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#51232 An Article On The Effectiveness Of Abstinence

Posted by The Large Moose on 31 March 2005 - 11:44 PM in Off Topic

Stub what? The stub is just to connect the air chamber to coupler.


I have a SCH.80 stub, with the coupler, then the SCH.80 barrel. But mine gets maybe 120' tops. And its not my darts, or the seal, because I tested both. Would I be getting where you are with a SCH.40 pvc stub?

#41546 Halo 2 Soo Sweet

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 November 2004 - 07:41 PM in Off Topic

There better be Halo 3 soon; I wait 2 years, and I get a adrupt ending. Grr, anyway, Xbox live is awesome with it, I love the voice messaging stuff. Cool beans. Hopefully multiplayer will hold me untill the next campaign.

And like everyone is saying; cliffhangers aren't cool in video games; I don't want to wait another 2-3 years to finish a game, I wanna finish it now.

#41442 Halo 2 Soo Sweet

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 November 2004 - 03:05 PM in Off Topic

It is pretty weird, but it just shows that there will be a Halo 3

#51961 What About The Pc?

Posted by The Large Moose on 08 April 2005 - 05:00 PM in Modifications

Yes, it provides slightly more range at the cost of reliability. The problem with the PC is that increased pressure don't really do much given the extremely short barrels. Works better on the RF20 if you manage a barrel replacement.

Ok, that makes sense. The question that comes to mind now is, how much range. With the correct barrel repacements, could you double it? I know there's a limit to the structural integrity of what Nerf guns can handle, but that's really the only limit that I can think of. Imagine a rapid fire 20 with 12" barrels, if you could manage to secure them on. Wow. A machine gun with 100' range. There's a worthy goal.

12" barrel's doesn't mean a gun is going to get 100', the RF20 isn't made to shoot that far, even if the barrel's were that long. You would get less range. Longer barrel's only help in guns with high air output.

#60287 Favortie Sm/larami Gun

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 July 2005 - 09:48 PM in General Nerf

I must say the time I had my SM500, and SM5000 both in working condition together, they were a force to be reckoned with. With a primary that in 4 pumps acheived 125' ranges, and a 3 pump secondary that acheived 100', there isn't much better. With the speed that these can be primed and fired, they can almost be considered cocking weapons, as a few quick pumps leads to a bolt of foaming coming your way.

#37018 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 September 2004 - 01:08 PM in General Nerf

Also, I just remembered something that could be added to the bomb concept, since its difficult to defuse, it could be difficult to place in the first place. I was think having the person have to put the batteries in, and then close it or something. Also whats cool, is if you have a large area, I mean REALLY large, and having 2 bombsites, where you would have to cover both, or one, and then see if the bomb was planted at the other one.

#36949 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 08:53 PM in General Nerf

Yeah that was the concept, where you would try to protect the guy that had the defusal kit, and if he died, it could be dropped, and then picked up by a teammate. My friend and I realized that normally, al lthe wars based on a bomb was hold your hand on it for 10 seconds, or turn it off, was to easy, so we wanted to make it where you really had to have teamwork to do it, or have the other team entirely dead before you started defusing. Also, it takes time to do it, so the bomb can go off, even if the other team is dead etc. I would suggest a egg timer, or something, but normall those don't need batteries. The tech target is getting busted up for people throwing it beacuse they didn't finish in time, and the screw is geting stripped, heh.

#37037 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 September 2004 - 02:58 PM in General Nerf

Very nice, I like that idea alot, it is a great way of getting to know people. One concern I have, however, what if you have a teacher/dean around, do you continue fighting, or do you put away weapons. If caught, does anyhting happen to you? Law of fire arms applied? heh. Sounds great though, it would suck to have someone dodge, to have it hit a teacher right behind them. Or a neutral bystander twice the size of you.

#36943 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 08:37 PM in General Nerf

Me and a friend have had a few ideas (CS based), and I don't think they were listed before. Not sure how they would work with other people, but at his house, they turn out quite fun.

