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Member Since 14 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2010 04:31 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Dtb Singling

06 March 2010 - 07:28 PM

It's really up to you. It's your toy.

In my opinion, I think that you should have glued a piece of CPVC or brass in front of the plunger tube to seal it to the turret. This has been done on HeretiCorps BigBlast DTB integration.

On a side note, since I do not own a FuryFire and can not see the difference in internal pictures, how does the seal on a FuryFire differ from that of a DTB ? Can I modify my DTB to have that kind of seal ?

In Topic: Dtb Singling

05 March 2010 - 09:35 PM

If his range tests are accurate, this means that the DTB can reach a potential of a minimum of sixty feet with the turret with a proper seal improvement, something that I haven't seen and would like to see done.

Why shouldn't the seal created by Hasbro on the FuryFire seal be applied on the DTB ?

In Topic: The 65-b 6 Barrel Buzz Bee Big Blast

02 March 2010 - 10:45 PM

Wow. That's simply amazing.

However, although I've never integrated a turret onto a non-turret blaster, I wonder if the added weight in front of the blaster will detach the coupler from the blaster or not. Is there something that will support the added weight or is it alright the way it is ?

In Topic: Knock Off Star Wars Rebel Troop Blaster Optimization

12 February 2010 - 06:19 PM

I'm from Montreal, Canada. It's somewhere in the cold lost province of poutine and french douchebags.

I have a war coming soon in my area. I'll try to remake the modification with further reinforcements.

In Topic: Knock Off Star Wars Rebel Troop Blaster Optimization

11 February 2010 - 05:18 PM

I got it at Dollarama, a Canadian dollar store. Availability is limited in the United States, but you may find one at Big Lots.