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#159653 My Nf Hates Me

Posted by ultra920 on 18 June 2008 - 07:13 PM in Modifications

So, i had slapped on a Crayola on my NF a while ago, and then it was getting ranges of about 50-55 feet. Now, i shot it and it went 25 feet. I checked the seals, looked at other problems people had, and even put bands, but it just doesn't shoot right.

(the barrel is a bit longer than the stock ones, and i have 1 gram weights in my darts)

Anything?(I've tried to put tape around the plunder, and it went 10 feet. I took the tape of and re-lubed it.)

#159651 My Mp5 Semi Auto Airsoft/nerf Gun

Posted by ultra920 on 18 June 2008 - 07:04 PM in Modifications

After ripping apart my cheapo AEG, the plunger had a less than half inch diameter and was 2 inches long. If you chop of the barrel and everything, you'll get bad ranges out of an airsoft gun. It probably cost the same as a SNAP anyway. Go for one of those or something better.

#158862 Guide To Convincing Your Parents To Let You Go To A Reigonal Nerf War

Posted by ultra920 on 11 June 2008 - 04:49 PM in Nerf Wars

If it fails, and theres no way your going, just shut the fuck up. Don't whine about how strict your parents are. They want to protect you, and any good parent will be uncomfortable. Wait a while till your older, or you move out.

Unless they have some kind of drug problem. But then you shouldn't be worried about whether or not you can play with toy guys.

#158732 Urban Nerf Warfare

Posted by ultra920 on 10 June 2008 - 06:14 PM in General Nerf

Closest i've got is a neighborhood. Kinda cool going through each others houses.

#158731 New - Bolt Action Rifle That Uses Breech Loading

Posted by ultra920 on 10 June 2008 - 06:09 PM in General Nerf

looks like a peice if crap to me. But then again arent all nerf guns crap until modded? The point is, the plastic looks like that cheap brittle chinease plastic. I wont be buying it.

Yeah, he"s right!!!1! I shot a knock off blaster with my LBB and it shattered!
Did i mention i was using a steel ball?

The thing does look shitty. Its a prebreached springer that most likely has a bad seal, and it would be pretty hard to fit a mag in it. That, and i don't see any screws on it. Maybe its on the other side, but i have a feeling its glued together.

#158579 Nerf Gun Malfunctions/breakages

Posted by ultra920 on 09 June 2008 - 07:04 PM in General Nerf

This is'nt mch of a malfunction/breakage, but a couple days ago, I was shooting my brother from across the yard with my titan, and he had a tommy twenty, that only had 5 darts. I shoved a suction-cup dart down the barrel, (a buzzbee one), and it got stuck. Most of the time nerf sticky darts slide fine down the barrel, but buzz bee ones don't for some reason. So anyway, it was stuck, and I tried firing it out, and it fired the barrel out of the coupler, about 35 feet. My brother sat laughing for about 10 seconds, then rushed me.

Realy? Same thing with my NF, only it hit the person. Best. Kill. Evar.

#158577 Xbow Plunger Reinforcement

Posted by ultra920 on 09 June 2008 - 06:57 PM in Modifications

[insert lots of quotes here]

I just searched his posts for "eyes", "iron" and "solder", and it came up with nothing. You may be mistaken.

EDIT: I just searched through some other names with ryan in them as well, and I don't see anything about anyone threatening ocular penetration via any kind of hot iron.

EDIT 2: I am a very curious george, so I just searched for his user name and most of the admins, and I got nothing. I also checked ryan's page, and he was active today, so you must have mistaken him for someone else.

EDIT Cmdrmack beat me to it.

#158574 Spark & Mrl

Posted by ultra920 on 09 June 2008 - 06:46 PM in Homemades

Wait, its kinda like a big salvo with a external fuel tank that goes on your back combined with iron man.

If so, you gotta lot of time on your hands. If you do that,Awesome.

#158280 Nerf Homemade Combustion Grenade

Posted by ultra920 on 06 June 2008 - 05:41 PM in Homemades

"BTW I'd fire a gun that can put a potato 600 ft. (we measured) at my stomach from 2 feet away with a nerf dart in it. the worst i could get is a bruise. :rolleyes: "

Who are you? Steve-O? WAY to mutch power. If it can launch a potato 600 feet, you shouldn't be aiming that thing near people. Period. Titans shooting 170ft or so give bruises. Do what you want though, i'm not stopping you from killing yourself.

