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#150706 Yet Another Spring Question.

Posted by OberonFox on 12 April 2008 - 03:11 PM in Modifications

Finally got around to purchasing a second NF and I'm attempting something similar to the NF bow with the plunger tubes doubled up. Since the plunger itself is, by necessity, chopped up and reconstructed I'm a little worried about stresses tearing the internals apart with too tough a spring. Each NF spring compresses to 3cm and my chopped down Handyman spring I had in my original NF compresses down to about 4.5cm. Would it be more efficient to place both NF springs in the tube, sacrificing that 3cm of airspace, for the force of dual springs; or would using the single stronger spring with the (slightly) increased air capacity produce more force on the dart?

Thanks in advance guys.

#145596 Who Has Some Money They Want To Blow?

Posted by OberonFox on 17 March 2008 - 08:31 PM in General Nerf

I'm confused by the image on that box. The 'gun' is an F-14, there's an F-14 on the box, and yet the kid is holding an F-16. Why didn't I get a job in marketing? Apparently you can be an idiot fuckstick and still design packaging.

#182305 We're A Threat!

Posted by OberonFox on 07 October 2008 - 10:43 PM in General Nerf

So anyone else catch the Colbert Report tonight? Apparently games of Nerf Zombies are the number one threat to America this evening. Even had a screen cap from that documentary that was posted here a few months ago. We hit the big time baby!

#141100 The Vulcan

Posted by OberonFox on 18 February 2008 - 06:11 PM in General Nerf


I reiterate. Take a good close looks at the chains. especially the last link poking out from under the tripod. See it? Ok look reaaaaaaaaaaal close. It is not the same shape as the rest. It does not have the air restrictor cross on the end, the central part is shorter, the thinner end part is longer. It's not a casing for a dart. It's wither a feeder link or the way to attach multiple chains together. It has 25 casings. It's not called the Vulcan 27.

#141012 The Vulcan

Posted by OberonFox on 18 February 2008 - 12:43 PM in General Nerf

So...maybe Hasbro just can't count.

And if some one posts that sci-fi picture again... :D *twitches*

The ends of the chain do not look to be casings but some different type of feeder bolt. The end that's under the tripod has a different end to it than the ones that carry the darts. So still 25 darts with two endcap pieces.

#138756 The Mantra Ray

Posted by OberonFox on 05 February 2008 - 11:18 AM in Modifications

Wouldn't a wooden manta be a bit heavy?

#138669 Should I Get The Recon?

Posted by OberonFox on 04 February 2008 - 09:22 PM in General Nerf

I'll agree it's fun, but not useful for anything.

I disagree, my Recon is a great gun. With proper modding it can get you 60+ feet. It's trickier to mod than your average Nerf gun, but for its size it's totally worth it.

#138683 Should I Get The Recon?

Posted by OberonFox on 04 February 2008 - 10:37 PM in General Nerf

Enjoy and post pics after mod!

#147710 Scout Modification

Posted by OberonFox on 29 March 2008 - 10:08 AM in Modifications

I know it's a relative crap gun (kudos regardless on improving it in any way: nice mod) but I love how the scout looks. I'd buy one just to play around with if I could ever find one of the suckers.

#146426 Replacing Nf Spring

Posted by OberonFox on 23 March 2008 - 11:48 AM in Modifications

If someone's rushing you...and you whip out your awesome "100 foot NF!!11!" and then the dart flies above his head, you're screwed.

Yes, because you're a terrible shot. My NF may shoot further than your "optimum" 45' but the dart velocity from 0-45' for mine is a lot faster than yours I'd wager. It shoots straight and If i can get my foam on target faster than you can, then that's just an added bonus.

#146427 Recon Vs Lonshot

Posted by OberonFox on 23 March 2008 - 11:53 AM in General Nerf

The only reason I'm writing these is because I'm really bored. F U

copypasta from his own threads. Stop feeding the troll and let the mods sort it out.

