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#316780 2012 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by Ambience 327 on 09 June 2012 - 03:53 PM in Nerf Wars

[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22681]21st [IN] Foam in the Fort III[/url]

#317064 First annual Parabolic Toys contest!

Posted by Ambience 327 on 16 June 2012 - 11:38 AM in Homemades

@ Carbon - I officially declare that if you are able to make it down for Foam in the Fort III, your deadline is 10 days earlier so I can see in person whatever awesomeness you devise... :lol:

#170253 University Of Cincinnati Open

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 August 2008 - 10:13 AM in Nerf Wars

Agreed - and I'd be there in a heartbeat if I wasn't flat broke for the time being - no way I can pay the $5000.00 in gas it would take to get me there. (I'm stretching the truth there, but only a little! :ph34r:)

#211748 N-strike Raider Rapid Fire Cs-35 Press Release

Posted by Ambience 327 on 12 February 2009 - 11:35 AM in General Nerf

Jesus! Already planning a super-mag-clip?

One of the first things I thought of when I saw that drum mag in the original thread was taking two of them, and a pair of recons, and building a crazy Storm Bolter * mod, just for the heck of it. (It would also be mildly useful in the indoor wars that are my general form of nerfy goodness.) Of course, that depends on wether it would be possible to use this thing in a backwards facing direction. It could be done (with a bit of work) with the current CS6 clips, so it may be possible with this as wel, but I won't know for sure until I get my hands on one.

* A Storm Bolter is a weapon from the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop wargame. It is basically a pair of high-calibre machine guns welded together in what is known as a "combi-weapon" style. The recon bears a decent resemblance to the Bolter weapons in Warhammer 40,000, and I've considered a cosmetic mod like this before, but a pair of drum mags would really sell the look for a lot of fans.

#225238 The Cyclops

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 April 2009 - 08:19 AM in Modifications

One problem I've always had, aesthetically speaking, with people integrating a 2K/3K/etc into their NF's is that the pump is always put it some weird looking spot (such as sticking out of the handle). While I'm sure it works for them on a practical level, it has always bothered me on a purely cosmetic level.

This, on the other hand, takes a power blaster (the 3K) and sticks it into a compact, comfortable and easy-to-aim shell, while retaining an aesthetically pleasing configuration that also remains practical and effective.

Excellent work!

#313143 Columbus War 4.1

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 March 2012 - 05:43 AM in Nerf Wars

Melee weapons are allowed. They must be foam or something soft enough to not cause injury when hitting at full force.

Sweet. My boffers are definitely in the "safe" category. Now I only need to decide whether to bring the "Overcompensator" or not. :lol:

#313064 Columbus War 4.1

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 March 2012 - 06:49 AM in Nerf Wars

There is a decent chance of me making it to this, and if I do I will be bringing a guest.

My brother and his wife life in Columbus, and I've talked my wife into making a visit that weekend. Now we are just waiting to see if my brother's busy schedule allows it. If so, I'm in, and so is he. :D

I didn't see any mention of melee weapons in the rules. Will they be permitted? (boffers, etc) The lack of shields will make them somewhat less useful, but I always like to bring anything I might be in the mood to use if it is "on the menu" so to speak.

#314917 VANS Are Not Slugs

Posted by Ambience 327 on 28 April 2012 - 04:59 PM in Darts and Barrels

Perhaps we could put an air soft bb in, which would increase ranges and accuracy, and still keep VANS metal free.

That would only help if the airsoft BB was more dense (i.e. heavier) than the silicone/goo, otherwise, just like with hot glue, you aren't really going to see any benefit.

#164435 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by Ambience 327 on 25 July 2008 - 02:46 PM in Modifications

While I agree with you in principal - is there really much difference, given your rational for not swearing, between saying/typing heck or frick, and saying/typing the words you are using them to replace? You could just as easily say:

I don't understand, someone altered my post it originally said $niper team!!! Every time I go to write the word $niper it changes it to loser?

That way, there are no "foolish words" at all, and your "weak mind" would not in any way be making a "feeble effort" to "express itself forcefully."

#154019 Nerf Gun Malfunctions/breakages

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 April 2008 - 03:16 PM in General Nerf

  • When i was opening my mav, the cocking mech exploded

You didn't by any chance have it cocked when you opened it, did you?

