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#197280 Ls Stefan Clips

Posted by Foamfoot on 19 December 2008 - 07:03 PM in Modifications

At least he did not say "bullet pusher upper"

Or call it something like a Cock Locker.

Bu-but I thought that's what people call your mom.

See that right there? PWNED.

#198518 Ls Problems

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 09:44 PM in Modifications

Ok kind of a new problem now, i can arm the gun and fire fine, but for some reason it is harder to cock the gun when pulling in the right side then the left (Looking at the longshot as if you were aiming it)

Have you ever considered that you're right handed?

#198807 Ls Problems

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 December 2008 - 10:36 AM in Modifications

Ok kind of a new problem now, i can arm the gun and fire fine, but for some reason it is harder to cock the gun when pulling in the right side then the left (Looking at the longshot as if you were aiming it)

Have you ever considered that you're right handed?

If he is right handed and it is harder to cock from the right side, in theory shouln't it be easier?

Do you hold the gun with your non-dominate hand?

#200258 Ls Intergration

Posted by Foamfoot on 01 January 2009 - 04:29 PM in Modifications

Use spider wire. Linkage

#264383 Longstrike Cs-6 Revealed

Posted by Foamfoot on 04 February 2010 - 10:35 PM in General Nerf

And yes, I realize that comment up there makes me seem like an idiot, but hey. To each his own.

If you wanted to keep it to your own self, why did you share it with us?

#194629 Longshot Cs-6 Value Pack

Posted by Foamfoot on 07 December 2008 - 06:51 PM in General Nerf

Just for future reference, we generally post good deals and stuff in this thread.

#186536 Locked Topics

Posted by Foamfoot on 30 October 2008 - 07:53 PM in Site Feedback

Guys, no big deal. The administration works (fairly) hard and gets paid nothing to follow a system that has worked for the past few years. Be happy we have some awesome people at the helm doing a great job that makes all of our lives easier.


I reiterate:



Agreed, this site rocks (my nose is turning a little brown). But, like I've said before, an entry test on the Code of Conduct might improve the quality of posting.

#191090 Laptop Recomendation?

Posted by Foamfoot on 21 November 2008 - 12:00 PM in Off Topic

Cache size is pretty important for processing video.

I hadn't even been looking at GPUs...

Which are pretty important if you want to do any kind of gaming at all. None of the Intel Graphics options can even run recent titles.

I'll second that, I have a recent intel graphics card, and I popped "The God Father, The Game" in and everything was completely white. I could not believe it, all it was able to run were the black outlines on everything. (I was very impressed with the Wii version's graphics, though)

Bottom line, I played a game for 3 weeks with nothing but black outlines, it sucked, get a decent card if you want to play any game past 03'. Shoot, Halo 1 barely even works on this thing.

Oh, and as a side note, if you plan to do drawing or any kind of art with your computer (which I know you aren't), you need a USB touchpad.
Or a Mac :D

#201441 Lanard Blast Bazzoka Versus Buzz Bee Big Blast

Posted by Foamfoot on 06 January 2009 - 11:48 AM in General Nerf

What the hell is a bazzoka?

#198045 Kzoo Nerfers?

Posted by Foamfoot on 22 December 2008 - 03:00 PM in Nerf Wars

My grandpa lives there, he has PSTD from vietnam. I give him a vulcan, he has a flashback, and you'll get fricking pwned.

Go Grampa go!

#200259 Kalamazoo War

Posted by Foamfoot on 01 January 2009 - 04:35 PM in General Nerf

First off, no one cares that you burned yourself.

You heartless bastard. I care, go run it under cold water so you don't blister.

Generally, nerfers are not in the Central states. Thanks for Detroit though, you really helped the world by giving us Detroit. If it was in Illinois I would go, cause Chicago is in IL, Chicago is SICK.

#207668 K9's Review Of The Buzzbee Belt Blaster

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 January 2009 - 06:08 PM in General Nerf

If you close the spam and then re-click play it goes...

and most of my videos will be banned from youtube cause of music issues.

That one didn't have any music, but whatever. I'm just afraid of spam.

Less money than a vulcan, more moddable, and slightly better range? I'm in. It will be the best pump action blaster released in the past few years.

#207661 K9's Review Of The Buzzbee Belt Blaster

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 January 2009 - 06:01 PM in General Nerf

Thanks for uploading a vid and all, but could you possibly put it on youtube or something? The megavideos site gave me spam when I clicked play.

