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There have been 166 items by munson20 (Search limited from 09-February 97)

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#94213 Homeade Plunger

Posted by munson20 on 11 November 2006 - 10:54 PM in Homemades

Carbon, your idea sounds great, but can you translate a little into something I can understand? Maybe pictures of the tools?

How did BoltSniper do his? I was looking at the scar-n and Far, and they both are perfect!

#78651 Realistic Ranges

Posted by munson20 on 03 April 2006 - 09:28 PM in Modifications

Do all of you do the breech barrell type? See I just stick the dart in the top and shoot... maybe that is my problem?

#78649 Realistic Ranges

Posted by munson20 on 03 April 2006 - 09:25 PM in Modifications

from the cylinder to the outside, it is about 4-5 inches, but it only stick out of the gun 1 or 2 inches. The reason it is small because the crayola is usually there, however, I wanted to use stefans, and the marker isnt good for it.

#78646 Realistic Ranges

Posted by munson20 on 03 April 2006 - 09:21 PM in Modifications

I added a brass part to the cylinder (taking away yellow tubing and top barrell) then added a crayola marker to that... and shot dart tag bullets, but it went only around 50'. Can you explain this??? Once I took off the marker and just shot a dart, and it didn't go as far as it would with the crayola barrel and it rose up a lot??? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???

#78653 Realistic Ranges

Posted by munson20 on 03 April 2006 - 09:40 PM in Modifications

But having it as far away as I do, I still don't get the apropriate range. I even push a dart down there to test it, and it still doesn't go very far. When I shoot it, it just rises a lot!!!!!!!

#78678 Realistic Ranges

Posted by munson20 on 03 April 2006 - 10:54 PM in Modifications

Looking at the crossbow mod, I see that the airway connected to the air chamber is a 1/2" pvc, and I was wonder, Is there anything under this? My crossbow has 9/16 brass connected to the air valve and I was wondering whether this was the best material to connect? If not, what did you guys use and what would you recomend. Basically, explain your whole crossbow barrell system...

#79042 Realistic Ranges

Posted by munson20 on 06 April 2006 - 05:51 PM in Modifications

No, I extended the barrell wiht brass, and I shoot dart tag bullets. I dont put them down the barrell, i just put them in the front, besides, the rubber wont fit down the barrell. Since I am new to nerf, I havent made a breech barrell or something like it where you put the dart down the barrell, thats why I am asking so many questions.

#78683 Realistic Ranges

Posted by munson20 on 03 April 2006 - 11:05 PM in Modifications

I linked it by just dabbing some glue in the brass then sticking the marker in... then taped over it, thats all...

When you say semi loose, do you mean, sliding down to the bottom, or able to push down the barrell easily?

Also, should the removeable barrell that fits into the stable barrell be pretty tight, or tight enough it wount slide off. Also, should the dart be loose in the removable barrell, or jsutstable enough to stay wihtout moving?

#78642 Realistic Ranges

Posted by munson20 on 03 April 2006 - 09:10 PM in Modifications

I have been wondering every second reading posts about thed ranges other people have been getting, and I wonder, How do they get around 100'. I even pulled out a measuring tape that stretched 60' and my crossbow, with an extended barrel mod only went about 54'. I was shooting dart tag micros but even if I shot good stefans, it wouldn't make a 46' difference, or double the range! I dont know why my mods suck so much? Is it that I am honest with my ranges, or is it that I just do suck at modding. I will soon have pictures up of my crossbow mod to see whether there is something wrong with the gun, but please, everyone, enlighten me!

#79026 Realistic Ranges

Posted by munson20 on 06 April 2006 - 04:16 PM in Modifications

Im not an idiot, I extended it in the front with brass, but still I only get about 55-65. My quesiton was why arent i getting 80-100 like everyone else.

#79234 Any Other Pistol Finatics

Posted by munson20 on 08 April 2006 - 11:39 PM in General Nerf

The only way a grip fed clip pistol would work would be if it had little disposable compressed air shells behind each dart, to propell it. Speaking of compressed shells, they should have large clips, where before the game, you use an intense compressor, Nerf company Made, to pump it up. This would be amazing because no pumping in the game, only changing the clips. Does anyone agree, I think it would be amazing.

