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#320814 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by hoongfu on 21 August 2012 - 11:10 PM in Modifications

Its not every day you get to mod with Gears and Koree. The aftermath:

Posted Image
Obligatory U3 Pose featuring a brass stub in PETG plugged Panther, new hinge style DCIT, Magpul angled fore grip on a McNumbers RBP.

Posted Image
Supah Special Charlie's Angels pose with the same DCIT and 2 panthers modded the same as the previously mentioned one supah clean, supah nice.

#321310 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by hoongfu on 01 September 2012 - 10:54 PM in Modifications

Koree did this. Its called "Cheaper than Birth Control"

Posted Image

And look what I did immediately after. Its called "Plan B? How about Plan 'N' ".
Posted Image

And then what Koree did to what I did.
Posted Image

#348589 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by hoongfu on 31 August 2015 - 09:21 AM in Modifications

Forgot I did this a few weeks bag. Just couplered. Posted Image

#316939 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by hoongfu on 12 June 2012 - 08:36 PM in Modifications

Results of a hard night with Koree till 1AM.

Posted Image

#333632 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by hoongfu on 01 September 2013 - 10:53 PM in Modifications

Pre Bachelor Party upgrades:

Gooped in bushing.
Tossed a skirt seal on that sucker for 100% seal. Koree proved 100% seals don't mean JACK.
Carved out the spring rest a bit for 0 friction on the PR.

Bachelor Party upgrades:

Pretty in pink Hello Kitty sexy-no-jutsu Magpul XTM handstop kit. ^____^\/
NCStar ced dot sight with 3d printed riser piece and reverse angle scope ring. (0)_(0)

Unintentional upgrade:

Priming handle standoffs came off during a round and its a lot easier to prime now.

Posted Image

All modifications except for putting on the XTM handstop were performed by Koree. +bow was assembled by Roboman.

#318228 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by hoongfu on 09 July 2012 - 12:48 PM in Homemades

DCIT variant made by ChaosPropel for me using an ERTL catch. I still need to add a barrel and RSCB clip and toss in a longer spring, but it catches great and the seal is optimal. Koree is holding it in this picture.

Posted Image

#312050 Game Types and Rules for Nerf Wars

Posted by hoongfu on 28 February 2012 - 06:00 PM in General Nerf

I didn't see any Canadians post these so here goes:

-Can be free for all, team death match, or wingman but only head shots count.

Civil War
- Two opposing teams line up and take potshots at each other in a given order, normally one side, then the other.

Feel free to correct me.

#329055 The BEST upgrade motor for the Stryfe (after extensive testing) is...

Posted by hoongfu on 26 April 2013 - 03:37 PM in Modifications

The motors have "died" on me for several minutes on me after less than a minute of revving with three ultrafires and normal batteries, even with two dead batteries instead of the normal batteries it dies pretty fast. I have gone the route of one ultrafire and it works fine and I've kept it revving for a little under 5 minutes with no issues. How much use have your motors seen? Mine haven't seen that much.

#317639 Apocalypse 2012

Posted by hoongfu on 28 June 2012 - 09:40 AM in Nerf Wars

Double Post!

Quick note about Sceptors since it seems like a ton of people are modding them like right this instant: I have 2 requirements for Sceptors at Apoc:

1.) Aside from the barrel mod and ergonomic changes to the pump handle, they must be bone stock
2.) Do something to that airtank cosmetically to make it look less like a paintball gun. This must be cosmetic only. Just throw some orange duct tape on there or something.

More info about blaster restrictions will be coming soon, but I can boil it down for you right now: if you want to be the guy at apoc who's gun shoots farther than everyone else's, stay the fuck home.

A few of us are discussing on BookFace about tank relocation (NOT replacement). Where do the rules stand on that? I like to assume that since its not mentioned explicitly that its legal, but the "bone stock" also could ban tank relocation as well.