#207677 K9's Review Of The Buzzbee Belt Blaster

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 January 2009 - 06:26 PM in General Nerf

I wonder if you had a way to feed the chain smoothly out of the opening, if you could get an RFR to work with the chain.

Penut butter, new project!

EDIT: I didn't include the doomsayer because it just got banned. It is still better though...

#257501 Join The Legacy!

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 November 2009 - 03:14 AM in Off Topic

It should be noted that whoever is spamming the hell out of the chat is NOT safe for work.

#199599 Japanese Nite Finder Rip-off?

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 December 2008 - 05:19 PM in General Nerf

Why the hell are you in japan?

#238625 Jacko Dead?

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 June 2009 - 07:34 PM in Off Topic

I cried.

#284198 Is The Nerf Tactical Vest Worth The $30?

Posted by Foamfoot on 28 August 2010 - 01:32 PM in General Nerf


#219747 Internet/firefox Problem

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 March 2009 - 01:21 AM in Off Topic

Yes I have, I used SuperAntiSpyware for adware and spyware, and Mcafee (Sp.?) Professional for viruses.

Have they been updated recently?

#219743 Internet/firefox Problem

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 March 2009 - 12:58 AM in Off Topic

Yes... thank you very much for giving us your spam pop-up.

I think I'll go contract viral pneumonia and take an expectorant in a movie theater.

Im very sorry for that, I just want to know how to fix the problem, I thought posting the link may help people figure out whats the problem with my pc.
Ill remove the link

Have you run any sort of Adware or Virus scanner? That's most likely what it is. Note: Do not use the ones that you see in the pop-up ads. They are more adware and viruses.

#219741 Internet/firefox Problem

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 March 2009 - 12:45 AM in Off Topic

Yes... thank you very much for giving us your spam pop-up.

I think I'll go contract SARS and take an expectorant in a movie theater.

#198478 Intergration Mod Poll

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 08:31 PM in Modifications

I honestly don't understand DTG and mav integs in a longshot, the longshot already has plenty of ROF. A scout doesn't make sense, you might as well just do the front gun integration, as it's internals are exactly the same. Now, an Airtech 2000 (singled) or and other basic air gun would work great integrated, as the longshot lacks accuracy (Irony!) and an air gun could make up for that.

#206532 Indoor Vs. Outdoor

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 January 2009 - 11:08 AM in General Nerf

How about indoor AND outdoor?
I have a walk out basement and we nerf in and out .
It's a blast .

That was very painful to see, because you fucking centered it.


#206071 Indoor Vs. Outdoor

Posted by Foamfoot on 24 January 2009 - 09:31 PM in General Nerf

The thing about indoors is when you dance indoors, you can often break something, while there is plenty of room outdoors for dancing. Woot.

#186895 Improvised Barrels

Posted by Foamfoot on 01 November 2008 - 07:29 PM in Homemades

DMBs It's in the middle of my first post.

#189050 I Was Cleaning....

Posted by Foamfoot on 11 November 2008 - 02:44 PM in General Nerf

Posted Image

Ok, I love knowing if my member could grow a few inches, or if someone has a crush on me, if there are HOT singles in my town!, if I could win an NEWZZZ IPHoNSS, or if I will fail the dumb test as much as the next guy, but If you want to get rid of the spam banner that imageshack is now putting on all of the images, just delete everything that isn't your image in the code.

For instance, this:

Should look like this:

#189253 I Was Cleaning....

Posted by Foamfoot on 12 November 2008 - 10:37 AM in General Nerf

Your images don't work foamfoot. When posting use the little button that looks like a tree.

Seriously? He was showing the guy how to correct the pictures, not how to use the functions. He did what he was trying to. No error at all.

It's cool splitlip, I could have been posting a screen shot of it. Yeah.. just saw that thing in my targets clearance bin... just throw it out and save on some shipping.

#198429 I Hate Some Employees

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 06:39 PM in General Nerf

I don't get that problem because I look REALLY young for my age I'm 13 and I look like a tall 9-10 year old! Plus at the Target I go to the cashiers are nice


It's our right to buy stupid stuff. Let's just leave it at that.

