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Member Since 10 Dec 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2008 12:14 AM

Topics I've Started


06 November 2004 - 12:43 AM

Alright, here's the deal, I have a few GMail invitations and nobody to invite. So the first 3 people to PM me get one. If you want one, just PM your full name (or a false name for security's sake) and your current e-mail address to me and you should get a GMail invitation within a couple days (assuming you're one of the three).

Happy Birthday

26 April 2004 - 12:07 PM

Hey, happy birthday guys. I'd sing you my song, but I'm gonna wear it out with all the birthdays lately. Anyways, have a good one, both of you.

And Thirst, I think you need a little ass-whooping in SC in honour of your birthday :P

Battlefield: Vietnam

19 March 2004 - 01:37 PM

I just picked up the game yesterday, and for anyone who hasn't played it, go pick it up. If you liked BF:1942, you will love this game. I do. New graphics engine makes everything super-smooth with no lag. For those who have no idea what it is, it's basically a FPS with the ability to use tons of different weapons, and tons of different vehicles, including Hueys, F-4 Phantoms, Mig-21s, and Mi-8s.

Now that I'm done telling you all what I think about this game... what does everyone else think? Good game? Bad game? Good theme? Bad theme? Controversy? Praise? Let's hear it.


27 February 2004 - 07:57 PM

Have a happy birthday, scrotumpiece. Let's all sing:

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Ironman,
Don't let Vacc get you!

(Sorry Vacc, I just...couldn't resist...it worked so well...)

Anyways Ironman, may the new coming of age allow you to stay up 15 minutes later and finally start chasing women.

The Thing That Should Not Be - Part 2

04 February 2004 - 08:26 PM

What happened to the Scorpion that I cannibalized, you ask? Well, I tinkered around, reversed the firing mechanism, and turned it into a BnA style sidearm. I'm yet to put a proper barrel on, so I need to wait until BW makes me one. (Yes, this is what it was for. The PVC fits on perfectly.)

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P.S. The Thing That Should Not Be is NOT the name of these guns. It is the name of the project in general. I will be thinking of names for the actual guns soon.