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Member Since 24 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2007 11:41 AM

Topics I've Started


02 July 2007 - 11:39 AM

So I decided to paint some of my guns, and was wondering, does it matter what kind of paint you use? I just went to a hobby store and bough some model paint, but that crap is exspensive. I figured it would be best though, as the guns are plastic, so oil based paint wouldn't work. So does it not matter what kind you use, or does it make a difference?

Cincinnati Uc Nerf Wars

29 June 2007 - 11:56 AM

A friend of mine told me about nerf wars that happen on our Campus (University of Cincinnati). They are supposed to be every friday at 11:00pm. I'm not sure how many people show up or what rules the play by, but I am going to check it out tonight.

If anyone here knows anything about it, it would be great to have some more info.

Comlink 2 Mods

28 June 2007 - 12:00 PM

I went through my old nerf guns and found some comlink 2s. I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to get the triangular head screws out. I can't find a screw driver like that.