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Member Since 29 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2011 06:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Tsbno Updated! We Have A New Location!

19 February 2010 - 11:00 PM

In all honesty though, the majority of the people at the last war were under-aged, and I couldn't care less.

Yeah, I laughed so hard with my friends about that afterwards at DAFT. Schizo was like, "Also, if anyone here is under 13, please leave" when two-thirds of the people there were like, 7 or 8... Good times.

its good to be a teenager

In Topic: Tsbno Updated! We Have A New Location!

19 February 2010 - 10:58 PM


Location: 7003 poly Webb Road Arlington Texas

Game types:
Whatever We feel like Bitch.

wing'd man
chase +1-4

LNL + LS = win

Banned Blasters:
-Pump plugged 4B's, LBB's, Nat Geo blasters, Titans, Signal launchers, etc. or any blaster with an airtank larger than a Mega Missile. Pump replaced blasters with an airtank larger than a Mega Missile must have an OPRV not allowing the blaster to be pumped over 25 PSI.
-Homemade air guns
-Blasters that are painted all black

What to bring:
-Your "A" game
-A good attitude
-At least one primary, preferably two if yours breaks.
-Spring powered pistol.
-Darts, a lot of them
-Eye Protection, if you're not wearing any, you don't play
-Lunch and water

That is all... For now.

I'll be there and probably have plus 1 or 2