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#342941 red vs tan foam

Posted by skullface44 on 20 November 2014 - 12:41 AM in Modifications

Where is red foam available ?

#342305 PAS help

Posted by skullface44 on 07 October 2014 - 11:26 PM in Modifications

I have started a pas with raider grip integration mod, everything is going well except the trigger. I can't find a shape that works, I am using 1/4 inch polycarbonate cut with a scroll saw. Does anyone have a template or picture of theirs they could send me? Any tips are welcome as well. Also if anyone has a template for making the priming bar and plunger that would save me a lot of trouble.

#342407 PAS help

Posted by skullface44 on 14 October 2014 - 09:33 PM in Modifications

check out coop772's video on youtube. maybe you can get a little help from him

I looked at one video and it was no help but I found another video of his that is the same mod, it has a clear view of the trigger. The pass is all together and working amazing now it just needs a couple coats of paint and it will be done. Thanks for the reply

#351084 Parasite Blaster/Mounting Technique

Posted by skullface44 on 24 January 2016 - 10:30 AM in Homemades

Good work. So simple I don't know why no one has done it before. I would've underslung an airgun, but there's no nothing wrong with a RBPistol. Only issue I can see is sourcing the thinwall pipe, which from what I remember is difficult to find.


Thin wall is pretty easy to get, garden stores sell it sometimes, jjdowns has it and flex pvc ships to canada 

#352605 Oznerfnerd Longshot kit

Posted by skullface44 on 03 April 2016 - 07:17 PM in Modifications

What should I get then OMW, Artifact, or Oznerfnerd?

well if you have to just pick one I would get the artifact kit. But if you have the money to get a few kits I would get all three. the big hammer kit seems cool too 

#352588 Oznerfnerd Longshot kit

Posted by skullface44 on 03 April 2016 - 12:08 AM in Modifications

Personally I like it, its a good addition to a OMW kit , artifact kit or a brass breach. 



-very nice 3d printing quality

- the metal reinforcement peaces make the stock parts very strong when glued properly 

- dead space reduction peace is a nice clean alternative to using hot glue 

- very nice 14kg spring with ground ends (best on the market in my opinion) 

-plunger reinforcement centres  the spring and really supports the weak part of the plunger rod 

- the lube it comes with is very good 



- you must use very strong epoxy to glue the bolt sled reinforcement parts. super glue will not work, jb weld broke on me, lepage epoxy broke as well, the only one that worked was aroldite and i had to import it from australia 

- the bolts that are ment to go though the plunger cap (micky mouse peace) are a pain to get on and the nuts did not fit unless i bent the bolt quite a bit. The bent bolt would not go though the screw ports unless i used alot of force. 

- its expensive to ship from Australia to canada or the US 


Posted by skullface44 on 22 September 2014 - 09:01 PM in Nerf Wars

I would come. i have been trying to get a war organized in my area but no luck so far. let me know if it happens

#341429 ontario nerf

Posted by skullface44 on 21 August 2014 - 09:55 PM in Nerf Wars

So happy there is some interest! if i get at least 10 serious people i'll get a price for the airsoft field. If everyone likes the price I will book it. I am totally cool with playing at a park or a nice spot as well. just for the first time or until we get a solid group of people to play. Hopefully the airsoft place works for everyone though.

#341484 ontario nerf

Posted by skullface44 on 24 August 2014 - 12:45 AM in Nerf Wars

I live in Markham area, if you know where that is...

Markham isnt far at all. i go to school around there. you should come.

