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#102290 Frozen Plasticine - Bb Like Ammunition

Posted by kaiman299 on 16 April 2007 - 10:11 AM in Homemades

After a quick google search, I found that there are also many different colors of plasticine. Off to the hobby shop...

#102200 Titan Missile Launcher

Posted by kaiman299 on 14 April 2007 - 03:16 PM in Homemades

Thanks for the ideas guys. Once I pick up some expanding foam I'll post some pictures of the beast.

#102197 Titan Missile Launcher

Posted by kaiman299 on 14 April 2007 - 02:59 PM in Homemades

Wow I haven't posted here in a long time....Anyways...

I've made my titan into a missile launcher-type-thingy. It has a 1' long sch 80 PVC barrel. The "missiles" are water bottles. I have found that they slide quite easially over the PVC and have a fairly good seal. The problem isn't how well the bottle seals. In mid-air the bottles will flip and tumble loosing all of their momentum very quickly. i'm pretty sure this is because of their lack of mass.

If anybody could suggest ways that I can modify the bottles to make them more stable, or a completely new missile, that would be great.


#95337 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 26 November 2006 - 01:38 PM in Off Topic

The friction stickers it comes with are very responsive. When you buy the yo-yo, I would also buy some white "Kimu" pads, and some Paul Yath carbon fiber stickers. Start with 2 Kimu pads, then take off 1 pad and put a Paul Yath on there, then put on 2 Paul Yath stickers, and then only 1 Paul Yath sticker.

#95298 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 25 November 2006 - 11:57 PM in Off Topic

I also own 2 Element X's and I must say they are a real bang for the buck. All Element X's use size B bearings, unless you have Large SPR spacers. The remix uses size B.

#95228 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 25 November 2006 - 12:01 PM in Off Topic

I happen to own a chain reactor. I wouldn't suggest getting one. They're way to responsive, and they have a really small string gap. If you like yoyo's made of metal, I would suggest either Duncan Metal Zero or a Metal Zero Hollywood Edition. They both are availible at yoyoguy.com. Personally, my favorite yoyo is the X-convict.

#95160 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 24 November 2006 - 03:18 PM in Off Topic

Sad thing is, the hardest trick on there is Buddha's Revenge. try MASTERMAGIC for some totally awesome tricks.

#94623 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 16 November 2006 - 09:06 AM in Off Topic

For the record, Cold Fusions (CF's) now cost around $95-$110.

#93938 Dream Cars

Posted by kaiman299 on 08 November 2006 - 11:34 PM in Off Topic

I wouldn't mind having a Ferrari Enzo......Or a Lambourghini Miura (concept)

#93912 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 08 November 2006 - 04:17 PM in Off Topic

I'v in 7th grade, and have sort of brought back the craze. As the years have gone by, yo-yos have gotten lighter and lighter.

#93895 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 07 November 2006 - 11:31 PM in Off Topic

You can also buy the special "andonized" collectors model for $450

#93856 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 07 November 2006 - 06:03 PM in Off Topic

If you want a good yo-yo, you'll pretty much have to get one off the internet. Might I suggestyoyoguy.com? That's where I buy all my yo-yo supplies and yo-yos.

#93796 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 06 November 2006 - 07:10 PM in Off Topic

I like my music..... anyways, I used MY camera (not my dad's 2 year old camera) so that made quality a bit better. I've also gotten better at using Microsoft Movie Maker

#93794 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 06 November 2006 - 06:35 PM in Off Topic

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Is that it?

Oh and I finished part 2 of the video

Just Plain Silly Part 2

#93779 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 06 November 2006 - 04:35 PM in Off Topic

The only one I can think of is the Duncan Wheel which now costs about $8. Yo-yos have change a lot since the past few years.

#93736 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 05 November 2006 - 04:52 PM in Off Topic

I use a Buzz-On Element X with SPR spacers, Paul Yath CF stickers, and a ceramic ABEC 7 bearing (a $57 yo-yo). I didn't start dping freehand until today. I have done a bit of off-string though. I use an Aquarious for that.

#93676 Yo-yoing

Posted by kaiman299 on 04 November 2006 - 06:31 PM in Off Topic

The long-forgotten sport of yo-yoing is back. To those people who think a yo-yo is nothing but a toy that moves up and down a string, you're sadly mistaken.

This is a video of me showing off some of my favorite tricks, and a classic: rock the baby

About 4 months of intense yo-yoing pays off.

#86288 Longshot In My Possession

Posted by kaiman299 on 02 August 2006 - 12:08 AM in General Nerf

I just got one at the Orem, Utah TRU for $35. Stupid TRU jacked the price up 5$. Well, I guess that's to be expected for TRU, but trust me. It's worth the money. I replaced the spring with a 3B spring and angled it got 124'

#84183 Tennis Ball Mortar...