#315730 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by hoongfu on 15 May 2012 - 07:21 AM in Off Topic

Steam user: hoongfu

I play diablo 3, TF2, cs 1.6

#346675 Quick Exhaust Valve Homemade Airgun v1.0

Posted by hoongfu on 11 May 2015 - 11:58 AM in Homemades

Thanks for the updates and info Ice Nine!

#355122 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by hoongfu on 21 July 2016 - 08:49 AM in Nerf Wars

I can't wait for someone to put a lure down during Carpe and wreck everyone that's distracted. 

#355438 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by hoongfu on 09 August 2016 - 09:33 AM in Nerf Wars

Thank you Snoop for the video of Langley dancing.  Made my year.  I'm going to download it now before you get a DMCA notice. 

#352778 Armageddon XVII: SoCal's Largest NIC War (2016)

Posted by hoongfu on 13 April 2016 - 08:36 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be bringing my gopro.   As always, raw/lightly edited footage uploaded way late on my youtube channel. 

#354221 Armageddon XVII: SoCal's Largest NIC War (2016)

Posted by hoongfu on 15 June 2016 - 10:40 AM in Nerf Wars

The Good
  1. Hanging out with friends
    1. Seeing old ones KOREEEEEEEE, Jlego, Ice9, Pants, Beaver,  Cannonball, Zorn, Ryan, Groove, Zaxbys!
    2. meeting new ones - Pete, little kid, Apollo, Bags (If I forgot your name I'm sorry)
    3. Actually nerfing with Beaver after gazing at his majestic presence walking around at Apoc 2011.
  2. Ice9 hosting the war - Super well run, lots of rounds in, good crowd control despite people not listening, good game types.  
  3. Good footage - I was so happy when I watched some footage that my gopro wasn't aiming at the sky ala Apoc 2013.
  4. Food - Pastrami, chili cheese fries, In n Out, Ice cream sandwiches, croissants, and Korean Tacos for days!  
  5. Hanging out all day and night and experiencing Art - Thanks Beaver and Ice9!  
  6. Duels with Cannonball - Man ever since the Christmas war 2 years ago I've been itching to duel Cannonball again.  I lost pretty much every duel we had that day except for one, which I hope I caught on video (haven't watched through everything yet).  That's one thing I like about east coast wars, despite 40 people around there is always sometime and someone to duel.  
  7. Wonder Twins dota - heroes and minions duking it out in lanes
  8. Freezetag - So much fun in a perfectly balanced field with a speedloader
  9. Pull back and a Speedloader - I used it most of the war and had more fun than using any pump action with a hopper
  10. People having fun and being effective with near stock blasters
  11. Balls to the wall:  Man it was so coooool seeing a good percentage of the players utilizing Nerf's latest invention, the Apollo blaster.  And they were effective too!  
  12. Carpe was a lot of fun, even though I felt like we were losing the whole time because of the pressure put on by the Twins/Cannon ball/Bags.  Screaming at people to pick up balls (I'm sorry I called you an old man Pete!  You're super cool).
  13. Last round of Carpe was so much fun because it wasn't about winning.  Rather it was about winning in our own terms, which we did to the max.  It's always fun to play against your friends but even better to play with them.  
  14. Weather was almost perfect for me, I didn't sweat a ton.  Overcast works really well with the GoPro because it has a harsh and delayed transition from shadow to sunlight.  Any footage in the center square would have been unwatchable if it was sunny.  
  15. Bright Pink polo from Goodwill - Keeping it Cali
  16. Ryan invited me to come over and mod and use the 3D printer <3
  17. Not being sweaty on the plane
  18. Not being tired at all during and after the war , even after the massive lunch, also not pulling any leg muscles
  19. Grabbing In n out for breakfast
  20. Dart recovery was amazing as always
  21. TSA was super chill, even in LAX.  
  22. Super cheap range time.  
  23. Little kid was super interested and Dad allowed him to join after a while.  I think he had lots of fun.  
  24. Dad's playing and having fun.  I hope to join your ranks some day.  
Not as good
  1. No Langley/Gears 
  2. Beaver kept getting his food first, I kept getting my food last, like 10 minutes after Beaver finished. 
  3. People including myself not respawning properly during Carpe
  4. People shooting way too close, like that one guy who shot Koree from 0" away.  Even I waited for the kid to run past about 10-15'
  5. Silicon or rubber tipped rock darts, ridiculously dense darts 
  6. Fell asleep too early.  Missed the hugs.
  7. Boom o rangs and other flying melee.  It sucks bad to get hit in the face with one as Bags found out.  Thanks Ice9 for not allowing them the rest of the war.  
  8. Red eye flight and work 
I'll be working on a highlights video soon, my first one so it will take a long time and will suck a lot.    I'll post it in here after its done.  