  • there is a marble down the barrel of my other mav.

Couldn't you just open 'er up, open up the turret and push the marble back out from the back?

#145809 What Nerf Guns Could Be The Crossbows Of The Future?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 March 2008 - 02:15 PM in General Nerf

I figure that at some point, we'll get a great mod for the Disk Shot Disk Launcher and that will become the most powerful weapon of all - and will be highly sought after because they don't sell as well as the LS's et all.


Just kidding!!!

I could see the LS & Recon being fairly popular long after their production ceases- simply because the clip system is so useful and they guns are very nice looking and comfortable.

If the Maverick was a better gun, it might fit the bill.

But I think the king of all will be the Nightfinder - simply because they are so popular now, and it is due to the ease & effectiveness of modding them. So people will still want them in the years to come, because they are great.

#198350 I Hate Some Employees

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 December 2008 - 04:04 PM in General Nerf

I guess being 30 they just assume I'm buying toys for my kids or something, but I've never had anyone give my purchases a second look.

Of course, I don't understand why someone would automatically assume that something being purchased by a teenager is necessarily for them, especially during the holiday season. Do they not understand the concept of gift-giving?

Regardless, a store employee should never intentionally insult a paying customer like that, especially with no provocation. Telling someone they are "too old" to play with a "gay" toy is fairly offensive in my book, and I would not wish to be spoken to in such a manner by a person employed by a company with wich I am spending my discretionary income.

I don't think the manager did anything wrong, especially since it is likely that someone who would make a comment like that has likely done (or would likely do) other similar things.

#164088 Places That You Wish You Could Nerf

Posted by Ambience 327 on 24 July 2008 - 12:09 PM in General Nerf

Are we running some kind of topic exchange program with NerfHQ that I'm unaware of? Did they just get an original modification or war planning thread?

Maybe they haven't noticed that the HQ went back online yet?

#153991 Barret .50 Cal Idea

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 April 2008 - 10:39 AM in Modifications

Trevor - does that mean you're going to go through with that mod, rather than just telling us what would look good? B)

#176830 Clothes

Posted by Ambience 327 on 12 September 2008 - 10:36 AM in Off Topic

My favorite articles of clothing don't reside in my closet. They exist in a drawer in my wife's dresser. ;)

As for my favorite clothing that I actually wear, rather than enjoy visually, it would be my collection of geeky T-Shirts (such as the old-school Zelda tee I'm wearing now, or the one with the NES controller that reads "Know Your Roots".)

#263641 Finding A Blaster For A Friend In A Power Chair.

Posted by Ambience 327 on 29 January 2010 - 08:53 AM in General Nerf

First off, let me just say kudos to you for being willing to help this guy have some fun with you guys. It would be quite easy to just say "Sorry dude, we just don't know how to get you into the game."

We had a wheelchair-bound player at one of our indoor wars at the church once. She didn't have a power chair, but she did have several siblings and friends willing to take turns pushing her around so she could play as close to normal as possible.

I like some of the suggestions I've seen here, but one thing to keep in mind. Before you go making modifications to the guy's power chair, make sure you aren't going to cause irreparable cosmetic damage or void warranties or anything like that.

#263666 Finding A Blaster For A Friend In A Power Chair.

Posted by Ambience 327 on 29 January 2010 - 03:10 PM in General Nerf

albery's comment about the Nerf shields brings up an important topic for this player that is pretty much unrelated to blaster choices. Namely this; what will count as a hit?

Liberal Extreme: If you hit the guy's body, blaster(s), accessories and/or the power chair, he takes a hit.

Conservative Extreme: Place a small (3" diameter) round target somewhere on the guy's person/power chair/etc. Only hits to that target count.

Obviously, both of these are a little silly. He won't be able to move around as quickly as your other players, won't be able to dodge darts or move erraticaly to throw off aim, and he won't be able to make as effective use of cover as the others. Thus, counting him, his chair, his blasters and all accessories as hit areas (which, barring the chair, is a reasonable rule for normal players) is a bit unfair. Likewise, giving him just a small target that is the only place hits count would make him practically invincible. Obviously, the right answer lies somewhere in between, and might take some testing and adjustment on your part to find the right balance.