#85523 Yet Another Longshot Topic

Posted by munson20 on 22 July 2006 - 07:37 PM in General Nerf

Not a pointless topic, I think it is a good discussion about when it is going to come out! It looks very cool in the pictures, don't you all think so? I was more excited for the longshot than the magstrike becuase I just got a magstrike, and I expected more than what I got! I think the Longshot will be easily moddable! What do you think?

#78305 Rejected!

Posted by munson20 on 01 April 2006 - 02:42 PM in Off Topic

That is true, Cornell does have the highest suicide rate, I was there a few years ago with my dad who went there and he showed me a cliff people jumped off when he went there. Very big drop...

#77773 New Gun? (videos)

Posted by munson20 on 26 March 2006 - 11:33 PM in General Nerf

Hello, I've been looking for this gun for a while! where can I get one?

#78156 Modding Or Playing?

Posted by munson20 on 30 March 2006 - 08:33 PM in General Nerf

Answer honestly...

#96216 Magstrike Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 10 December 2006 - 02:28 PM in Modifications

Most of you know I am just starting out doing older paintjobs, I have already done 2, my lnl and bbb, but here is my next adition of a magstrike. I am going to be selling this gun online. I will be sellling it on ebay;however, if there are any offers here that I like, then I will sell it here on the haven, but for now, please comment on my newest creation....

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#96232 Magstrike Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 10 December 2006 - 05:25 PM in Modifications

Actually for the mag I will be putting a coat of protective enamel over it so it slides nicely. Thanks for the comments, and I will have pics of the clip and whole gun soon...

#96302 Magstrike Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 11 December 2006 - 08:30 PM in Modifications

The gun is being sold on ebay Here.

#96218 Magstrike Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 10 December 2006 - 03:10 PM in Modifications

The trigger is gold, and the clips are black scratched.

#96308 Magstrike Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 11 December 2006 - 09:26 PM in Modifications

I use steel woll for finer scratches and light grit for edges.

#89547 Longhot Front Gun Mod

Posted by munson20 on 11 September 2006 - 08:19 PM in Modifications

squigs, now your picking on someone by calling me a douche! Do you know what that is? Everyone stop picking on eachother! If you don't have something appreciatable to say about this topic, don't say it.

#89535 Longhot Front Gun Mod

Posted by munson20 on 11 September 2006 - 06:26 PM in Modifications

I agree with Hokiefan, Nerfmonkey, chill man. Maverick x is new so give him a break. He probably is very new and unexperienced to modding. Maverick x, dont listen to guys like Nerfmonkey, hes just likes to pick on people on internet forums. Hey, just get some nitefinders and practice, then move on.

#85606 Longshot Is At Super Target

Posted by munson20 on 24 July 2006 - 12:41 AM in General Nerf

I could maybe believe the longshot and magstrike thing, but not the titan separate thing! NO WAY!!! WHy would he lie though???

#77249 Hi! I Always "nerf" In My Mind

Posted by munson20 on 22 March 2006 - 07:45 PM in General Nerf

Hello 3D, great work!!! i was wondering, how does the gun with a big circular clip work? is it full auto? how do you make a full auto gun? also, how do you staore the air compression in your guns? i havent found a way to compress and release. i was thinking a tennis ball compressor (you twist the cap and it moves down untill there is a lot of compression.) but im not sure...

#77723 Eagle Eye Mod

Posted by munson20 on 26 March 2006 - 07:12 PM in Modifications

i bet that gym thing is total BS

#77372 My Velcro Night Finder

Posted by munson20 on 23 March 2006 - 11:23 PM in Modifications

Pretty cool design there for your prototype, however, the free dart was more easily accesible. other than that, nice job.

#90408 Mythbusters

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 09:32 PM in General Nerf

I think we should compile a few myths that you actually have heard of, and atleast try and post a few of them on the mythbusters fan site. You may not see it possible or even plausible (Haha) but we should atleast try and get it on the show. Like I said before, we could watch adam and jamie have a competition to build the most powerful nerf gun. They have so many resources, they could build a great gun!