#140697 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 16 February 2008 - 10:02 PM in Modifications

Why did you remove the pop up sight on the barrel extenuation? once folded down the the sight on the coking slider makes a very iron sight. That is what the notches in the circular peace are for.
I hope that made sense.

Yeah, I know it's an effective iron sight. I just hate iron sights. That and I have a nice red dot sight I got from Wally-world that will look real nice on this as soon as I can dig it out of storage.

And now, the unveiling.

Posted Image

It's obviously a little harder to cock with the paint thickening certain parts that slide past each other. The added spring adds to this. The extra weight from the light and braces isn't that much and it feels great with the shoulder stock. Definitely my new primary. I'll stick with my NF sidearm for the further ranges. And with some beautiful weather today I finally got to do some range tests. For a six shot clip i got this:


Nothing Effeminate, but solid. And with the ease of clip replacement and increased rate of fire with the shotgun mod, I couldn't be happier. Thanks for taking the time to view this, and I can't wait to see some more Recon mods. Maybe I'll finally tackle my LS now.

#140511 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 15 February 2008 - 10:24 PM in Modifications

An update on my Recon.

After many days of rain and high wind I was able to finally get out and paint this sucker. Some silver dry-brush "distressing" will be done tomorrow followed by a clear coat and final rebuild.

Here's a pic of all the painted pieces, including the new braces I fashioned for the shotgun foregrip. Much nicer than the wood.

Posted Image

#138689 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 04 February 2008 - 10:59 PM in Modifications

Ok, it's far from polished but works like a dream. Here's the foregrip light replacement and shotgun mod for my Recon.

After clearing out the unnecessary bits on the inside of the 'laser' so the Maglite slides in nicely, I used my friend epoxy putty to make a base. As a measure to keep the flashlight from rotating in the grip ( so i can turn it on) and to keep it from slipping out forwards, I used the metal pin left over from removing the black breech cover on the top of the Recon.

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The pin fits perfectly in the lanyard tie for the light and with a matching bit of putty on the other side to keep it nice and secure, we have a solidly nested Maglite ready for use.

Posted Image

Here's a quick shot of the light in use along with the now added bolts I secured inside the grip after drilling holes for them and securing with yet even more putty. You can also see the two bolts on the cocking slide of the Recon in the back there that will attach to the two poplar shanks I got at Home Depot for all of 97 cents.

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And the completed shotgun grip. Cosmetics aside, it works beautifully. The grip slides all the way back to it's 'normal' position to cock the gun, then slides out to close the bolt. I only wish the barrel was about a half inch longer so it wouldn't hang off that last bit.

Posted Image

Really loving this gun. Rain has prevented accurate range tests but I'm standing by my 60' approximates. Final pics will be up with paint job and shotgun refinement in the next couple of days.

Hope this proves useful to you guys out there in Nerf land, and I can't wait to see what you guys one-up me with.

#138515 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 04 February 2008 - 01:19 AM in Modifications

What's the overall length with your shortened stock attached?

With the barrel attachment on it's now 25.5" from tip to tail.

#138507 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 04 February 2008 - 12:45 AM in Modifications

Great job! I cut down my other stock too.

does this add much range?

Thanks. It's my second mod. I love doing this stuff.

The air restrictor removal and compression trick upped the craptastic stock 25-30' to around 45-50'. The added spring doesn't add as much as I had hoped, but then again it's a NF spring, not too beefy. All things totaled it gives be about 60'. I havn't done a totally accurate measurement test yet, so when I finish with the shotgun mod and get all the kinks worked out I'll post again with final ranges. Regardless it feels great shooting and makes such a nice sound when it fires. And the red 'light' rail attachment will have a led Maglite replacement for added versatility.

#140517 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 15 February 2008 - 11:38 PM in Modifications

How far did you make the holes?

the two that attach to the bolt-slide are 3/4" apart.