#341340 ontario nerf

Posted by skullface44 on 19 August 2014 - 06:20 PM in Nerf Wars

hello everyone,

I am looking to organize and host a war as soon as possible and i would like to find out who is in my area that would want to play. It will be some where in the general toronto area preferably around mississauga or oakville but i am open do doing it anywhere with in reason. I talked to the guy that owns the place i play airsoft at and he said he will let us play nerf on his field anytime as long as I book ahead. I would rather not do that unless a lot of people want to because it might be expensive for just a few people. Let me know if you are interested in going there and i'll ask how much it would cost. If you want to play, post a reply with a area that works for you and when i get enough response we will all come together and pick a location that is as central as possible to as many people as possible. Once a location is picked i will post dart and blaster regulations as well as directions to the spot. If anyone ends up being close to me i have 3 open spots in my car and a big trunk to fit all our stuff in. Hopefully this can turn into a once a month thing or something like that. look forward to hearing from you!

Update: anyone that wants to come inbox me for details. I will tell you where it is going to be and when.

#341362 ontario nerf

Posted by skullface44 on 19 August 2014 - 09:38 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok sounds good, i need some time to make some more darts too. Mine are getting a little warn out. I have some gun cam videos of the place but they wont do a very good job of showing you the place. Heres the link to his site http://www.ultimateairsoft.ca/ there is a lot of nice pics on there. just scroll all the way to the bottom and click continue and that will take you to the home page

#341403 ontario nerf

Posted by skullface44 on 20 August 2014 - 09:50 PM in Nerf Wars

I could lone out a at3k thats rscb and another at3k with petg and rear loading if someone needs a blaster. Also if we get a large number of people that want to play but dont have basters i could try and wip up some pumpsnaps to lone out. All I want is to have a nerf war with a good turn out, hopefully we can all come together and make it work

#356710 NYE Massacre (indoor war in Ontario Canada)

Posted by skullface44 on 12 November 2016 - 05:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Yo dawg, make sure to add this to the 2016 war schedule.

Also, facilities are officially ours as of this afternoon

 okay I will 

#356698 NYE Massacre (indoor war in Ontario Canada)

Posted by skullface44 on 09 November 2016 - 07:37 PM in Nerf Wars

location: Wild Water Kingdom, 7855 Finch Ave W, Brampton, ON L6T 0B2, Canada      


Admission: in previous wars I had a few people not pay so im being as clear as possible  . If you don't pay you don't play. Wars cost money to do and its not fair that some people contribute and other dont. To anyone whats wondering where the money goes it all goes toward renting the area, buying cover and maintaining the large dart bin. If your not okay with that don't come.  The cost of admission will depend on how many people show up. The cost per person will lower depending on how many people come 

When: Dec 31, 2016  war starts at 10 





  One or more good primary blasters, and if possible a backup in case your blaster breaks. If your blaster does end up breaking, we have loaners available for you to use. Most of my loaner homemades broke last indoor war so they will not be available. Will not be lending anyone my personal blasters sorry. I will have some singled airblasters availble  though and others may have blasters for people to use. 


  A pistol for pistol rounds. And no, a Nitefinder rifle doesn’t count. However, a Panther or Pistol Splat does  and rainbow pistols DO count, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY ILL MAKE A BUNCH FOR EVERYONE TO USE IF I HAVE TO LOL    :)  



  Melee is allowed but it must be either Nerf brand or homemade perfectly. We will check any homemade boffer weapons, unless we know you and trust that you know what to do. Also, you must also be bringing a blaster. Most LARP weapons will be allowed; if it is similar to the N-Force line in terms of materials (foam outer layer and plastic core).

Special restriction on homemade melee weapons: Length limit of 3 FEET. That is the length of the Marauder longsword.




  As many darts as you see fit, I am bringing 500 for myself. We have a community bin you can use, but dart fit may vary. I would prefer everyone to bring there own but the community dart bin is available to those who need darts. If you use my darts you WILL help us dart sweep at the end of the day.


  There won’t be any places to get water close to the field so please bring your own. I will be bringing a cooler with a case of water in it for myself and any idiots that forget to bring some.


  A good mood, no one wants to war with a jerk. If you are causing problems with other players you will be escorted from the premises.


  Bring one or eat before you get there, but we will probably order a pizza or something anyway.


