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#220174 Your Worst Nerf Related Injury

Posted by Salmon on 27 March 2009 - 04:48 PM in General Nerf

Haven't been to a war yet, but so far my worst modding injuries have been:
1. Getting extremely high-temperature hot glue ALL OVER my leg, arm, and hand whilst modding with a friend,
2. Burning the crap out of my finger on searing hot brass, and
3. Pinching my finger inside of a Powerclip and getting this big, nasty welt/blood blister.
That last one actually didn't hurt THAT bad, but eventually, the blood inside the blister dried up and congealed and I had to peel off a bit of the skin to get it out.
. . .
Well, after that previous statement, I don't think I'll be eating for a while. *ralphs*


#220786 Yellow Longshot

Posted by Salmon on 30 March 2009 - 09:34 PM in General Nerf

However, I've noticed: The cooler it looks, the more it sucks.

Quite, this is the reason I think the raider is going to rule.

Oh my god, I can't stop laughing at this. I thought I was the only one who thought the Raider was ugly, but apparently not.

#233751 Yalpam (yet Another Longshot Pump Action Mod)

Posted by Salmon on 01 June 2009 - 10:41 AM in Modifications

For a first mod (I assume), this is absolutely incredible work. Heck, even if it isn't your first mod, I'm amazed. Also, if it was your bolt that broke, I recommend singling it using Ice's mod, if only temporarily, so you can use it. You may even find (as I did) that you like that format even better than the Longshot's original one.

#167486 X-bow Plungerhead Replacement

Posted by Salmon on 08 August 2008 - 08:55 PM in Modifications

Ok, here's what you do:

1. Remove the e-tape(if possible. I highly recommend it)
2. Take a BBB arrow(any Nerf arrow might work too, I don't know) and cut a segment from it about 1/3" thick, or as deep as your the hole in the crossbow plunger head, so you have a little foam disk.
3. Poke a hole in the center of the foam disk.
4. Put the foam disk into the plunger head, so the foam is level with the rim. In other words, so there is no empty space in the crossbows o-ring/plunger head/rubber thing(except for the hole in the middle where it goes on to the plunger rod). You can hot glue it in, if you want.
5. Replace the plunger head and put the gun back together, and you should have a MUCH better seal.

I hope that helps. I will draw up a pic if you need it. I hope this was clear.

EDIT: I don't think you should hot glue it in, on second thought. I didn't, and it has a great seal anyways. You don't want a way-too-tight seal, just nicely snug. When I used those rubber washers that Keef is mentioning, for instance, it actually had TOO good of a seal and only shot like 60-ish feet, and my xbow has 2 BBB springs in it and usually gets 90-110 feet, so I wouldn't recommend it unless you sand the washers down first.

#167438 X-bow Plungerhead Replacement

Posted by Salmon on 08 August 2008 - 04:50 PM in Modifications

I have a solution, but first I need to know: is the plunger head still on the gun, and you just want to get a better seal? Or is the plunger head damaged, ripped, shrivelled, or where you couldn't put it back on?

#199304 Wreckreation Nation

Posted by Salmon on 27 December 2008 - 11:00 PM in Off Topic

Or... you could simply help with my already established project to get a NERF article in MALE mag. Link in sig.

I believe you mean MAKE mag.

Or at least, I hope you did...

#152995 Why Did You Choose Your Username?

Posted by Salmon on 24 April 2008 - 08:58 PM in Off Topic

Well, Salmon has been my nickname since, like, 3rd Grade. So was Silver Dragon, but I think this name is waaaaaaaaay cooler. :blink:

#162380 Who Likes The N64? Nintendo?

Posted by Salmon on 11 July 2008 - 12:55 PM in Modifications

That is sh-weet! Did, by any chance, you get this idea from Lion's Video Game Zapper Gun? Seriously, I have an old Gamecube, I am totally trying this with it's controller. (Maybe with a singled 2K...?) Just the novelty and ridiculousness of running around shooting people with a Gamecube/N64 controller is worth rendering the controller itself useless. Nice job!

#162382 Who Likes The N64? Nintendo?

Posted by Salmon on 11 July 2008 - 01:09 PM in Modifications

Someone put up a challenge in that thread so I figured Id take it. Why not put titan internals in the gamecube itself? That'd be awesome... Time to look for a broken gamecube...

Oh. My. God.

You are genius! Scatter-titan Gamecube FTW! Actually, I could maybe do something like a Gameboy SP/Spidey dart tag(or Hornet tank)combo, since I have three SP's that I never use......

#162391 Who Likes The N64? Nintendo?

Posted by Salmon on 11 July 2008 - 02:12 PM in Modifications

Hmmm... well, I do have some Hornet tanks and a plush crocodile lying around....