As a starting point, I'd suggest this:

Logical Compropmise: Any hit to the guy's body and any blaster currently held in his hand count. Hits to the power chair and any blasters or accessories stored on/attached to the power chair and not currently in use do not count.

This does depend a bit on the nature of his power chair - i.e. how much of his back would be covered by it. You don't want to make him completely invincible from the rear (i.e. only his head is visible), but since he won't be able to turn/dodge as easy, having the seat of his chair offer some protection might be a good idea. If his seat covers far too much of him from behind, you could throw the target idea in there - add a small target to the back of the seat that counts as a hit, but the rest of the power chair doesn't.

#198302 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 December 2008 - 01:40 PM in Off Topic

Like most forms of entertainment (movies, books, board games, D&D, nerf, etc), WoW can be a very fun way to pass some time, blow off some steam, unwind, relieve stress, etc. It can, as others have mentioned, be a social experience, especially if you have RL friends/relatives/spouse who play and get on a Ventrillo/Teamspeak server while you play together.

Like most forms of entertainment, WoW can also be taken way too seriously, can be played obsessively, and can change your life in detrimental ways (socially, health-wise, etc).

It is all about the attitude you take towards it, and understanding that most things are okay if you deal with them in moderation. (Some things, like many illegal drugs, are so damaging even in "moderation" that they should be avoided no matter what, but I digress.)

To illustrate, consider alchohol. It is easy to bring up a lot of stories about how it destroys lives, how it consumes people, how it is very harmful. It is also easy to find doctors who recommend a glass of wine a day to help with stress, and to take advantage of the antioxidents and other beneficial attributes of wine. Heck, the US Government even outlawed alchoholic beverages for a while in the early part of the twentieth century, because it was "bad for you". However, thousands (if not millions) of people enjoy alcoholic beverages on a daily basis without ruining their lives, alienating their friends and families, or causing extreme, lasting harm to themselves.

It's really more about the person than the specific problem. If it wasn't WoW, the people who have "disappeared into Azeroth" would probably have found another way to fill that "void" that was discussed above. (Be it alchohol, food, drugs, promiscuity, etc)

I guess my main point is, don't play WoW while pregnant. Since alchohol can cause birth defects, exposure to Orcs, Trolls and Ogres probably isn't good for your baby either. :lol:

Ambience 327
a.k.a. Daltarian (on Arathor)

#152443 Pistol Tommy 20 Mod (no Writeup)

Posted by Ambience 327 on 21 April 2008 - 04:44 PM in Modifications

45-50ft? With 20 rounds that'll make a great secondary. <_< Reloading would be a pain so maybe not so much... but good job.

The nice thing about loading the MT20 is that you can do it piecemeal - meaning you don't have to wait until it is empty to reload. Due to its revolving nature, you can simply load as many slots as possible whenever you have time. The real trick is keeping the thing quiet enough that it doesn't announce your presence to the whole world when it is turned on.

#242019 Dart Tag Ctf Stormfire Blaster

Posted by Ambience 327 on 15 July 2009 - 07:44 AM in General Nerf

Correction - a 10-shot Maverick with the front half of a Vulcan on it. :(

I was really hoping Nerf would see the light and make the Furyfire an air blaster, but it seems that isn't the case. C'est la vis. Once we see the internals (mostly to know if the rotation mech is attached to the trigger or the cocking handle), we'll know whether there is a chance of putting an AT2K in there somehow, making the blaster we were all hoping for a possibility. (There's also the small matter of whether the pump will fit through the area where the cocking handle goes...)

#206551 Indoor Vs. Outdoor

Posted by Ambience 327 on 26 January 2009 - 02:13 PM in General Nerf

My outdoor experience is very limited, but I prefer the indoor style to what I've seen of outdoor.

I like sneaking around.

I like launching a sudden ambush.

I like hearing people actually gasp or shriek in mild shock when you make your presence known with a puff of air and a chunk of foam.

I like working my way down a hall, checking doorways, clearing rooms, moving up the stairs in pairs, covering one another as you go.

I like knowing that no matter what weapon I select, it will find a use - not be relegated a last-ditch mode due to short range.