  Your eyes are pretty much the only part of your body that can be seriously hurt by a nerf dart, I really would like to see everyone with some kind of eye protection. However, if you are

1.Over 18 years of age or  2. An idiot, we cannot legally force you to.





  You can bring a converted Hydro Cannon to f*ck with between rounds for the LOLs, but if it shoots water, don’t bring it. If you have a converted super soaker that you feel is safe, you’re welcome to bring it and one of us will check it.   



  Nope. Not a chance. You can bring it just in case a raccoon is bothering us, and you happen to bring a long enough barrel to hit it accurately.

Absolver exception: At least 4 Barrels required for Cobra, 3 for Jobar and Pango.  



  As much as we’re sure you enjoy any or all of these, you will be escorted from the premises if you show up with any of them. There’s plenty of time to drink at dinner afterwards.



  We really don’t care how safe you made your pipe bomb, you’re not bringing it. We’ll let you know if we’re planning any big game hunts in the near future.

Exception: JSPB Pro  



  If you’ve been nerfing for any decent length of time, we don’t have to explain this. Absolver’d titans will be allowed, MIN 3 BARRELS.



 Same as the singled titan ban. And yes, we can tell. We didn’t fall off the cabbage truck yesterday.



 This will be done on a case by case basis but there a few things I do not want to see.

- anything made to look real

- overpowered airguns. Just because you reinforced you tank with epoxy doesn't mean you need to pump the sh*t out of it and shoot way harder then needed

- converted paintball guns (scepters are okay)


if you are not sure about a blaster show it to one of us. If you wouldn't want to be shot with your own blaster there is a good chance no one else wants to be shot with it either.





-Slingshot darts

 If you bring these we have a couple of our own and a couple shitcannons on site to shoot you with point blank. We let it slide last time but not anymore.


  I can’t believe we even have to put this here. To be honest anyone smarter than a sack of hammers can follow this.




  This includes Pak-D tips, Xplorer tips, homemade sili-domes, artifact darts, acc darts or any other types of silicone domes or other metal free alternative.


  #6 or PERFECT (foam and felt must COMPLETELY COVER the weight, not just the front. Yes it is possible. ) #8 slugs



  3/0, 3/16 ball bearing, single BB, etc. Basically 3/0 or lighter is allowed.


CDTS (Converted Dart Tag Stefan)

  Remember when people made these? We don’t.


  Any form of stock ammo, knockoff brand or otherwise. This includes Nerf, Buzz Bee, BoomCo, Rival and Sceptor balls, megas, missiles, whatever.   


  If your darts are made so poorly that they are unsafe we will not let you use them, you are more then welcome to use some from the community box though, just remember to return them at the end of the war.



3:15 Team Deathmatch

3:15 FFA



Civil War

Freeze Tag

Defend the Core

Monster Mash


Capture the Flag






  We will be having a Southeast style raffle. Please don’t bring absolute garbage, however there will most likely be a trash can nearby you can use for your Recon with a leaky shotblast tank that uses a vertical facing super soaker pump and only takes 50 pumps to fill. And no, we don’t care that it fires fine “if you shoot right after pumping”. 



  We will probably go somewhere for dinner afterwards, whoever wants to come is welcome to. 


Big thanks to Buffdaddy for making this happen!!!



  • skullface44

  • the2ndbluesbro

  • buffdaddy +1

  • curly +1

  • deaddumpster +1

  • grey ?

  • k9 (hopefully) 

  • Tank 
  • charlie 156

#342617 new style RainbowPump Writeup

Posted by skullface44 on 31 October 2014 - 05:39 PM in Homemades

sorry, double post

#342840 new style RainbowPump Writeup

Posted by skullface44 on 12 November 2014 - 05:41 PM in Homemades

Ok thanks. I ended up ordering the petg for it

#342616 new style RainbowPump Writeup

Posted by skullface44 on 31 October 2014 - 05:20 PM in Homemades

can clear pvc be used for the pump section instead of the petg tube?

