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Member Since 23 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 11 2009 05:52 PM

Topics I've Started


14 April 2008 - 09:58 PM

It's been awhile.

Remember me?

Anyways, I drifted out of nerf for a little while, only to be brought back in by an SM750 and a maverick, which I decided to fuse like this.

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Pic of the SM750

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But, I have a problem, seen here.

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Most guns don't work when the trigger does nothing, and I had no ideas.

Do you?

That would be most appreciated.

Sm750 Integratee

26 December 2007 - 05:51 PM

I had some SM750 guts laying around, but I had salvaged the pumptube for a breech of some kind and I couldn't find the trigger. It was just a check valve and an airchamber, so I thought it needed to be integrated, but first, a new pump.
Here it is.
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But now, what to integrate it into?
My first thought was an LS, in the space where the bipod was. A trigger could be strung to the handle, making for an extra 80 foot blast.
I also had some other guns that could use an integration.
One of them was my shotty BBB.
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I could put the 750 into the space where the "scope" was.
My JT crossbow, FOIL.
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I could put the 750 right below the turret, and string a trigger the the back of the gun.

I also have other assorted blasters, like 2ks and FFs that would be a nice candidate for an integration.

So what do you think I should do?

Inter Continental Nerf Missile

17 November 2007 - 09:34 PM

Today, I woke up at 2 in the afternoon, crawled out of bed, took a shower, then called some friends to see if I could do anything. No one was around, so I had the rest of the day to do whatever.
Thats where this comes in.
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It is not just supposed to be a giant missile, but it is supposed to rain pieces of foam on opponents from a hole in the back.
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However, if you just put them in and throw it, they will just come out in the first ten feet or so, not something that has use in a war.
So, here is what I did to compensate for that.
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See that plug? it has a string coming out of the back, which then goes to one of your hands.
So it is supposed to fly a while, and then have the bach pulled off about mid-flight, and have the pieces of foam:
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rain out one by one out of the back of the missile.
Here is a video of the plug coming out after a very short flight.
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The only problem is that the foam does not come out of the back when the plug comes out. I have tried many different things including foam size, plug tightness, and missile weight.
Any ideas?
I would really like to get this thing working.


09 November 2007 - 11:58 PM

A couple months ago, AssasinNF posted a thread about a new kind of crossbow, the JustToys Crossbow. He claimed to have gotten 100 foot ranges with it, so I decided I needed to try it myself. But, even with extra banding and a variety of different banding, I couldn't get it past 80 feet. It is still great though, here is how I turreted mine.
Here it is with the stock "bow" attachments cut off. No need for them.
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One thing i found interesting was the size of the plunger tube, here it is un-cocked.
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And cocked.
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Quite the difference, eh?
Anyways, you want to start off by cutting a centimeter off of the tip of the barrel, like this.
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This takes off those pesky air restrictors.
Now you want to open the gun up, so we can band it.
For the bands, I took three standard size rubber bands and tied them like so.
Make about four of these.
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Once you have all four, take them and put one end around the back of the plunger, like this. Ignore that thing in the barrel.
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Thread the bands up to the front of the gun, and out of the holes you made by cutting the stock "bow" crap off.
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Now get a 2k turret and cut it down.
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As for barrels, I can't tell what you use, but I can tell you that they need to be very tight at the back becuase of the gun's slow plunger stroke and about 8 to 10 inches long.
Now get a piece of tubing that has roghly the same OD as the ID of the hole coming out of the back of the turret, ans it should be about one inch long.
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Now glue that into the back of your turret.
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Get a piece of 1 1\2 inch electrical condiut (grey PVC) about 2 inches long.
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Cut that down the sides, like this.
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Now get your turret again, and wrap just enough tape aroung the end of the protruding tubing so it can slide into the barrel of the crossbow with little friction.
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Now stick it in and glue it there.
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Now get your electrical condiut again and glue one of the halves to both the back of the turret and the top of the barrel.
You can now put on the other half if you want, but it is not needed.
It should look like this when done.
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FOIL and its namesake.
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I do not know ranges yet as it was dark outside when it was finished, but when I was doing tests with single barrels and used one of the barrels I am using now it got mid-80s.
There is no air loss in the turret, so it prolly the same.

The Bull-pup Breech

27 October 2007 - 02:21 PM

I know it's been a while since I last posted one of my mods, but school and fencing have been quite demanding. So, now that I finally have some free time, I thought I would post something. This idea came to me when I was thinking about the Longshot. I didn't like all that empty space there was inbetween the plunger and the barrel, so I came up with a fix for that. Now, I know that it is eay to make a breech with no wasted air, but you would have to pull the barrel forwards and then backwards, whereas this is a backwards and then forwards breech, like the LS has.

You might be saying: "Bullpup? that thing is huge!" And, it is, but when I say bullpup I am refering to the fact that it can be mounted on top of guns and has absolutley no wasted air flow, and has the backwards-forwards shotgun motion.
Breech closed.
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Breech open.
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So, If you are now curious about the workings I will tell.
See that hole right there?
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Well, that is where the barrel starts, and this is going to get hard to explain, so here is an MS piant diagram for you.
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If anyone has questions because of my crappy diagram and descriptions, just ask.