#231264 Foam Ballistic Shield!

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 May 2009 - 10:50 AM in Homemades

I have to whole-heartedly agree with Badwrench on this one. Why do some people automcatically dismiss anything that isn't practical for a standard, outdoor, NIC-style war as completely useless? No offense intended to CaptainSlug, but I think his comment in particular is a bit narrow-minded, which isn't what I'd expect from someone who thinks so well outside the box when it comes to mods & homemades.

I don't think that SgNerf "doesn't want to be shot". I think he wants to add an interesting piece of equipment, with a well-thought-out set of rules and restrictions, to his games to add some variety and change up people's tactics a bit. And I've never understood why the manta ray is so often thrown up as the only "shield" allowed in a war. I've heard it said that the rule exists because it is an actual Nerf product, and that building something else would give people a distinct advantage in that they could alter the shape/size/weight/etc to make it more effective. However, isn't that exactly what things like the +Bow, SNAP and other Homemade blasters do?

Now, I would definately agree that if everyone started running around with a shield in every battle at every war, it would get old fast. However, as an indoor player, who seriously enjoys mixing things up with new game types and a smattering of (easy to remember) special rules every now and then, I really like this, and could see myself incorporating it (or something like it) into a scenario every now and then.

#161243 Subliminal (hidden) Messaging

Posted by Ambience 327 on 02 July 2008 - 12:47 PM in Off Topic

[insert big picture and stuff here]

That is a picture. Watch the movie.

Agreed. I'm man enough to admit that The Little Mermaid is one of my favorite Disney films, and I've heard all about the supposed naughty priest. If you watch the film, you will see that he has comically over-exaggerated, knobby knees and very short legs. Disney cartoons tend to do that to some characters - making them quite characaturized. Just look at his ridiculously distended face, and gargantuan nose for proof that this guy wasn't drawn with standard human proportions in mind.

It is also quite obvious (and tough to argue) what they are when you notice that there are two (not one, but TWO) of the little knobby things sticking out in various shots.

Reproductive organs don't stick out from the middle of your leg, unless you're that alien from Star Trek that Kirk kicked in the misplaced no-no spot on the Klingon prison planet.

Just because a still image seems to show something, doesn't mean that's what is there. After all, if you look at this picture of Ice:

Posted Image

...you might wonder how a scrawny teenaged boy developed such a huge rack. But if you look at other images of the kid, you realize that it was simply poor camera placement and a bit of bad luck, not gargantuan man-boobs. (Sorry to pick on you here Ice - but that image has always creeped me out - you should definately look at your photos and imagine what dirty minds might think before uploading!)

Kirk: "I'm lucky that thing had knees."
Shapeshifter: "That was not his knee. Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place Captain."

And a bit of an OT reply to an OT post:

Well you damn well better thank them if you like any other video games.

Interesting. I didn't realise that Nintendo Entertainment System (or even the Famicom) pre-dated PONG, the early Atari systems, the Itellivision or the many numerous other actual pioneers of console gaming. Don't get me wrong - I owned a classic NES back in the day, but they certainly didn't start anything - they just helped it gain more mainstream adoption, just like they are doing now with the Wii. (Wheeeee!!!!)

#207554 Indoor Vs. Outdoor

Posted by Ambience 327 on 29 January 2009 - 10:36 AM in General Nerf

WE: The modifying/skilled nerfers like to modify/use skills and they can be best shown, where class?, yes, OUTSIDE.

Everyone else likes indoor nerfing since it requires little skill, time, effort and people, some of the main reasons why people choose nerf.

I think you are generalising just a bit there. Yes, playing with a few friends in a house takes little time, effort and people, but there can be skill involved - if all of the participants possess said skill. Add to that the fact that many of us who play indoors (myself included) do so with larger groups and in larger facilities (a church, dorm, student building, gym, warehouse, etc), and your argument here falls apart. Yes, stock and lightly modded guns do see more use in these situations, but that just means that they are more accessible to people who don't have the time/money/tools/etc to modify high-powered, high-ROF primaries. *

From what I've seen & read, outdoor matches tend to be a mix of long range standoffs and high-speed rushes, with the primary skills involved being accuracy, dodging ability and quick reloading (which can be improved by a better ROF on your weapon.) Indoors, accuracy and dodging are much less of a concern (you don't tend to engage at ranges past 30-40 feet in most cases, and at that range it is difficult to dodge anyway). However, that doesn't mean that there is no sill involved in a good indoor war.