It doesn't really matter though, it fully depends on where you intend to attach your shotgun arm.

#138675 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 04 February 2008 - 09:29 PM in Modifications

Considering I'm planning on using the extended barrel attachment so I can implement my shotgun mod, I don't know if a barrel replacement is all that feasible. It'll definitely be the next thing I'll be looking into however. Do you have any pics for your brass in the bolt sled?

#138536 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 04 February 2008 - 11:47 AM in Modifications

Nice job!

But what is the smaller piece of PVC? Also, how did you dremel out that entire tube (seeing as a dremel's bits are only so long)?

I also like the shortened stock. It feels extremely annoying long, especially considering it bends like hell.

The longer piece of PVC sits directly on top of the mid-brace, not nested inside of it. it's also the same length as the spring. I was worried that if the spring popped out of the mid-brace that it might have problems going back in with the next cock, so that small diameter PVC sticks just a little out of the brace and acts as a guide of sorts to make sure the spring goes all the way back in. Like I originally said, it may prove of no actual use whatsoever but I like to hedge my bets.

As far as Dremeling out the long PVC. with the bit placed as far out as possible and still being held by the tool it reaches just to the halfway point with the sanding drum attachment. So all I had to do is keep flipping in around to increase the inner diameter. I suppose you could do the same thing with some high grit sandpaper rolled up and lots of dedication. You could also use a larger diameter piece of PVC, but then it doesn't sit as nicely in the stock.


The epoxy putty is my adhesive of choice. It's super malleable when you first knead it together so it fits in anywhere and it dries rock hard after 5 minutes. Then you can sand it and even drill it to make places for screws if you need. Just rough up the surfaces a little beforehand so it has better purchase. Really versatile for a $4 tube.

#138503 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 04 February 2008 - 12:28 AM in Modifications

Thanks in advance to DeceitfulSteve for his spring into stock idea and to analogkid for the internal spring compression trick. And of course to all those valiantly trying to figure out the best way to remove the darn air restrictor. Yes it was a pain to get out.

I liked the idea of using the stock to contain an extra spring, but I didn't like the length of the stock. Way too long in my opinion. I also didn't want to chop up the 'armed' plunger to allow for total compression of a shorter spring against the middle brace on the stock, though technically that last inch or so is vestigial. One Man Clan's original posting of the Recon showed the middle stock brace with a hole in it, supposedly for the 'armed' arm to fit in. So, idea. Though I have no version with an AR-15 spring to compare too, I suspect I'll still get a nice little bump on range using a smaller one at full compression. That and I like the shorter, more tactical stock.

Here's an initial picture of the materials. Already chopped up the later portion of the stock and left a bit hanging out the back of the middle brace so that I can have an attachment point for the shoulder stock. There's also a length of 3/4 inch PVC that I had to Dremel out a little so that it fit loosely over the extended plunger tube. Didn't take much. Make sure it doesn't stick anywhere, or obviously this doesn't work. The shorter length will go inside the mid-brace along with the smaller diameter piece which will go inside of that as an anti-kink guide for the compressing spring. Not certain if it really has any measurable effect, but I like to err on the side of caution.

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Used epoxy putty to create a little nest for the tubes, make sure they're as centered as possible. The central one extends far enough out to keep the spring from rocking around too much in case it bounces out of the mid-brace after firing, but not far enough to touch the extended plunger tube. This is also a good indicator on whether or not a fully compressed spring will fit when the gun is cocked. The extra NF spring I had available fits just fine, and when I get a chance to replace it with a sturdier Handyman spring I'll see if i have to shave a little off the plunger tube or not. Making a sturdy base with the epoxy at the back screw keeps the spring compressing correctly.

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Here's a shot of the mid-brace together and the spring inserted.

