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There have been 476 items by CustomSnake202 (Search limited from 11-February 97)

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#70098 First Gun?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 29 December 2005 - 03:22 PM in General Nerf

First gun I owned was a BnA when I was five. The first gun I bought and modded was a Sm5k when I was twelve or thirteen years old. Best damn gun I owned, back in the days when pvc was the dominant barrel material and stefans were not around. I started on nerfonline.

#15146 New Nerf Gun

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 27 December 2003 - 06:39 PM in Modifications

look at your own signature.

#15135 New Nerf Gun

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 27 December 2003 - 03:56 PM in Modifications

What a sweet find. A new blaster, very cheap, and no annoying target. Nice mod by the way. In the meantime, i better find out where i can get me one of those.

#59329 Soundtrack Suggestions Needed

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 July 2005 - 04:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright, I know that the last video had "Believe" in it, but there are still some sweet Chemical Brothers songs that would go with the flow:

1.) Chemical Beats (Singles 93-03 (Disc 1) - A good solid beat that rocks
2.) The Boxer (Push the Button) - A fast pace and happy song

Also, another good idea would be NIN's "Hand that Feeds". I love that damn song.

#51579 Favorite Band

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 04 April 2005 - 08:24 PM in Off Topic

The Kid(z) from Kidz Bop

I thought I was the only one, I'm still waiting for my damn free frisbee.

#51423 Favorite Band

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 02 April 2005 - 10:12 PM in Off Topic

*My top 4*
-Chemical Brothers
-Beastie Boys
-Super Furry Animals

I've developed a better appreciation and understanding for some of the electronica out there, and The Chemical Brothers are my favorite band. They never repeat rythms or certain patterns; each of their cd's are totally different and excellent at that. I really enjoy their music because it's not your everyday techno, it's deep and complex in most cases. Their music seems a lot more meaningful to me.

Interpol comes in close at second, both their cd's rock hard and they are amazing live.

#31553 George Petty Pinup Cosmetic Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 17 July 2004 - 04:00 PM in Modifications

Posted Image

#31471 George Petty Pinup Cosmetic Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 16 July 2004 - 06:02 PM in Modifications

That looks awesome Groove. It's coming out very nicely. Ever consider putting little stick figures(instead of airplanes) on the side of your X-bow to indicate all the awesome kills you've gotten?

#62993 The Barricade Buster/ Real Nerf Grenade

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 03 September 2005 - 07:13 PM in Homemades

That's a perfect idea for a grenade. I've seen a lot of designs out there, but this is the first one that actually has been proven to work and not require picking up multiple items besides the darts, like film canisters, springs, and other things like that. If I see some of those frisbees, I'll pick a few up and integrate them into my next war. Great idea Renegade.

#18592 Nc Is Up!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 09 February 2004 - 07:53 PM in Off Topic

Ah. After numerous days of waiting.....the baby makes an appearance once again.

#18781 Nc Is Up!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 11 February 2004 - 06:32 PM in Off Topic

Hey, 1/2 crap 1/2 son of a motherless goat, just shut the hell up. You know everything you say is crap, doesn't mean anything, and no one likes you. I know this has been brought up, but I would like to give you a visual...
Posted Image

And like Cx said, go somewhere else, heck, make your own forum. Or, maybe this is too crazy but, post something that actually means something.

#33921 Really Addicting Game

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 13 August 2004 - 06:20 PM in Off Topic

Cx doesn't need to tell him anything if he doesn't want to. He will keep things in good order. Anyway, I'm on 52. I'm a little angry that i got up to level 42 last night and forgot to save the password :nugget:

#33923 Really Addicting Game

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 13 August 2004 - 06:50 PM in Off Topic

I'm having muscle spasms in my right arm now. Thanks Rag. I got 19.

#33943 Really Addicting Game

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 August 2004 - 01:18 AM in Off Topic

There goes my plans for the whole weekend. Nice work, now you can create new to play more Panda Golf!

#55032 Powerclip Homemade Clip

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 16 May 2005 - 07:13 PM in Homemades

Holy shite. That's insane. Did you use balsa wood? That's the only type of wood I can think of that would be light enough to function as a pc clip. Also good choice with the PETG, it looks sexy. And I'm also curious how ranges to compare to those of a regular clip.

Sweet job on the design, it looks like it took a good amount of time.

#16025 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 January 2004 - 11:01 PM in Modifications

The dart is a success! I placed one of my .20g airsoft bb's in a micro stefan and charged her up. Here are some pics. I had to put them on geocities becuase they weren't appearing in the post itself for some reason. Just copy and paste the links in. I have one pic of the dart with lights on then a pic of the dart with just a little bit of light.



