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#127203 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by puggy on 24 October 2007 - 08:00 PM in News

the stock looks a little thin

#185516 Greatest Game That You Have Ever Played In Your Life

Posted by puggy on 25 October 2008 - 03:46 PM in Off Topic

Two words.


#96243 How To Make Smoke Bombs

Posted by puggy on 10 December 2006 - 07:29 PM in Off Topic

Actually I got it from unitednuclear.com, their guide has clearer pictures than mine does.

#96365 How To Make Smoke Bombs

Posted by puggy on 12 December 2006 - 08:05 PM in Off Topic

Plastic Definately won't work, I saw a video of where a dude put some of this stuff in sch. 80 pvc and put it on a skatboard, he went a good 15-20 mph. But afterwards the pvc was all deformed and had a huge hole in the side of it, he was lucky he didn't get burned. A guy on pbnation said he tried it in an aluminum can and it melted very fast and became a huge molten blob. If you took these to a war you should just keep it simple without any casings.

Oh yeah, at a huge war like YANO or something, the little shits would be gay, you would need to make a full batch and light it at once. Trust me, it looks like a fucking bomb went off, cool as hell. There not as cool on windy days though...

For my birthday we bought four bottles of stump remover, my plan was to make them all and add them together. But an unexpected fire occured, now I can't cook anything un-food related inside.

One sad thing about the large bombs is though, you don't really get the "boom" effect. I was expecting a small mushroom cloud or something but it just burned slowly and made a huge wide tornado like stream of white smoke, I was amazed but now I plan on adding a tad of gasoline, or something to make it all catch fire at once so I'd get the mushroom cloud I want. These things rock!

#96239 How To Make Smoke Bombs

Posted by puggy on 10 December 2006 - 06:39 PM in Off Topic

*** DICLAIMER*** I am not responsible for your actions, you should be aware at all times that these are dangerous if use incorrectly and may lead to injury or possibly even death! You are trying this at your own risk!***DISLAIMER***

Now that that's out of the way. This thread will tell you how to make smokebombs.

Materials Needed

Large pot able to be put on the stove
Wooden Spoon
Measuring Cup
Tree Stump Remover (can be found in Lowe's and Walmart in the garden section)(Potassium Nitrate/saltpeter will also work since it's the same thing)


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Not all materials listed are in the picture.

How to make

Open your Stump Remover and put about 1 and 1 half cups of it in the measuring cup.
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Now, add about a cup of sugar to it.
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Now you want to pour the contents into the pot and stir it up good and even.

Than you put it on the stove and put it on Medium-High Heat.
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Keep sturring the contents slowly every 30 seconds or so, if you stir it too fast some could go ove the edge of the pot and onto the stove and catch fire!

Over the next many minutes it will start to form clumps, this is what you want, keep sturring.
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Now, once it gets peanut butter looking and thick like in the picture below take the pot off the stove and take it outside.
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Now, take your spoon and scoop out several amal clumps onto the concrete or road or whatever. You could form them all into one huge clump also.
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Now, if you have any fuse stick it in the clump while it's still hot, you don't have to use fuse but it's safer that way.

Now, wait about 30 minutes until the stuff is cool and give tham a small knock with a hammer and you will be able to pick them right up. Npw your ready to light them, just light the fuse if you have any but if you don't, hold the lighter up to the edge of the clump for about 10-20 seconds, it will catch fire, just have patienece.
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Personally, lighting it all on fire at once is amazing and spectacular, the smoke cloud is huge! I definately reccomend doing that.

NOTE, don't try to cook an insane amount at once, we tried that and as I said it caught fire and we had to paint our walls, get a new stove, and replace the kichen floor.


EDIT:Last 2 pics don't work for some reason, but just copy and paste them to see the smoke bomb in action!

Here's the last 2 pics.
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Note that that was just one small lump of that stuff, all of it at once is so amazing though.

#96250 How To Make Smoke Bombs

Posted by puggy on 10 December 2006 - 08:28 PM in Off Topic

Stump remover is 99% ptassium nitrate so.....yeah, it works great. It usually takes around 20-30 minutes to get it to turn brown. You can get it to turn faster if you use higher heat but then you have a major risk of it catching and you can easily burn it which maked it's performance drop greatly.

#96258 How To Make Smoke Bombs

Posted by puggy on 10 December 2006 - 09:25 PM in Off Topic

I don't know about the brand of stump remover he has, but the type my father tried on the tree stumps in our backyard smelt horible. It didn't even work on the stumps at all...I ended up taking them out with the fourwheeler.

I am definaletly going to try this out. What is the brand name of the stump remover you used? It's a little blurry in the pic, but I can read a S right above stump remover.