Hostage Rescue

Suggested Players: 4+ (preferably 2 or more on each team)

The idea of the game is that one team goes into an area where there are multiple rooms (master bedroom with closet, bathroom etc.) and hides around 2-4 "hostages". These can range from toys, stuffed animals, or actual people (then it gets real interesting). Anyway the other team, starting on the other side of the house, have to capture, and bring back the "hostages". The team defending the hostages cannot camp (honesty system) and must stop the other team from capturing and returning the hostages to safety. We played with dual NF's at like 12:00 midnight, and it was fun because we had to use the lasers to find the "hostages". Each player should roughly have 2-4 HP. We have alot of fun doing it, hope you guys will.

Bomb Defusal

Suggested Players: 4+

The idea of this (most likely posted before) is one team has to plant the bomb, while the other either 1. Protects the bombsite(s) from the bomb, or 2. Once the bomb is planted, defuse it. This can get very interesting. I am not sure of what could be used but we used the tech target with the timer going. The team trying to defuse the bomb would have to use the screw driver, and pull out the batteries (got quite annoying too) before the timer went off. We tried doing it just touching the bomb, but it was to easy. We even had one person have the "defusal kit" with a mini electric screwdriver, to speed up the process. Hope you guys like, I know they are Counter-Strike based, but we were running out of ideas, and had fun making these up. ^_^

#36955 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 09:42 PM in General Nerf

Heh, glad you guys like. Also, when you are moving (I just recentely did), I find the funnest thing to do is to get like 20 cardboard boxes per team, and build a base. You would be amazed at what the bases looked like, it was alot of fun. Anyway, back to what I was going to say. Here is another idea, not as good as the others, but we tried it last weekend, and we thought it was ok.

Defend the base!

Suggested players: 6+

Suggested playing field: Outdoor area with a fort, or swingset sort of thing, that has a uphill advantage. A long field with multiple obstacles, large rocks, or bunkers.

The idea of this is to have a few people, 4 or 5, in a fort or "base" what have you, and have a fortified-raised advantage against the others. Place flags or what ever item you want to use as things, at the bottom of the base surrounding it, or what ever. The other team starts a sum 50-100 feet away, with obstacles and bunkers seperating them and the "loser post". The idea is to have the losers at the post (with BBB's, titans, crossbows, or other good accuracy, long-range weapons) stop the others from running from obstacle to obstacle getting to their flags, and running them back. The people on the ground are not on a team, but cannot shoot each other, they can only shoot the "losers" at the "loser post"(the runners should have 2 pistols, or a small semi-auto). The runners have unlimited lives, but when shot, they must return to the beginning of the field, and try to get to their flag and back again. The losers are invulnerable, but when shot by a runner, they cannot fire for 10 seconds, which then lightens up the fire for the runners. Once a runner gets their designated flag (each runner gets their own flag/item) they must run it back to the area they started at. The losers should have an abundance of ammo, and only single shot weapons. First runner to make it back with his/her flag, wins. This was quite fun with 7 people, 3 losers, and 4 runners. We had 2 of the losers with 2 single barreled AT2ks, and me with my BBB, while all 4 runners each had 2 NF's. This was quite fun, but then evolved into a cursing match. Ohh, and the losers cannot leave their tower, there was quite confusion with that when I played. Sorry that it was so long, its a long game that takes much description, explanations, etc. Have fun. Hope you like it.

#58258 Base

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 June 2005 - 02:44 PM in General Nerf

Oh, and for those of you talking about Stefans not going through cardboard, it is possible, and was done before the Titan was released. If you properly modded a SM5000, or SM500 for that matter, carboard would be punctured by the dart, but not sail through it like a rail gun.

Unless of course you are using a Nail stefan, which my friends and I did back when started out for range testing purposes only.

#39942 Lions And Tigers And Ghouls,

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 October 2004 - 08:26 PM in Off Topic

Me and my friend are always some sort of appliance or something of the like. Last year he was a Filing Cabinet, and I was a fridge, now this year, he is going to be a toll booth, and I am going to be a trashcan. I have no idea how either of these tie into appliances, but whatever.

#43353 Common Problems

Posted by The Large Moose on 05 December 2004 - 12:46 PM in Off Topic

What type of glue is strong enough, relativly cheap, and is easy to find for leaks or small cracks in pump shafts/plunger tube/pressure chamber?