As I hinted at above, there is a lot more use for stealth when playing indoors. When your lines of sight are obstructed by numerous walls, doors, columns, etc. it can be more difficult keeping track of where people are, and if you are able to move quietly and quickly, you can easily catch people by surprise - which can gain you precious seconds to make a better shot. This also adds to the paranoia factor, which in my opinion makes for a more exciting game. (I know some people prefer the run & gun of outdoor play, but since I'm an out-of-shape 30 year old, I tend to get less enjoyment from that, even if it would be of greater benefit to my health!)

* I often see the vets here touting the mantra that "the blaster doesn't make the nerfer". If that is true, then we shouldn't even be talking about modifications in this discussion anyway.

It's a paradox in and of itself. Have fun indoors, but have our time and effort wasted OR Have fun outdoors where there are less people and less fun places.

So, just because I'm playing indoors, I'm wasting my time? That's a bit harsh, don't you think? :lol:

#173401 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 29 August 2008 - 03:13 PM in Homemades

I'm not going to give up on this. I'll wait to see what imaseoulman comes up with, and when I get some money together, hopefully I'll be able to figure something out that will meet my project specifications and remain legal for any wars I might have the fortune to attend.

Any other ideas people might have, feel free to throw them out here. I really want to be able to do the following, in order of importance:

1) Fire each barrel independantly, or both at the same time, easily.
2) Achieve a range of 80-100' flat with each barrel.
3) Keep the whole thing as clean as possible, and be able to re-open the gun for repairs & maintenence.
4) Retain the break-action breech that is characteristic of the Double Shot.
5) Keep the gun war-legal at as many wars as possible.
6) Alter the shell of the Double Shot as little as possible, and have as little as possible visible outside the gun - I like the way it looks and feels right now, and I don't want the aesthetic values to change much.
7) Retain the ammo storage compartment in the stock of the gun.

So, if anyone else wants to join this discussion and share your thoughts, please do!

#168129 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 11 August 2008 - 02:48 PM in Homemades

I want to keep the single trigger that the Double Shot currently uses. I find it comfortable, and it souldn't be too difficult to make it work - pull ~1/2" for first shot, pull full 1" for 2nd shot. Something like that should work without too much effort.

one check valve inbetween the pump and each tank

You lost me there CS....? What would that accomplish that a single check valve on one tank (after the "T" splitter) wouldn't? Of was that part of the two-trigger idea?

#168360 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 12 August 2008 - 06:03 AM in Homemades

Unless I attached both tanks to one barrel, I don't see how that would be an option in any case...?

The only way (with my airtank set-up) that I could achieve that would be to not have the check valve, and only pull the trigger partially (for a single tank to go). Then all of the pressure in both tanks would go out the single barrel. But that would make it impossible to do the semi-auto firing that I'm after in the first place.

#168122 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 11 August 2008 - 02:37 PM in Homemades

Duly noted. Thank you for your help imaseoulman - this is the kind of input I was hoping for when I posted the thread. Anything to keep costs down is a good thing, seeing as the only money my wife will let me use for this is money I can earn from Ebay sales. The input I've gotten from you guys will definately help avoid a lot of trial and error style research. :o

If this thing works as well in the real world as it does in my warped mind, I will really enjoy it. Before the stupid things broke, my two Double Shots were my favorite guns in my arsenal for our indoor wars with the youth group at my church. They are just so comfortable, and the two shots before reloading was great. The only problems I ever had with them were the reload time and the whole shell ejection deal - both of which will be improved with this mod. The ranges were good enough for our indoor wars (mostly stock or simple AR removal guns), but I am starting to take an interest in some of the nearby wars that I've heard mention of on this board, and so I'm going to need something with a little more kick. I figure if I can get something like 80-100 feet flat & accurate with each barrel in single-loaded mode, it will keep me competetive.