#351860 Armageddon XVII: SoCal's Largest NIC War (2016)

Posted by hoongfu on 28 February 2016 - 01:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm in.   I'll see if I can bring my giant magnet on a stick. 

#354010 Armageddon XVII: SoCal's Largest NIC War (2016)

Posted by hoongfu on 06 June 2016 - 12:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Happy Birthday Pants!

#332388 Last Armageddon (Armageddon XV)

Posted by hoongfu on 27 July 2013 - 11:40 PM in Nerf Wars

If I'm not in Taiwan, and my wife lets me, I'm down.

#320156 2012 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by hoongfu on 08 August 2012 - 04:38 PM in Nerf Wars

[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22971]1st [PA] Philly War[/url]

#340931 Apocalypse 2014

Posted by hoongfu on 03 August 2014 - 12:27 AM in Nerf Wars

Man this year was great despite the impending doom of thunderstorms and what not. I guess it wouldn't have been APOC without some rain. I think for the past 3 years its always rained at some point during the day. Thank you Langley for hosting and running the war. Thanks to all who helped run rounds like Xellah and the like. It was great meeting new people and catching up with people I haven't seen in a long time (SilentRebel, IcySushi, DICE134, Griever, and others).

Thank you to everyone who bought all the stuff for $1-5 :)

#340820 Apocalypse 2014

Posted by hoongfu on 30 July 2014 - 07:32 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll bring Koree's chrony.

#338950 Apocalypse 2014

Posted by hoongfu on 14 May 2014 - 10:18 PM in Nerf Wars

I may have gotten hitched, but I still intend to attend.

No excuses. I also got hitched and will be attending.

#332726 Apocalypse 2013

Posted by hoongfu on 05 August 2013 - 10:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Seeing some awesome people again, and meeting others for the first time. And hearing that the new people/first timers had a great time.
Winning Freeze tag 2 rounds in a row with the team Koree picked.
Watching Lucian repeatedly defrost Ted despite Ted's constant demand not to be unfrozen because I was in position to refreeze him instantly, with a 4B.
Winning the first round of VIP because Shoopy ran directly into our team.
Nothing of mine broke, for once.
Speed Rounds - Definitely my preferred game type forever almost.
Getting Jlego off the break in the 2v2.
Dodging PBZ's hopper of darts.
Hitting Art (Griever's friend) from about 300 feet away from the bunk with an ultra high angle shot from my 4B. My video shows me shooting but the camera angle is just a teeny weeny bit high when the dart hits him ;_;
Ted's expression when he got a pump action springer that works.
1v1 with Jlego.
American version of Slaughter (aka vets vs noobs).
No thunder/lightning.
No one smelled horribly...
Pretty good video, remembered to take tape off camera.
New barrel that shoots everything.
New +bow to go with barrel (Love you Roboman).
New tactical compression underarmour worked like magic and dried off instantly.
New tactical underwear worked the same.
Extra shoes/socks/shirt.
Chaos thought I was shirtless for 1/2 the war until we were on the same team.
Ohio crew.
Slightlysane got eliminated by a girl in a 2v2.
DX eliminated 2 girls and was shunned severely.
Didn't get shot by Koree! I think.
After 2 years I finally drove Koree to and from a war instead of vice versa. And we didn't get lost.
Group picture!
Jlego fixed my splitfire in 2 seconds.
Nerfing with Koree, Gears, DX, Jlego, Langley, TED, Chops, Sane, Chaos, Griever, Roboman, Xellah, Nicole, Kary(sp?), Mike, Chris, IcySushi, Numa, Shoopy, Bhajj/peach, Tommy, and even Lucian.
Never ran out of darts despite Koree using all the darts >:P
No bodily malfunctions this year.
I once again was the dart depot on the battlefield supplying both male and female, 2 eyes and 4 eyes, armed and armless.
All the conversations I had with people.
Ice pops.