#84395 Halo 3

Posted by The Large Moose on 05 July 2006 - 06:44 PM in Off Topic

when I know that the PS3 is going to be the superior console

Speaking of fanboyism, when did you get into beta testing the PS3?

Oh wait, thats right, you didn't. So there's no way that you will KNOW that the PS3 is superior. It's opinion, but to state that something is clearly better than another, especially when it has not been released to the general public, is idiodic.

In YOUR mind it may be superior, but not to everyones.

because the game designers didn’t have the graphical capabilities, and had to focus on ACTUALLY playing the game

Wrong. Technically, at the time, those games had state-of-the-art graphics. Not because they were actually great, but they were games in playable form.. 5 years ago, they didn't have the graphical capabilities as they do today, but at the time, they were state-of-the-art to everyone.

#53788 Stefan Weighting

Posted by The Large Moose on 29 April 2005 - 04:05 PM in General Nerf

With me, I am not patient, I fire, reload, prime, and fire again, no time to spare inbetween. Looking between darts to find the right stefans takes to long.

Having multiple bags with stefan's of differant weight's and lengths is to cumbersome. I like to be agile.

What would be considered a "universal" stefan weight for most primary/secondary guns used? 1/4 steel shots are for more powerful guns, and copper bb's are considered for less powerful. What could be a more middle man weight, that could fire out of my NF/Maverick/LnL/TT well, but not fishtail from my SM5000/Xbow/BBB/etc.

#49698 Direct From Buzzbee!

Posted by The Large Moose on 15 March 2005 - 06:18 PM in General Nerf

I <3 you. Too bad we gotta wait for the rifle. Atleast we know it is coming out. So the double-shot is a K-mart exclusive? Mine is all out and I only bought two. Also, can you ask her about when the shell refill pack come out.

#56588 My New Pb Gun.

Posted by The Large Moose on 04 June 2005 - 06:46 PM in Off Topic

For some reason, I never liked the Outkast body style. Don't know why, I just never enjoyed the milling. I like Orracles and Black Magic's better. I myself, own a 2003 Black Magic, that will, soon be electro. It's a great gun, beautiful with its blue/black fade, but I still enjoy it none the less. Oh, and when I playing more competitive, I use the Pump converting kit that I bought last year.

#50065 Homemade Low-buck Titan Rocket

Posted by The Large Moose on 20 March 2005 - 01:06 AM in Homemades

Excellant! Crude, but it gets the job done. And hey! Its only the first one, I am sure, with the help of the NIC, we will have a identical titan missle for .99$!! :) GJ Pine

#50138 Homemade Low-buck Titan Rocket

Posted by The Large Moose on 21 March 2005 - 12:19 AM in Homemades

They did, you can buy them via the order form that comes with every nerf gun.

#60992 Spoon

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 August 2005 - 09:43 PM in General Nerf


#48504 Sm 500 Mod

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 March 2005 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

With my PVC/Crayola modded SM5000, I got around 110'. They are basically the same gun, except the SM500 is smaller. I bought one off ebay, and never recieved it :( I was gonna buy the SM1000, but it was the same person, so I was just like, screw it. Sorry off topic.

#43597 Where To Buy

Posted by The Large Moose on 08 December 2004 - 10:48 PM in General Nerf

I actually did get ripped for a Nerf gun. But I wasn't upset or anything, its a toy gun, so just atke a chance and use eBay. Ohh, and it was a SM500 for 20$ stock. :(

#43285 Where To Buy

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 December 2004 - 10:59 PM in General Nerf

For all the old guns that are not in production anymore, the only places that you can really find them is eBay and the trading forums here. I am not sure why you don't trust ebay, I have never been ripped for anything I have bought, for all the hundreds of items I have bought. If you don't like ebay you probably won't be to secure enough to trade with people here, because many people who sell nerf guns on ebay, are here and at nerfhq.

#51564 Xbox Live

Posted by The Large Moose on 04 April 2005 - 06:15 PM in Off Topic

Get real, dude.  Head to Head is chock full of standbyers, there is a 50% chance of hosting and only 1 possible person to report you for standbying.  Cheaters are abundant in matchmaking, because of people who want to show off to their friends that they got an uber high level.  When the update happens, standbying will be pointless and the levels will all balance out.  Send me a friend request, my gamertag is Jangadance if you want to prove your "AWSOME LEVEL 41 SKILLZ!!"  My friends and I made the legit clan Myr which got to 16th best clan in Majors.  Playing without cheats is the only way to get better.  Try it some time.

