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Member Since 10 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2008 12:29 PM

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In Topic: Broken Ls Slider

15 September 2007 - 08:21 PM

If you searched, you would of found two other threads with the SAME break.

Get over it.

Plastic cement or superglue work best here. They have the consistency of water, so they won't offset the side of the sled at all. I would also glue some aluminum sheeting onto the sides of the sled.

Wouldn't sheeting get in the way, though? There's not a lot of extra room in there.

Out of curiosity, were you pulling the bolt back too fast, or was there a spring replacement.

I really don't know. As far as I can tell, it happened quite a while ago and I only just figured it out. I've been spending all this time trying to wrap my brain around why the trigger plate wasn't catching, and it was because the bolt sled was broken and consequently wasn't pulling all the way back. I put a too-strong spring in there a few months back, but it was only in there for a couple of days before I replaced it with an AR-15 spring, and the break happened since then.

In Topic: I Need Painting Help

10 July 2007 - 06:19 PM

You should think about taking your Firefly apart so that you can paint the shell by itself; when you spray over a gun without taking it apart first, you're likely to gum up the mechanics. I ruined my Gameboy that way when I was a young'un.

Also, you might want to spray primer on the shell before you paint it; it'll make the paint hold better and cover more evenly. You might even decide to leave the primer on there by itself, because it looks damn cool. Be careful where you mention that, though: some of these folk are fiercely loyal to their glossy pink and green paint schemes. :mellow:

In Topic: Painting

05 July 2007 - 03:53 PM

Okay, so the name Krylon has been dropped a dozen times, given. Has anybody ever tried laying a few coats of black primer on something, and then not giving it a topcoat? I find that flat charcoal color to be way sexier than glossy black. Especially when some poor chump sprays black without putting primer underneath.

In Topic: Longshot Sopmod

03 July 2007 - 06:09 PM

I think I still don't quite understand the point of the sopmod.

1) With a real weapon, the idea is to undersling a grenade launcher, but in order to fire a nerf arrow, or one of those ghastly titan phalluses, you would need a lot more nerf mechanics and kibble present than that small alcove on the LS allows.

2) I can see it being kind of cool to switch different sidearms in and out, but in the end, wouldn't that LS sidearm or Maverick be more versatile (for handing off to a teammate, aiming in two directions, etc) clipped to your belt than underslung, especially if it's firing the same kind of ammo anyway?

3) How would you hold that thing steady? It looks like you would either have to stuff your second under the rail (ouch) or hold either the sidearm's handle or foregrip, which could be unsteady if the rail didn't hold very tightly, and awkward and uncomfortable even if it did.

For what it's worth, the engineering and craftsmanship that you've put into it are tight, and I mean no disrespect, but it reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Homer joins the NRA: "...And that's how, with some plywood and some fishing wire, you can turn one gun into five guns!"