#16285 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 12 January 2004 - 11:42 PM in Modifications

Well, the tracer may not work for high powered guns (yet), but it works splendidly in a powerclip. I made the darts smaller, they now are 2 inches, to even out the weight. Since the powerclip is less powerfull and has a high rate of fire, the darts look 10x sweeter because you can see 10 tracers coming at you in less than 3 seconds. I'm still working out the high powered tracer dart right now. But Grinch, the hot glue looks like it would work great. I'm also still trying to get atleast a still of these tracers being fired out oof my PC. Take a look at the new PC tracer........Remember to copy and paste

The dart itself

The tracers in my PC

#16077 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 09 January 2004 - 07:19 PM in Modifications

O snap. I'll try to put some more weight in the back of the glow in the dark bb. I'll keep experimenting with it.

#17372 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 27 January 2004 - 11:11 PM in Modifications

I know you guys are probably sick and tired of this topic but I finally got some footage of the darts in action. I'll tell you now, it's very poor quality, but you can get a sense of how these darts look. Well, for who is ever still interested in the tracer dart (by the way, this is the new tracer dart. It uses glow in the dark paint instead of a glow in the dark bb.), here's a short clip of the little guys in action. Copy and paste the linkage. Comments?


#17323 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 27 January 2004 - 05:52 PM in Modifications

Have you even *tried* to test what you're saying before you said it? Or even read the thread? I don't mean to flame, but you probably haven't done either.

Glow in the dark paint isn't cheaper then the BB's. Glow in the dark paint can come off when used a lot. BB's probably give off more because of the effect you get when you put a light at the side of plexi/glass or in this case, hot glue.

Have you even *tried* to test your theories? Well, I have. I've made both kind of tracer darts: Ones with glow bb's & glue and ones with glue and glow in the dark paint(which was purchased at hobbytown U.S.A) The dart with the glow bb does not go very far and has a little glow. The one with the paint on it and the fishing wieght goes further, has more accuracy, and glows 3 times brighter. Also, the paint shouldn't wear off as fast as you think it would.

#16339 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 13 January 2004 - 11:07 PM in Modifications

Ok, I took sporkboy's advice and took pictures of the darts with a 15 second exposure. And they came out sweet. This is what I've been trying to get up for you guys so you can get an idea of the Tracer dart. So I just slowly passed a dart toard the camera so you could see the glow. One of the pictures I have the darts in a cluster. This is basically how the darts would start out of the barrel in a shotgun effect. The other picture is the darts split up and that's basically what the PowerClip would do. Hope you enjoy the pics!.....Once again, Copy and paste the links

PowerClip effect

Shotgun Effect

#16073 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 09 January 2004 - 06:58 PM in Modifications

Hey guys, I've been at school so now I will answer some questions. First off, the bb wieghs .2 grams. I used one of my airsoft bb's for my auto tracer. These babies cost like 15 bucks just for 600 of them. But, you can get them cheaper if you but the .12g bb's which are 10 dollars for 2,500. I'm not so sure if they will glow as well because i have not used .12 before. I will try to get an mpeg up for you guys soon. Here are the links again to the places you can get the .20g and the .20g glow in the dark bb's.....

Light weight .12g bb's

High grade, .20g glow bb's

#17413 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 28 January 2004 - 05:21 PM in Modifications

I didn't use a gun, I did it all by hand. Right now I only have a digital camera to film. It's not sensitive enough to pick up the darts being launched out of my PC. But the darts are sweet at night, and I highly recommend it to all of you people that nerf in hte dark.

#16380 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 January 2004 - 04:59 PM in Modifications

Just copy and paste the links.

#16011 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 January 2004 - 07:40 PM in Modifications

Have you guys ever tried to put in glow in the dark airsoft bb's instead of fishing wieghts when making stefan darts? Or regular airsoft bb's for that matter. I just thought that if you put a glow in the dark bb in place of the wieght, you might be able to have some nice night battles. I'm gonna make one tonight and see if you can see it glow through the hot glue. Just wanted to know if it's been done before.

Glow in the dark bb's

#16451 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 15 January 2004 - 07:29 PM in Modifications

By any chance, are my pictures working for you guys? My files don't appear in my file manager and I can't get them up right now. I just want to know to see if it's my web browser or my webpage, thanks.

#16093 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 09 January 2004 - 11:22 PM in Modifications

I'm trying to film the dart in action, but for some reason, it's not showing up. I can get the glow about 5 feet away from my video camera but then it fades out. But with the human eye, the glow works very well. And as for the weight problem, I wrapped some scotch tape around the tip to put more wieght and so it would fit the barrel better. This made the dart fly well with like a spring gun's power. I still need to test it with like a SS2 or another pump gun. Sadly to say, my SS2 is under construction:( But I have high hope for this dart. I know for know that it would make a sweet shotgun effect, if the bb and hot glue was accompanied by about 1 1/2 cm of backer rod and scotch tape. Bare with me guys, I will hopefully make this a universal dart.