Posted Image

Now you can connect the chopped stock to the blaster and cock the gun so that the plunger acts as a guide to connect the large PVC; and if you Dremeled correctly, lining up perfectly with it. Here's a shot with some added epoxy supports. It slips on and off just fine and with the spring inserted makes a really nice 'thrum' when fired.

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And a final shot with the shoulder stock reattached with some more epoxy ( god I love that stuff .) Just needs some cosmetic sanding and a coat of paint, and I have my new primary.

Posted Image

Within the next couple of days I'll be completing and posting the shotgun mod I've got worked out for the Recon too.

Hope this passes muster, more to come soon.

#140883 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 17 February 2008 - 07:47 PM in Modifications

how are the bolts attached to the gun itself?

They're epoxy puttyed into the small recess at the rear of the slide.

Could you post a list of materials? I'm thinking of doing this, but it would be much easier to simply have a list I can C&P and print to bring to Home Depot

Oh jesus, a shopping list? Heh, let me try and remember. OK, here's the gist.

1 Recon
1 MiniMaglite
2 tubes Epoxy Putty (There are various types: some dry in 5 minutes, some take 30)
1 sheet of thin (maybe 1/8th inch thick) plastic. They sell it in the window section of Lowes. in 4' x 3' sheets.
4 1/2" long 1/16" diameter bolts
2 1" bolts for fore-grip (they have to reach out wider to meet the brace)
6 nuts ( I got the kind with the plastic seal on the one side to prevent overscrewing.)
10 washers to go on the inside of the fore-grip braces. acts as a a support for them so the plastic won't bend too far in.

And if you're doing the shoulder stock mod as well as the shotgun:

1 3 1/2" length of 1" pipe, dremeled out slightly to accommodate plunger tube
1 1/2" length of 1" pipe for the inside of the mid-brace, 1/2" pipe inside is optional
1 Leftover NF or equivalent sized spring

E-tape, rubber bands and lots and lots of re-measuring may be required as well. All in all I spent about $25 on the whole project and now I have a ton of leftover pipe. I had to buy them in 10' sections.

Hope this helps!

#138751 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 05 February 2008 - 10:49 AM in Modifications

DUDE!! You beat Captain Slug to it. I am impressed man. Props

Oh I didn't beat anybody to anything. The shotgun grip is hardly an original idea, I was just the first to post a write-up for the Recon. But I'll take the props just the same.

#140888 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 17 February 2008 - 08:04 PM in Modifications

The hassle is half the fun!

#138698 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 04 February 2008 - 11:17 PM in Modifications

Wow, extremely impressive. People said a shotgun foregrip wouldn't be feasible on the Recon, but you proved them wrong. And with the MagLite you can Nerf more effectively in night situations, I love it. My only suggestion for improvement upon your current setup would be to use polycarbonate instead of shanks and install them directly onto the stock bolt.

EDIT: I'm really starting to see as much or more potential in the Recon as in the Longshot!

Oh I agree the shanks aren't the only, or the best, way to do the shotgun bit. I'm limited by the tools that I have. I have a small battery powered hand held Dremel MiniMite and a few hand tools. If I could machine metal I'd have the perfect connectors. At the moment this is an advanced proof of concept. I deliberately wanted to use the nuts and bolts so I could swap out and remove parts at will and eventually upgrade to better materials.

#138720 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 05 February 2008 - 01:04 AM in Modifications

QUOTE(Agent Jonny B @ Feb 4 2008, 11:22 PM) View Post

Very nice! I'll definitely have to do this when I get my recon. Keep it up dude!

Will do! It's just cool knowing that something I did inspires others.

#140844 Recon Shoulder Stock Rebuild With Spring Integration And Shotgun Mod.