#342135 nerf in ottawa ont

Posted by skullface44 on 24 September 2014 - 02:43 PM in Nerf Wars

I would come, if anyone wants to come up with me thats cool too. would be nice to get 3 people to come with me and we can split gas 4 ways, that would be the cheapest. I have some loaner guns for people too if they need them.

#342160 nerf in ottawa ont

Posted by skullface44 on 27 September 2014 - 07:40 AM in Nerf Wars

Loner - Nerfer with no friends and/or no local group. See "Draconis".

Loaner - Blaster one is willing to allow another nerfer to use temporarily.

yes that is what I meant to say thanks drac.

#342409 nerf in ottawa ont

Posted by skullface44 on 14 October 2014 - 09:47 PM in Nerf Wars

sorry for not replying for a while but it would be arranged in a gym in river side south Ottawa. Plz reply has soon has possible and I can get a date, wht to bring and all that. Remember to reply

I will make the drive if you organize it, iv been trying to get a war going in my area but there is not much of an interest. If anyone wants to come with me in my car they are more then welcome

#341863 metal free darts

Posted by skullface44 on 10 September 2014 - 12:08 PM in Darts and Barrels

The type of darts I made was irrelevant, the whole point of the post was to say that plastic bbs can be used to weight darts. I personally dont about metal vs metal free, if they fly far and straight ill shoot them but I i know for some people mettle free is important. The benefit to using these bbs in slugs or domes is that other then the weight being used everything else is the same, adhesive,pad and process. That being said I made another batch of slugs with felt pads instead of foam pads and 2 bbs inside and they fly the same as my slugs made with washers XD

#341813 metal free darts

Posted by skullface44 on 07 September 2014 - 11:02 PM in Darts and Barrels

So I found a airsoft bb heavy enough to be used for weighting darts. The bbs are made by madbull and they weigh .48 grams. A finished felt pad slug with beige foam weighs in at .96g, for comparison a #8 washer slug with the same foam and felt pad with about the same amount of hot glue weighs in at 1.3g. The hot glue domes with airsoft bb were 1.05-1.18g compared to single bb domes weighing in at 1.2-1.28g. Although the darts are lighter then normal slugs and domes they flew pretty much the same. Slugs got 67-74 feet out of my rainbow pistol and the domes flew 74-82 feet out of the same blaster. In high powered blasters they did not do as well, range was totally fine but spring blasters with tight barrels spray them all over and make them fish tale, although they did shoot quite well out of a rscb at3k with a petg barrel and a brass barrel and they shot about the same out of a at3k with a petg turret. I don't have any other air blasters but I would assume they would shoot the same as long as the air volume isn't very large and the foam isn't a tight fit in what ever barrel is on the blaster.

I am not saying these darts are better then traditionally made domes and slugs but if metal free is important to you and the people you nerf with these bbs are worth a try,

#354933 M.M 2.0

Posted by skullface44 on 11 July 2016 - 12:15 AM in Nerf Wars

location: 1695 Dundas St W, Mississauga, ON L5C 1E3 ( Erindale Park) 


Admission: in provisos wars I had a few people not pay so im being as clear as possible  . If you don't pay you don't play. Wars cost money to do and its not fair that some people contribute and other dont. To anyone whats wondering where the money goes it all goes toward renting the area, buying cover and maintaining the large dart bin. If your not okay with that don't come.  The cost of admission will depend on how many people show up. The cost per person will lower depending on how many people come 

When: August 28th, 2016  war starts at 10 





  One or more good primary blasters, and if possible a backup in case your blaster breaks. If your blaster does end up breaking, we have loaners available for you to use.


  A pistol for pistol rounds. And no, a Nitefinder rifle doesn’t count. However, a Panther or Pistol Splat does  and rainbow pistols DO count, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY ILL MAKE A BUNCH FOR EVERYONE TO USE IF I HAVE TO LOL   :)  



  Melee is allowed but it must be either Nerf brand or homemade perfectly. We will check any homemade boffer weapons, unless we know you and trust that you know what to do. Also, you must also be bringing a blaster (this is to prevent LARPers showing up with just melee, however unlikely that is). Most LARP weapons will be allowed; if it is similar to the N-Force line in terms of materials (foam outer layer and plastic core).

