for AIM they offer you a new yahoo account.

DJ Hurley- I'm offering alternate e-mail providers.

rawray7- Whatever you think 1337 |-|4x0r. I take it employes at Hot Topic are like Circut City employes. Good stories.

I'm done. I hope that made a little more sense. If not I'll keep on clarifing.

#28580 Free Gmail Account

Posted by Terminator on 15 June 2004 - 07:39 PM in Off Topic

I DONT WANT A G-MAIL ACCOUNT. Not because I'm retarted but I dont need it, I have free time so when using hotmail I can wait to send my attachment in three seperate parts. However just before doing this I remember that I have AOL (with new top speed technology) I never really got how that works. Anyway with AOL I can send REALLY BIG attachments and can acess it anywhere. When I was in italy I used a regular italian made computer and went to www.aol.com and got my E-mail. Now I know for first time users aol.com is laid out poorly. I also know that hotmail.com is SLOW, thats why I use outllook to read the mail. Now lets not mention yahoo.com, yahoo practically has a limit of characters per box, like AIM, it has a 225 character limit per box. Thats why people who live off of AIM like yahoo and thats why AIM endorses yahoo.

I believe I have said my piece, I just wanted to let other people know what other options are out there for them.

God Bless google because I know that Apple is going to try to compete with them because apple has to have cornered the market for having the worst products.