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Member Since 30 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 29 2017 07:12 AM

Topics I've Started

Nerf Ghostbusters Blasters?

28 March 2015 - 08:47 PM

Been thinking about this, and this might be worth a discussion.

Hasbro has aquired Kenner, and could easily reproduce some of the toys from their Ghostbusters line once the new movie comes around.

I mean they had previous toys that got quite close already in terms of style (Neutrona Blaster, Rapid-Fire Ecto Blaster, etc).

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Then I was looking at some of the recent Nerf blasters, and a thought crossed my mind: Which of the current line of blasters would make great Ghostbuster toys?

Not just as in "slap a GB sticker on it" and maybe a white paint job, but as in an actual toy for the (inevitable) GB3 line.

The ones I would think of would of course be the Vortex line, because the Proton already feels like a Hand-held-ghosttrap IMHO.

Dunno, but what do you guys/girls think about this?

Toyfair 2010

06 March 2010 - 06:14 AM

New CLEAR Nerf Blasters announced, SuperSoaker joining the family, waterguns with rail system.

Skip to 2:12, you might not make it through the whole video without raging a bit about the two bumlords that show you around.

And as tempting as it may be, please no insults on their comments section, it's the official Nerf channel after all (Then again, are they seriously aiming at the Tween demographic? Ugh.)

EDIT: Another video, less tween band members, vikings fighting with (foam) axe and swords instead.

Heath Ledger Is Dead

22 January 2008 - 05:13 PM


It's all over CNN.

RIP Heath Ledger

(No Batman 2 then I guess.) It's in editing already.

Chessler's Longshot Mod

27 August 2007 - 06:40 PM

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All I did was to remove the Air Restrictor and to add a NiteFinder spring to the stock spring.

For a better comfort while aiming I added some foam pads:
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The Front Sight can be taken off if necessary:
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Chessler's Diy Scope

27 August 2007 - 06:24 PM

First of all, I know how stupid it sounds to put a scope on something that won't shoot that far anyway, but I do it mainly for style purposes. So here we go:

The Parts I used are:
(The parts in the pictures are leftovers from the mod)

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1. Duct Tape
2. Leftover Clip-On Thingy from the Dart Tag Pistols
3. Cheap Plastic Lenses
4. Carpet
5. Foam
6. Cardboard Tube
7. Hot Glue
8. X-acto Knife (to cut the holes for the Clip-On Thingy in the Cardboard Tube)

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Now a few pictures of the Scope on the few guns in my posession with the necessary rail:

The Maverick

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The NiteFinder

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The Longshot (Yes, I finally got one too)

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and the working Scope in Comparison to the Longshot Scope:

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(I'll do a seperate thread on the modded Longshot, because it rather belongs into Modifications than Homemades.)