#17421 Tracer Dart

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 28 January 2004 - 05:47 PM in Modifications

I can take about 20 seconds of footage. I painted only the tips of the darts and charged them under a lamp. The bottle of glow paint was $4.99. The bottle is one inch in diameter and is about 1 1/4 inch high. I dipped the tips of the darts in the bottle rather than painting it on with a brush. By doing this, I get a thicker coat of paint. I think the bottle will last a while.

#15007 Get Anything Good For Xmas

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 December 2003 - 08:07 PM in Off Topic

I'm saving up the money i get to get some stuff for my Airsoft gun, and the rest is unkown. You really don't know what you get until it's actually Christmas.

#56257 Lost A Job

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 June 2005 - 01:30 PM in Off Topic

That's pretty messed up. Your hair is long; who gives a crap. Now, I could see them rejecting you if you had a straight up, green dyed mohawk, but not for something like that. And to top it off, ACE is the coolest place that I know off.

#34782 Titan Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 21 August 2004 - 08:09 PM in Modifications

Nice mod ompa. I didn't even see this thread at first. There's so many damn topics entitled "Titan" or "N-Strike" these days. 180'?! Now that rules. I need to get my hands on one of these sets, it just looks too good to pass up. Anyway, awesome job opma, for the whole N-Strike line. Modding three guns in that short time can really take it out of you.

#64545 Youre Computer Specs

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 28 September 2005 - 10:31 PM in Off Topic

The most recent addition to the mac family:

Machine Model: eMac
CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.1)
Number Of CPUs: 1
CPU Speed: 1.25 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
Memory: 256 MB
Bus Speed: 167 MHz
Boot ROM Version: 4.8.2f1

Hopefully I'm going to get a Powerbook for graduation.

#33098 Modded Titan!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 04 August 2004 - 10:46 AM in Modifications

Those are some great ranges. I just don't like the size of the gun and the number of pumps. But at least you almost get 100' with ten pumps. I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but is it hard to pump the gun or does the handle move back and forth fairly easy?

#78151 Split-tech 2k

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 30 March 2006 - 08:19 PM in Modifications

I love the appearence of the gun; the turrets look suprisingly good bulging out of the SF. If I remember correctly, the splitfire has pressure trigger that allows you to shoot one dart at a time if you want to. Having two long range shots with only having to prime the gun once seems like a very beautiful thing. Great job on the mod Falcon, its one of my favorite intergrations.

People on the Haven seem to be coming up with brilliant mods and inventions lately.

#33406 Nstrike Dvd

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 07 August 2004 - 02:30 AM in General Nerf

No, I meant surefire. Surefires are extremely bright litium powered flash lights than can be mounted on some real guns as well as airsoft guns. Here's an example of a regular Surefire flashlight: http://www.airsoft12...ore1/SF-M6.html

It would be cool if nerf continued to manufacture their guns with rail systems; it could really change the rof without any mods needed.

#33402 Nstrike Dvd

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 07 August 2004 - 01:01 AM in General Nerf

Nice observation about the rails. It does looks like there will be much more to come from hasbro. Now, all that rail system needs is a Surefire. Or I guess I could settle for a nite finder.

#28084 Fav. Gun Attribute

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 June 2004 - 11:33 PM in General Nerf

If your really interested in looks, then just make your most dependable, accurate, and well- rounded gun look good. With me, it is a toss up between rof and range. You want something that will be able to put out four or six shots at a considerable range. That way you can use the gun to chase someone around with an Xbow and also hit opponents at cqb.

#58909 Firefly Released!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 July 2005 - 07:35 PM in General Nerf

Oh yes. Great news Airsoft, thanks for the report.

-And Slayer, would you say that the firefly preforms as well as a first edition NiteFinder stock?

#31782 Raw-shit-cynic-bbq At2k Rifle Barrel Creation

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 20 July 2004 - 12:55 PM in Homemades

The only expensive peice was the 1/2" ball valve. It was 5$.

Holy Crap. Since when did they start selling those brass valves for $5!@?#. The cheapest I've seen was $9.20 and they're usually $10.50 at my ace.

#31758 Raw-shit-cynic-bbq At2k Rifle Barrel Creation

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 20 July 2004 - 01:20 AM in Homemades

That's crazy, and awesome. Couldn't you just make your own airtank out of some more pvc for more power, or would it mess with the airflow? Anyway, that's so sweet how you slapped on the elaborate barrel system on that at2k. Is that 90' flat?