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#53643 Frozen Dragon

Posted by THIRST on 27 April 2005 - 04:12 PM in Off Topic


More detail:Example
Sweat glistened down Paul's tensed features, his sharp eyes smoothly lining up with his Standard Issue M4 sights onto the neck of a far-too-late-alert guard, finger putting slight pressure on the trigger. His finger twiched Roughly pulling the trigger back. The guard fell in a heap as 3 shots hit the other side of a wall. Without a glance he lined up for the next shot. Pain lanced through his left side as his face lit up in pain. He briefly glanced at his side, showing a protusion made by the .308 shot from the Hesse made ak47. Sweat ran down Paul's temples as he realized the bullet had not peirced his kevlar. He immediatly caused death as the trigger was pulled back.

"Clear!" Joe yelled as the clinking of a shell hit the ground.

This is my writing style, but make it more first person, less 3rd person, its much more interesting.


#53625 Rscb Barrel Questions

Posted by THIRST on 27 April 2005 - 01:40 PM in Homemades

I most definately did not do the RSCB barrel. 3DBBQ and Shorshit made that.

The darts dont spill out because thee is a dart chambered in the barrel, preventing others to escape because of the friction the barrel causes. Since the only way air can escape is through the barrle it pushes the dart out, regardless of the clip because its airtight.


#53453 Any One Yoyo?

Posted by THIRST on 25 April 2005 - 03:56 PM in Off Topic

I used to yoyo, had bumble bee, proyo ace II, proyo 2, cold fusion, and about 30 others, 5 years ago...Still have them!


#53393 Nerf Art Of War

Posted by THIRST on 24 April 2005 - 07:21 PM in General Nerf

I've found more nerfing and less practicing makes happiness.


#53209 Rapid Fire 50?

Posted by THIRST on 22 April 2005 - 05:51 PM in General Nerf

Posted Image

Heres the rf40, maybe you got it mixed up with the 50, which doesn't exist.


#53099 Whats So Special About The Titan?

Posted by THIRST on 21 April 2005 - 01:51 PM in General Nerf

Everyone hug. There we go. We can all relax and shoot someone with a foam dart. It may or may not cheer you up. I'm not going to repeat anything that was already said because I'm not some fucking yes-man, but I couldn't resist.

Nooooooo! For all that is holy, don't sell out the HQ!
I understand its Newb HQ, but we don't need hyperactive 9 year-olds.

1. He can join the HQ if he wants.
2. We dont need people who make 2 accounts, twice, because you didnt want such a high post count. Because you post whored. Because yor a whore. Twice.


#52635 Normal Pvc And Pvc Conduit

Posted by THIRST on 16 April 2005 - 03:25 PM in Homemades

Pvc conduit/pvc dont have consistant inner diameters, but my experiene with both is that pvc conduit always has a smaller inner diameter, so I'd pick up some pvc. Inner diameters are inconsistant in pvc/cpvc, and outer diameters arent very consistant with darts either.


#52410 Ingediations For A Pc And At2k?

Posted by THIRST on 13 April 2005 - 01:56 PM in Modifications

I've got a fairly recent post on a PC/SM1500 hybridized tool of death

Holy shit, thats a great idea! Rf20 bladders are bigger, and 2k's have the liquatron ot attach a bladder to securely. PC/1.5k ain't got nothin'.


#52144 Another 2k Petg Mod...

Posted by THIRST on 10 April 2005 - 11:24 AM in Modifications

Posted Image

Reminds me of this ol' thang. Sweet job, that looks really nice, and is definatly much nicer than my old one, heck, mines been broken for awhile now...


#51955 Boone Or Banner Elk N.c Nerfers

Posted by THIRST on 08 April 2005 - 04:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Ah, poor little bugger.


#51949 What About The Pc?

Posted by THIRST on 08 April 2005 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

Just a question, is it true that the inner tube actually weakens the airtank over time? I remember hearing that somewhere.