Special restriction on homemade melee weapons: Length limit of 3 FEET. That is the length of the Marauder longsword.




  As many darts as you see fit, I am bringing 500 for myself. We have a community bin you can use, but dart fit may vary. I would prefer everyone to bring there own but the community dart bin is available to those who need darts. If you use my darts you WILL help us dart sweep at the end of the day.


  There won’t be any places to get water close to the field so please bring your own. I will be bringing a cooler with a case of water in it for myself and any idiots that forget to bring some.


  A good mood, no one wants to war with a jerk. If you are causing problems with other players you will be escorted from the premises.


  Bring one or eat before you get there, but we will probably order a pizza or something anyway.


  Your eyes are pretty much the only part of your body that can be seriously hurt by a nerf dart, I really would like to see everyone with some kind of eye protection. However, if you are

1.Over 18 years of age or  2. An idiot, we cannot legally force you to.





  You can bring a converted Hydro Cannon to f*ck with between rounds for the LOLs, but if it shoots water, don’t bring it. If you have a converted super soaker that you feel is safe, you’re welcome to bring it and one of us will check it.   



  Nope. Not a chance. You can bring it just in case a raccoon is bothering us, and you happen to bring a long enough barrel to hit it accurately.

Absolver exception: At least 4 Barrels required for Cobra, 3 for Jobar and Pango.  



  As much as we’re sure you enjoy any or all of these, you will be escorted from the premises if you show up with any of them. There’s plenty of time to drink at dinner afterwards.



  We really don’t care how safe you made your pipe bomb, you’re not bringing it. We’ll let you know if we’re planning any big game hunts in the near future.

Exception: JSPB Pro  



  If you’ve been nerfing for any decent length of time, we don’t have to explain this. Absolver’d titans will be allowed, MIN 3 BARRELS.



 Same as the singled titan ban. And yes, we can tell. We didn’t fall off the cabbage truck yesterday.



 This will be done on a case by case basis but there a few things I do not want to see.

- anything made to look real

- overpowered airguns. Just because you reinforced you tank with epoxy doesn't mean you need to pump the sh*t out of it and shoot way harder then needed

- converted paintball guns (scepters are okay)


if you are not sure about a blaster show it to one of us. If you wouldn't want to be shot with your own blaster there is a good chance no one else wants to be shot with it either.





-Slingshot darts

 If you bring these we have a couple of our own and a couple shitcannons on site to shoot you with point blank. We let it slide last time but not anymore.


  I can’t believe we even have to put this here. To be honest anyone smarter than a sack of hammers can follow this.




  This includes Pak-D tips, Xplorer tips, homemade sili-domes, artifact darts, acc darts or any other types of silicone domes or other metal free alternative.


  #6 or PERFECT (foam and felt must COMPLETELY COVER the weight, not just the front. Yes it is possible. ) #8 slugs



  3/0, 3/16 ball bearing, single BB, etc. Basically 3/0 or lighter is allowed.


CDTS (Converted Dart Tag Stefan)

  Remember when people made these? We don’t.


  Any form of stock ammo, knockoff brand or otherwise. This includes Nerf, Buzz Bee, BoomCo, Rival and Sceptor balls, megas, missiles, whatever.   


  If your darts are made so poorly that they are unsafe we will not let you use them, you are more then welcome to use some from the community box though, just remember to return them at the end of the war.



3:15 Team Deathmatch

3:15 FFA



Civil War

Freeze Tag

Defend the Core

Monster Mash


Capture the Flag






  We will be having a Southeast style raffle. Please don’t bring absolute garbage, however there will most likely be a trash can nearby you can use for your Recon with a leaky shotblast tank that uses a vertical facing super soaker pump and only takes 50 pumps to fill. And no, we don’t care that it fires fine “if you shoot right after pumping”.