Posted by kaiman299 on 01 July 2006 - 11:59 PM in Homemades

I don't get why everybody is saying to make it combustion. He can do most anything if he puts his mind to it!

Ok for your trigger, I would go with an oversized double clothespin trigger. I would use those big siczor clamp things, put a hole through the front, and then stick a huge bolt in there.

For the plunger, just make it the same size as your tube, and have about 2-3' of draw. As for making it airtight.....Maybe a huge o-ring or just go with pipe insulation.

To get the endcap on there... get a piece of PVC pipe one size smaller (for instance, one size smaller than 3/4" would be 2/4" or 1/2") Cut about a 3 inch length and hammer it in there. Then secure the end with a endcap and glue it on with primer and cement.

Have fun, and where the hell will you get a 100 lb. spring?

#83675 Help My Dear Sweet Hornet

Posted by kaiman299 on 23 June 2006 - 07:23 PM in Modifications

I'm thinking he already did that. If so, look at this

#83672 Hornet Helper

Posted by kaiman299 on 23 June 2006 - 07:12 PM in Modifications

After seing tons of people having this problem, including me, I decided to make this:

Ok if your problem is that when you pull the trigger, and it only shoots out of 1 barrel, like this:

Hornet Video

Then you need to look inside the slide. There is a little latch inside that if not set correctly, The gun will only shoot out of 1 barrel.

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And heres what it should look like:

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Be sure you have that little spring in there.

Hope this helps!

#83670 My Latest Homemade: Nat

Posted by kaiman299 on 23 June 2006 - 07:10 PM in Homemades

I gave it a little makeover today:

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The original handle was pretty weak. It would move all around and fell off twice. My new handle is screwed on, for easy access to the trigger, and a sturdy hold.

Next, I fabricated a pump action. The original plunger was hard to hold, and pull back, not to mention the ends were very sharp.

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Breech closed.

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Breech open.

All thats left is to find a name, and give it a black with orange flames paintjob. Help on names would be greatly appreceated!

I had to remove the magazine to add the pump, but I am planning to put it back on.

#83552 My Latest Homemade: Nat

Posted by kaiman299 on 20 June 2006 - 05:31 PM in Homemades

I added the clip:

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^^^^^ Little Mi-Ki just couldn't stay out of the picture.....Even she can't resist my gun!

But anyways, the clip holds 8 darts, and the weight is a piece of 15/32 brass filled with lead BB's.

#83541 My Latest Homemade: Nat

Posted by kaiman299 on 20 June 2006 - 01:30 PM in Homemades

What the hell.....Anyways, I was also wondering if those weird rubber flat things you use in your homemades have a better seal than o-rings.

#83497 My Latest Homemade: Nat

Posted by kaiman299 on 19 June 2006 - 06:36 PM in Homemades

Any more comments would be very welcome.

I do have a question though: would having the barrel be nested brass, with cpvc hammered into the pvc the bras is inside possibly cause the dart to catch, thus decreasing range, or would it increase range, or should I make the whole barrel brass?

#83482 My Baby

Posted by kaiman299 on 19 June 2006 - 04:21 PM in Modifications

Just for the record, A properly singled Titan can do exactly that to a pop can.

#83463 Acessories: Straps, Barrels, Stocks, Etc.

Posted by kaiman299 on 19 June 2006 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

Feel free to post all of your attatchments to your nerf guns here.

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Basic Mav turret with the bottem removed. Nothing special.

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I filled the turret with some of this stuff I bought by accident instead of plumbers goop.

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Then I shoved this thing in the back of the turret.

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It fits perfectly in the back of the turret and has some threads for a piece of SCH80.

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From left to right: CPVC, 1/2" SCH40 PVC, 1/2" PVC Coupler, SCH80 PVC.

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Thats the whole attatchment.

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And there's the coolest titan ever! (well not really)

Enjoy. Remember to post your own attatchments to any gun.

#83461 My Baby

Posted by kaiman299 on 19 June 2006 - 10:54 AM in Modifications

I would suggest a Maxshot with Lefty's revolver mod on top where the lazer tag gun used to be.

#82935 My Latest Homemade: Nat

Posted by kaiman299 on 07 June 2006 - 08:24 PM in Homemades

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Yeah, I know she's big. Basically, its a bolt action breech loading rifle. Magazine is to come soon!

Here's the plunger with the springs:

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And now for the bolt and the breech:

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It has a sort of plunger at the end as well to have a good seal on the plunger tube. It's the part that actually cocks the gun, but is part of the barrel also. The breech design is based after this:

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Here's the trigger:

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Just a clothespin trigger.

And now the stock with plunger attatched:

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Enjoy! The ranges are 80' max. 60' effective. Any questions/comments would be very much welcome!

#82285 Petg At2k Quad Barrel Write Up

Posted by kaiman299 on 23 May 2006 - 10:48 PM in Modifications

I'm going to say worse. A singled AT2K (mine anyways) Can reach 100' with a 12" brass barrel, and 6 pumps. The rof sucks for singled, so stick with the quat if you want a higher rof.

