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Member Since 18 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 02 2010 07:40 AM

Topics I've Started

Cross Style Stefans

24 February 2010 - 02:25 PM

Have you ever made stefans that you didn't want to hurt people with, so you use a much liter weight, and you thought they were so perfect? But then you relived that sadly they were no heaver then a streamline? I know from experience. I made the cheapest, less painful, coolest looking steafen I've ever seen. But sadly there almost liter then a streamline! Do you remember K'nex? Well if you chop a K'nex in half,then 1/4, then chop that one in half and so on. You now have a bunch of little pieces that if you look at the tip are in the shape of a cross. That cross, is your weight. Now I used to, and still do play with K'nex, so I have a lot of them, so there was no money out of my wallet. And one blue K'nex piece will give you 6-7 weights! Pictures will be here soon. Keep on keeping on!


Here you go!

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Maverick Pull Back Mod?

23 February 2010 - 02:18 PM

Okay guys, I was thinking and would a Maverick pull back modification be possible? Because I love Mavericks for there speed (who doesn't?) but there range is poor. Also my "Vulcan Maverick mod" if it ever gets finished will probably need more range... Just a thought! Okay guys see you later!

Maverick Vulcan Belt Mod

22 February 2010 - 07:42 PM

This is my brothers modification, sorry to confuse you guys. So its my brother's modification, my profile. I did help a little but I only threw around some ideas. And don't worry I'll get some ideas!

Okay, first things first, if I'm doing this wrong (posting a "new topic") then 1: Please don't kill me. 2: Tell me how to post a modification and 3: Don't kill me I'm brand new to NerfHaven.

Okay, I'm aware that someone has done this to a Firefly but never to a Maverick? Correct me if I'm wrong please.
But for now it can't shoot.....I would like you guys to throw around ideas please. Okay, here it is Again if I'm doing this wrong don't kill me, please.

So the problem is that there is space between the barrel (chain) and blaster, I just can't see it. Oh and I did add a spring to the metal rood:
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And here is a picture of the space. Not very much is there?
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Then I thought it had to do with the weight, it didn't
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But the thing is, is that even when I take out the turret and just put the chain up to the blaster, with out the turret, it shoots! Here, like this:
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Well that's all I have for now. I might put more pictures in but for now, here it is!

(And if you can't see the pictures then you have to copy and paste it to a tab, sorry for the inconveniences but I can't figure the picture set-up yet. And if you still can't see it then tell me!)

Pictures on the way!