No shandsgator8/Redshot/blue arrow/Silent_rebel/Beaver/Zorn/Ryan/Ice9/Canadians
During 1v1 with Jlego my RSCB fell off, I still wonder if things would have been different otherwise.
Nicole got shot in the tooth during speed rounds
Didn't have a pump action blaster for speed rounds *cough*TED*cough*

Currently processing videos, will post when finished.

#332778 Apocalypse 2013

Posted by hoongfu on 08 August 2013 - 12:29 AM in Nerf Wars

[Warning this video is in 1080p ONLY so it may take a long time to load on slow internet connections]
LANGLEY EDIT: Please right click and save as with the links below.
Here's my footage:

First Round

American Slaughter aka Vets vs Noobs

Speed Rounds 1

Speed Rounds 2

Speed Rounds 3

Speed Rounds 4 [Warning it gets really loud when its DX/SlightlySane vs Nicole/Kary so turn your volume down] And I apologize for being obnoxious and annoying. I hate myself every time I watch that section.

#348183 Apocalypse 2015 - Recapping on page 5

Posted by hoongfu on 02 August 2015 - 11:55 AM in Nerf Wars

Man, what a great day. I gotta say my performance was the worst ever though. I probably fired around 250 darts and didn't hit a single nerfer. The upside I guess was nothing broke. See y'all next year.

LOL nice Dom. Man, missed you this year!

#348157 Apocalypse 2015 - Recapping on page 5

Posted by hoongfu on 31 July 2015 - 09:29 AM in Nerf Wars

Closing ceremonies? OH BOY! Maybe CHOPs can empty the gatorade cooler on Langley this time!

#347384 Apocalypse 2015 - Recapping on page 5

Posted by hoongfu on 23 June 2015 - 09:57 AM in Nerf Wars

Plane tickets and clean undies are secured. Touching b(utts)ase at TedTown July 31st for biers mit Giers.

Who's making me darts?

I can....sell you some? :P

#345892 [PA] Nerf War at Plains Airsoft Arena, Sunday March 22nd

Posted by hoongfu on 29 March 2015 - 08:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Screw it, its been a week, I still haven't edited a single video. Here they are in their raw format.


#345748 [PA] Nerf War at Plains Airsoft Arena, Sunday March 22nd

Posted by hoongfu on 22 March 2015 - 10:11 PM in Nerf Wars

Thank you Koree for such an amazing war. Well it wasn't just a war it was freaken experience. Also thank you Mark for letting us use the Plains Airsoft Arena! Can't wait to go back.

I hopefully got good footage that I'll be uploading very soon.

Recap soon when I can feel my fingers again.

#344048 [PA] Nerf War at Plains Airsoft Arena, Sunday March 22nd

Posted by hoongfu on 08 January 2015 - 10:31 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be trying to make it and am looking for guests. I have a chance of making it for airsoft too, but don't have terribly advanced gear.

Tis all good. Most likely I'll be running a pistol all day, with extended mags of course.

#343905 [PA] Nerf War at Plains Airsoft Arena, Sunday March 22nd

Posted by hoongfu on 04 January 2015 - 03:16 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there for sure.

Edit. I'll be there the day before for airsoft at one of the best places on the east coast!

#313487 Rockets for Nerfers

Posted by hoongfu on 24 March 2012 - 06:08 PM in General Nerf

Jilliop seems like Kickstarter directs you amazon and amazon holds on to your card info and charges it $1 to make sure its real or something then charges the rest of the amount after kickstarter reports that the minimum amount Draconis set has been reached.