#158278 Stefan Issues

Posted by ultra920 on 06 June 2008 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

I've found the freezer works. Makes the glue look pretty cool too, so you can identify your darts easier.

#157489 What Is Your Favorite Stock Dart

Posted by ultra920 on 30 May 2008 - 07:09 PM in General Nerf

Megas. Great punch to them. And stable.

#157281 Lino

Posted by ultra920 on 28 May 2008 - 02:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Definate maybe for the 21st.

I have a singled LBB, but it dosen't go very far(isn't plug pluged, hell, the barrel is stock) That should be aloud, right?

#157050 Favorite Video Game Weapon

Posted by ultra920 on 26 May 2008 - 04:28 PM in Off Topic

.... Does Metal Gear Rex count as a weapon?

As much as a tank can count as a weapon. But I think the original goal was to discuss man-portable toys.

Spreader gun from the contra series.

Contra. I love Contra. Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A B A Select Start. 30 lives of side scrolling goodness. I still play that on an old NES once in a while.

Has anyone here ever played any of the Heli-attack games? You have to love a hand-held atom bomb.

Was that button combination for Contra? In Heli attack 3 you can enter up up down down left right left right b a select start for all weapons unlocked.

Its the Konami Code.

#156992 Crayola/pvc Barrel For Bbb?

Posted by ultra920 on 26 May 2008 - 08:57 AM in Modifications

Well, the CPVC will be harder, but you will get more ranges with it. The crayola is easy, there is a way were you use a metal AAA battery flashlight to get the pegs out. If you don't have one(flashlight), go for the CPVC barrel.

#156991 Favorite Video Game Weapon

Posted by ultra920 on 26 May 2008 - 08:50 AM in Off Topic

.... Does Metal Gear Rex count as a weapon?

#156753 Favorite Video Game Weapon

Posted by ultra920 on 23 May 2008 - 06:15 PM in Off Topic

Pretty much anything from Unreal tourney, can't remember the name of it but it launched a big missile that kills everything.

And the green Koopa shell in Mario Kart. Its really embarrassing when someone gets you with it.

#156491 When Modding Nf's Don't

Posted by ultra920 on 21 May 2008 - 02:50 PM in Homemades

Death darts bad. My friend shot his cat with a thumbtack one. I have never heard an animal make so much noise. This was out of a stock NF, and it had to go to the vet.

I once made explody darts, and shot them NEAR (5') my cats to torment them.

STILL dangerous. Just run at them yelling instead.

#156490 L.i.d. +bow

Posted by ultra920 on 21 May 2008 - 02:41 PM in Homemades

Making it look vaguely like a +bow does not in any way make it a +bow. A +bow is modular, durable, and built to produce rather ridiculous levels of performance and consistency.

And a dash of love.

What find of foam is that. Is it some kind of tougher stuff than normal craft foam?

#156321 1" Backer Rod

Posted by ultra920 on 19 May 2008 - 06:18 PM in General Nerf

Possibly, but I am pretty sure that the balls are too wide to fit in the barrel.

Don't want to shove balls in tight spaces. Trust me, bad idea.

Is their fbr grey? Ive been looking for a place to buy in bulk but was wanting a bright color.

Yeah. It shows it in the picture.Grey.

#156129 Maximum Pumps

Posted by ultra920 on 18 May 2008 - 12:12 PM in Modifications

You need a disclaimer, just in case someone decides to pump it just under your pumping guidelines and it explodes and sends shrapnel into their eyes.

I'm pretty sure it wont do that, considering the tank is nearly always inside the gun.

#155908 L.i.d. The Official Write-up

Posted by ultra920 on 15 May 2008 - 02:56 PM in Homemades

Nice, fugly but functional. How strong is the spring? It dosen't look very strong in the picture. How long is the barrel? I think a longer one could get better ranges, because with a quick guestamite it doesn't look long enough for the plunger tube.

#155460 [video] My First Nerf Mod- Nite Finder

Posted by ultra920 on 11 May 2008 - 11:56 AM in Modifications

In the video, it looked like it was loosing a bit of power around 5-10ft before it hit the target.