#238978 Which One Is Best?

Posted by Salmon on 28 June 2009 - 12:34 AM in General Nerf

Just try to find some nerfers in dallas and ask them.

Uh, not so easy. I mean, there are only like 30, maybe 40 nerfers in the entire state of Texas. And the only one I can think of from Dallas is SchizophrenicMC, and I believe he actually lives in Arlington.

Anyway, If it's a springer you're buying, I recommend Best Materials black closed-cell foam, since it generally has a snug-but-not-too-tight fit in PETG. If it's an air gun, the red foam/stefans Mod Man sells should give you a nice loose fit.

#193013 Whhhhhh

Posted by Salmon on 30 November 2008 - 02:10 PM in Modifications

Ok, just one last piece of advice:
Instead of double-posting, just edit your post. Really, the only time double-posting is ok is when you're bumping your own sales thread, and only if it's your own sales thread. If you don't know how to edit, just look at your post, look at the bottom right corner, find the button that says "edit", select "full edit" in the menu, and change your post to your desire.
Now, since no one has said it yet,

Nice job! Welcome to the 'Haven.


#162668 Where To Get

Posted by Salmon on 13 July 2008 - 06:25 PM in General Nerf

I must be reading this wrong, but from what I can tell. . .you want to make a real gun(or an airsoft gun?) into a Nerf gun? I feel like an idiot right now because I must be wrong, and you certainly can't get a M16 from a dollar store, even if you mean an airsoft gun version, so. . .

EDIT: *facepalm* Thanks KF. I was thinking of something different entirely. ANYWAYS I don't think they have much modding capability, as they usually use very weak springs.

#146483 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by Salmon on 23 March 2008 - 06:40 PM in Modifications

I've checked metal shops, hobby shops, and my final resort was ACE. Everyone says you can find 17/32 brass at ACE, but I have called them and they said they didn't have any! Their site said the same. I'm absolutely stuck! Where(besides the internet)can I find brass? Or, if someone could, give me a link to the part on ACE's website, assuming there is one, that shows that they carry 17/32 brass.

#235833 When An External Air Source Becomes Cheap

Posted by Salmon on 12 June 2009 - 01:20 PM in General Nerf

In my opinion, HPA-powered automatics should be allowed, since their range is low enough (and reload long enough) that it makes it fair. If some people like to run up and shoot like the dickens at everything they see, let them do that. But only automatics. No HPA-powered BBBBs or AT2Ks, unless you have to manually refill the tank/bladder by pump, and even then, I wouldn't really like to see them at a war.

#146964 What's The Most Expensive Nerf Gun You Ever Bought?

Posted by Salmon on 25 March 2008 - 07:54 PM in General Nerf

$150 on an Xbow. I know, its way too much, but a )I was a noob and b )I love it to bloody hell.

#149982 What's Forbidden To Post As Far As Modding Goes?

Posted by Salmon on 07 April 2008 - 09:38 PM in General Nerf

Oompa: FECES!? Who in their right mind would try that shit!?

Someone should sig that...

#140098 What Was Your First Nerf Gun?

Posted by Salmon on 13 February 2008 - 10:44 PM in General Nerf

Well, I'm really new to nerf, since I practically didn't even know what it was, but...hmm... I think my sister might have gotten me that gun thats green and has a pump, as in the one Groove integrated into his beloved Xbow, or something once for my birthday.

#202104 What The Fuck?

Posted by Salmon on 09 January 2009 - 05:52 PM in Modifications

Totally doing that. Like, within the next hour. Seriously. Awesome.

#201324 What The Fuck?

Posted by Salmon on 05 January 2009 - 07:39 PM in Modifications

That + Big Salvo blast chambers + PETG = most Effeminate, amazing sidearm/primary I have ever imagined or seen.

#147393 What Parts From A Maverick?

Posted by Salmon on 27 March 2008 - 09:35 PM in General Nerf

Do you mean the guns shell is broken, or the inards? If it is the latter, you might be able to make a NiteMav v2, depending on what parts are broken.

#161830 What Nerf Guns Would You Want Re-released?

Posted by Salmon on 07 July 2008 - 01:16 PM in General Nerf

I would LOVE to see the SuperMaxx 1000 get fixed up and re-released. Seriously, it's one of the coolest guns out there.

Heck yeah! I mean, with like 100-foot range, great accuracy, awesome old school look, only 3 pumps to fill, and a turret, what could be better?

#161585 What Nerf Guns Would You Want Re-released?