Posted by OberonFox on 17 February 2008 - 05:46 PM in Modifications

Nice Job! It's clean, functional, and awesome. Like I said before, the Recon is just plain fun, and I think your mods put the fun back in functional (wow, I can't believe I just typed that)

A couple questions:

What did you make the new foregrip pieces out of? (and is there any chance for a template?)
How difficult is it to remove the barrel extension? (for example, for a pistol's only round or something)

The braces are made out of clear plastic sheeting I got as a single sheet piece from Lowes and then cut out. The sheet is only about an 1/8th of an inch thick as I only had my Dremel to cut them out with. Large vibration will actually cause it to crack and break, so if you cut it with anything that isn't a nice high power tool make sure to have a firm grip on it to prevent that. I shattered two earlier attempts before i got four of those shapes.

The single sheets by themselves were far too flimsy to take the force of pushing back and forth, so I got two wooden Popsicle sticks and used them as a stabilizing shank in between two pieces and epoxy puttied them together.

As far as determining the holes for them, since the plastic is clear, I just put the cocking slide all the way back, and placed the fore-grip light back to just shy of all the way back. Then it was just a simple thing to mark the spots on the plastic with a sharpie where I intended the holes to go and cut the shape around that.

All of it is secured with nuts that I only finger tighten. So it takes all of 30 seconds to unscrew the six nuts and wiggle off the braces so i can take the barrel off. The bolts are still attached to the slide, and the stock with it's extra spring still sides off, so the pistol is still perfectly functional all by itself.

If I had a nice table saw or equivalent I would have just gotten the nice thick plastic Lucite sheets or some aluminum rails or something. But this worked out surprisingly well.

As a final warning. I have since found out, that after repeated firing, the epoxy putty is not the greatest for shear forces and the rear bolt on one side has developed a crack in the putty around it. So make sure to really secure those in there if you're using my method and not permanently attaching it to the frame.

Thanks again for all the compliments guys, it's nice to get a little reward after the work.

#141125 Recon Rifle

Posted by OberonFox on 18 February 2008 - 07:49 PM in Modifications

I like that the diameter of your spring-stock attachment is about the same as the rear of the gun, it balances nicely. However, wouldn't a 2" width tube allow the AR spring to bend and kink up? I'd think that would rob it of some of its' power. And are you planning to do anything with the end of your stock? Right now you've just got a tube with no shoulder brace.

#143094 Recon Question

Posted by OberonFox on 28 February 2008 - 08:59 PM in Modifications

To make it Stefan compatible: use either 2" stefans or mod the clip. Also put a tighter fitting material in the rear portion of the bolt.

This is the best Recon topic, in my opinion. Almost makes me want to buy a Recon. Almost.

Wow, i'm honored actually.

It seems the Recon is a hate it/love it kinda gun. Still loving mine and I get around 60 feet with my added spring.

#150704 Recon Modification

Posted by OberonFox on 12 April 2008 - 03:04 PM in Modifications

Nice alternate on the stock. I actually really like the coupler attachment, and I honestly never thought about attaching the extra spring tube directly to the pistol. I like that I can take mine all the way off though in case i needed a more "stock" pistol.

I consider my Recon my secondary actually. I have a single shot NFbow that i'm working on for my Primary "range" gun, then the Recon for RoF mid range and eventually i'll remake another singled cutdown NF for the pistol slot. If the Maverick was smaller I'd honestly select it for pistol because of it's RoF, but it's so damn bulky.

#141176 Recon Mod Idea

Posted by OberonFox on 18 February 2008 - 10:59 PM in General Nerf

My thought was that a recon could be cut and merged with a nitefinder or a disk shot pistol similar to what Arius did, only with the clip on top and feeding downward.

While having the slide on the bottom would technically make it more shotgun-esque, the amount of work to invert the internals to match with opposite mounted NF seems like an overly complicated way of going about it. I'd also personally hate the clip getting in the line of site.

#152714 Old Guns: Should I Keep Or Not?

Posted by OberonFox on 22 April 2008 - 09:44 PM in General Nerf

Oh man, that brings back memories. I wish I still had my Bow 'n' Arrow and Master Blaster. Those were the only classic guns I had growing up.