Part of the idea is to be able to shotgun load one or both barrels as well - either with streamlines, micro stefans or 1" nano stefans. This will be fairly easy with the break-action breech, and with the power I'm gueesstimating for this thing, I should see a halfway decent range for a shotgun load as well. I'm thinking the ammo holder in the Double Shot's stock will be a great place to keep 1" nanos, and I can carry stefans or streamlines more conventionally (pockets, ammo holders, etc).

#168042 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 11 August 2008 - 10:04 AM in Homemades

Did that make sense? If not, here's a quick example:

That is what I thought would happen, but I wanted confirmation. That you have supplied, and you have my thanks. So basically the check valve completely solves that issue.

At this point I am thinking put a check valve on one tank, attach the valves directly to the tanks, and use the outlets from the Double Shot's current plunger assembly. Then I just have to make sure any tubing between the valves and the outlets is sufficiently large and pressure-rated, and work on the seal between the outlets and the barrels, and this thing will be ready for production.

Now, if I can just find a two-stage bicycle/sports pump that is small enough to fit in the false "pump action" area underneath the barrel assembly, I'll be all set. (I want two-stage to reduce the total number of pumps to prime the gun - I'm going for maximum efficiency here since the gun will have a built-in break-action breech. It should be fairly practical for a war, especially backed up by a nice NF or Disc-Shot as a side arm.)

#165822 Good Nintendo 64 Games

Posted by Ambience 327 on 01 August 2008 - 12:12 PM in Off Topic

I'll chime in with my votes, may of which have already been echoed above:

Super Mario 64 - simple, fun, deep, hours of play

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - One of the best Adventure games ever created, a must-have

Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer - One of the best Star Wars games on the 64, and great fun to boot!

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron - Great fun!

Gauntlet: Legends - "Blue Archer needs food badly" - a great version of a great series.

Goldeneye: 007 - The only shooter that you'll ever need for your 64, period. Too bad you can't go above 4 players - otherwise this would still be one of the best shooters out there!

Star Wars Episode I - Racer (significantly improved with expansion pak)

Use the cheat that allows two controllers to control one Podracer, and it gets even more interesting & difficult.


#167402 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 08 August 2008 - 02:49 PM in Homemades

I am working on a homemade that will be integrated into the shell of a Double Shot. Rest assured that this is not just a concept thread - I fully intend to build this and already have the shell and some of the materials. I am just hoping to get some comments on how difficult my trigger & valve mechanism will be to build and maintain, to decide if it is worth it to keep the dual-stage functionality rather than just going to a single tank & trigger that will fire both barrels each time. Since I am on a limited budget for this, "try it and see" is not my preferred method! :)

The image below outlines what I am trying to accomplish for the airtanks and trigger/valve system for this gun.

Posted Image

Basically, the pump will be housed either in the space below the barrels, or below the handgrip, depending on if I can get one to fit inside the shell or not. The pump hose will be split between the two air tanks, and a valve will be attached to each air tank with a two-stage trigger similar to what is already in place on the Double Shot. (If you are unfamiliar with the Double Shot, basically a partial pull will trigger one barrel, allowing a second pull to trigger the second, or a full pull to trigger both at once.)

Since I have not yet tackled any homemade projects yet, I would like any feedback about potential trouble spots with this design, as well as any ideas for something to serve as my air outlet at the end of the system. Basically, after the valve releases the air, it reaches the breech location, where the Double Shot's barrels break away for loading. I am currently considering using the existing outlets from the Double Shot, and just connecting my tubing to that with epoxy or plumber's goop, then using a foam gasket to get a good seal between the outlet and the barrels when they are engaged. (The barrels will be replaced with either nested brass or CPVC, allowing a shell-less rear-loading system that keeps the Double Shot's breakaway loading intact, without the annoying shell ejection.)

Also, the image shows the inlet from the pump to the tanks being on the opposite side from the outlets to the valves. Would it be too much stress on the endcap to have both the inlet and the outlet in the same endcap? That would reduce the amount of tubing required, and make it easier to get the whole assembly to fit into the shell.

#168406 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 12 August 2008 - 11:32 AM in Homemades

Ok - now I see what you are saying. It just wasn't clicking in my head. Now it has.