60ft: definitely

80ft: maybe

90ft: slight chance

150ft: no fucking way

#154737 The Brink Of Frustration

Posted by ultra920 on 05 May 2008 - 02:34 PM in General Nerf

So should the administrators take it less seriously and take a break, allowing all that they have worked for to go to shit? Should ompa let up and let things fall apart? No, we care about NerfHaven. Both the admins, the founders, and many of us older members. We care about a place where we can express our ideas and the admins want it run a certain way. if you don't like it, too bad.

So maybe i said it the wrong way. I meant he shouldn't be afraid of him. I know there are some people that put alot of time and money to run this place, and i respect that. But thats were it stops, respect, not fear.

#154623 The Brink Of Frustration

Posted by ultra920 on 04 May 2008 - 05:20 PM in General Nerf

4.)VACC is not your master now.
Vacc shoots people with foam darts pretty damn well, and he does it with unbelievable style. If that's all that matters to you, then yeah, I guess he's a pretty awesome guy, but that's no reason to fear his punishment as you would fear your own death. The point is, if you're posting, "Uh-oh, vacc's gonna kick your ass now" then you've probably got to re-read points 2 and 3.

Um, you seem to miss why people people fear him.... it's not because of his skills, it's because he's sort of, well, a ADMINISTRATOR?

If you really take it that seriously, you need to take a break. Its a website. Not an actual life.

#154035 Nerf Gun Malfunctions/breakages

Posted by ultra920 on 30 April 2008 - 04:59 PM in General Nerf

  • When i was opening my mav, the cocking mech exploded

You didn't by any chance have it cocked when you opened it, did you?

  • there is a marble down the barrel of my other mav.

Couldn't you just open 'er up, open up the turret and push the marble back out from the back?

I stopped caring about the mav, so i will just leave it.

I have a feeling it might have been cocked, or it was worn out and pulling on it when i opened it made it snap. It was a while ago.

#154016 Nerf Gun Malfunctions/breakages

Posted by ultra920 on 30 April 2008 - 02:50 PM in General Nerf

Let me see.
  • screws are rusted on my DTG
  • One of my 3k's wont hold pressure
  • When i was opening my mav, the cocking mech exploded
  • there is a marble down the barrel of my other mav.
  • BBB like gun exploded(had a huge plunger tube too :( )

#154015 Other Hobbies Aside From Nerfing?

Posted by ultra920 on 30 April 2008 - 02:46 PM in Off Topic

Video games
flash animating
Occasional flash programing
Riding my rip stick
Failed attempts at cooking(there was rice in the dryer)

#153205 "steampunk" Longshot

Posted by ultra920 on 26 April 2008 - 07:01 AM in Modifications

I'm confused, does it actually use steam power to fire?

No. I'm not sure if it even fires at all. Its a prop.

And, why do i have a feeling the title on the link suggests people to shove it up peoples arses?

#153098 Testing Pic

Posted by ultra920 on 25 April 2008 - 01:30 PM in Modifications

1:Go to here.

2:Upload photo by following directions

3:Copy direct link

4:In the posting options, select the tree thing that says insert image when you roll over it.

5:Paste link into box

6:Write whatever text you want, and post.

Congratulations! Your done!

#153093 For Those That Think I Seem "mean"

Posted by ultra920 on 25 April 2008 - 12:29 PM in Off Topic

Fa24, that made no sense but I chuckled anyways.

Ugh, look at it like this.

#1 Vibe rated like the Pontiac Vibe commercials (Makes you feel good when riding it)

#2 Vibe rated sounds very similar to Vibrated.

#3 Cant remember

#4 Cant remember.

The top two are enough for me to see moronic brilliance in the phrase.

Must have been some good pot. :blush:

Wait, thats legal in Canada?

#152923 Lnl Questions

Posted by ultra920 on 24 April 2008 - 02:57 PM in Modifications

There is a way to band it.

Posted Image

I think you can figure it out from the picture.

#152898 The Nerf Warrior System (nws)

Posted by ultra920 on 24 April 2008 - 11:13 AM in Homemades

but didn't the Horsemen do this YEARS ago putting LnL's on Xbows?