That stump remover doesn't have a smell at all to it, but when you melt the sugar with it it smalls kindof like carmel, a little too strong though. These pictures were taken more than 3 months ago so I don't remmber too much about the stump remover and what kind it was.

#79407 Don't Take Away My Crossbow, Mommy!

Posted by puggy on 10 April 2006 - 11:15 AM in Articles

I agree that long range guns should be allowed in nerf wars. But some people (like my brother for example) will use them in close range combat. This gives them an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage to them is that if you get shot, it will cause you a great amount of pain. But most of the time, they will only get one shot. So if they miss you will be ready with your PC. Most long range weapons are banned from wars because people will use them in close range combat. I wouldn't go to a war knowing that titans or sm5000's are allowed. But like you said, you need them for stand-offs. I think titan's and other long range weapons should be allowed in wars. But they shouldn't be missused. You should be within 100 ft. of a target to use a titan. So not to inflict horrible pain. Personally, I love long range guns. And if I ever will be able to go to large war, I would want to take my titan with me.

#88101 My Version Of The Scar-n

Posted by puggy on 23 August 2006 - 05:30 AM in Homemades

You didn't use a AR15 spring for the main spring did you?

#94546 Holiday Raffle

Posted by puggy on 15 November 2006 - 07:53 PM in General Nerf


#156113 Slingshots

Posted by puggy on 18 May 2008 - 10:26 AM in Off Topic

I recently got started with this hobby and immediately began shooting the neighborhood geese. (to the great anger of a neighborhood nature person hippie thingie)

Thats great, real great.

#79933 Nerf Contest!

Posted by puggy on 14 April 2006 - 12:19 PM in General Nerf

What fun would it be if it was al stock. Even if you snuck in an at2k they will probably supervise your every move. That wouldn't be fun. -_-

#149120 Pvc And Air

Posted by puggy on 03 April 2008 - 05:14 PM in Homemades

Is it sch. 40? I take a 1/2" sch 40 tank up to 130 psi no problem all the time.

If it helps i also use a ball valve, you guys don't know much about pvc. Look at spudfiles.com for some help

#111653 All Cardboard Fingerboard Skatepark

Posted by puggy on 16 June 2007 - 08:17 PM in Off Topic

If you really wanna roll with the finger skateboarding pros, you should probably check out this site.

Shit, it's more than 3 minutes I'll be up all night loading that.

#111639 All Cardboard Fingerboard Skatepark

Posted by puggy on 16 June 2007 - 07:08 PM in Off Topic

Is that a PETG rail?


Damn camera.

#111622 All Cardboard Fingerboard Skatepark

Posted by puggy on 16 June 2007 - 04:26 PM in Off Topic

Halfpipe, spine transfer, some ramp with rail thing, drop in, universal rail, funbox type thing.

Yes I have no life.

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#99411 Pvc Pressure Tank

Posted by puggy on 06 February 2007 - 06:30 PM in Homemades

I've take aome 2" schd. 40 easily up to 150 psi. many times before. I don't think the pipe will ever fail unless you deside to put like a kajillion psi in it. But if you use it in the cold like outside during the winter (right now) it is tested and proven that the pvc becomes brittle and it will shatter. Wait till spring to use it outside. You also need to be worried about the joints whhere an endcap would be, that would be the most weakest part. Look for the solvent welding course over on spudfiles.com.

#96277 Ghetto Homemade Bb Machine Gun

Posted by puggy on 11 December 2006 - 06:46 AM in Off Topic

How do you charge the air source? Does it hurt to get shot with?

I don't know about the pain, I guess it would hurt as much as getting shot with 30 small cheap airsoft pistols all at once.

#96158 Ghetto Homemade Bb Machine Gun

Posted by puggy on 09 December 2006 - 02:57 PM in Off Topic

I finished my ghetto BBMG today. If you don't know what they are their homemade guns that shoot bbs at a high rate of speed. Their are two types of BBMG's, clod and vortex. Mine is a cloud since it's easier to make. Here's a link to more info on these because I don't want to spend an hour typing it out myself. http://www.spudfiles...=BB_machine_gun

The cloud chamber is a small nutmeg container. It can hold about 200 beads, since I don't have any metal or airsoft bbs, I used regular beads from the craft section. The barrel is just a straw. The air source is a fire extinguisher. It holds like a P90 and has the same handle like one I guess. It's small but powerful for it's size. Sadly, the bbs go about 70 ft. and then start taking sharp curve's every which way. I'm guessing it gets about 20-35 beads per second.
Since the fire extinguisher has a special nozzle, I can get about 7 full seconds of airflow on a single charge, that's enough to empty the chamber.
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Here's a video of where I shred paper to bits, remember, it's only paper so It was a pretty weak target.
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(Click the image/video to go to the link)
I still had about half a chamber left of bbs and only used some of the air up. Here's how many bbs went into the target.
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#96195 Ghetto Homemade Bb Machine Gun

Posted by puggy on 10 December 2006 - 12:08 AM in Off Topic

Sorry for the crappy post, I was in a hurry and was not in a thinking mood. I apologize. Like I said before, really cool. nice design. One question though... How good does it feel in your hands?