It is definately worth considering, but I think I really want to stick with the single, two-stage trigger system as-is. It will be easier to engineer, easier to use (in my opinion anyway), and if I can squeeze 80+ feet out of each barrel, it will be powerful enough for me. The additional power provided by the second tank just isn't all that desirable to me - it doesn't fit my playstyle.

Rather than taking long-range pot shots, I'd rather rush, or be rushed. I just find that more fun - the thrill factor makes it worth spending money on this hobby. B) I can see me keeping one barrel shotgun-loaded with nano stefans (the 2nd barrel in the sequence) while keeping the other (primary) barrel single-loaded. That way, I can pop of a single shot, re-load and re-pump as time allows, and keep the shotgun barrel loaded for rush/anti-rush duty. Pair that with a Nitefinder or Disc Shot sidearm, and I think I'd have all the firepower I'd need to suit my play.

#169456 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 15 August 2008 - 01:50 PM in Homemades

Double-Posting to bump and get a response to some new questions.

I have done a lot of work on paper, in my head, and on the McMaster Carr website (thanks for the links imaseoulman, a lot of those items will probably become a part of this project) and I think I have the design mostly completed now.

I do have a few additional questions right now:

1) Probably the most important: I have yet to find a valve suitable for my needs. I need something moderately inexpensive (I have to buy two of them), it needs to be able to be actuated by either cables/wires/fishing line, a solid trigger bar, or something similar - I don't want the valve actuators showing outside the gun. (I want it to look like a normal Double Shot for the most part - the only thing showing will be the pump handle as I can't hide that.) It also needs to be fairly small - maybe 1" or slightly larger in diameter, and not too much longer. If you know of any valves that meet these requirements, please share your information with me.

2) How do I connect the tubing to my air tanks? Should I use barbed connectors or maybe instant fittings and just epoxy/goop those into a pre-drilled hole in the endcap? If there is a better way, please share. (I'm hoping to have the inlet tubing and the outlet valve connected to the same end of the airtank if possible, though it isn't completely necessary - but it will mean less bending of the tubing.)

3) On a related note, how do I connect the valve directly to the tank? Do I just make a hole the proper size and epoxy/goop the thing in there, or is it more complicated than that? (The answer to this may rely a bit on the answer to question # 1.)

#174691 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 03 September 2008 - 10:55 AM in Homemades

Sounds great - I'm really looking forward to what you've done with this. I will definately use your mod as a reference for mine when I scrape the cash together to start working on it!

I've never used a DoubleShot in a war before so I have no idea how useful the ammo holder is, but I imagine it could shave a bit of time off of reloading and free up some pocket space for other things. We'll see.

Well, prior to my Longshot and AT2K, the Double Shot was actually my primary of choice for our indoor wars. I got two of the earlier models that were actually fairly powerful and accurate - they outperformed my Mavs before I removed their AR's, and they were stock! Even with the shells being used, the ammo holder in the stock seemed to help a lot with reloading time. The only time I would store their ammo elsewhere would be when I was camping - i.e. guarding a flag location or a critical hallway area during an objective game. Then I would lay the shells out in easy reach to avoid having to pull them out of the stock during reload. I can see the ammo storage compartment being quite useful in a shell-less breech setup like we're discussing. You could really only get faster with ammo holders on top of the barrels themselves. (Which I am considering, at least as an option.)

#174875 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 04 September 2008 - 08:14 AM in Homemades

Man, the suspense is killing me. I will bend all of my psychic will to moving your package through the mail quicker so I can see what you've done with this!!!! :lol:

#174455 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 02 September 2008 - 11:01 AM in Homemades

I'll be willing to make some compromises on this if I must, but I'm going to see what I can accomplish without any external alteration (aside from the exposed pump handle.

However, I have been thinking along the lines of external stuff as well, and if the internal route fails me, I will hopeully be able to at least keep the thing looking cool and not a Frankenstein's monster of a gun. :wacko: That's why I posted my criteria in a numbered order - as I mentioned the stuff at the top is more important than the stuff at the bottom, so the most important aspects are independently firing barrels achieving 80'-100' flat, keeping it clean and maintainable, and keeping the break-action breech. The other things will be icing on the cake.

