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#201517 A Simple Home-made

Posted by Watari on 06 January 2009 - 08:07 PM in Homemades

Well...3 people said that hotglue alone wasn't good enough, then this is bad. The entire gun is held together with hot glue and e-tape, it has started leaking so I need to fix it!
I just have a few questions:
1.) Will Plumbers Goop help?
2.) Will epoxy work?
3.) Where do you buy Plumbers Goop
4.) Can you buy epoxy at your local hardware store (Home Depot, Ace, Lowes)
5.) Will epoxy PUTTY work?
6.) Where can you buy EPOXY PUTTY?
7.) Out of all the materials used to glue the gun together (Plumbers Goop, epoxy, epoxy putty or PVC adhesive) which one would be best for this job?
8.) If PVC adhesive will do the job, then is there any specific type that I should get?
9.) Last question, WOULD IT BE BEST if I bought all that crap and used it all together?!?!?

#201515 Vulcan Box Mod

Posted by Watari on 06 January 2009 - 08:03 PM in Modifications

Good work buddy,
If you want to mount it horizontally... maybe instead of using the cookie box you could use
something lighter, yet durable...
When your goalie in T.P.B. your going to dominate!

I forgot about the Fully auto rule...dangit...
Thanks for reminding me, so I don't have to borrow Falcon's Pistolsplat.
I could've used those wipes boxes (made outa plastic) yet, I didn't think of the horizontal thing after I did this "mod"

It kinda seems like it can hold more than just a 50 dart chain. Otherwise, it's pretty nice. Have you considered some way to catch the chain after it leaves the gun?

It's weird, before I put them together the box could hold 50 by itself, then another 25 seperately, maybe if I make a 75 dart chain, then I could do that...for the "catching the chain" after it shoots the dart, I like the look of the long chain hanging down...

I personally just leave about 15 just hanging off the end and just stuff the rest on the box and i do just fine. Also, doesn't that make the Vulcan even MORE unwieldy?
Don't be afraid of it's internals, they don't pop out when you open the case like the recon, it just take a lot of screws to open.
I'm also curious as to how the Vulcan handles a war situation. It seems to me like it would take too long to reload to be effective.

Well...i'm not allowed to mod the vulcan itself, just the chain/box...and it handles a war situation very well...I think it has somewhat of an "intimidation factor" like a shotgunned Titan, hornet or crossbow...
Although you constantly overestimate its range and tell everyone that it doesn't really go as far as you think it will...It is a really GREAT weapon for CTF, just have a Vulcan and an Absolver ready...or maybe a big salvo. Lastly, if you are using a vulcan, rushing is a must and if you try to sit/stand there doing nothing and hope that people come to you, your most likely going to be picked off by a PAS/crossbow...not unless you can dodge.

#201488 Vulcan Box Mod

Posted by Watari on 06 January 2009 - 06:39 PM in Modifications

Well after a few wars using my stock vulcan, I decided it was time for a mod. Since looking at pictures of the vulcan internals scared me, I decided to mod the chain. After removing the pegs of my 5 chains, I still wasn't satisfied. During nerf wars I would have 25 darts loaded, but it would all go so fast, I knew how to connect the chains, but it wouldn't work unless you have a box to put them in, so here it is:

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Pretty self-explanitory, the box is hot glued to an old cookie thing, a hole is cut out in the bottom of the Vulcan box, and it works!
The reason why I didn't cut the whole bottom part of the box is because if I wanted to use a 25 dart chain, I could use that instead of a 50 dart chain. The only FLAW is that it would sometimes jam but the jam would clear after a few shots, I think this is because although there is a box, it still can't handle pulling the chains vertically. A possible solution to this "flaw" is to connect the box horizontally, but that would require velcro or something because that little nub isn't strong enough to hold the box and vulcan together if you were to connect the cookie thing horizontally.
Hope that made sense...

#201485 A Simple Home-made

Posted by Watari on 06 January 2009 - 06:28 PM in Homemades

Well, I wanted a home-made, after seeing many new write-ups about "SNAPS" and such...I decided that a home-made that uses a plunger mechanism would be too complicated for me. I remembered linish22's "stefanzooka" and decided to make it...
It got less than 40' and blew up 3 times, I PM'd linish and he/she suggested to make the entire gun a home made, so this is what I came up with:
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Close up of "trigger mech"
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Size comparison to Vulcan:
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As you can see, the bottom of the stock is an "elbow" I didn't have any more endcaps so I just filled it with Hotglue and it holds air. It uses a plugged Magstrike pump and I have to pump it about 20 times until it gets hard to pump. After my first range test today it got an average of 70-80', any shorter a barrel and it got 30-50'...which isn't good...

