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Member Since 23 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2014 02:56 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Dr. Physics And Nerf Videos

04 August 2006 - 04:30 PM

Well, since it is part of a "force in balance" diagram...

We have normal force, force of gravity, force of friction, and force of fapping! ZOMG LAWL! could be force application?

who knows? who cares? it's just a silly blackboard with a bunch of gibberish anyway.

In Topic: Do You Remember?

27 July 2006 - 07:18 PM

1st: BNA
2nd: Razorbeast
3rd: Laser Fang
4th: Autogrip
5th: T3 Defender
6th: RF20
7th: Nitefinder
8th: Maverick

Guns i stole from my brother
1st: Secret Shot
2nd: Eagle Eye

In Topic: Trigger Designs

24 July 2006 - 06:56 PM

Dr. Nerf pretty much hit it right on the head for the best nerf semi auto valve design. I'd maybe add a return spring to improve trigger return and improve efficiency.

In Topic: Pvc Air Tank Question For Auto Nerf Guns

23 July 2006 - 07:35 PM

For a solid air tank, my opinion is that you need to have the airtank have higher volume than the air chamber, and then it has to be at least double the pressure. Do you know why? That way you don't run out of effective shots. Having a higher pressure differential means that the air chamber in the gun will fill to full capacity and pressure instaed of having pressure drop with every shot.

40psi tank -> 20 psi chamber
Lets say the tank drops 5 psi every time the chamber fires 20 psi.
35psi -> 20psi shot
30psi -> 20psi shot
25psi -> 20psi shot
20psi -> ~20psi shot
15psi -> 15 or below
10psi -> 10 or below
Lets say with every 5 psi drop in the chamber, we lose an effective range of 10 to 15 feet in a skirmish. That means you'll be SOL if you don't have a high pressure tank.

In Topic: Rolling Mag

20 July 2006 - 11:28 PM

In order for the barrel to be able to accept a dart it has to have a dart-sized hole cut in it's cross section. This means a hole that matches it's inner diameter, which also equates to a large lip that the dart has to overcome to exit the barrel when fired. This adds resistance and will make your firing unpredictable.
Another problem I forsee is that there is no means of clearing a mis-fire since the magazine is completely covering the breech.

Just make the barrel slide back and forth instead of rotating or use multiple barrels.

Didn't think about the friction within the magazine... Would it really lead to misfiring that much?