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Member Since 19 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 22 2007 01:30 AM

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In Topic: Mobvees

21 June 2007 - 08:50 PM

cool idea, one thing you could do to try to keep people from moving them is to fill the legs with sand or cement or something so that it's heavier and isn't moved as easily. also another idea for when you cover them is to not have them solid but cut a hole in the middle or someplace so that if someone is a good shot they can get them through the barricade, wait for the covers i got a good idea about how to do it really easily like and stuff, just make like a pillow case for them only with both ends open and you can slide it over and then you can have a hole in the middle but if you decide you want it a solid barrier you just rotate it until the holes don't align if you understand what i'm trying to say.

In Topic: Epoxy

08 May 2007 - 01:48 AM

What, about McDonald's? They use enough trans fats, oil, and cholesterol in their food to kill of the rhinos, grizzly bears, and oxen, but everyone keeps going back to order more. The result is cholesterol blocking your arteries like fat people block my high school hallways.

The reason I don't go to McDonald's is that I don't trust a clown putting "special sauce" on my food :lol:

But on the topic of stuff that doesn't smell good, gear oil, or more specifically the friction modifier you add to gear oil for limited slip differentials, that stuff smells like a 50/50 mix of an easters worth of rotten eggs and the puke of people who smell it, all condensed into a bottle no larger than your cell phone.

In Topic: Age Minimum For Wars

01 May 2007 - 10:09 PM

while maturity is important toughness is also a factor especially when playing with modified or homemade guns, even with overpowered guns like the titan banned, the definition of what an overpowered gun is goes down when you start playing with kids that aren't even in high school yet, not to mention you need to make sure you don't trip over them (that may sound like a joke but it's not, i've actually knocked little kids over when i wasn't paying attention where i was going, and if i'm running trying to reload and knee some kid in the face it wouldn't be good)
I personally wouldn't feel comfortable playing with anybody who wasn't at least a freshman unless they had an older sibling there that could vouch for them being able to handle it.

In Topic: Suppressors

29 April 2007 - 10:13 PM

Rather than going through the trouble of making a silencer I'd just make the barrel longer, that way I improve my accuracy and range while quieting the weapon.

In Topic: Barrel/clip Idea

29 April 2007 - 05:16 PM

haha ya it is a lot like the M1 although it didn't concisously affect the design, and the barrel adapter is kinda inspired by my firefly and other guns that have a revolver type barrels because they use an adapter thing to keep the seal between the rotating barrels.

The spring won't slow the plunger until the very end, basically I use the spring to reduce stress and make the gun quieter, it will work the same way without the spring but the plunger will just smack into the "barrel adapter" which could be a problem if you have a powerful spring.

Actually I hadn't considered the darts leaving the clip, I knew they would need to be snug inside the clip so you could carry extras without having to worry about them falling out but I never realized that if the barrels don't line up exactly the dart won't fire. I think I have a solution though.

Posted Image

If the fixed part of the barrel is beveled then it will give a greater tolerance in placement of the dart, a drill and some sandpaper should work fine. The problem is the thinner edge of the barrel at this point requires a different method of sealing. I think the easiest way would be to make the end of the clip rectangular and cover it with a rubber or padding material that will seal wen the sharp edge of the barrel is pressed against it.