Also, I currently have two broken DS's, so some trial and error work might be possible, depending on how cheaply I can get my hands on the required modding materials.

#173152 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 28 August 2008 - 12:05 PM in Homemades

What? No way you could fit two Big Salvo tanks into a DS's shell. Especially not side-by-side...maybe you could fit one behind the other, but then you wouldn't be able to get the rearmost tank's air output to the barrels. Well, at least not without drastically decreasing range.

Was I mis-reading imaseoulman's comment then:

One quick comment, the thickness of tubing is no longer an issue if you attach the dump valves directly to the tank. The air rushing out won't be restricted by the tubing (it will be emptying from the tanks) so the limiting factor will be how fast the dump valves can release air. Good luck with the pump!

I thought that meant that tubing attached to the "barrel side" of a blast chamber (which is basically just a tank & valve combo, right?) wouldn't restrict the airflow coming out of the valve, so I could just snake some tubing from the blast chambers to the air outlet and get decent ranges. Is that not correct?

I know they aren't going to fit side-by-side, I was figuring on staggering them, so they'd be offset left and right, with one situated behind the other, and tubing running from each blast chamber to the air outlet. Would a length of 1/4" tubing provide too much dead space between the blast chamber and the air outlet, or would it restrict the air somehow? I really want to get this thing working, regardless of the method I have to use, and keep it war-legal if at all possible. I love the look and feel of the Double Shot (color scheme notwithstanding) and if I can get somewhere around 80-100 feet flat from each barrel, this thing would probably be the perfect primary for the way I play.

#169462 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 15 August 2008 - 02:34 PM in Homemades

The Big Salvo isn't the cheapest gun though. I think I can get all of the parts I need for less than the price of two BS's, and definately less than the cost of two BS's and a SMDTG.

Also, I really want to see what I can do with homemade internals. I'd rather do a bit of engineering here than just integrate some parts from other guns into it. It will feel more like my own handiwork then, rather than just a modification of somebody else's work. Not to mention the fact that BS's are prone to leakage and inconsitancy. I want something moderately powerful, but ultimately reliable. I think I can achieve this with PVC or CPVC airtanks, a few valves and some tubing - lovingly crafted together into my own dream gun. :blink:

If somebody else wants to tackle a similar project with BS parts, fine with me - but I'd rather do it this way!

#172813 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 27 August 2008 - 10:16 AM in Homemades

For various reasons, I am re-thinking my original stance of not wanting to use a Big Salvo or other air gun for this project. One of the main reasons was that I was misunderstanding the way the BS worked. I am now thinking of using a Big Salvo's internals to get what I am after for this gun. Another reason is that I have been told that guns with homemade parts may not be allowed at major wars. However, I need to know a few things first:

1) How big is each Big Salvo blast chamber? I need to know the length & diameter of the large cylinders that make up the chamber - to see if they would fit inside the Double Shot's available space (hopefully without losing the ammo storage compartment in the back). I am thinking I might need to stagger them to make it work, but a good idea of the space involved would help me determine if this is worth pursuing further.

2) Is it possible to modify the BS's trigger assembly to only fire off two blast chambers? I am still a bit uncertain as to how the trigger on this thing actually functions, so I don't really know how to accomplish this feat.

What I am hoping now is that I can squeeze two BS blast chambers into the Double-Shot's handle/stock area without affecting the external looks of the gun or removing the ammo storage compartment. I plan to run tubing from the blast chambers to the Double Shot's air outlet assembly, possibly incorporating the nested brass idea that Splitlip suggested.

The best part about this is, if I can get it working with the Big Salvo parts, then due to the fact that the Big Salvo has four blast chambers, I can make a second one of these if I can get my hands on a second Big Salvo trigger. With people making those Marvelous Salvos, that might not be too tall an order! (I'd want to get one working well before looking into a second one though.)

#175119 Design For Comments/critique

Posted by Ambience 327 on 05 September 2008 - 10:20 AM in Homemades

Bah - humbug I say! I LOVE the feel of the Double Shot in my hands. If you've managed to keep that, and it performs as you say, I want to see it!

Then I will refine it, and make it my own (read - copy your design and run with it), and I shall rule the NIC with an iron fist! Mwahahahahaha!!!




So, has your package arrived yet?