#198457 I Hate Some Employees

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 07:57 PM in General Nerf

Honestly I'm starting to think this is the customer's fault, it was just some cashier talking, unless he actually would not sell you the gun for no reason at all, you got a guy making smalltalk, if somewhat insulting smalltalk, fired.
He still could have walked out of there with his job and you with a gun, everybody's happy, but instead, you decided to insult him back, this isn't nuclear war where it's "You hit me I hit back harder", it's just some guy talking, there's no good that can come of insults being thrown back and forth, and if you list the Gift Card as the good that came from it, well, I hope getting someone fired for $50 makes you feel happy.

I'm pretty sure "SHUT THE HELL UP YOU LITTLE PRICK" is not socially acceptable small talk. But what the hell, my neighborhood is weird, maybe it is acceptable. In that case YOU GUYS ALL SUCK! I LOVE YOU SUCKY LOOSERS OF GAYNESS!

#198380 I Hate Some Employees

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 04:55 PM in General Nerf

When I get comments like that from the cashier, they're flirting with me. Why? Because I'm 6' 5" and fucking gorgeous.

I did get a school photographer fired once though, he told me to shut up and I threatened to sue the company (hooray frivolousness!) so he got fired. If you want to take pictures of the kids at least be nice. Or have a van with "Free Toys Inside" spray painted on it.

But where are the toys? Wait.... Noooooo!

#198401 I Hate Some Employees

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 05:38 PM in General Nerf

Similar thread

#198504 I Hate Some Employees

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 09:14 PM in General Nerf

Just remembered a story that is relevant here.

I was working at a "Toys for Tots" location as a volunteer. My job was to have people give me their lists, and then I would go get their items (or ones that matched closely) and bring them back. One customer had a list with the name "Toby" written on it, and listing barbie, my little pony, and pink legos. I said: "These are pretty weird items for a boy".

Toby wasn't a boy.

Needless to say, she was pretty furious, and talked to my supervisor. I was shocked, I honestly didn't think she would be so angry, especially when Toby actually was a girl.

I was then told to go put my vest back in the closet and leave.

I felt horrible and learned my lesson. Just shut your mouth if you have an opinion about their purchase.

#191844 I Don't Know How To Tell You This.....

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 November 2008 - 04:37 AM in General Nerf

Hey spoon, I knew your stuff since I was 8 years old, I looked at your Nerf page, it was sweet.

Edit: Now if only we knew where the hell CX was...

#198014 How The Hell Do You Post Pictures!

Posted by Foamfoot on 22 December 2008 - 12:53 PM in General Nerf

No one help him untill he becomes friends with the Shift key. This has to be atleast the 5th time I've said it...

Then maybe you should stop backseat moderating.

Your pics are posted online already, right? Like on photobucket?

#252368 How Much Is The Larami Supermaxx 5000 Worth?

Posted by Foamfoot on 02 October 2009 - 08:58 AM in Off Topic

I see em' go for about $80-$100USD. I'm not sure though. The nerf market changes. I think they have a blanket ban at large wars, so the price may have gone down. Rarity may have increased, causing value to go up.

Just post a wts or wtb thread. People are pretty honest on here, and you're likely to get a fair deal.

#206121 How Much Is A Ss2 Worth?

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 January 2009 - 12:29 AM in General Nerf

Did the silicone lube fix it?

That's what she said!


#196088 How Long Do You Think You'll Be Nerfing?

Posted by Foamfoot on 14 December 2008 - 01:12 PM in General Nerf

I really don't think that Nerf is a very healthy addiction but I intend to stick around a bit longer.

You're absolutely right, because things like snorting crack and BASE jumping are much more healthy.

You shut up about my other hobbies... Base jumping.

As far as I can see, I'm like a juggalo: I'm down fo life, yo.

#195986 Home Made Forts

Posted by Foamfoot on 13 December 2008 - 10:24 PM in Off Topic

Honestly, if someone made an extensive fort with multi-levels, I would LOVE to see it get posted. In off topic though.

#193594 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Foamfoot on 02 December 2008 - 09:11 PM in Nerf Wars

Crap, this new date puts me out of my first (and possibly only) nerf war.

I was looking forward to this, too. I've been wanting to get out and actually play, the one thing about nerf I didn't like was that I never actually get to use the blasters I spend so much time modding. Hopefully there there will be another decent sized war soon.

Do like bags told me and wait for geddon.

#189896 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Foamfoot on 15 November 2008 - 10:19 PM in Nerf Wars

I am seriously looking into being there. I might go, maybe show off my new project (Hint: Manta ray shield).

EDIT: Can't make it, prices of tickets too much. The farthest I can do is Oregon, guess I'll see you at one of the future LANOs.