Well...I did hot glue the internal parts before putting them inside the coupler and hot glued the parts externally too, which I then covered in e-tape.

I'm guessing you're talking about that "PVC cement" stuff, well I didn't use normal SCH40, I used some "IPS" pipe (accidentally bought in thinking that it was PVC) the stuff says "350PSI @ 73 degrees F" but it also does say PVC on there...
You can buy PVC adhesive at Lowe's or something right?

#201198 Finally

Posted by Watari on 04 January 2009 - 11:42 PM in Homemades

Fer Sure. It has become my new Pride and Joy.

NO! Don't ever say that!
Whenever I say that after modding a gun to be my new primary, it breaks...Anyways, I like the sight and the extra barrel holder (although it was from ice). The placement of the extra barrel holder was unexpected and if you didn't post a picture of where you placed it, I probably would've never found it.

#200718 Mega Maverick Shoots 100'

Posted by Watari on 02 January 2009 - 10:53 PM in Modifications

When I saw this thread and read "Maverick" and "100'" what popped immiedietly into my mind is "Bullcrap." Anyways, good luck on your turreted Mega Maverick!

#200716 Doomsayer Question

Posted by Watari on 02 January 2009 - 10:45 PM in Modifications

Whatever you do, do not cut the plunger head to fit back on, I did that and now it won't stay on...

#200135 Wipeout (pistol Splat) Write-up

Posted by Watari on 31 December 2008 - 11:28 PM in Modifications

I cut the coupler in half to get it in the shell when I did mine. How long of a barrel should be used???

Well 7'' inches is too much (from personal experience) and anything that is 3-4'' gets around 50-80' (yes, my gun changes ranges...depending on the dart) and I read a write-up that says 5''...So i'm guessin' around 3-5''

#200061 Wipeout (pistol Splat) Write-up

Posted by Watari on 31 December 2008 - 07:01 PM in Modifications

I'm retarded...and you're a genius. I would have NEVER thought of sanding down the shell in order to fit the coupler on, I just cut the shell, left a little nub so that the Plunger would stay and hot glued the hell outa the thing. In the picture it is currently using a 4'' CPVC barrel, I am now using some brass.
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EDIT: In your write-up, you had to actually work to remove the rubber part covering the plunger tube? That's weird 'cause mine was easily removed, no adhesive whatsoever.

#199913 Nf3k

Posted by Watari on 31 December 2008 - 12:41 AM in Modifications

If I brought that to a war (not saying this is war practical or anything)...People would definitely think that was a NF...

#199889 May 14, 2008

Posted by Watari on 30 December 2008 - 11:25 PM in Off Topic

I don't think OMC ever gave us any information on the Vulcan, just the Recon.

#199887 Coin Collecting

Posted by Watari on 30 December 2008 - 11:23 PM in Off Topic

If my family ever goes to another country, I try to collect all the possible coins they have there in circulation. I also collect those state quarter things.
OH YEAH: I try to collect old coins too...my oldest is a penny made in 1945.

#199886 Best Way To Stop Leaks In Tubing

Posted by Watari on 30 December 2008 - 11:19 PM in General Nerf

I've heard that plumbers goop is really good for that type of thing.
Since i've never tried it (nor know where to buy it) I just hot glue the hell outa the thing, if it continues to leak, I redo it, i've also used Superglue with good results.

#199879 Nerf On Frappr

Posted by Watari on 30 December 2008 - 11:11 PM in Nerf Wars

I second that opinion, instead post your location here.

EVERYONE should do this, NOW!

