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Member Since 28 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2005 08:23 AM

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In Topic: Splinter Cell Sc-20k Far

03 June 2005 - 08:53 PM

I think if you modified the gun you were basing this homade off of a little bit it could work. If you made it a little longer in the back and then set up a reverse plunger assembly in the butt of the gun. When you pulled back the cocking mechanism the bottom of the barrel (part that the plunger tube would slide over) would have a hole cut in it so the dart would come up from the mag into the barrel and you would attach the barrel to a sliding bolt on the side of the gun that would rotate the barrel so that the hole was at the top of the gun so that the plunger tube could slide over the barrel when it was fired.

In Topic: Splinter Cell Sc-20k Far

01 June 2005 - 05:39 PM

A reverse plunger like in the Scout or Maverick has a plunger assembly in which the dart is loaded into the barrel wich doubles as a plunger rod but instead of pulling back the plunger rod the casing around the plunger rod is pulled back to save space. I don't know how well I explained that but I'm sure someone else or myself could clarify it.

In Topic: Some Night Finder Questions

01 June 2005 - 05:31 PM

In my experience even if you just take the air restrictors out and smooth the stock barrel and add bands you still get 65+ feet. I have several NF but my personal favorite is the one that I did not put a barrel on. If you do put a barrel on I have to agree with AirApache and MysticNinja that you should use brass. Hope that you got the answers you needed.

In Topic: Maverick

07 May 2005 - 08:45 PM

I'll give you 8 years

8 years? You're going easy on him what happened to 2032?

In Topic: Aim Hacks

03 July 2004 - 11:15 AM

HERF? Pardon my ignorance.