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Member Since 27 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2008 04:55 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Longshot Digital Ammo Counter!

23 December 2007 - 12:07 AM

The point is, when you fire a couple shots here and there, and you forget how many, and then you see an area with a bunch of guys, so you think, "Hmmmm, how many darts do i have left?" so you take out your clip, see how many darts, and get ambushed. Thats what i think the point is. I think it is really cool.

I can easily see how one may lose count, especially with modified high capacity magazines. I think it would be very "cool" to have one upon your weapon if nothing else. I hope the poster is continues with the idea and is successful in his endeavor despite the negative posts here dissuading him from pursuing this. (Though being a fan of steampunk, I woudl probably use some sort of gauge or clock face to display the rounds :mellow: )

In Topic: New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

22 December 2007 - 11:51 PM

I'll bet the internals are exactly the same. The only thing that might be different is the color. Time will tell.

Edit: This thing in no way looks like it can be a side arm. Even when it is broken down.
Take the stock and front part off a long shot and do you have a sidearm? No, you have a minimized primary. I doubt anyone is going to be able to stick this in their cargo shorts and feel comfortable with running.

It seems to me it could be carried as a sidearm if one were to fashion some sort of clip holster that could accommodate the thing when stripped down. But then again, I may be mistaken on how large it really is, and if the bulk is too significant it will not matter

In Topic: Nerf Recon In Hand. I Have Zee Pics.

21 December 2007 - 02:47 PM

I asked a guy at target when they would stock them and he told me he could not tell me and I had better stop asking him info before he calls security. so I had a bag of stuff I was buying at target and I dropped it at his feet and told him to have fun putting it away I then went and bought my shit at kmart.

Excellent. That man just got a lesson in economics :-)

In Topic: Making My First Homemade

18 December 2007 - 08:23 PM

I'd like to throw out there that your spring-loaded system for delivering darts to the firing chamber may not be the greatest idea. I think that the darts would get crushed easily.

I had also thought of this. I suppose the only practical way to do this without smashing my darts is to reduce the number of darts used to like 6-8 tops, use 'shells'. Neither of which sound attractive. Perhaps a lever action is just not suited to nerf ammunitions.


In Topic: Zero Valve

18 December 2007 - 08:18 PM

No that's not a functional arrangement. You need a minimum of two o-rings (three is more typical) to make a directional control valve.
Here's the functional diagram
Posted Image
A = Inline Tank (low capacity for one shot)
P = Supply Tank (high capacity)
EA = Exhaust to barrel

I'm on my 12th valve design and will probably end up going through 2 or 3 more revisions before I end up with a design I'm 100% happy with. It's been a long process of trying to reduce the force load required to actuate the valve (below 5 pounds), and keep the valve design nonrestrictive in order to allow for a high flow rate at low pressure.

ok so it works like this then?

Posted Image