But there is a way to know when your host. I always get host before I start a game, beacuse I don't want to be cheated. Once you get to about level 20-30 the fairness is almost non-existant. There is a way to out-cheat cheaters, but it was removed along with sword cancelling. I kid you not Janga, I am no cheater, if you really want to know. Tell me a time and date, I will be there.

Janga, I am also looking for a clan because my old clan The Retribution disbanded. I know you think I cheat but play me, I could be quite the asset for your clan.

#51037 Xbox Live

Posted by The Large Moose on 29 March 2005 - 04:15 PM in Off Topic

GT = The Lost Llama
Games playing:
Worms 3D, Halo 2, Mechassault 2, Iron Phoenix, Spikeout, DOA ultimate, and some more.
This is my new GT as my last one ran out.
Halo 2 level (as of before):41
Halo 2 level (as of now): 17

I will be playing soon:

#51330 Xbox Live

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 April 2005 - 12:12 AM in Off Topic

Halo 2 level (as of before):50

Cheater. My clan would own your face.

No cheating, actually wasn't 50, 41 was my H2H rank with no stanbying or dummying. I then joined a clan at 50 who did cheat, just to take a pic. So 41, sorry for not clearing that up. But I shall make one thing clear, I am not a cheater.

#37050 Rf 20

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 September 2004 - 05:05 PM in General Nerf

That is such a good deal. I bought two off ebay for 20$ each before TRU exculsively had them. I might go pick up a few tommorow.

#49779 Robot Chicken

Posted by The Large Moose on 16 March 2005 - 12:53 PM in Off Topic


"We just got Voltron-served"
"Voltron! Represent"

This show is worth downloading if you havn't seen the first episodes. A few of the skits are stupid, but the moajority are hilarious. Best laughs in a long time.

#43790 Nerf Mod For Any Gun

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 December 2004 - 03:01 PM in General Nerf

Sorry, but I don't see how this works, wouldn't you just be hearing your gun firing? I have no idea how this has any significant value what-so-ever. If you mean the DART, it probably wouldn't even work...since I doubt those spy ear things can listen 10ft+ away...

#47125 One Of The Best Guns

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 February 2005 - 11:56 AM in General Nerf

I have stepped in on it a few times, but it didn't hold my interest, like that wretched Dr. Phil. Rawr.

Ohh and I don't mean to offend anyone with the oprah thing, it just seemed like the weirdest show to watch. What else? The Wiggles?

#47115 One Of The Best Guns

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 February 2005 - 10:17 PM in General Nerf

Heh! A translator! Excellant idea, but for a programmer. Like "i r teh best kid here" would translate to: "I don't have any talents other than staying home with my mother and watching Oprah"

But I couldn't make a program like that. I took CP last semester, but not for me. Anyone who can, and does, though, will get a special white chocolate cookie.

I know Ompa is the introductiner or whatever, I really wasn't introing him into the forums, I was just giving him advice that could make his stay here more enjoyable.
If I did step my boundaries though, I am sorry, I just am trying to keep the forums as nice as possible.

#47043 One Of The Best Guns

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 February 2005 - 05:59 PM in General Nerf

These are going to be the responses you recieve from alot of the uneducated mass of society:

"ur gay, that isnt teh best gun, the gun that is better than yours is mine because i modded it and it shoots like 200 ft. and never misses!!!1111!"

If translated it may look like this:

"I believe you are homosexual. Well, as educated as I wish I was, I cannot comprehend the fact that many guns have their weakness's and strong points. I believe that with my superior talent, I can achieve better statistics than you, because the gun I am using is just an all around better performer. Let alone the fact that you may not excell in the area of modding experties. Oh, and I lie about my ranges and accuracy percentages."