At least thats what I just went through.

In for the $25 package. Thank you Draconis, I really hope this succeeds.

#306696 Jolt AR removal and Spring replacement

Posted by hoongfu on 29 October 2011 - 09:59 PM in Modifications

Nice write up! I followed this guide and got nice ranges as well. Being able to vaccum-load stefans is also a plus. I'll definitely use my Jolt in the next war.

#348316 Crossfire Bow + Blastzooka Integration

Posted by hoongfu on 10 August 2015 - 12:37 PM in Modifications

Great mod and well done on the write up. Hows the air seal as a result of the secret shot-eque select barrel feature?

#340567 Front Page Update: Mid-Summer

Posted by hoongfu on 20 July 2014 - 03:26 PM in News

Having been shot near point blank and point blank and ending up with nasty bruising courtesy of the recently deceased, may Gears live forever, long live the king, I find barrel taps quite lovely. Also because I normally flank hard and get behind people. I have also dished out quite a bit of damage to people like Shandsgator8 (wrecked both of his elbows in the same war from 2 ft away) and he requested I just say surrender or 'tap'. I happily obliged. Now I say 'tap/surrender' based on who I'm up against. Last war there were plenty of new players and I chose to play with them mercifully. For people like the deceased, long live the king, I'll light him up!

#319193 Nerf Glossary/Jargon File

Posted by hoongfu on 25 July 2012 - 01:48 PM in General Nerf

Optimal/Transition/Chicago barrel - barrel that has two sections; a shorter section with tight fit (normally 2-3" sch40 cpvc) connected to 9-10" of sch80 pvc. Most prominently used by the Rainbow Clan.

OPRV (Over Pressure Release Valve) - Found in most airguns, it releases excess air preventing the air from getting into the tank which potentially damages the tank over time and could cause the tank to rupture.

Checkvalve - a valve that allows air of a certain pressure in one direction only, commonly used in airguns and Ryan McNumbers rainbow pumps to prevent vacuum loading

Ryan McNumbers - Ryan201821

#K or AT#K (2,3,4) - AirTech 2000,3000,4000 respectively. Turreted airguns. 2k being the smallest with a manual rotation mech. 3k being the viewed as the best because of the dump valve size and has an auto rotation mechanism. 4k has the biggest turret and tank but supposedly the dump valve limits the ranges and it also has an auto rotation mechanism.

PAS (Pump Action Shotgun ) - An Ertl brand ball blaster that is adapted to shoot stefans

RFDG / RFSG (Rapid Fire Dart / Shot Gun) - An Ertl brand blaster with a 12 shot turret that shoots megas stock. Most famously used by Forsaken_Angel24 for the Doomsayer mod.

~Updated to reflect proper wording thanks to Langley & Beaver

#338616 Front Page Update: May

Posted by hoongfu on 02 May 2014 - 12:09 PM in News

I use a $30 rotary tool with a bunch of bits from Costco while Koree uses a $80 Dremel tool. His lasted over 5-7 years I think and mine is going on 3 years. I think it's ok to skimp out on tools that don't necessary interface with the materials directly. But I would say pay some money for the parts that actually touch the materials like a special PVC cutting bit. Koree has one and it goes through pvc like a lightsaber.

#319462 First annual Parabolic Toys contest!

Posted by hoongfu on 30 July 2012 - 01:12 PM in Homemades

In that case, I'm entering, but won't ask for a rocket until I start building. Also, how long do the barrels need to be?

8" more or less. More is better though so you have a little more clearance between the fins and the blaster/pump.

#311507 Grid Code Indoor Nerf War in PA

Posted by hoongfu on 19 February 2012 - 08:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Any pics or video footage of this war?

#337313 2014 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by hoongfu on 26 February 2014 - 06:04 PM in Nerf Wars


[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24827] 12th [PA] Philadelphia Nerf War[/url]