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Member Since 08 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2011 02:34 PM

Topics I've Started


11 August 2010 - 09:11 AM

well this is my first homemade so please i am open for opinion and advice, well i call this the H-1 well because it is a (H)AMP and it is the (1) first one I have built. so well here it is.
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well i, i have no money at the moment, and i had a bunch of scrap parts laying around and i need a nerf gun for a war that im having this saturday. so the H-1 was born.

now i believe the plunger tube is 1 1/4" schd 40 pvc pipe. on the end of the plunger tube is a 1 1/4" coupler and inside that is a 1 1/4" x 1" bushing. and inside of the bushing is a 3/4" x 1/2" reducer. this was how i got the air to the barrel.

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As you can see there is a grey 3/4" electrical con duet pipe inside the reducer. well i got lucky and found that end part so the 1/2" pvp pipe coupler fits perfectly inside there. and well from there it is just 1/2" pvc pipe with two elbows and then it goes to the barrel.

now onto the plunger.
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Well I used the usual method of a HAMP, except this worked out a little different for me. I used yarn and duct tape for the actual plunger part, but I had two scrap pieces of pvc pipe laying around. I'm not totally sure on the size. All I know is the the plunger head was on pvc pipe that is inside another piece of pvc pipe. So I don't really know how the plunger head is built in an actual HAMP, but mine has a stopper to prevent the yarn from slipping, also i used plastic welder to keep these together.

Next is how I get a dart into the barrel. Well first thing is, im using 1/2" pvc pipe and well i don't usually use that as barrel material because of the really tight fit of the dart. So I could just shove the dart in the front and fire, or i use a ram rod that i found to be really handy.
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I would just vacuum load it but... for some reason it wont vacuum load. I think it is because of suck tight barrel. Any suggestions on why it won't vacuum load?
Here is a size comparison with my Longshot shell
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(with no wind)
so it is hitting the 55'-65' range, and there was no tilt on the gun. So is that good for a HAMP? What would i have to do to make this vacuum loading, or maybe put some type of breach on it (and im now good with making breaches so), and also to increase the range to like 75'-85'? Well I am open for opinions, suggestions.

Semi-auto Longshot?

22 April 2010 - 09:04 AM

ok now well I've had the thought of making a semi-auto longshot. I have a longshot so before i go destroying anything i would like an opinion on this so well here it goes. My design was going to be external. i was going to have an extension spring attached from the bolt to the stock of the gun. I will have it so that the spring doesn't start to pull back until the bolt is all the way forward. then i was going to have an extension spring going from the bolt to the front of the gun by the barrel. i was going to have it so that this spring doesn't start to pull until the bolt is all the way back. so with the bolt lock still in it will be somewhat semi-auto right? because the one spring will pull it forward, the bolt with lock, then after firing then the other spring will pull it back and then the cycle continues. so will this work? i think i mite have to make the spring in the back strong enough to pull the plunger back but not to strong so that it destroys the whole cycle.....so will this work and how could i modify the design?

Longstrike Mod Please

21 April 2010 - 08:27 AM

well ive been looking ever since Ice got the longstrike and well.. still no luck. (this is my first question post so please don't be to harsh) i havnt seen anyone modded the longstrike, im gonna be getting it in 2 weeks so when i mod it i will definitely mod it, but, why arent people modifying this gun? does it suck......if there are a bunch of mods that i am missing please show me, because i would like to know about them, so my main question is why arent people modifying this amazing gun????