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Member Since 27 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 19 2007 01:56 PM

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In Topic: Photography

02 May 2006 - 06:23 AM

Video cam snapshot:

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Great photos guys, keep 'em coming.

In Topic: Holsters & Ammo Holders

11 February 2006 - 07:40 AM

Heh, I use the same thing Sarbuck, except mine are labled "M-16".

In Topic: Party Poppers

21 December 2005 - 07:59 AM

+Tom- didn't 'discover' them, actually it was my Mother who first spotted them for a family members wedding, from which I aquired and NERFatized. The topic was up on NHQ pre-hack but I still have these pictures;

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Re-arming (Push and twist):
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There is a short 'T' bar which holds down a platform, on the platform is the projectile (Confetti, streamers Ect), the platform is constantly being pushed up by a compressed spring (But cant fire because of the 'T' piece), above that is a tissue paper cover (Which holds the projectile in). When the handle is twisted, the 'T' is able to go throw a slot, and the spring is able to expand shooting the projectile out.

They didn't work very well with darts as they fired from the springs power, I.E; they didn't use any sort of air pressure to fire. Enough darts were placed in the popper and fired via twisting the handle. (after re-arming the popper)

In Topic: Home Made Ball Valve Air Gun Results

18 October 2005 - 12:54 AM

i never measured the range but it was very far, nearing 80-100 metres, and was fairly accurate. The rate of fire is horrible. Just like most of the other people have said it is only for fun, because it isnt very practical.

Just to clarify things; He was using a marble, not a Stefan.

Like many others have said, homemades generally have a horrible ROF, however, you can make a 2 ball valve 'pre-tank' which will allow for a few multiple shots.
A 3D example can be seen in the 'Homemades' section of this site.

One bonus with a homemade however, is the ability (With a long barrel) to shove 7-8 darts down and have a 'scattergun' effect. This is only useful at close range.
A few people also like to attach 'silencers', these usually just lower the pitch of the noise . I believe it was Suave had a comparison picture of an olliscope reading. (Pre NHQ Hack)

I hope this helps you out.

In Topic: Zombies

12 October 2005 - 11:01 AM

Step 1: Evacuate city.

Step 2:

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Step 3: Host Armageddon