But from a person who understands, and has maturity, and holds your opinion in the utmost regards:

"While I think that this gun has many strong points, and they outweigh the weak points, your opinion is just as important. We may favor differant perspectives, such as mine may shoot faster, but yours will shoot farther, but it all depends on how you use the gun. My modding talents excell my gun to further levels, and I can get good ranges and superior accuracy then when un-modified. You may have this talent as well, but it all depends on how you use it, not necessarily what it is, or if it is better. I am glad that we can both assess that each gun has its strong point, and weak point, and are when used in the correct situation, can have a better performance than one that excells in a differant area."

The latter, sadly, is not much heard now, so we tend to avoid these topics. If you start a topic about expressing your views but still accepting others, that would most likely be ok.

Anyway, to my real response. I like the Maverick aswell, its RoF surpasses any other pistols, and still retains a relativly good range. When modified though, you are correct, it can get alot better of ranges. While going akimbo with these may still be fun, I prefer more of rifle type gun, with maybe a few shots rather than 6. Plus I would wish the distance to exceed around 65 feet. I agree with your opinion though, the Maverick is a good peice of work, and hopefully shows that Nerf will continue with good products like it from here on. I am glad that Nerf is providing us with better and stronger guns, so it shows signs that Nerf still lives on.


#47051 One Of The Best Guns

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 February 2005 - 07:03 PM in General Nerf

Sorry, but I did not intend to be funny. I was explaining what can become of this thread. If you found that "funny", you may fall under the category of the first of my three comments. Its really a fact that may help you all live a happy life at this forums. be nice, and we shall be nice.

#50158 How Sad.....

Posted by The Large Moose on 21 March 2005 - 03:18 PM in General Nerf


Description: "A great New In Box Nerf N-strike a great gun that shoots 6 foam darts in rapid succession to about 40 feet. Modded it can get ranges of over 70 feet maximum and can even have interchangable clips! Check out http://www.nerfhaven.com or http://www.nerfhq.com for modification help. Item should arrive in 2-3 days. Remeber to check my competiters shipping costs before buying, many will use an oversized box to get $11 for shipping."

15.99$......Also....if thats one of you here, I hope noone buys it, and you burn in hell. Liers are tearing the world apart. Losers...

#50210 How Sad.....

Posted by The Large Moose on 21 March 2005 - 10:19 PM in General Nerf

Uh-oh Viper, is that true?

#50164 How Sad.....

Posted by The Large Moose on 21 March 2005 - 03:48 PM in General Nerf

I am sure he knows, he is just jacking up the ranges to make it sound better than it actually is. Don't get me wrong, its a great little pistol, but thats just...come on...

#50881 Real Old And Rare Gun

Posted by The Large Moose on 28 March 2005 - 05:01 PM in General Nerf

I'd have to say Cyclotron, Pulsator, Perceptor.

HE CAPITALIZED IT!!!!111one1!!1!!!2

You must have a renegade against ball guns. The cyclotron isn't that bad, and really, neither is the pulsator. Probably the 5 worst unmodded is Range shot, EAB, perceptor (not capitalizing), gator, and switchfire.

#39201 Team America

Posted by The Large Moose on 18 October 2004 - 04:00 PM in Off Topic

I just saw it saturday, thats the funniest movie I have seen in SUCH a long time.

"We have 5 terrorists heading south on Bakalakadaka Street!"

That had me cracked up for hours.

I lvoe how the terrorists only have like a 10 word vocabulary.

Jihad, Muhammed, Daka Daka! lol

#39806 Team America

Posted by The Large Moose on 25 October 2004 - 08:21 PM in Off Topic

I downloaded the original NC-17 version. Its like 10x longer than the one in the movies. Pretty odd. The throw-up scene almost had me crapping my shorts. I am going to go see that movie again for the 3rd time, its so great!
lol I liked all the people in Panama City getting washed away along with the plastic chickens.

"No Megusto! No Megusto! No Megusto!"

#55013 Family Guy - Season Four

Posted by The Large Moose on 16 May 2005 - 04:40 PM in Off Topic

Nah, MTV is dieing, after 20 years, they will probably have created every type of reality show known to man, and unless they start showing music actually, they will have nothing to show.

On the fact of Family Guy, I think it is one of the funniest shows I seen in my life, and its greatness is only compared with Robot Chicken, because, thats a great show too.