#153902 Nite- Finder Barrel Length

Posted by OberonFox on 29 April 2008 - 08:04 PM in Modifications

Read his post again. He's not calling Ompa a noob. God I hate that word.

#140886 New Dart Guns At Tru

Posted by OberonFox on 17 February 2008 - 07:58 PM in General Nerf

I may be calling my closest TRU tomorrow to see if they have these in stock and justify the 45 minute drive. That pistol show much potential. And thank god it's not a wad of beehive lumps like all the other off-market guns.

#162828 Nerf Recons

Posted by OberonFox on 14 July 2008 - 10:22 PM in General Nerf

I am a humans vs zombies player (nerf game, played at Goucher college and other colleges) and once i shotgun modded my recon (done by OberonFox) its all I used. I was disappointed with it out of the box, but it has a lot of options in terms of modding which really made a difference.

It makes me happy when I help others. Granted I took off the shotgun and barrel extension to make it a snub carbine, but I still love it.

Mikey, If you haven't done a single mod before the Recon may be a bit confusing. My suggestion is to go grab a dirt cheap NF and do one of the many documented and excellent mods for it to get a general feel for at least how Nerf plastic cuts and melts. That and then you'll have a pretty awesome pistol.

Love the RoF on my Recon. As said earlier it's a fun gun, not the best, but definitely fun. Welcome to the Haven!

#130379 Nerf Grenades

Posted by OberonFox on 22 November 2007 - 08:37 PM in General Nerf

A while back someone showed a nifty little trick about stuffing one of those foldable frisbees with darts and tossing the ball as a nerf "grenade." A lot of people seemed to like the idea but had no idea how to get the foldable frisbees as they're usually a promotional item and generally not for sale anywhere. Well I found a source and at $4.95 a pop, they're not terribly expensive. So here's that in case anyone was interested.


And hey, Steven Colbert's got one. Shouldn't you?

#140703 My First Mod

Posted by OberonFox on 16 February 2008 - 10:17 PM in Modifications

Tip on pictures. Take them further away. Seriously, I see this all over the forums. Most digital cameras take at least a decent resolution. So just back up the camera a little and use some form of photo editing software to just crop and resize them. There are a few free ones out there that have at least this basic functionality.

Otherwise, glad you got your pics up, decent mod. And I'll second (or third or fourth or fifth) the sentiment on getting a NF. They're dirt cheap and you can do all sorts of fun stuff to them.

#147437 Motorized Buzzsaw Mod

Posted by OberonFox on 28 March 2008 - 01:52 AM in Modifications

Excellent mod, cant wait to see the polished final product. Also, THANK YOU for taking decent pictures.

#127764 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by OberonFox on 27 October 2007 - 11:57 PM in Modifications

OK guys, longtime lurker so here's my first post. Yes there are a glut of NF mods on this thread already, but as I got it for $5 I couldn't pass up the chance to try my first mod. The standards of course: Air restrictors removed, industrial spring replacement, sealed and new barrel, reinforced inner bits and some minor cosmetic mods. Including taking the two stupid dart holders off the bottom and turning them into four in exchange for the useless light plus two in the grip. With LS darts it gets about 80'. My home made darts fall a little shorter at around 60-70. I'll paint it eventually.

what say you?



#136735 Mega Nightfinder

Posted by OberonFox on 21 January 2008 - 11:04 AM in Modifications

Why all the haters? I get 80+ easy with my NF. You just need a strong enough spring. Now it's not terribly accurate with the streamlines I use because they tend to jink and jive midair, but in close it leaves a pretty good welt.

As for my measuring apparatus, simple. Go to a flat open parking lot, measure one parking space yellow line to yellow line and extrapolate from there. Easy standardized measuring without the need of an 80' tape measure.

#141469 Magstrike Cpvc Clip Mod

Posted by OberonFox on 20 February 2008 - 01:17 AM in Modifications

Are you serious?

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