  We will probably go somewhere for dinner afterwards, whoever wants to come is welcome to.  




  • skullface44

  • the2ndbluesbro

  • buffdaddy (hopefully) 

  • curly +1

  • deaddumpster +1

  • grey 

  • k9 (hopefully) 

  • Tank 
  • charlie 156


#343475 Looking For 3B Modding Expert

Posted by skullface44 on 12 December 2014 - 05:41 PM in Modifications

i am looking for someone with a lot of experience modding the 3B.

I would like to make this gun my primary and maximize and squeeze as much range as possible from the 3B.

Links to relevant threads would be appreciated.

Lots of mods can be found in the modification section of the forums, check out the modifications directory. My recommendation is to coupler it, then do the draw extinction from the link I posted then integrate a tank of some kind ( I used a at2k tank) onto the front grip and then put your pump on top. tank is fired with a key ring. That is how I did mine, I also did another one with the same mods plus a big salvo tank in each of the arrow holders, those are fired via a blast button close to the trigger of the bbb. Hope that helps



There is a lot of mods for the bob, just look around.

#345108 Interesting casting method

Posted by skullface44 on 19 February 2015 - 07:56 PM in Homemades

This is a topic I am familiar with, as it was my hobby prior to Nerf. This description is rather over-simplified, and I cannot express with great enough ferver how dangerous metal casting can be. This isn't a "Make sure you wear your safety glasses, kids!" kind of warning. This is a "You appear to have misplaced your fingers." warning. Seriously, most adults don't have this skills to handle glowing liquid metal safely, so kids... Absolutely do not attempt anything in this thread without proper safety equipment and adult supervision.

Yes you are totally right, it can be very dangerous and you can definitely hurt yourself very badly, I should have mentioned that. I sometimes forget that some people on here are quite young.

#345074 Interesting casting method

Posted by skullface44 on 18 February 2015 - 11:23 PM in Homemades

I did not see any topic on this type of casting so I thought I would post one. The casting method is called "lost foam casting" , it consists of carving a object out of soft foam then burying it in fine sand then pouring molten aluminium over it. The foam is burned away and the metal takes the shape that the foam was.

Melting aluminum may seem hard to do but it really isn't, a simple air fuelled coal fire will get hot hot enough to melt aluminum.

The crucible can be made of any metal that has a much higher melting point then aluminum, for example stainless steel is a good option. The crucible can mad from a think stainless steel water bottle. a large pair of pliers will work as crucible tongs.

The forge can be made out of a old paint can that is lined with a plaster and sand mixture. Aluminum cans will melt in this kind of forge.

I have tried this method of aluminum casting and it worked out grate for me, I used a paint can forge with stainless steel water bottle crucible. I made a "rambone" style slingshot if anyone was wondering.

I think making nerf parts with this method of casting would be very effective and would produce extremely durable parts. I will be attempting to cast a plunger head that fits a skirt seal, a +bow handle as well as a rainbow handle and pump handle

To showcase how simple and easy this casting proses can be here are some videos of some people with very crude materials and tools successfully using this method


Now a example of someone making something a little more detailed.


Hopefully you find this method of casting as interesting as I did.


#343021 I'm making foam

Posted by skullface44 on 23 November 2014 - 04:34 PM in Darts and Barrels

The closest thing I have found to the blue foam is the black buzz bee foam, and like I stated in our last pm "as for the foam this summer when I am out of school and there is less swim practice and if every one hasnt quite nerf by then I will tell all my secrets and have lots of foam for sale".

Can't you tell all your secrets now? :D

#349213 I'm making foam

Posted by skullface44 on 20 October 2015 - 06:42 PM in Darts and Barrels

Look here is the deal. If everyone has not quit nerf by this summer I will have foam for sale and go more indepth on my manufacturing proses.

Summer has come and gone, how about seeing that extrusion processes now?