Not inner tube, cutting it shorter does that.


#51871 Magazine-fed Fast-action Nerf Rifle

Posted by THIRST on 07 April 2005 - 08:03 PM in Homemades

*prays that Talio isn't gonna talk about milism again*

Filling in for Talio...Milsim isnt nerf.

Bolt, are you giving plans, or a step by step writeup?


#51771 Double Barrel Nf Writeup

Posted by THIRST on 06 April 2005 - 07:45 PM in Modifications

For the majority of any 1 gun used my me, I have used dual pistols more than any other gun. I use single barrel pistols, and I prefer regular pistols over it. However, I have seen people use it well, and I know people have seen it get near regular NF ranges. While I myself dont use it often, I have seen people use it well, and whether the 2nd dart has a better chance of hitting you or not, the recieving end doesnt want to take the chance. I see what you mean Langly, but it's just preference, really.
-Cover fire/pot shots
-More chance of hitting
-Intimidation factor
-Similar velocity to single barrel NF
-To shoot noly one dart you have to jam the other barrel with finger
-extra dart lost
-5 to 10 feet lost

Range is directly proportional to velocity. The only thing which effects the relation between range and velocity is dart drag, which varies from dart to dart, not gun to gun.

I dont understand what point your trying to get across, that it has bad velocity?


#51768 Double Barrel Nf Writeup

Posted by THIRST on 06 April 2005 - 07:26 PM in Modifications

The darts dont stay 1 on top of another, so it just increases the chance you have of hitting them, just to fire some pot shots to make them back up. It still goes 50 feet easily at good velocity.
Yeah, thats bike inner tube.


#51741 What About The Pc?

Posted by THIRST on 06 April 2005 - 04:48 PM in Modifications

Inner tubing means slipping a cut-off section of bike inner tube over the bladder. As for banding and inner tubing? I dont think it would make much of a difference, and it really isn't nessecary. Theres a good chance the high pressure would bow the tubes as well, so I would advice against it.


#51737 Double Barrel Nf Writeup

Posted by THIRST on 06 April 2005 - 04:02 PM in Modifications

I had this for awhile, found it floating around, so here you go.

Double Barrel NiteFinder Mod

Posted Image
This is the NiteFinder, its a good secondary, and there is a lot you can do with it. For $6, it's a must. This mod show you how to mod your NiteFinder to be double barreled. While it must have both barrels loaded to fire, it still gets 50-60 feet, and its damn intimidating to be shot at by a pistol tht shoots two shots eh? I made this mod because I thought it would be fun, but the gun itself turned out quite useful.
Posted Image
This is one of the air restrictors that you must keep, you can throw out the top one.
Posted Image
Cut two peices of 17/32 vinal tubing, about 1-2 inches each.
Posted Image
Take the air restrictor that you kept, and file, dremel, or cut it so its much wider, like this. The 2 peices of vinal you cut must fit in here, though leave as little room on the sides as possible, it makes your life easier.
Posted Image
Glue the two peices of vinal in the air restrictor...Load on the goop, and make sure its aritght. When this dries, just glue two brass/cpvc
barrels over it. You will find that its quite secure, no reinforcement is needed if you really goop it up.
Posted Image
A nifty trick Ninjz invented, wrap 3 layers of electrical tape around the plunger head. Despite any rumors you hear, it is in no way bad
for the gun, and makes it more air efficient. You will get better ranges doing this. An alternate way to do this is to get a sla fo small sized inner tube, and put it in the space where the o-ring goes, with the o-ring over it. I foun it to work even better than electrical tape, but its a matter of finding a small sized inner tube.
Posted Image
Close your gun all up, and you should have one beast of a gun.
Posted Image
Its intimidating to have such a small gun with two barrels. Its even more intimdating to know it performs. Its pretty accurate too, the velocity is as good as ever. I hope you enjoy!


#51735 What About The Pc?

Posted by THIRST on 06 April 2005 - 03:28 PM in Modifications

Inner tubing is better than banding or cutting.


#51647 Does Anyone Here Remember Me?

Posted by THIRST on 05 April 2005 - 07:00 PM in General Nerf

I remember you. I wubbed your site, with those homemade paintball plans. I wasn't registered back then, but man, great to see you back.


#51463 Favorite Band

Posted by THIRST on 03 April 2005 - 11:47 AM in Off Topic

Velvet Revolver
Three Days Grace
Coheed and Cambria
Breaking Benjamin
Alice inChains
A Perfect Circle
Franz Ferdinand
The Killers
Taj Motel Trio
Streetlight Manifesto


#51352 Your Pope Died.

Posted by THIRST on 02 April 2005 - 10:33 AM in Off Topic

I dont think your Pope would like that you started cussing at people over the internet in defence.

Im not Christian/Catholic, so this all really means nothing to me.


#51128 Show Me What You're Working With

Posted by THIRST on 30 March 2005 - 11:54 AM in General Nerf

Well, before my dad ran them over with the SUV accidentally right before DCNO4, I was consitantly getting 60-70 feet.


#50885 Show Me What You're Working With

Posted by THIRST on 28 March 2005 - 05:42 PM in General Nerf

Posted Image
Semi2k 1
Posted Image
Semi2k 2
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
Quad Titan
Posted Image
Double Barrel NF
Posted Image
Triple Barrel NF
http://www14.brinkst...hirst13/6sf.jpg SF, pictures may not work if directly linked...
http://www14.brinkst...hirst13/wh1.jpg Warthog, pictures may not work if directly linked...
Posted Image
Posted Image
Clip Mod Rf20
Single Barrel BF

100% origional, baby. Do not be fooled by imposters.


#50844 Uzi Integration

Posted by THIRST on 28 March 2005 - 10:22 AM in Modifications

If I remember right, there was a contest at NHQ before the hack, where people were comparing the bling they put on their guns

Good times...Where did Katachi go?

Thats pretty sweet, Lefty...Does the pump move around at all, and is it smaller than a 2k? Just curious.


#50694 Tech Target Idea

Posted by THIRST on 27 March 2005 - 10:25 AM in Modifications

CAUTION, very old unupdated link. Any of those with chronic dhiarria are advised to leave.


Like that? Everyone does that, its pretty simple, but useful.


#50597 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by THIRST on 26 March 2005 - 10:32 AM in General Nerf

If it's a blastfire...Only G-d knows what I'll do with it! Thanks Tally and OMC, stayin' strong in the neyberhud'


#50269 Rf20 Mod

Posted by THIRST on 22 March 2005 - 04:42 PM in Modifications

Thats jsut a Tclip with a huge clip on an rf20...but thats sweet that you put it on an rf20...I'm assuming you're using really small darts, or it wouldnt fire...


#50166 Does Anybody Else Play Runescape?

Posted by THIRST on 21 March 2005 - 04:14 PM in Off Topic

What is it? My 10 year old sister plays it, so I dont know wha age group it's directed towards...
It can't be better than Starcraft! I want to get back into playing SC after 5 months of not playing...what good times.


#50090 Soooooooo..... :o

Posted by THIRST on 20 March 2005 - 03:30 PM in Off Topic

Wow, stopping by the neighborhood eh? Im realling pissed, I forget...Was it yuo who invented the airtank extension? started with a G...sorry. I cant believe I forgot.


#49981 Rf20 Mod

Posted by THIRST on 18 March 2005 - 08:16 PM in Modifications

Heh, its actually pretty crappily shown, the pictures suck, so its a pretty horrible mod writeup, not too mention its unupdated. Sorry for that, but that sounds like a cool idea you got there...


#49979 Rf20 Mod

Posted by THIRST on 18 March 2005 - 07:57 PM in Modifications


Thats the only URL, since it was lost in the hack. Dont inner tube it though, high risk of the tubes popping, and the plastic piece you cut out needs to be kept, an fit in every time you reload. Im interested in your mod, it sounds cool. How much more range do you get?


Just to clear things up, I invented that clip mod, but the rf20 clip mod was actually invented first by lemmypoo using a different system of bolts/nuts and the like. certainly, you remember? It had a good 2-3 rf20 bladders hooked up to one gun and broke often, form what i remember form talking to Lemmy and very long time ago.

#49977 Rf20 Mod

Posted by THIRST on 18 March 2005 - 07:40 PM in Modifications

Dude, that is sweet. Really, thats friggin awsome. Err, I did the clip mod for the rf20, which is completely diffeent than this. The Tclip is sort of similar, but only works on a titan. Im making a different kind of Tclip that can work just like a normal gun with no need for any extra air, so it could be used on a gun outside the titan. This si really cool dude, I'm impressed. Hook us up with pictures, you may have just given me an idea.


#49408 I Just Wet Myself

Posted by THIRST on 12 March 2005 - 01:25 PM in General Nerf

I cant wait for the Mech 6. Its basically an aeg. Im sure it uses a motor to pull a plunger back, sort of like a mechanized rf20. hats what Im really pushing for. The Mech 3 shoots balls, darts, and discs, with 3 sperate triggers! Geez! I want'em both!


#49163 Happy Birthday

Posted by THIRST on 09 March 2005 - 08:57 PM in Off Topic

Umm, thanks, but its not my birthday...


#49138 Alternative Projectile Choices

Posted by THIRST on 09 March 2005 - 06:24 PM in Homemades

Viper we're working on a nerf strafer at TINH, right now, and have been for several weeks. if you think you can help us out(as its proving to be quite a bitch), IM me at THIRST13 and I'll hook you up with a link.


#48952 What Does The Word Nerf Mean?

Posted by THIRST on 07 March 2005 - 01:24 PM in General Nerf

I didnt write it, I found it on Wizards site and control copied...I dont know enough about starwars to write that!


#48906 How Do You Post A Picture?

Posted by THIRST on 06 March 2005 - 05:54 PM in Modifications

Lets all chill out, I definatly saw malakayucumber's remark as a jest, dont make it into a big deal...


#48798 Tack Stefans

Posted by THIRST on 05 March 2005 - 06:45 PM in Homemades

I shot my brother with a dart that had exposed metal about 3 years ago, and half of his front tooth was chipped. I shot him with an unmodded(except for air restrictors) powerclip from 20 feet away. if you think its perfectly safe then you need to set your priorities straight. metal is much different than hotglue. I suggest if you do it, put foam at the tip to cover up the metal.


#48795 Air Rifle

Posted by THIRST on 05 March 2005 - 06:38 PM in Homemades

It looks fine..your looking to be able to shoot several times before reloading? depending on how fast you cna upll and release the hangle trigger, your looking at a lot of shots regardless; thats a hugeass backpack.


#48790 Tack Stefans

Posted by THIRST on 05 March 2005 - 06:19 PM in Homemades

Its alright Street; I thought you were doing on purpose like people who color their posts...

If metal is exposed on the front of the dart, its dangerous. There is metal exposed on the tip of the dart. Therefore the dart is dangerous.


#48784 Tack Stefans

Posted by THIRST on 05 March 2005 - 06:03 PM in Homemades

When I see someone post in caps-lock, I naturally associate them with a screamin 5 year old with 5 missing teeth, runing in circles and screaming till they get dizzy and run into the pedastal holding a pricelesss vase.

When I see someone post with no caps and no punctuation, I think of a 5 year old with 5 teeth with a speech impediment who wont stop talking to you about his action figures and hot wheels.

Tack darts arent safe, because they have exposed metal. You find a war hat allows those.