It feels pretty good, not the best though, the fire extinguisher is scratched and it scrapes up may hands a little, the trigger could be a tad longer also.

#96170 Ghetto Homemade Bb Machine Gun

Posted by puggy on 09 December 2006 - 05:17 PM in Off Topic

For shits and giggles.

#96215 Nerf Emplacement Cannon 3

Posted by puggy on 10 December 2006 - 01:31 PM in Homemades

You do realize that the piston valve will most certainly blow out your waits unless you use rigid projectiles? You may want to consider if you really need all that power. I'd personally stick with a modded sprinkler valve. Also, how big are you planning to build the chamber?


Yeah, if your making this gun how big I think your going to make it, that piston valve will blow the shit out af a nerf rocket. You will definately need to think about a sabot, unless your using like 20-30 psi for your shots. How big is the chamber?

#80831 Homemade Crossbow

Posted by puggy on 26 April 2006 - 07:37 PM in Homemades

I made a cross bow, it shoots nerf arrows just like a real crossbow. I used a bungee cord for power source.

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I still need to make a trigger catch so I don't have ranges yet?

MMMMMMMMMM........More pictures
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Any questions or comments?

I know that this won't be very practical in a nerf war. But it is fun to play with. I think I'll launch some tennis balls or something for my dogs to chase.

#154753 Realistic Nerf Rifle

Posted by puggy on 05 May 2008 - 04:52 PM in Homemades

Ya'll need to back off, spudguns are a whole new area that most of you have no idea or experience with. I shot a marble over 200 yards with 60 psi and a ballvalve. It's definately possible to shoot a dart 300 ft. Although i would suggest an actual barrel and maybe some wadding and some damn heavy darts.

#154831 Realistic Nerf Rifle

Posted by puggy on 05 May 2008 - 09:30 PM in Homemades

well of course he shouldn't be shooting a people, but theres nothing wrong with a 300 ft. range nerf gun at all

#89895 W19 Loser

Posted by puggy on 17 September 2006 - 05:46 PM in Homemades

It's not crooked, it just looks that way in the pics. The gun isn't really used for nerf unless I can find a dart to withstand it's power.

Edit: What mask?

#89886 W19 Loser

Posted by puggy on 17 September 2006 - 05:08 PM in Homemades

Here is my W19 snip.er rifle. I uses a modded sprinkler valve. The chamber is 1" sch. 40 pvc. The stock is also part of the chamber. People say it's dangerous but I don't think it is. The range with stock micros is 10-15 ft. depending on the wind. This is because the gun literally rips the dart bodies in half. I will shoot anything that will fit down the barrel(marbles). I'm sure the range will be around 500-600 ft, because that's how much my ball valve gun gets. It has a 4 ft. long 1/2" sch. 40 barrel. The peice that spreads the chamber from the barrel is just a peice of wood. I painted it flat black. It looks pretty real now that the bipod is on it. Since the gun is heavy as hell I thought a bipod is necessary. There will be a scope that won't be for looks either, I actually plan on using it. I will be putting a scope, strap, silencer that works, and a grip to house the blowgun/trigger. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
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This thing is about 53 inches long, that's bigger than my kick ass spudzooka!!!
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In the pics the barrel looks bent. It's not really.

Edit: haha, they changer snip.er into loser

#89936 W19 Loser

Posted by puggy on 18 September 2006 - 05:24 AM in Homemades

Yes, it's a one shot thing, that is a downside to it. It won't fit stefans. It will only fit stock micro's and mega stefans. Because I am too cheap to go out and buy stuff to make mega's. I am trying to find alternatives.
I might be able to get a titan mislle to go over 150 ft.

#89904 W19 Loser

Posted by puggy on 17 September 2006 - 06:55 PM in Homemades

Thats my basement!

When we first moved in it was really creepy because it was all ampty and the pipes were rusted and there was cobwebs, dead bugs. And the smell. It also had green and white mold everywhere.