#343016 I May Have Found The Haven A Source

Posted by skullface44 on 23 November 2014 - 01:47 PM in Darts and Barrels

No I Found a different place. But if that place works out I will go see if the foam is good. I live close to the factory. I'll email them and see if they will let me drip by. I'll take se pics and buy a small amount to test if they let me and Ilol post my findings

#343020 I May Have Found The Haven A Source

Posted by skullface44 on 23 November 2014 - 04:24 PM in Darts and Barrels

That'd be sweet. It'd be nice to know the quality before anybody makes a big order.

I'll let you know what happends. I'll try to go soon on my next day off

#344513 How many pumps?

Posted by skullface44 on 22 January 2015 - 09:38 PM in Off Topic

I know I've put 35+ pumps into my titan tank with a bike pump on it. Don't hold me to it, but I feel like you could probably go that high if you really wanted to.

Yea, drev is right I just put 20 pumps into mine with a hornet pump and left it for a wile and it has had no issues. Held the pressure and fired as normal.

#344509 How many pumps?

Posted by skullface44 on 22 January 2015 - 08:49 PM in Off Topic

How many pumps can a titan tank take from a magstrike pump?

I put 15-18 pumps in mine with a hornet pump and I have never had any problems. Magstike pumps are not that much bigger then a hornet pump so I think you would be fine with 14-16 pumps.

Also wanted to say that I do not use my titan tank blaster in any wars or shoot anyone with it, it was just a blaster I made for fun and i occasionally shoot some cans with it. Just thought I would put that out there.

#353694 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by skullface44 on 23 May 2016 - 02:52 PM in Homemades

Never really posted any of my work but here is everything that i have left, I sold most of it  


Rev shot 


Rev shot .jpg


Top one is a makeitgo M.O with a few changes such as using normal materials and it has been simplified. The bottom one is a scaled down multiple orgazem made to look like Xellahs v2 bullpup

bull pups .png  


A few snaps. From top to bottom there is a pump snap 3.0. tommygun style snap carbine and 2 snapbow mk5s 


Snaps .jpg


The top one is a rainbow pump made to look like dracs blood born. The wood is oak and apple wood that i milled out of a old tree in my backyard, you dont want to know how i stained it. The bottom one is a standard double rainbow 


rainbows .jpg

#358381 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by skullface44 on 04 March 2017 - 08:15 PM in Homemades

I didn't think this deserved a new thread yet since its just the first prototype so ill post it on here for now. This is a magfed homamde I have been tinkering with for a little wile. The project started out at a V2 revshot but turned into this. I think it deserves its own name since it shares very little with the revshot. 




- one peace grip/magwell

- o ring style breach with a plunger cup similar to a longshot 

- nylon dart gate with feed ramp 

- 1.45" ID plunger tube 

- fixed plunger tube ( opposed to the moving plunger tube/bolt sled the rev shot uses)

- plate catch simular to a +bow 

- .520" ID aluminum barrel 

- internal priming bars

-full [k26] + longshot ish  spring 








The next version(s) will have the following updates/ changes 


- Stock, trigger and mag release will be printed 

- Printed top rail 

- proper pump grip handle 

- single top slot for prime instead of the normal slot on each side


For anyone that may be interested templates, STL files and drawings for the lathed parts will be available as soon as im happy with the blaster and I know it all works properly 



#346146 Help with templates

Posted by skullface44 on 13 April 2015 - 06:09 PM in Homemades

Missed this the first time I read this topic. Here's Louiec3's templates.

Thank you very much

What about Naturalman's Rainbow Pistol? It's not an L+L but there's a full writeup with templates and it looks like you'll end up making fewer cuts and using less materials.

I have made lots of those, they are fantastic blasters and I enjoy making them. Thank you for your suggestion

#346104 Help with templates

Posted by skullface44 on 11 April 2015 - 12:30 AM in Homemades

How about a DHAEP (Dual High-Airflow Electric Plunger) as your next project?
I think I might have thought up the concept, but I'm not sure how to make it work.
(It would essentially be a double-barreled full-auto HAMP, but driven by a battery-powered solenoid instead of your arm.)
If you have any ideas, or places to get Effeminate solenoids for dirt cheap, that would be turbotastic.

