Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms, and see if you can't find some kindly people to let you stay the night.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy for a day or two.
- NerfHaven
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: Gamefreak
Member Since 12 Oct 2003Offline Last Active Nov 17 2014 05:51 PM
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- Age 33 years old
- Birthday December 24, 1991
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In Topic: Biking To Wars
29 September 2008 - 06:03 PM
In Topic: Happy Birthday Vacc And Talio
17 August 2008 - 05:22 PM
Vacc, your team of pre-pubescent armenian boys should be arriving soon, via the party van.
In Topic: Give Mr Tubb A New Sig
31 July 2008 - 03:51 AM
An excerpt of some original erotic fiction?
Oh dear, please, don't, stop.
My penis is hard enough as it is.
These beads in my anus, and the clamps on my nipples.
This is all too much.
I'll collapse.
Just the sight of your gracious, strenuous, hard, erect, phallus.
Perhaps a poem.
These feelings,
My penis swelling.
My vagina soaking.
My anus, coating,
itself in a sweet, sweet lube.
already ready for a nice, hard, tube,
deep inside of it, back and forth,
left to right, I'll yell "GO NORTH."
Oh~, So Good. So Smooth, SO ROUGH.
Oh~, I love your skin, so rocky, SO TOUGH.
Oh~, How a man like you, could love a futa like me.
Oh~, How a man like you, could a girl, thats a he.
Oh dear, please, don't, stop.
My penis is hard enough as it is.
These beads in my anus, and the clamps on my nipples.
This is all too much.
I'll collapse.
Just the sight of your gracious, strenuous, hard, erect, phallus.
Perhaps a poem.
These feelings,
My penis swelling.
My vagina soaking.
My anus, coating,
itself in a sweet, sweet lube.
already ready for a nice, hard, tube,
deep inside of it, back and forth,
left to right, I'll yell "GO NORTH."
Oh~, So Good. So Smooth, SO ROUGH.
Oh~, I love your skin, so rocky, SO TOUGH.
Oh~, How a man like you, could love a futa like me.
Oh~, How a man like you, could a girl, thats a he.
In Topic: Save My Internet Radio.
12 June 2007 - 11:36 PM
Dude, Evil. Dan is a great guy, and you're a prick.
All he's trying to do is save his radio station (which kicks ASS when he's the DJ!).
Also, Cocks.
All he's trying to do is save his radio station (which kicks ASS when he's the DJ!).
Also, Cocks.
- NerfHaven
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