#199876 New Nerfer Database

Posted by Watari on 30 December 2008 - 11:05 PM in General Nerf

Hopefully this is what your talking about, it is in his first post:

Go here to check out a rough draft of the map

#199873 2009 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by Watari on 30 December 2008 - 10:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Can you please add:
January LANO (CA) 1.24.09

#199630 Official Nerf Foam Swords

Posted by Watari on 29 December 2008 - 08:40 PM in General Nerf

...Foam Swords...are ...REALLY AWESOME
You can watch this really crappy nerf war video [by me] and more than half of it deals with "MASHOONGA"
(ask Baghead and Falcon for more info on that)

There's also [another crappy video...by me] of FALL CAFF :
watch 1:57 where SorrowX kills like 5 people with swords...its pure Effeminateness

EDIT: To Nobber, if I can find my old sig (one before this) then i'll change it... There...

#199162 Rune Halls Of Valhalla

Posted by Watari on 27 December 2008 - 09:27 AM in Off Topic

For the record, I downloaded it yesterday, and have had a hard time stopping playing it. I highly recommend it. Very refreshing for someone who plays FPS (shooters) almost exclusively. It takes ages to download though. It took my high speed gaming laptop almost an hour.

Thats amazing because right now it says "7 minutes left" and i've only been downloading it for probably a minute...AND I HAVE A WINDOWS VISTA
Not that they suck or anything...

Okay, i'll play. I used to be obsessed with runescape, which is now a gay game. But I will try this out. And I will update this post with my ratings.

runescape, which always was and always will be a gay game.

Fixed that for you.I played it 5 years ago. It was gay then too.

It made me addicted. My own personal heroine. If I was still playing, I would be 250 pounds and eating twinkies.

YO! This thread is not about RUNESCAPE! This is a totally different game! There is NO relation between them.

When I read the title it was the first thing to come to mind...
To the point: I downloaded the game completely, updated it with the patch thing and when I tried to play it, it didn't work...oh well

#199159 January Lano 2009

Posted by Watari on 27 December 2008 - 08:45 AM in Nerf Wars

Aww, darn...well I have been going to alot of past nerf wars already, I need a break...

I'm big, that's how you'll remember if you see me. My name's sasquatch for a reason

If I had never read this before I met you, I would have never remembered you were sasquatch...

#199158 Switch Shot Wii Blaster

Posted by Watari on 27 December 2008 - 08:40 AM in Modifications

I know you said you didn't have any ranges, but do you have any gun that you can use to compare it too (like a NF?)

#198922 500 Rpm Vulcan

Posted by Watari on 26 December 2008 - 01:06 AM in Modifications

If you're using a vulcan in a war, you're already pretty much screwing yourself. It's a FUNctional weapon, chill.

Hell, i've used a stock vulcan in a war...they work surprisingly really well, especially for CTF. If I could I would definitely do this mod because 6D batteries compared to 1 rechargeable 9.6V battery (which I have for airsoft...) is alot more practical and cost alot less.

Theres also the humiliation of being shot buy a vulcan...it's all worth it.

#198578 Turreted Nitefinder

Posted by Watari on 24 December 2008 - 01:51 AM in Modifications

Wow, the first person to reply to a turreted nitefinder is Falcon...how surprising.
Anyways, that looks really clean, great job!

#197384 Which Sports Do You Play?

Posted by Watari on 20 December 2008 - 01:16 AM in Off Topic

Marching band.
Don't even start on the whole "it's not a sport" thing.

Sweet i'm in a marching band too!
I play the trombone...
Airsoft (yes it's a sport...all i'm gonna say since this is a NERF forum)
although I prefer nerf...BY A WIDE MARGIN

#196838 January Lano 2009

Posted by Watari on 17 December 2008 - 07:26 PM in Nerf Wars

I'd really prefer (or can only go) during the 17th. Any other dates (well there's the 10th, but...you know) WILL NOT work for me :D

#196106 How Long Do You Think You'll Be Nerfing?

Posted by Watari on 14 December 2008 - 02:26 PM in General Nerf

Meh... I want to nerf for a long time, but I don't want to be that creepy 70 year old who shows up at Massacre: "Is that Angel in his mask?"
"Yeah!... oh wait... no...it's some old guy."

Exact same idea when I read the topic...
except I pictured someone in a wheelchair...holding an NF with someone pushing him around...

Anyways, even though I am new to this community and young myself...
I'd like to nerf as long as possible, and I do agree with what CaptainSlug said, because life is unpredictable.
You could catch a disease or get injured permanently...I don't know. You just don't know what can go wrong.
I read this too fast:

I fully intend to introduce my kids to the hobby, and then to be able to play with them if they enjoy it.