#82016 Titan Indoor Mod Not Going Well...

Posted by kaiman299 on 18 May 2006 - 03:39 PM in Modifications

You know, even if that thing doesn't end up getting long ranges, just the pure fear factor should be enough to send 'em running.

#82014 World Conquest 2: The Alliance Strikes Back

Posted by kaiman299 on 18 May 2006 - 03:35 PM in Nerf Wars

I may also be able to attend this war. Could I use this In the war? It only tops out at around 75' and just has a 3B spring in it.

#82013 Armageddon '06 Planning Thread

Posted by kaiman299 on 18 May 2006 - 03:23 PM in Nerf Wars

I heard about singled Titans being banned, but could I use this In the war? It only tops out at around 75' and just has a 3B spring in it.

#81946 My First Homemade: The Scan-s

Posted by kaiman299 on 16 May 2006 - 09:55 PM in Homemades

Edit: Shoot! Sorry ignore this post. :blush:

#81870 My First Homemade: The Scan-s

Posted by kaiman299 on 15 May 2006 - 04:34 PM in Homemades

I could loose the masking tape, but it would be hard to loose the e-tape, seeing as that if it is epoxied on, it will be subjected to come off.


Ok about everybody said it looks "ugly" So I decided to paint it. Here's what I got:

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I think it looks much better now. And just so you know, I left the tip of the barrel white for a reason.

Updated ranges:

72' flat.

97' angled with slight breeze.

#81850 My First Homemade: The Scan-s

Posted by kaiman299 on 15 May 2006 - 11:50 AM in Homemades

It looks pretty cool. Nice job. How does it work though?

The CPVC you see begind the trigger is the bolt. It is connected to the plunger shaft, which is CPVC, with a notch cut in it. WHen you pull it back, the catch made out of plexi-glass gest pushed into the groove by a spring, thus locking the plunger back. When you pull the trigger, it lifts the catch, releasing the plunger. The spring is a BBB spring.

#81840 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by kaiman299 on 14 May 2006 - 11:34 PM in General Nerf

For the record, we have no info on ranges or anything like that. Nothing to measure with, but by sight I think the Magstrike out performed a PC.

how far does it shoot? farther than any other nerf gun i hope.

That's pretty much self-explanitory.

#81837 My First Homemade: The Scan-s

Posted by kaiman299 on 14 May 2006 - 10:40 PM in Homemades

This is my first attempt at a homemade, and I must say, It turned out great! SCAN-S stands for Scrap Crud And New Stuff. Here's the pictures:

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It has a CPVC coupler barrel, and gets ranges of 60'! For my first homemade from scratch, I'm Very Happy!

#81614 Rapid Fire 20 Firing System Mystery Solved!

Posted by kaiman299 on 09 May 2006 - 09:14 PM in General Nerf

Is it me or did 99.9% of the world figure this out already in fact did you know that all nerfguns use air ?

Well that sure took a genius to figure out. Have you noticed that ALL guns also either use an airtank with a valve, or a spring powered plunger? Good for you :rolleyes:. Although all nerf guns use air in one way or another, I specified THE METHOD of how the air is compressed and released. Usually if a gun uses a spring powered plunger, it is referred to as a spring gun. If it uses an airtank or bladder, it is referred to as an air gun.

If you're going to go off criticising everybody aboud crap, make sure you actually know what you're talking about, and try to make it constructive.

I know I basically repeated what Ompa said, but I went into more detail so thay you may have a chance to comprehend an extremely simple concept.

#81600 Rapid Fire 20 Firing System Mystery Solved!

Posted by kaiman299 on 09 May 2006 - 08:00 PM in General Nerf

As most of you know, there has been many a dispute over the firing system of the RF20. Some people say air pressure is used to cock a spring-powered plunger. Others say the spring is used to meter and release compressed air. Which theory is right? To keep you on the edge of your seat, I won't tell you 'till another section of this article.

Examining the spring shaft.

I actually stumbelled upon this by accident while I was half-asleep, and just screwing around. I pumped the gun once, and pulled the trigger. Obiously, the gun didn't fire, and the piston didn't advance fully. So, I pushed the turret slowly in, and to my suprise, the spring didn't push anything forward! This showed me that the whole assembly is one big valve! To better explain this, here's a video:

Now take a look at these pictures:

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Valve open

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Valve closed

If you look closely, when the trigger is pulled, air pushes the whole tube forward, thus releasing the big black rubber thing's seal on the tube. Then the air is allowed to flow for a split second, untill the spring forces the tube backwards again, restoring the big black rubber thing's seal on the tube.

From this comes my conclusion:

The RF20 Operates on Air Power!

Thank you for your time, and if you have any questions/critiques, pleast tell me.