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Member Since 17 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2007 04:37 PM

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In Topic: Seals Nf Mod

08 May 2007 - 08:51 PM

I think I am going to buy a #49 spring for my NF as well. I know some people say it is too strong while some say it isn't, but do you think it would be fine to not use a high level of reinforcement? I can understand using metal and stuff, but I am not in a position to apply things such as that in modifications :rolleyes:

I have found that a #14 O-Ring fits pretty well in a NF. I am not experienced at all so there may be better, but I read a post where someone suggested those dimensions and I found the number.

In Topic: Barrell Mod?

05 May 2007 - 03:13 PM

You are all the ones that say to search for topics, so why is it my fault that when I search, I get an older topic. If we are supposed to search before asking, it shouldn't matter when the last post is.

The answer isn't in front of me. Some people say use a 4" barrel for the NF. Some say less. I have even heard people explain how a 4" barrel isn't using the NF to it's full potential. I have searched, and found some equations to figure out the optimal length. That doesn't really help, though, because it was a picture so I couldn't read it clearly...

Like I said- Just because somebody else did it doesn't mean it is the best. Right now I am trying to use parts of different specs, so I am not necessarily following one step for step.

In Topic: Barrell Mod?

05 May 2007 - 02:50 PM

1. I am not flaming in this...

2. I don't see how everyone here has the mindset of making everyone act "mature," but if someone new asks a question they either bitch about how stupid they are (what happened here), or tells them to read other posts. I know it is part of the Code of Conduct or whatever, but if you are going to spend your time doing that, you may as well answer their question.

3. What I think the original question was how much IS to much... Just because somebody else used a certain length doesn't make it optimal. I have been wondering what the best length for a barrel is for a Nite Finder but I am afraid to ask in case I looked over something and I get a bunch of flaming.

EDIT: I am not just trying to bring back an old topic because I didn't realize the day of posting until now, but I actually am wondering about barrel length and this seems like a topic concering that to me...

In Topic: Newbie!

28 April 2007 - 01:32 PM

I have been using the search feature

I saw the flaming when looking at other posts xD

I was confused for a while, and luckily I wasn't able to post until AFTER I saw that

Just a minute and I will be on the map ;)