I play bass. Some people say I play for them. Some people tell me to stop playing. You can be the judge of that.
We have just created our first promo cd. The songs on it sound awesome.
'Women In The Water', 'Lost', and 'Backdraft'. However, no back up vocals from me...well, maybe I don't do much in the singing area, but I do yell.
I play insanely...I now have a wireless system for myself, which means, I run around freely at concerts. Heck, I could start our songs and not even be on stage. I play a five string fender, a four string Ibanz (Its my baby) and, a four string Washburn. Just depends on what I feel like pickin up. Mostly however, I use the five string. That deep 'B' string, is bad ass.
I also yell in our band, not much, because we don't want over kill, but enough.
**Concert at the Whiskey A-go-go on July 12th. Be there, or be alone.**
Gainsae means Contradiction.
Note: I also have two over bands. One, thats in the works. And my praise band at my church called the 'X-Band'. Its for a service called Gen-X (NeXt Generation) every Saturday night. I figured the name fit. I actually sing for that band, someone else plays bass.
Member Since 14 Jan 2003Offline Last Active Jul 07 2004 01:51 AM