#89953 W19 Loser

Posted by puggy on 18 September 2006 - 05:06 PM in Homemades

I can just point the gun up. The gun isn't that fragile, it's way stronger than it looks. All pipe are sch. 40 so I think they are good up to 400 PSI. The fittings aren't DWV, so their pressure rated. I think I'm safe for now.

#89976 W19 Loser

Posted by puggy on 18 September 2006 - 07:06 PM in Homemades

Only 2 weeks. And that was because I only had to get a sprinkler valve. Well, the blowgun won't work because it is screwed up, but this friday I have to buy a pump so I will get another one.

#160352 Camping

Posted by puggy on 24 June 2008 - 11:27 PM in Off Topic

thanks but i actually had all of those imbedded into my brain, i was talking about oddities that some of you might have found useful

but thanks anyways

#100570 Am I Going To Get Shot?

Posted by puggy on 28 February 2007 - 06:19 PM in Off Topic

I saw orange duct tape in Walmart, just wrap the barrel or stock with it whenever your dad is around then when he is at work or somewhere you can take the tape off.

#90362 Mythbusters

Posted by puggy on 24 September 2006 - 06:59 PM in General Nerf

We are not done with this topic. You have been around here long enough to know what happens when a topic like this is posted. You should think about it for a while, no dart has enough force to stop someone's heart. It would be interesting to see, but....no. Why don't you just email mythbusters and ask them before you come over here. You knew what was going to happen. You just want attention so that you can raise your self esteem. So.....chill out!

#86740 Definatly Something...

Posted by puggy on 07 August 2006 - 09:24 PM in Homemades

Ooooohhhh, oooooohhhhhhh. I have that valve, you got it out of a soa max fusion defender super soaker or something similar. They are spring loaded and open instantly. They are almost as good as a sprinkler valve. That is a nice gun over all. I know that grip isn't too uncomfortable because the Defender super soaker has one just like it. You should put a schrader valve on there also. That way if you buy a co2 bike tire inflator. You can fill it almost instantly, because 100 pumps takes an insanley long amount of time. 20 takes a lot of time also.

#91420 I'm Pissed

Posted by puggy on 07 October 2006 - 09:55 AM in Off Topic

My mom doesn't really give a damn about what I do as long as I don't hurt anyone. But my dad is always on my back. He checks every single little thing I do on this computer. He has probably read every little post I make. Whenever I get in trouble he tries to pin the sites I go to on me, like explosives and stuff. Hell, he knows more about Boltsniper than I do. I think it's pretty sick. I know that he will read this post sometime later today. I think I will save for a PSP and then get a wireless internet adapter put in my house. Then I'll access all the sites I want to! He won't be able to check because I can do whatever I want with my stuff. He won't be able to take it because it rightfully belongs to me, they always go by the rule "buy it with your own money and you can do whatever you want with it." Ha, I now know that I can win. Don't let your dad win, fight him every chance you can. Thats what I do. Oh, and don't hide stuff in your house, He WILL most likely find it. So, in conclusion, everyone's dad is weird in a sick kind of way, especially mine, don't let him win. Have a nice day.

#95361 Nerf Emplacement Cannon Ii

Posted by puggy on 26 November 2006 - 03:50 PM in Homemades

What are you using for a valve? Looks like either a piston valve or a burst disk...

#146688 Extra Itunes Money

Posted by puggy on 24 March 2008 - 05:38 PM in Off Topic


#89981 Feg

Posted by puggy on 18 September 2006 - 07:35 PM in Homemades

FEH (Fire Extingisher Gun).

Although this is very simple it is very powerful and very effective.
Most credit goes to a guy over at spudfiles.com for this idea. I just remade it and put a barrel on it.
It is a cheap 7.00$ fire extinguisher I bought a walmart. This extinguisher has a screw on top so a schrader valve can be put in it. I put the schrader valve in it, screwed on the top and tested it to 90 PSI. It had a monster kick to it, but the guage didn't even budge. The guy on spudfiles said it could go to 200 psi. I got a bike pump and practically had to jump on the pump to move the pressure guage. But eventually it said "full." I'm guessing I got it up to around 150 psi. I'm guessing, I heard it was almost physically impossible to pump after 120 psi. Well, now I have a powerful air source, but what to do with it? I filled it up with water and it made a killer super soaker but it got boring after a while. So, I put a barrel on it an voila! A medium sized gun capable of 7 shots at around 90-100 ft. flat for each dart. Sometimes though I press down the button to long and waste air. ut This is all I would ever need in a war. But I don't go to wars.
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Schrader Valve.
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#156688 Summer

Posted by puggy on 23 May 2008 - 05:54 AM in Off Topic

i get out june 10th

i'm gonna get a job
then i will acquire money
then since i have no bills all it will go to is gas, fun things, and marijuana