Posted by Salmon on 05 July 2008 - 04:58 PM in General Nerf

The Larami Supermaxx's(1500, 1000, 500), the LnL and EaB(I mean, they already have the BBB out) and a new version of the SplitFire that is less prone to leaking. The Xbow would be cool, but it would also suck if it was re-released because it would lose all it's value.

EDIT: You know, the entire AirJet Power line is pretty good.

#146016 What Nerf Guns Could Be The Crossbows Of The Future?

Posted by Salmon on 20 March 2008 - 07:15 PM in General Nerf

However the one that will come closest to it will probably be a tie between the LS and the NF (as the LS gets good ranges and is super cool and the NF has awesomenessisim for a pistol)

Isn't that like a Recon? Not in performance, but in concept? I strongly doubt that Hasbro would do more of the same. That's why we don't have another Crossbow, and we likely never will.

Actually, Nerf tends to reuse things. Look at the past. The Razorbeast has been twisted into the Vulcan, the LnL the Nitefinder, the Blastfire the Hornet, and the Ripsaw the Buzzsaw. But, honestly, the Crossbow is unique. And the LS just might reach Crossbow standards, but only far, far in the future.

#163546 What Makes A Good Battlefield?

Posted by Salmon on 21 July 2008 - 12:08 PM in Nerf Wars

A wide field with several different areas, for example one or two heavily wooded steep ditches, a few large open areas, a very heavily wooded(nearly no visibility) hidden path, and several clusters of large trees here and there for cover. That allows for large variation in play and is perfect for games like Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, etc.

#139024 What Is So Good About The Nightfinder?

Posted by Salmon on 06 February 2008 - 08:48 PM in General Nerf

Why do I love the NiteFinder? Oh, let me count the ways...

1.Moderately easy to mod, gets great results
2.Cool looking, particularly with a paintjob
3.People are always thinking of new ways to mod them like here and here and more recently here
4.Easy to cock, and the cocking mechanism is nearly begging for mods
5.Ample room, if you remove the "laser" bit, that is, for a small internal integration(I believe Starbuck does it here.

#188419 What Inspired You To Nerf...

Posted by Salmon on 09 November 2008 - 10:10 AM in General Nerf

I heard about the Longshot somehow (can't remember) so I looked it up. I found it on Amazon.com and read the reviews, and one of them said something like "...these are cool, but it's really not worthwhile unless you modify them. You can learn how to modify them on www.nerfhaven.com." I tried to get one, didn't find it, got the Disk Shot set instead. I went to Nerfhaven, modified my DSP (with my dad, who was extremely fascinated with the workings of the gun) simply at first, then built up, and got more blasters, and got more tools, and got more skill and fascination with the hobby all the while. And here I am today.

#205910 What Guns Do You Use?

Posted by Salmon on 24 January 2009 - 11:06 AM in General Nerf

Indoors/CQB, Brassed AT3K and maybe Tsunami-SG7 BBBB.

Outdoors, my super-effective NF and... nothing as of now. I had a PETG longshot, but that failed because of issues with the copper part of the breech, I'm making a Doomsayer but I really screwed up the rotating mech and I need to buy a new one, and on my SuperMAXX 500 "rifle", PETG proved to be too tight a fit for airguns with Best Materials foam. I need to get some more 9/16 brass for that one. I'm also looking in to buying a BBB, since I've heard they're good and they now come in hot-looking red and black, but to me, it seems like reloading might get slightly tedious. I'm slightly amused by the fact I have a collection of at least 20 guns and not a single one of them works for me as an outdoor primary.

#185370 What Costume Are You People Wearing For Halloween?

Posted by Salmon on 24 October 2008 - 06:11 PM in Off Topic

Hopefully, the Joker.

#167095 What Backgrounds Do You Use?

Posted by Salmon on 07 August 2008 - 11:59 AM in Off Topic

I use this one;

this one(Death Note manga for the win!);

or, more recently, this one;

#167099 Warthog Mod Writeup

Posted by Salmon on 07 August 2008 - 12:21 PM in Modifications

Please, don't post in old topics unless you have something useful to say. It's right there in the Code of Conduct, and it really just wastes everyones time. This topic hasn't been posted in in months now. I would suggest editing your post or something before the admins come after you.

#237096 Vos Pistol

Posted by Salmon on 18 June 2009 - 10:05 AM in Homemades

You know what this reminds me of? I have no idea why, and it doesn't look or function like one, but it reminds me of a Thompson with the 20-round clip. Like a Thompson, mixed with a magazine-fed WW2 carbine or something. :unsure:

Anyway, resemblances aside, nice work. Decent range, impressive design. I just wish you hadn't painted it black, or at least flat black. Throw some fluorescent green and yellow and hot pink on there!

