Hosted By: Me and the usual suspects
Description: Here at Pittsburgh Nerf, we have a favorite nerfer couple surrounding flamincows. And that couple is finally making the journey to visit us after moving to a distant land. So, this July, let's nerf again. For them. And mostly for us.
Date: Sunday, July 8 2012
Time: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Location: Armstrong Park,
Pearce Road and Highview Road, Baldwin, PA 15234
When you get to this intersection, there is a sign indicating to continue downhill on Pearce Road into the park.
We may move sometime after lunch.
Second Location: Williamsburg Park, Mt. Lebanon, PA
Meeting/Staging Areas: At Armstrong Park, we will set up shop in the large gazebo to the right of the drive way. We will form a caravan to move to Williamsburg Park if we choose to do so, but in case of any stragglers, will commandeer the pavilion there if it is not occupied. Otherwise, we will convene on the stone wall at the extreme point of the turn-around loop.
Restrooms: PortaJons are typically available at all of our usual locations.
Hydration: Bring water/Gatorade etc. for yourself with your lunch. Water might be available from hosts just in case.
Food: Bring a bag lunch/dinner for the middle of playtime. Go out for food at your own risk of missing rounds. Hosts can refer you to nearby restaurants.
Sun protection: You may need it if the weather forecast calls for anything beyond mostly cloudy.
Contacts: Post here or PM me with questions. If you really need to, you can email me at waskojm@yahoo.com. I’ll give out my phone number in private correspondence.
Guntypes to bring: Your primary, secondary, a pistol, a pistol for gunslinger, and really anything else you want.
Guns that may be banned:Everything is on a case-by-case basis pending modifications. Myself and the usual Pittsburgh veterans have final say.
Gametypes that will be played: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Gunslinger Heaven, Defend the Core, and anything else we come up with on the spot.
Rules: Standard rules for Deathmatch and CTF as listed in Nerf War Etiquette, if that document is still out there. All other gametype rules will be explained prior to the round. If you repeatedly break any of these rules, you’ll be asked to sit out a round. If you continue to after this initial action, you’ll be asked to leave if possible. We’ll find ways.
Facebook Page: Under the same name here. Check it out if you want and mark your attendance.
Non-members x1
Non-Members x1
In Spirit: