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#238669 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 25 June 2009 - 09:46 PM in General Nerf

Hell yes. Thanks for the little shout-out there, Ted. Nice to hear that I'm liked...I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And you're right, BCNO was a good time. I'm hoping to drop by the next one on the 15th...I may not make it though. Good podcast again though, guys. Keep it up.

#238514 Bcno Iv

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 25 June 2009 - 09:59 AM in Nerf Wars

As you know, I'm a maybe. I'm really hoping I can get there...the last few were fun. It's cutting it close on when I'm coming back from vacation.

I may be taking a pitstop here along the way, like Skitzo. We'll be on our way back from lavallette down the shore, so you're kinda on the way.

#237732 Driftkings Pistol Splat Ps-800/wipeout Mod

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 21 June 2009 - 07:17 AM in Modifications

Excellently done. Welcome to the haven. I even see that your capitalization has not only improved, but entirely been corrected in all of your posts following Slug's. God, a new member who starts out well, and then follows the admins' instructions without question.

On to the mod itself:
The writeup is very cleanly done, and with a barrel replacement, your ranges should improve. 50-60' though is all you really need from a pistol.

And with this range debate. Range is not useless, simply because the greater the range, the greater the velocity, the harder the dart is to dodge. For example, a shot from my SNAPbow with a max range of 120-130 at 60 ft. is going to be a lot harder to dodge than a max shot from a gun with a max range of 70 ft. And I'm not saying that you're one of those who thinks it's useless, that's just my feeling on the debate.

#237533 Plastic Safe Lubricants

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 June 2009 - 09:57 PM in General Nerf

Just a quick question. Has anyone ever used this on a +bow before? Or on anything, for that matter? I have, and it seems rather thick, and I'm not sure if it's hindering performance or not, or will in the future. If someone has used it or has any input, help would be greatly appreceated. It does not specify that it is a "Silicon Grease" or "Lithium Grease."

Here's the pic:
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#237370 Spiderman Gun Thing

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 June 2009 - 11:01 AM in Modifications

Alright, that's it. It's about time I got a few of these. Seems like an awesome thing to have in a time of need. I will most definitely be getting one of these in the near future.

Slug, I've been meaning to ask you though, I like your use of it on your shotgun, and I'd do the same on mine, but is that not awkward to prime with that mounted there? It looks like it'd be tough to get a good grip without fear of ripping the spiderman thing off.

Are they still as easy to find on clearance as you mentioned in that thread?

#237194 Vos Pistol

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 18 June 2009 - 04:11 PM in Homemades

Sorry you guys arn't going for the black paint. I though Boltsniper's guns looks serious and professional and that's the look I was going for. I really don't mind it. Visual styling is not my thing, so if anyone has any suggestions for a better appearance than post away. But the one thing I will not do is add any orange, green, pink, purple, or anything that will make this gun look retarded (aka, like a toy). I know that if I walk around outside with it and show a bunch of overly concerned citizens then the cops might get a call about me, but I don't plan on actually doing that. Its a sacrifice I have to make due to the looks of the gun, I know, but I would rather do that than have a socially acceptable paint job.

I really don't know what you guys see in these neon colors.

We make them look like what they are...toys. I see what you were going for, but you aught to slap some orange duct tape on there when you're in public. That thing just looks menacing. It looks very sleak and proffesional, but the real main reason for us going so heavy on neon is that it keeps it looking like a toy (What it's suppost to look like), and less like a real firearm, which generally, in public places, causes a tad bit of dismay.

#237070 A Very Important Season Of Foam Update

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 18 June 2009 - 06:05 AM in General Nerf

Gotta side with Talio on this one. Who knows what kind of PV (Production Value) you'll get from a bunch of kids trying to wield camcorders as well as their blasters. I guess still have everybody film their wars but don't use the SOF name on a potential crapfest.

Potential is the key word there though. Why not give it a shot? Hand the camera to someone who knows how to use it or someone who has taped wars before. Someone coming to APOC out of those masses of people has to have some kinda awesome video camera or a dad who does, or something. I think we could, as a community, definitely make the documentary part work.

Sorry to hear that the trip's off, guys. I'm just at my beginning year in the hobby though, so I have a long time to go when hopefully the economy will shape up a bit and you guys can get over here.

#237069 Vos Pistol

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 18 June 2009 - 05:51 AM in Homemades

No. Black. I liked it before. Now...I'm sorry, it's just too "take-it-outside-and-get-shot-because-people-think-it's-a-real-gun." Work on getting some orange onto there. I mean, it's still kinda cool, I guess...the black brought down my feelings on it a bit.

#236887 Another New Toy

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 17 June 2009 - 08:59 AM in General Nerf

Hehe...I've had one of these since I don't know when. It's been sitting on the shelf in my basement NIB waiting for something to be done to it. Now that I know it has potential, I might take a crack at it. Definitely post your findings once you get going on it.

#236507 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 15 June 2009 - 06:07 PM in Homemades

My first post in the homemades picture thread, and I’m gracing you with two beauties. Neither originally made by me, I must add. I have made changes and done a few things to each of them along the way to make them my own, though, and basically, now I have a template to work from when I make mine.

First off, my baby. This has been my primary since I got it, and as that it shall remain for a time to come.
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Basically, it’s a Mk. 4 SNAPbow with a reverse facing SNAP-1 Compact integration. The main gun uses a two way speedloader at tops out at around 130, while the integration hits 60-70, equipped with its 3-way speedloader. The integration serves as a nice backup shot if I get rushed while reloading, and has proven its usefulness. Since I’ve gotten it, I’ve added pipe insulation foam to the foregrip, stock, and along the top of the stock so that it’s all comfy, and have re-enforced the grip and the ninety coupler of the integration so that it’s rock solid. It may not be beautiful, but it has served me well, and gets the job done. It’s damn accurate, too. People at BCNO can vouch for that. All credit for the blaster’s design and construction goes to Rork, who I now thank every chance I get for this baby.

Now, the polycarb iteration of my primary:
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A +bow made by Ryan Mcnumbers (Buy from him, by the way. His work is great), equipt with a speedloader, hitting normal +bow ranges, and a LpL made by Draconis (Another recommended seller) mounted beneath it. The LpL is equipt with a four dart RSCB clip set-up, maintaining ranges of around 80-90 feet, which I thought was incredible. The LpL could even serve as a primary of its own. Basically though, this follows the same principal as my SNAP. Poweful, accurate main gun w/ speedloader, with an integrated backup shot of some form that is quick to get loaded again (so you’re always ready with a backup). Anyway, this has yet to be war tested, and I cannot wait to do so. This should prove to be quite a force. By the way, Tim, that's your hint. I wouldn't mind comin' down for another BCNO.

By the way, I will be adding tape and FBR down the back of the +bow handle shortly as well. It makes it super comfy, and now that that's shown with the LpL, I'm definitely doing it to the main gun.

Anyway…done with my lengthy post. Tell me what you guys think. God, I write too much…

EDIT-Damn it, I've been nagged about this enough. People have jumped down my throat, namely lce9. This set-up was not my idea, and I'm not a "copy-cat" he keeps calling me. He did it first. I'm sorry I stole his idea when he clearly specified that it was never, ever to be done again by anyone. It's special only to him, and I can't believe I would ever think to do it myself. I'm going to go drop this off a cliff now because I can't bear the fact that I'm now a copy-cat.

Since ASON obviously didn't get it. Input massive amounts of virtual sarcasm above.

#236504 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 15 June 2009 - 05:49 PM in Modifications

Hey guys, back, and I’ve been busy in my time away, and for awhile now. I’m just kinda behind on posting the products of my busyness here…so here’s a bulk post for ya.

First off, some side-arms:
1st gen and holster equipped with ram rod and mini bungee that I use on it (My holstered sidearm with certain guns. Others, I don’t use a sidearm):
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LnL. My first LnL, and I was very pleased. Will be doing plunger head replacement and another spring replacement when I get the time to do so:
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Disk shot. Short barrel, so I can push the darts down with my pinkie in the even that they don’t vacuum. Some kinda spring addition, o-ring addition, and FBR in the amo holders to keep darts from sliding all the way in:
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PVC coupler’d NF. My pistol for gunslinger, just because it’s fast ROF-wise. I’ve never seen a writeup for a PVC one before…but I believe Zorn did his this way. The spring is monstrous, and to compensate, the plunger tube is basically bathing in hot-glue in order to keep it from jarring out of place. O-ring addition, again. Ranges, good enough:
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Secondaries/Small primaries:
My SF. It’s generally mounted beneath my +bow, but it was off at the moment, so I decided to throw it up here. Pump plug, brassed, like CX’s mod. You’ll notice the front is cut in order to allow it to mount correctly on the +bow:
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2k. Just started and finished this baby up last night. Very easy mod, but very effective. This was inspired by OMC’s 2k at the first BCNO. It had this kind of coupler set-up. Basically, the benefit I see in it, is that the weight isn’t too far forward, and is mostly contained near the coupler, which allows the entire set-up to be very sturdy. Other than that though, I did the basics; Pump plug, glued trigger spring. Hitting around 90 flat. I’m satisfied:
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Primaries (Not necessarily ones I use. There are a few loaners that I modded because I was bored…):

Shotgunned BBBB. This thing’s awesome. I have yet to fix the o-ring problem, but I’m still pretty satisfied with it. I will edit a pic in of a shell that I use once I find the original one or make another…whoops:
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BBB. PVC coupler, RFSG spring addition, re-enforced, dead space removal. Ranges; good, adequate BBB ranges:
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Scorpion Bow. Same deal as the BBB, but different springs. Pretty good ranges as well. No, I’m not giving exact ranges for any of these. Range is over-rated unless you look at it from a velocity standpoint. I won’t get into it:
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Air Zone Arrow Storm. PETG’d. Can’t get it to work correctly. If anyone has any idea what I could do to fix it…that’d be cool. It’s just not firing and rotating in sync. Then, when it does fire, it fires super slowly, and the turret’s all messed up:
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My PAS. I love this thing. Brass breech similar to that on FA’s Countess (Well, sputnik’s now). Spring addition, re-enforced to the nines, catch spring replaced with beastly torsion spring, duct tape knife removed. Use that knife as an example of how bored I was one afternoon…:
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That’s it for now…check the Homemades thread soon for some more…

#236490 The Official Sticker/logo Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 15 June 2009 - 05:15 PM in Modifications

Here's what I have at the moment:

Good condition SM5k:
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And a not so great condition ST9k...they're old...it was kinda beat up. This was the best I could do. If anyone has the time, patience, and software to clean these up and send them to me, I will be forever in your debt:
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And I wouldn't disagree with this being stickied. Doesn't have enough yet. We need to bulk it up with some more content first.

#235330 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 09 June 2009 - 09:44 PM in Nerf Wars

In response to dbnf- The reason I'm getting so many kills in succession with my RFSG is not because the gun itself is fast but because the breech I have on it is really fast, in order to replicate my rate of fire you need to reproduce my breech and my reflexes.

Great videos by the way.

I took so long to post because my computer has been acting up.


Gotcha. I heard someone mention inline clip, and my curiosity started bubbling...hmm...something tells me someone could come up with a sexual pun outa that. Anyway, yeah. I wasn't sure if it had an inline incorporated into it.

Thank you very much. It was my first go at editing...so...yeah.

I've been waiting for it.

By the way, my Blue Shirt of the war: Tim. Just because I know he'll get pissed.

#235103 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 08 June 2009 - 09:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Silencer, how'd you like the videos?

#235095 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 08 June 2009 - 09:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Part 2 video's up. Check it out on my page. Comment on them guys, I'd like to get some feedback. And DX, what was wrong with the "pullback bow thingy"?

#235077 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 08 June 2009 - 08:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry for the double post, but the video quallity's all better now. It was still processing when I posted the link. Check it out again, even if you already have.

#235067 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 08 June 2009 - 07:44 PM in Nerf Wars

PART 1 of the video is up. Leave your comments here or on Youtube guys. I hope you like it. My editing skills aren't the best. I'll try to figure out how to update to high quallity.

#234898 The Ultimate Doubleshot

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 07 June 2009 - 09:19 PM in Modifications

Post removed. Don't want to get called out for fueling the fire here or sounding like an ass (Kinda realized I did when I re-read my post). But I think we all get now that that portion of the writeup was missed, so it doesn't need to be thrown in people's faces anymore. I think it was very smart to use only stock springs. It's not the kinda gun you need too much range out of.

#234895 The Official Sticker/logo Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 07 June 2009 - 09:10 PM in Modifications

Does anybody have ST9k stickers (Supertech 9000)? It would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

Merzlin said that he would try and get them...

He was speeking for me. I'm trying to get them for him, but if someone had them, that'd make my job a hell of a lot easier.

Oh, sorry I didn't realize that... If you can't find them don't worry about it... It's not like we havedied trying to get them or anything.

Well, I have to anyway. You'll all see why soon enough.

#234877 The Ultimate Doubleshot

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 07 June 2009 - 08:24 PM in Modifications

Good work, and great writeup. I like it. Not my taste, but it's very well done. I'd be careful about that connection point though of the NF handle to the PASes. In general though, it looks great.

Same question as Draconis. How is it to prime?

#234854 The Official Sticker/logo Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 07 June 2009 - 07:26 PM in Modifications

Does anybody have ST9k stickers (Supertech 9000)? It would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

Merzlin said that he would try and get them...

He was speeking for me. I'm trying to get them for him, but if someone had them, that'd make my job a hell of a lot easier.

#234779 The Official Sticker/logo Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 07 June 2009 - 09:38 AM in Modifications

Does anybody have ST9k stickers (Supertech 9000)? It would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

#234774 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 07 June 2009 - 09:10 AM in Nerf Wars

Awesome times guys. Even better than the last one.

Sorry I didn't post sooner, I was freaking exhausted when I got home, which is a good sign of a good day.

-Getting plenty of hits with my SNAP (As usual), and some more with my recently completed +bow/splitfire integration. That splitfire on the bottom there saved me on multiple occasions.
-OMC and I getting an Effeminate double kill on each other. I strafed out in front of him from out behind a tree. He was using my +bow, I was using my SNAP. While sprinting across in front of him, I shot him in the shoulder and he cought me on the heel of my back foot while running...at exactly the same time. It was awesome.
-Hitting Keef in the head with my Nitefinder from like 30 feet away in a gunslinger, and having the dart bounce straight up like 20 feet. The pro wasn't the headshot, but it was the fact that the dart literally flew upwards when it hit him.
-"Dodge of the day" (According to Darkshrimp). I was running behind the cover of a tree when DX shot me. I got behind the tree, but was running too fast and kept going out the other side. Tim (Silencer) shot me, I stopped mid-step, spun backwards and behind the tree.
-OMC's awesome slide-dodge-jump-kill monstrosity of a rush in attempt to end one of the rounds. My only con to this whole thing would be that I cannot find the footage of that. Sorry man...I guess you'll have to pull off another next time.
-Being out-numbered 3-1 because the rest of my team had gotten take out, and then proceeding to take each of the other team out one by one, even when two had more than one life still, and I had only one. I was sweating like crazy by the end of that round; I had to work my ass off. It was freaking awesome though.
-A few awesome acrobatic shots/dodges by OMC.
-None of my guns breaking except my SM1.5k (Tank blew. I felt like an idiot).
-Getting to see Skitzo's singled, breeched RFSG in action. That thing was a beast. The ROF was excellent. Expect to see something of the like from me shortly.
-Meeting a ton of new people: Skitzo, keef, DX, etc.
-Seeing some again: OMC, Silencer
-The unofficial start to "Magazine 8"
-Chasing Silencer down around the outskirts of the field, having him drop his +bow while running, shooting him with the backup shot of my SNAP as he's turning with a drawn LnL. I could've sworn I hit him in the shirt while he was spinning, but he said no, so I spun to dodge his LnL, and he caught me in the back.
-Running Silencer down again from the opposite side of the field, and basically just chasing him down and barrel tapping him.
-One guy (didn't catch his name), not taking a barrel tap from my SNAP, so I shot him, and then having him give in to the barrel tap the next time he was in that situation because "that thing hurts, I'm not doing that again"
-No blueshirts
-Everyone actually nerfed. We didn't have slackers, or lazy asses this time. Everyone had some skill, which made the day a lot more interesting and challenging. I got my ass kicked the first round because I wasn't ready for it. Then I got into it and got plenty of sweet hits.
-Getting a lot on camera. Expect a short-ish video soon.

Cons don't exist. Yes, some unfortunate things happened (SM1.5k tank blown), but it didn't in any way take away from the fun of the day. Great war guys. Tim, you should definitely think about hosting these more often. I'll come down every time provided I'm not busy that day.

By the way, I'll have some more Effeminate stories later. It's time for breakfast and some homework.

#234726 The Official Sticker/logo Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 06 June 2009 - 10:14 PM in Modifications

Merzlin, we shall see. If I can get them, it'll be both a miracle and a stroke of luck.

#234646 Dart Tag Blaster Modification

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 06 June 2009 - 04:00 PM in Modifications

This was the exact same thing I did to my DTB. I can get pics to prove it too, if you'd like. I'm mid replacing the barrels, so it's only the 17/32" in there now. Alextwin can vouch for that I did it though. I'm not trying to get credit by the way, I just think it's cool we both did the exact same thing. I can also vouch for that it works well. Hey, now I don't need to do a writeup.

And no, it won't work with CPVC. The brass doesn't fit in it.

#234566 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 05 June 2009 - 11:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Updated dart count: 250

Ready and rarin' to go.

#234520 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 05 June 2009 - 06:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Same as above.

Dart count: 0
We've got some work to do.

Except my damn lucky ass brother now has 400 darts made because he doesn't procrastonate like I do...and hasn't been nearly as busy. /rant. Off to work.

#234478 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 05 June 2009 - 02:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh god...poor OMC. He's going to be pissed.

#234456 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 05 June 2009 - 01:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Yep, weather has changed. Looks like we're good to go. I may have to leave early though, unfortunately. You guys want split to come? He said he would if I payed his gas...

Silencer, I can't finish that by tomorrow, but I could definitely do it for you.

#234408 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 05 June 2009 - 05:52 AM in Nerf Wars

Hey Silencer, the weather's not looking to awesome for tonight into tomorrow. What do you think?

#234238 Please Close

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 June 2009 - 08:27 AM in Nerf Wars

If anything, do make it that Sunday, at least. Holding the wars on the same day will reduce your number of attendees (including myself).

#234236 Dcno Spring 2009

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 June 2009 - 08:12 AM in Nerf Wars

But what really confuses me is who the fuck you are and what you relation to just Jwasko is? Are you guys brothers?

-Running down Dizzy and jwasko (my brother..)

There's your answer. As for the beard, I don't know either of them. Sounds like an awesome war, guys, regardless of the soccer. I even play soccer, and I can say I'd still be pissed at them. Wish I could've come down for this...

#234050 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 02 June 2009 - 09:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Echna- You keep avoiding the BnA huh??

Actually, when people pay me the money they owe, I'll mail out a money order. Unless you can make to MCNO 3, which is planning now, and should be on 6/27.

Not a good idea. That's the date of DDT.

#234039 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 02 June 2009 - 09:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm coming. two problems, I have no working primaries, and only 30 stefans. It looks like I'll be staying up late this week.

YES! Sweet. Check your PMs, I wouldn't mind a ride.

Cool, well, I have like 10 working primaries, but 3 stefans. Of the 3, two are shit I found in my yard.

#233865 Apoc Warm Up

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 01 June 2009 - 09:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Throw me down as a maybe.

I'm looking forward to this. I was feeling a little lacking of wars 'round this time.

#233447 Maverick 2000 Help

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 30 May 2009 - 03:50 PM in Modifications

With a Titan tank, for the amount of shots you'd get, it really would not be worth the work. You would not get near what you're looking for.

#233381 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 30 May 2009 - 09:21 AM in Nerf Wars

Who is this Dave? If it's blueshirt, I will purposly rip my hair out of my head. :unsure:

No. It's keef's chill friend who does some pretty crazy stuff. That's what I've heard. It's alright. He's not a blueshirt.

Oh, ok then. Looking forward to meeting him.

#233375 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 30 May 2009 - 08:08 AM in Nerf Wars

Who is this Dave? If it's blueshirt, I will purposly rip my hair out of my head. :unsure:

#233183 Nj Apocalypse #8

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 May 2009 - 09:17 PM in Nerf Wars

My guest is whitemoonlight. He got validated after I wrote that, so yeah, you can throw him up there.

Also, I may be misreading, but it's Diamondbacknf 1626, not nfl 626. Just figured I'd point that out.

#233176 Parkour/freerunning In Nerf

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 May 2009 - 09:03 PM in General Nerf

I give up. Fuck it.

Don't let the idiots get to you. You actually did imply it right from the beginning.

Yeah, don't just kill your own thread for the sake of people who can't even read the first post. I don't practice it in any form, but I do think it'd be kinda cool if someone all of a sudden pulled an example of it mid-war. Yes, the location would need to be right, and yes, if it began to become too frequent, it would take the fun out of a war, but it would definitely increase one's stamina and agillity, which would be a great benefit in a war. So yes, I think that the effects of it would apply greatly in a war, but not exactly the stunts/movements themselves.