#90417 Mythbusters

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 09:46 PM in General Nerf

No thats not what I said.

1.) I said we should compile real myths to post on the site and have them do a skit on them.

2.) For all of you who think it is a bad Idea, especially you general cole, why not try it? You all are like arguing not to do it. Are you saying that you wouldn't want to see it? I don't see why you take the time of day to argue why not.

Why wouldn't you wan't to see the mythbusters build a nerf gun?

#90358 Mythbusters

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 06:17 PM in General Nerf

I don't come here to make friends and be cool among you guys, I come here to get Nerf advice. Im not going to stop posting, and even if you guys don't respect me, I expect you to atleast be cool about it and just focus on what the question about nerf is. Sorry for making you guys hate my guts so much.

No one else post here because we have obviously gotten off the point of the topic. This topic is done!

#90361 Mythbusters

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 06:24 PM in General Nerf

Its funny buttland, you only hate me to be liked among the others, excpet you agree with my idea of nerf on mythbusters.


#90343 Mythbusters

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 03:18 PM in General Nerf

Hello, I love the show Mythbusters, anyone else? Well, I was thinking that if we all posted a myth about a nerf gun so powerfull it stopped a heart or something like that on their fansite, then they would do it on the show. Whoever watches it, you know that they would have like a contest to make the best gun and probably have a waron the show! I think it woould be great because we could see some very smart inventors making nerf guns from scratch! anyone agree? I think we should make a myth to get it on the show!

#90348 Mythbusters

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 04:34 PM in General Nerf

I was thinking that they would find out, I was just wondering who thinks that would be a reasonable idea. I was just suggesting somehting.

-Think about it, two geniuses making all metal amazing nerf guns! SWEET!!!

#90355 Mythbusters

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 05:32 PM in General Nerf

Everyone on this site except a given few are assholes. You all must feel so empowered to bully someone on an online forum! Just because your life revolves around nerf guns and I mine doesn't does not mean you need to make fun of my posts.

I was just trying to post an idea I had that no one has posted about before. If you are just going to degrate it, than don't take the time to post in my topic.

#74447 Nerf Crossbow

Posted by munson20 on 26 February 2006 - 08:24 PM in Modifications

is 59.99 a good deal for a crossbow?

#74834 Nerf Crossbow

Posted by munson20 on 01 March 2006 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

Hello, i bought the crossbow's, and I dont understand how to mod this gun just from the pictures and directions in the modding section. if anyone has a picture of their gun opened, fully modded, that would help a lot. thanks!

#74385 Nerf Crossbow

Posted by munson20 on 26 February 2006 - 02:05 PM in Modifications

also, is the big bad bow better to mod or standard than the crossbow?

#74382 Nerf Crossbow

Posted by munson20 on 26 February 2006 - 02:01 PM in Modifications

do you guys think i should by 2, except keep one in storage for my kid when he is older or even to sell on ebay 10 years from now?

#74375 Nerf Crossbow

Posted by munson20 on 26 February 2006 - 01:15 PM in Modifications

I am about to buy a brand new in box purple nerf crossbow off ebay. is this a good gun to buy? i have never tested one. is it easy to mod? also, since he has 10 available for 59.99 each, i was thinking about buying a few, and only openng one so that later in my life, i can sell them on ebay for a lot more! I NEED ADVICE!!!

#74538 Nerf Crossbow

Posted by munson20 on 27 February 2006 - 05:00 PM in Modifications

i bought 2 of them so i hope it was a good investment

#95625 Christmas List 2006

Posted by munson20 on 30 November 2006 - 10:12 PM in Off Topic

Hi, I thought it would be a great idea to have a thread where you say what you want for christmas. In this thread, just post a christmas list, or if not christian, then get the fuck out... just kidding, anyone just post what they want for the holiday season.

Ill start...
-Digital all terrain BDU camo
-Tippman a-5
-opsgear.com folding stock
-opsgear.com tactical belt and co2 pouche
-Cell phone- keybord one...
-tippmann flatline barrel
-paintball co2 remote
-tactical gloves

As you notice, I love scenario paintball