About 2 posts ago. Isn't that an intergration? LNLs are more rapid fire than an Xbow.

Actually their about the same...
Also, try integrating a longshot onto a crossbow. Have fun with that...
What I'm really planing for myself is two small peices of metal on my back, one for my SM500, and one for a National Geographic gun, and just always have my maxshot.

Sorry about that, though a LNL would be less time to reload because its a pistol. Whoops, wont happen again.

#152887 The Nerf Warrior System (nws)

Posted by ultra920 on 24 April 2008 - 09:46 AM in Homemades

but didn't the Horsemen do this YEARS ago putting LnL's on Xbows?

About 2 posts ago. Isn't that an intergration? LNLs are more rapid fire than an Xbow.

#152791 Foamslinger

Posted by ultra920 on 23 April 2008 - 02:00 PM in Modifications

That is one of the fugliest integrations I have ever seen, although you did only spend a few hours on it. I would definetly minimize it as much as you can. I have no idea what the internals look like, but does it have a plunger tube or anything of that nature? I would try to integrate it AS MUCH into the LS as you can, but leave the drum completely out of the LS, it would look cool. But really, give it a paintjob. I almost threw up waffle chunks when I saw that. The only thing that is cool, or that I like about the Tomy 20, is the drum. There is something cool about the drum, especially if you painted it black.

Theres 2 motors towards the front that spin forwards, like one of those hot wheels speeder uppers. When you pull the trigger, the drum rotates, a stick thing pops out to push the dart froward, the dart catches on the wheel and the dart flies forwards.

#152780 Foamslinger

Posted by ultra920 on 23 April 2008 - 12:27 PM in Modifications

Nice. But a LS at stock ranges is kind of pointless with the 20. The T20 shoots more darts and further. Great though.

#152774 Lino Planning Thread

Posted by ultra920 on 23 April 2008 - 11:12 AM in Nerf Wars

Damn, must have read my mind. This exact thought came into my mind when i was in Eisenhower park.

Gotta convince my dad....

EDIT: if you plan for it after school goes out, EDIT2: (I messed up the link. Can't get it right. Pretty much find a uncrowded woody place)
The playground places are swarmed by camps and other little kids during the summer. So, it will most likely be a woodsy setting.

#152772 Is It Only Me?

Posted by ultra920 on 23 April 2008 - 11:03 AM in Modifications

What do you mean you can't open the barrel? If you're more descriptive, maybe we can help you out. Usually gentle (firmly but not aggressively) prying does the trick.

I can't get the four barrels off so i can replace them but i want to keep the barrels for a project i'm doing so i don't want to just rip them off or dremel the living hell out of it

Thats the only way you can, cut them or pry them off. If your careful enough they would be reusable. Why do you need them anyway?

Try being more descriptive.

#152766 Is It Only Me?

Posted by ultra920 on 23 April 2008 - 10:39 AM in Modifications

Opening the barrel? I have a 3k but not a 2k, but if you want to replace the barrels, you need to cut off the stock ones.

#152760 The Nerf Warrior System (nws)

Posted by ultra920 on 23 April 2008 - 09:15 AM in Homemades

The thing reminds me of MOLLE.

But, well, that stuff is designed for the military. Someone charges me with a Magstrike or even a DTG, i would be screwed with 5 guns on me and various tacticool shit that i don't need, especially if I'm in brush.

For the record, Stallone only needs a bow&arrow.(not the Nerf one, but that could be interesting)

OMC is right, just integrate some rapid fire gun into a longer range gun. It can be ALOT simpler and looks cleaner.

#152575 Show Off Your Funny Signatures

Posted by ultra920 on 22 April 2008 - 08:17 AM in Off Topic

I'm bored right now

Great, Choose one of these on topic options.

Modify a Nerf gun.
Paint a Nerf gun.
Make a write up.
Make a Nerf video that has a purpose.
Host a war.
Attend a war.
Host an Assassin game.
Attend an Assassin game.
Host a HvZ Game.
Attend an HvZ game.

Better idea:

Take a hammer, and bash your self in your head untill you realize how stupid this is.

The guy reminds me of a really anoying dog, trys to get your attention by barking and humping your leg.