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Member Since 21 May 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 22 2020 02:04 PM

Topics I've Started

Magazine Springs/ New Longshot Magazine

23 February 2010 - 03:06 PM

Good afternoon Nerfhaven. I need some help with my new longshot. I am building a not completely new style of magazine for it. It will be made completely out of PVC and polycarbonate. The inside of the clip will be at its longest part 1 3/4 inches. Here is a template of what it will look like.
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The spring i am looking for is very close to the Ls magazine spring.
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I am trying to decide to make it gravity loading or bottom spring fed. I am looking for a place to buy these springs or a way to make them. Also if this is the wrong forum i am sorry.


Longshot Paintjob Handy Tool

24 January 2010 - 02:32 AM

I'm pretty sure this is the right forum because technically this is a modification of the look of the gun.
I just recently got done with a angel breached Longshot with a triple clip. i has been a couple of months since i started and i am excited to paint it. Although i am torn on how to paint it. i have made a template of my gun for experimenting with paint schemes.
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This is the template i made

Here's what i got.

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Which one should i do?

Nite Finder Dual External Sprigs

14 November 2009 - 01:16 PM

This gun was seriously lacking in performance in my opinion, so i supped it up just a bit.
on a scale from one to ten on difficulty this is like a point five in my opinion.

i started off by taking the gun apart and sanding down that little piece under the plunger handle.
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then you shave the inside screw holes down some so the tension spring will fit in place when the the screws are screwed on.
now place a screw and a lock nut on the other end of the two springs.

To reinforce the plunger you put a washer at the end of the plunger head.

finished gun should look like this:
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ranges are
about 50-60 ft

I don't know whats up with the sound in the video.
Its kinda crappy quality cause i filmed it on my cell phone because I lost my camera.

Help With A Unique Bbb Mod

17 October 2009 - 11:15 PM

This is my very first bbb i have ever done. I moved through it very quickly, i did this mod on the internals, until i started into the process of trying to figure out how to make it fire micros and stefans. I looked at a lot of the bbb mods in the directory and didn't find a barrel style that i liked to much. So i decided to resurrect an old firefly of mine that the front barrels were removed from leaving a hollow cavity inside the revolving barrel.
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(i traded my neighbor a wooden pallet for it)
I then carved the fire fly down to fit on the bbb. Which looks like this.
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and the internals
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Then i took the plastic barrels i had cut off and made them into dart holders in the back of the gun, and shaped the rest out of epoxy putty.
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And now I'm stuck, i can't figure out how to attach the brass (9/16) into the firefly and make it have a tight seal with the bbb.

Do i wrap the barrels with e-tape at the ends to seal it then put some plastic repair epoxy or some kind of adhesive? than put a piece of rubber or something like that between the bbb and the front of the orange piece on the bbb to seal it?

got any suggestions? :huh:

Triple Nightfinder Help

20 September 2009 - 04:36 PM

I just got done with what i thought was my greatest gun ever, the bolt action triple nightfinder with a pvc stock.

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Then wen i went to fire it it acted like a stock longshot. (it sucked monkies if i dare say.) the spring is one i got from a local hardware store and i thought it would be good. What spring should i use? I thought about a +bow spring, would that work?

p.s. its not fully painted yet, its just the texture on it now.