And thought I saw this:

I fully intend to introduce my kids to the hobby, and then force them to play it if they enjoy it.

#195773 Where May I Be Able To Find...

Posted by Watari on 13 December 2008 - 12:46 AM in General Nerf

1.) Bass pro shops $25
2.) I've heard something like "cabellas" but i'm not sure what exactly that is
Name=PAS or "Pump Action Shotgun"

#194718 More Of My Crappy Magstrike.

Posted by Watari on 07 December 2008 - 10:11 PM in Modifications

Ok so lemme get this straight. Your Magstrike is broken and the clip won't advance? If that's the problem then hopefully I can help :). This happened to me once and I started a topic about it and someone said to check if all the parts are in the right places. First I didn't believe that person, but then, when I finally opened my Magstrike the plunger thingy wasn't in the right place (the back part wasn't in line with the housing so it wasn't secure). After that short fix, my Magstrike was repaired and it works really well. Hope that helped!

Here's the topic that I started:
http://nerfhaven.com...=Magstrike help

#194658 Stormbringer

Posted by Watari on 07 December 2008 - 08:04 PM in Modifications

YES it's finally here! I remember seeing this in the mod/paintjob thread and drooling...
Now I need a longshot and a Titan.

#194496 Rapid Fire Shotgun Mod

Posted by Watari on 07 December 2008 - 02:35 AM in Modifications

Well...doing a few mods on this gun, I know what it's like (and how sometimes it can be a b****) but...
I really was thinking of doing this to my shotgun after it broke (tried to re-enforce the plunger rod w/ brass and add a spring and ... yeah, it went REALLY bad, as in the plunger head won't stay on...more on that later) so I was wondering if I should single it for a primary (as there is a war coming up soon).
I decided not to, because
1.) I thought it'd look retarded having a turret in the front with a single barrel (didn't think of cutting it off.......)
2.) "Rapid Fire Shotgun" with one barrel
3.) You can get the Ball gun for the same price and it has a better seal (I think?) and bigger plunger tube...

Well anyways, good mod and it looks really nice when it's singled/couplered...

#194495 Help Messed Up At2k

Posted by Watari on 07 December 2008 - 02:28 AM in Modifications

Or before you go removing the goo gauge you should try this! Not only do you get better ranges, but it fixes your goo gauge problem.

#194323 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Watari on 06 December 2008 - 01:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Guys, the war is 1 week (7 days) away...

Anyways, I just remembered that the 11th is my cousins birthday so he might be celebrating it on the 13th, so I will not be able to make this war.

Just kiddin' I'll be able to make it but I don't think i'll be able to make the night war, as it REALLY IS his birthday that day.

#193527 I Don't Know How To Tell You This.....

Posted by Watari on 02 December 2008 - 05:18 PM in General Nerf

Well, first of all, congratulations! Second of all, I look forward to seeing you at one of SoCal's future wars...like LANO.

#193521 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Watari on 02 December 2008 - 05:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Even though the date changed a while ago...I forgot to clarify
Watari- FoSho
CruxZader- Maybe
Guest #1- Maybe
Guest #2- Unlikely

As for the night portion, I highly doubt that we can make it, but if we do, all the people I bring (if any) will still be there
So for the night portion:

Watari - Unlikely
CruxZader - Unlikely
Guest #1 - Unlikely
Guest #2 - Unlikely

Well hey! It's better than not being able to go at all...

#192934 What Size Coupler Should I Get?

Posted by Watari on 30 November 2008 - 02:36 AM in Modifications

Yeah, but that wouldn't really work because you'd have to hold your barrel as the 17/32 brass will easily fall out. If you put a nub of PVC on the back of the piece of brass, then you couplered your Big Blast with a PVC coupler, it'd be much more steady...

It should look somewhat like this:

_____PVC Coupler____________

9/16 Brass

_____PVC Coupler____________

Empty Space___________________PVC PIPE____________________

17/32 Brass
Empty Space___________________PVC PIPE____________________


_______PVC COUPLER______
EMPTY SPACE________________PVC PIPE____________________________

9/16 Securely connected to 17/32 Brass
EMPTY SPACE________________PVC PIPE____________________________
_______PVC COUPLER______

Now what Kyrative said would be something like this
9/16 Connected to 17/32
That'd be bad because the 17/32 would fall out easily and isn't protected.

