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Member Since 16 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2013 09:28 PM

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In Topic: Nerf Deploy Cs-6 - Reviews & Internals Guide

05 March 2010 - 08:55 AM

clip system guns are going to have recon internals for a long time guys, get over it. they are easy to manufacture and are reasonably reliable, my only real complaint is that hasbro doesn't give them better springs in them.

my take on the deploy is that it is a slightly better version of the raider.
it is better looking and has that nifty steath mode which makes it great for stashing in back packs.

also even in deployed mode since you can mod them so that the clip stays upright you can just sling one around your back, which is ackward to do with raiders and kinda funky to do with recons,

personally i'm not going to get one because i am happy with my current set up

longshot without AR or locks. (no extended barrel obviously as well)
Maverick without AR, with added spring and shaved turret so it pops out further.
Lasr resort
Nitefinder without AR and with my longshots frontgun spring in it as well

i also keep a raider drum, spair maverick, spair and a bunch of ammo in my back pack, i also have socks all around my person stashed in pockets.

In Topic: Air Powered Blasters Holding Pressure

05 March 2010 - 08:39 AM

Zed8, on Mar 3 2010, 09:31 PM, said:

Fome, on Mar 3 2010, 01:17 PM, said:

1.) Why would you pump it up and let it sit overnight? I fail to see the advantage of this. Bladder blasters (magstrike, powerclip, rf20, etc.) maintain a constant pressure system due to the elasticity of the bladder material. You're probably destroying the memory of the rubber/latex/whatever by doing this. This seems to be the equivalent of priming a springer and letting it sit overnight, inevitably weakening the spring in the process.

2.) Why does it matter if a blaster can maintain full pressure overnight? Are you expecting to be assaulted by zombies in your sleep? In realistic applications, I can't imagine needing an airtank of any kind to hold pressure for more than a few minutes before use. You should really get in the habit of keeping your blasters "primed" for as little time as possible before use, it'll make them last much longer.

1) I did not pump it to maximum capacity. That would undoubtedly damage the bladder. I only pumped it up a bit to check for leaks.

1.5) Leave a super thin latex balloon inflated and it doesn't lose elasticity very noticeably (which would cause it to expand even further, which it does not). Granted, it looses air, but... Leave a bike tire pumped and it doesn't lose elasticity. I think a thick bladder such as that on the RF20 will be fine.

2) I have had experiences with air pressure guns losing pressure over a 30 minute mission and almost costing me my life.

3) I have often heard of manufacturing inconsistencies that cause Nerf bladders to fail after a very short time (or leak right out of the box).

4) The point was not to see if it would hold pressure overnight specifically, simply to check for leaks. If it held up that well for a few hours, I feel confident that it will hold up for the 1-2 hour missions that I will be planning and running.

5) You NEVER know when you'll be assaulted by zombies. I was attacked last semester leaving the local Safeway by a zombie on a bike. If my Powerclip had not been freshly pumped (it has a slow leak), I would have bitten the dust right there.

i don't agree with everything he said but he made some good points.

1. leaving it inflated at all more then like two pumps will alter the bladder.
2. the ballons gain stretchyness which isn't what we want, we don't want it to stretch further we want to to maintain pressure better.
3. i do see the point in testing the bladder for leaks but overnight could seriosuly have worked your bladder, testing it for two hours though, like you expect for missions, would have been a lot more reasonable