At the very least, it would be a bit of a challenge.
(I, myself, am in the process of gathering the materials to build a Mediocre HAMP, but with wooden grips and stock.)
(That'll be my first homemade!)

That is a cool and interesting idea and all but its not really my thing. A motor that would have enough power to effectively drive the piston would be pretty expensive and heavy, not to mention a power supply that could not only power the motor but last long enough to power the blaster for a entire war. The battery will also be pretty heavy and expensive and when combined with the weight of the motor and the blaster it self it may be a little tough to use in a war. I like to make blasters that look really clean and have a almost artistic look, I spend a lot of time on making the blaster look nice after I get it working like it should. I just don't see a way to make this blaster without spending a lot of money or a way to make it look nice. I know looks don't matter in a war, the blaster just need to preform well but the part I enjoy the most is working on blasters so I always make them look nice.

If your thinking of making a HAMP, you should. They aren't the nicest blasters out there but man are they ever fun. They are so cheep to make that I made a few of them and gave them to friends so we can have HAMP only wars. I prefer other blasters but we always have to bring out the HAMPS for one round.

#346096 Help with templates

Posted by skullface44 on 10 April 2015 - 04:09 PM in Homemades

I have been looking around and asking people for a wile and have had no luck finding them, If someone does have any of the templates I am looking for and can send them to me I will host them and add the links to where they are to this thread so everyone can use them if they would like to.

I have been wanting to make a crossbow with homemade internals, a L+L and a T-bow for a wile but I cant seem to find templates for the blasters. If anyone has the any templates for any of the following blasters please email me.

The Tbow

I am Aware that this thread has a templates link on it but it will not open. I anyone has downloaded the templates off or that thread and saved them I would really appreciate if you could send them to me. Any other Tbow templates would work also.


I'm having the same problem with finding templates for a L+L, I have found this thread But the templates will not open on it either. If anyone has the templates for this L+L or some other L+L templates It would be grate if you could send them to me.


Lastly the crossbow, The only templates I need is for the trigger and catch. I herd that there used to be templates for these on Nerf revolution. I have never been on that site so I am just going off of what I have read. If anyone has those templates or another set of templates please send them to me. The templates on thisthread and this are grate but they don't include the trigger. If have any different templates or templates for the trigger It would be grate if you could send them to me or point out were they are.

Sorrow X turret

I have wanted one of these for a long time and I now have access to a 3D printer, sadly the file on this post wont open. If anyone knows of a working version of this file or has downloaded the file please let me know. If anyone has one that they want to get rid of I would be interested in it also.

My email:[/u] danny931202@gmail.com

#346114 Help with templates

Posted by skullface44 on 11 April 2015 - 06:12 PM in Homemades


L+L with templates by Captain Slug

Really it was just a +bow without a stock and with half the plunger tube so you could just modify +bow templates.

Great , thanks

#346102 Help with templates

Posted by skullface44 on 10 April 2015 - 10:14 PM in Homemades

Try this for the xbow. If it doesn't work let me know and I'll put it somewhere besides google drive.


Thank you very much, it worked. I just pressed print and it printed everything fine, looks to be the right size.

take this as a sign to not build an l+l, they're the worst

It's like priming a lobster.

Iv herd that from a few people. I just like making blasters though, even if I wont use them it a war I still enjoy making the blaster. Sine I have never made one before I would like to because I am running out of different homemades to make besides bull pup stuff

#364736 Hello? Is anyone there?

Posted by skullface44 on 08 September 2023 - 10:56 PM in Site Feedback

Some are still active. I would like to see this forum used more. As a community we need to switch back to using forums over social media. It is a far superior format in every way compared to reddit, discord or Facebook.