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Member Since 22 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2010 01:00 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Finally I Get To Have A Funking War In Alabama

20 September 2007 - 09:39 PM

I don't get the picture.

In Topic: What Gun Is This?

22 July 2007 - 04:01 PM

I think it cocks just like the maxshot.


In Topic: Valve Help

20 July 2007 - 02:12 PM

On to your trigger activated breech, I'd suggest using the turret assembly from a DTG or Maverick.

Hey Prometheus, if you rigged an at2k valve to a DTG with a bladder, you would be able to shoot ten rounds without re-priming your gun, but I guess you're right.

True definition of 'semi-automatic': "A weapon which automatically reloads after each shot, but requires a trigger pull for every shot." ~http://www.tea-and-medals.co.uk/glossary.htm

So technically, it wouldn't be semi-automatic, but you would get the same basic result by having a turret, and it would take a lot less time to get right.


In Topic: Valve Help

18 July 2007 - 10:51 PM

As for your valve problem, I've heard of people putting bladders on their at2ks and just using the standard at2k valve. the trick for that set up is to depress the trigger quickly and then let up. You could also use a couple of ball valves in succession (leaving the one closest to the barrel closed and the other open to let in air. then closing the back valve and open the front valve to release air). My last possible recommendation is to use a hose valve.

-at2k valve
-double ball valve,
-double or single hose valve

On to your trigger activated breech, I'd suggest using the turret assembly from a DTG or Maverick.


In Topic: Double Titan V2

15 July 2007 - 04:48 PM

You could add a ball valve to the vinyl line between the titan tank and the AT3K tank in order to regulate the air used in each shot. You would leave it open while pumping, then close it to fire with the 3K tank, then open again to let more air in. I'm sure you'd get more shots off without re-pumping, and you wouldn't have to worry about losing all of the air stored in the titan tank when your 3K valve sticks. You also wouldn't have to worry about trying to open and shut the 3K valve as quickly as you can in order to conserve air.

A really small ball valve and fitting shouldn't run you much more than $10 bucks, and it will increase efficiency without reducing range (as long as you put it in the right place.