#191368 What Should I Do To My Bbb

Posted by Watari on 23 November 2008 - 06:52 AM in Modifications

IMO, this should've been asked in General Nerf...but it is a modification related question so...
I believe you should PVC coupler your BBB, and for a couple of reasons:
1.) If you ever wanted to switch to mega's
2.) You can nest brass
3.) (As you said) you can nest PETG
4.) I don't know about you, but I can nest CPVC in it.
(The PVC was kind of internally expanded..somehow)

If you use a CPVC coupler, then you could probably use:
1.) CPVC (well no duh...)
2.) Brass wrapped in E-tape (hey...I do it)
and...I think that's it.

But those are my opinions, you could throw it against a wall if you really wanted to.

Not saying you will or anything...

#191367 Maximum Titan Pressure?

Posted by Watari on 23 November 2008 - 06:47 AM in Modifications

I asked this question in a thread (somewhere...A long time ago) and CaptainSlug (If I remember correctly) said somewhere around 60 was the MAX, but 45-55 should be enough.
EDIT: oops no measurement...I meant PSI.

#190989 Etrl Pump Shot Gun

Posted by Watari on 20 November 2008 - 07:29 PM in Off Topic

I know it's been answered already but:

This foam Shooter Shotgun is safe...

It is stock, but when modified...with no eye protection...and when it's <5 ft...
I don't think so.

#190965 Bbb Problemos.

Posted by Watari on 20 November 2008 - 06:04 PM in Modifications

Okay, I think I know the cause of this problem and how to fix it. First off, when this happened to me, I didn't know what was wrong and the first thing that I looked at was the front of the gun. I believe that the part causing the problem is the part that connects to the original barrel, it's in the wrong spot.
I think (If I can remember correctly) it's grooves should line up with the plastic edges in the shell. If that doesn't work, try putting it more towards the front. What's causing the problem (well in my gun at least) is that the front part get's separated from the plunger tube and it conflicts with the cocking mechanism. One time, I opened my gun and the plunger tube was completely separated from the front part...to solve this I hot-glued it in place.
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EDIT 2: Hopefully what I described helped...(just read the 2 posts above)

#190960 Modding Styles

Posted by Watari on 20 November 2008 - 05:55 PM in Modifications

Well it depends on the gun that i'm going to mod. If it's like a Nite-Finder for a friend or something, i'll open it up, take out the Ar's and replace the barrel with CPVC, easy mod, done using common sense.

When I try to replicate a somewhat moderate-difficult mod (that's in my opinion of course), first, i'll see if I have the gun and materials, and I want to do the mod. Then i'll read the write up all the way through, then again while doing the mod. Now if there's something I don't like about the mod, or what the person did to the mod, I try to get around it or find a different way of doing it. An example is when I did my write up for the ERTL Rapid fire Shotgun, I couldn't remove the fastener 'cause I don't have a dremel, so I just left it there and made it a manual turret.

When I create my own mod, I don't really write down the steps or draw pictures of how it would/should look like. I just bring my camera down with me ('cause I mod in the garage) and I take pictures of random parts and use the ones that I need.

Now, when i'm thinking about modding a gun so it would be my primary I think of a few things:
1.) Is it practical to use in a nerf war? (stuff won't fall out or get snagged)
2.) Does it shoot far enough?
3.) Is it comfortable?
4.) Does it look good?
When it's a secondary
1.) Is it practical?
2.) Will it fit into my pocket/holister/sling?
3.) Does it look good?

#188227 Guide To All Guns Directory

Posted by Watari on 08 November 2008 - 11:43 AM in General Nerf

>Stock ranges: low
>Possible ranges:low
>Modding difficulty:
Gun: high-very high
Pegs: low

>Avg. price:$30-$50
>rarity: common
>Standard position:Primary
>Rate Of Fire: moderate
>Notes: Good CTF Defense, Reload time is SLOW, Belt's get in the way during wars, if you chain drops while you're firing, you are SCREWED

Updated that post...and I speak from personal experience they are useful...
The RoF is slower of a magstrike and a little (just a hair) bit slower than an RF20...
Maybe an RF20 on "single shot" Multiple chains is a MUST yet you need some place to
carry them while running around, backpacks are useful yet reloading must (or should) be
behind cover while your teamates cover you...
Useful at taking out alot of people behind cover...
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