#237208 Vos Pistol

Posted by Salmon on 18 June 2009 - 05:02 PM in Homemades

We make them look like what they are...toys. I see what you were going for, but you aught to slap some orange duct tape on there when you're in public. That thing just looks menacing. It looks very sleak and proffesional, but the real main reason for us going so heavy on neon is that it keeps it looking like a toy (What it's suppost to look like), and less like a real firearm, which generally, in public places, causes a tad bit of dismay.

Plus, they look cooler in neon.

#149475 Vinyl Dye Question

Posted by Salmon on 05 April 2008 - 12:16 PM in General Nerf

I figure I could, Jwasko, but I am a little frightened to take a Dremel to my prized possession's arguably-most-important part(besides the spring), and I would still need a bit small enough to fit into those indentations in the handle, which are really thin. I don't mind the tiny ones where your palm would go if you grabbed it to cock it, but the bigger ones in the front bug me(dont sig that please)because you can easily see the color of the original paint. Illustration:
Posted Image
The yellow circled part is the area that is covered with red, ugly, chipping paint.

#149418 Vinyl Dye Question

Posted by Salmon on 05 April 2008 - 12:18 AM in General Nerf

I was wondering if I sprayed Vinyl Dye on top of if it would would still be permanent, or would it chip off with the rest of the paint?

It can only affect the plastic itself. It cannot alter the color of paint.
You likely got poor results on the plunger tube parts because of their extremely smooth surface. For them to accept paint or vinyl dye they have to be lightly sanded first.

Well, the plunger rod is painted red, and I got MOST of the paint off, but there is still some paint on there that could be potentially scratched off. So if I sprayed on top of the painted plastic as well as the unpainted, would the dyed paint chip off and leave ugly unpainted blotches again? Or would it color the plastic through the paint?

#149376 Vinyl Dye Question

Posted by Salmon on 04 April 2008 - 07:45 PM in General Nerf

I recently aquired a Crossbow, and I gave it a black-and-red paintjob similar to Kulshcrank's Claudia II. I painted the shell Krylon Fusion Satin Black with one coat, and hasn't chipped at all yet, and the trigger, plunger tube and plunger rod Krylon Fusion Red with god-knows-how-many coats. The red pieces, particularly the plunger rod, keep on chipping, and chipping, and chipping, and chipping no matter how many coats I put on or how long I let it dry! I have heard Vinyl Dye is almost permanent, because it actually colors the plastic itself. I attempted to take of the paint by scraping the plastic very lightly with an X-ACTO knife, and got most of it off, but there is still a lot on the plastic in all those little grooves in the handle and other places, and I was wondering if I sprayed Vinyl Dye on top of if it would would still be permanent, or would it chip off with the rest of the paint? I'm getting sick of painting my Crossbow again and again and again.


#192776 Usb Driver

Posted by Salmon on 29 November 2008 - 03:21 PM in Off Topic

I have the Glyde, and let me just say that I freaking love it. It's really easy to text with the slide-out QWERTY keyboard, the camera is pretty good(and the camcorder, too), and the games, specifically Time Crisis Mobile, are awesome. My only problem is that on some applications the touch screen is... less than perfectly responsive. But overall, it's an awesome phone.

#158874 Urban Nerf Warfare

Posted by Salmon on 11 June 2008 - 06:57 PM in General Nerf

I would also like to know that

Just searching I found This on google I found it interesting.

That article just got me really angry. It's ridiculous to attempt to outlaw a game, and a sport no less. It's not like anyone is getting hurt. Sure, when you get hit, it stings, or maybe might leave a welt, but that's no reason to condemn a game as "dangerous" and "disruptive"!

#199578 Universal Rocket Turret

Posted by Salmon on 29 December 2008 - 03:07 PM in Modifications

yes it shoots one at a time

Seriously? Like a Big Salvo or a Hornet? Then that is just amazing. I HAVE to pick one of these up. Heck, even if it DIDN'T it would be worth it to me.

#235660 Ultra Dumb Ls. Halp!

Posted by Salmon on 11 June 2009 - 03:33 PM in Modifications

Ok, I'll make this simple.
For a springer, you want a snug/tight-fitting barrel, because it will create pressure. In spring-powered guns, there is generally a lower volume of air getting pushed out relatively slowly, so that pressure is essential.
For an air gun, you want a loose barrel, because a large amount of air is being expelled at a very high speed. Since you don't need the added pressure building up, and you want low barrel friction, loose is best.
Get those two wrong and your gun will completely crap out on you. I recommend you also add a few springs, such as a spring from a Big Bad Bow, and put some kind of breech on your gun. Since you're new and seem relatively inexperienced, I suggest you "single" your gun using Ice's method, which you can find here.

Welcome to the 'Haven.